
Which is better, straight cucumber or curved cucumber? What if the cucumber is not straight?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Which is better, straight cucumber or curved cucumber? What if the cucumber is not straight?

In people's daily diet life, vegetables have always occupied this very important position, can not be separated from vegetables, because vegetables can supplement the various vitamins and nutrients needed by the human body. Cucumbers have always been people's diners. When purchasing, if you choose cucumbers, what kind of cucumbers are good, and where is the difference between straight cucumbers and curved cucumbers? with these questions, let's follow the editor down.

Which is better, straight cucumber or curved cucumber?

The efficacy and usefulness of cucumber are cool, sweet and poisonous, entering the lungs, stomach and large intestine. Clearing heat and promoting diuresis, detoxifying and detumescence, invigorating body and relieving thirst. Main treatment of body heat and thirst, sore throat, wind-heat eye disease, damp-heat jaundice, adverse urination and other diseases. If you want to say whether the cucumber is straight or curved, of course it is good to be straight.

Straight cucumber and curved cucumber can be grown and formed under natural conditions. Growth conditions determine the proportion of straight cucumbers, varieties also have an effect, generally speaking, straight cucumbers are normal. The production of curved cucumber is related to unsuitable temperature and water, poor pollination and fertilization, no support and other adverse environmental conditions and poor management.

In the northern region, there is a high proportion of cucumber straight melons with normal fruit in solar greenhouses during the four months from March to June, but in July and August, under the conditions of high temperature, heavy rain and strong light, the growth environment changes, resulting in premature senescence of plants. the chance of cucumber bending is high.

The conditions such as warm light, water and fertilizer are better, the plant growth is robust, and the proportion of straight cucumber is more. If the environmental conditions are not good, such as low temperature and weak light, high temperature and strong light, lack of water, lack of nutrients and so on, resulting in premature senescence or poor growth of cucumbers, the proportion of curved cucumbers may be high.

In the early stage, the plant did not grow strong, the nutrition was insufficient, and there were many abnormal fruits. In the later stage, the plant was senescent and the proportion of curved cucumber was higher. Therefore, scientists have come up with some ways to regulate and control to reduce the proportion of curved melons.

What if the cucumber is not straight?

1. The rope falls straight

Take small tiles or bricks or stones that are 4 cm long and 2 cm wide and tie them with fine hemp rope or plastic rope. When the cucumber grows to 10 centimeters long, if you find a curved melon, you can hang small tiles or bricks on the cucumber flower handle, so that as the cucumber grows, the small brick can straighten the curved melon.

2. Remove tendrils and curly melons

Removing tendrils can prevent the bending of melons caused by physical obstacles such as tendrils. Vegetable farmers can also remove curved melons in time before and after female flowers shedding flowers without affecting yield and benefit, which can promote the early listing of next stubble melons.

3. Control yield per unit area

The yield per plant of cucumber can not be too high, too high yield per plant will increase the burden of the plant, early fruiting too much or not picking melons in time, the leaves aging quickly, easy to form curved melons.

Through the introduction of the editor, I believe we should understand the difference between straight cucumber and curved cucumber. Under the same growth environment, straight cucumber is considered normal, curved cucumber is generally not suitable for temperature and moisture, or it is formed under adverse environmental conditions such as no support. So when you buy cucumbers, try to choose straight cucumbers instead of curved cucumbers. Only by choosing healthy ingredients can you eat healthily.