
shelling Learn more about shelling

  • The planting method of shell flower when is the florescence

    The planting method of shell flower when is the florescence

    Shell flower, this is a lot of people like breeding, this shell flower is so popular, to see how the shell flower culture method is? When is the florescence of shell flower: the planting method of shell flower: pot soil selection, breeding shell flower, need to determine the size of the flowerpot according to the condition of the plant.

  • The secret of hermit crab changing its shell

    The secret of hermit crab changing its shell

    The secret of hermit crab changing its shell

  • Classification and introduction of common varieties of soft-shelled turtle

    Classification and introduction of common varieties of soft-shelled turtle

    Classification and common varieties of soft-shelled turtles with the improvement of people's living standards and the growth of market demand at home and abroad, soft-shelled turtles have gradually entered the homes of ordinary people from hotels, restaurants and restaurants. Soft-shelled turtle as a nutritious food, its dietotherapy, drug therapy and other functions can meet the needs of different grades of consumers. The needs of the market have stimulated production. China's soft-shelled turtle culture industry has developed rapidly, the scale of turtle culture has been expanding, and the output has increased accordingly. Large-scale culture urgently needs a large number of soft-shelled turtle seedlings, due to rapid development, breeding of seedlings, classification, distribution and basic growth of soft-shelled turtles.

  • How do shellfish reproduce?

    How do shellfish reproduce?

    Shells are mollusks living near the water. Shells are delicious and nutritious. Most species can be eaten. They are a common dish. So, how do shellfish reproduce? How do shellfish reproduce? Shellfish reproduce differently depending on the species,

    2020-11-11 shell class how breed be live beside water
  • What are the advantages of how to grow flowers in peanut shells

    What are the advantages of how to grow flowers in peanut shells

    Peanut shell, this is all seen before, this peanut shell is no one to eat, this peanut shell taste is not good, peanut shell how to grow flowers? What are the advantages of peanut shell: how to grow flowers: step 1: crush the peanut shell at home, preferably fried and original peanut shell

  • How do you keep the soft-shelled turtle? Scientific technique of raising soft-shelled turtle

    How do you keep the soft-shelled turtle? Scientific technique of raising soft-shelled turtle

    Soft-shelled turtle is what we often call the son of a bitch, the son of a bitch is a derogatory term, but the nutritional value of soft-shelled turtle is very high, so the industry of breeding soft-shelled turtle is still very good, with good breeding prospects. There are many ways to cultivate soft-shelled turtle, which can be divided into

    2020-11-08 Soft-shelled turtle how raise learn to raise technology soft-shelled turtle that is we
  • Identification of seven species of closed-shell turtles

    Identification of seven species of closed-shell turtles

    At present, the breeding of closed-shell turtles is one of the hot spots in turtle breeding. There are seven species of closed-shell turtles, except Anbu closed-shell turtle is a common species, the other six species are difficult to see their appearance. In order to enable farmers to select species correctly, the identification methods of seven species of closed-shell turtles are introduced as follows: 1. The difference between closed-shell turtles and other turtle species closed-shell turtles are specialized groups of turtles. The middle part of their abdominal nail is connected by ligaments, which is like a hinge and can move. after death, the ligament is broken and the abdominal nail becomes two segments, so the closed-shell turtle is called broken plate tortoise.

  • How to select the soft-shelled turtle fry? How should soft-shelled turtle fry be released and cultivated?

    How to select the soft-shelled turtle fry? How should soft-shelled turtle fry be released and cultivated?

    Soft-shelled turtle, also known as soft-shelled turtle, is often called a son of a bitch. Because of its delicious meat and rich nutrition, soft-shelled turtle is one of the favorite nourishing aquatic delicacies. In many cases, soft-shelled turtles are regarded as close relatives of turtles, in fact, they are completely different species, but now soft-shelled turtles are also the same as turtles.

    2020-11-27 A fish fry how select seed and select want release the fry
  • Jiashan County, Zhejiang Province: the market of soft-shelled turtle is good, and soft-shelled turtle farmers create a miracle of increasing income.

    Jiashan County, Zhejiang Province: the market of soft-shelled turtle is good, and soft-shelled turtle farmers create a miracle of increasing income.

    Jiashan County, Zhejiang Province: the market of soft-shelled turtle is good, and soft-shelled turtle farmers create a miracle of increasing income.

  • Culture density of soft-shelled turtle

    Culture density of soft-shelled turtle

    When it comes to soft-shelled turtle, I think we are very familiar with it. With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, soft-shelled turtle has gradually moved towards more families and more hotels, so there is more and more demand for soft-shelled turtle in the market. More and more people are raising soft-shelled turtles.

    2020-11-08 Soft-shelled turtle culture density speaking of soft-shelled turtle I think everybody or
  • Is the female turtle better or the male turtle better? How can you tell? How to slaughter? What can't you eat with? How to choose?

    Is the female turtle better or the male turtle better? How can you tell? How to slaughter? What can't you eat with? How to choose?

    Soft-shelled turtle is commonly known as soft-shelled turtle, also known as ball fish, water fish, egg-laying amphibians and reptiles, is not only a delicacy on the dinner table, but also can be used as a traditional Chinese medicine. Is the female turtle better or the male better? How can you tell? How to slaughter? What can't you eat with?

    2020-11-11 Female soft-shelled turtle good or male how distinguish slaughter
  • A brief introduction to the sowing and propagation of shell flower

    A brief introduction to the sowing and propagation of shell flower

    Shell flower, native to western Asia and Syria, is an excellent plant that integrates foliage and flowers. The difficulty of artificial cultivation of shell flowers is not high, and the method of sowing can be selected for reproduction. So what problems should be paid attention to in shell flower sowing?

  • Pictures of shell flowers, how to grow shell flowers

    Pictures of shell flowers, how to grow shell flowers

    Pictures of shell flowers, how to grow shell flowers

  • Culture method of soft-shelled turtle (soft-shelled turtle) in rice field

    Culture method of soft-shelled turtle (soft-shelled turtle) in rice field

    Soft-shelled turtle, also known as turtle, soft-shelled turtle, water fish, etc., is not only a delicacy, but also a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, now many areas are raising soft-shelled turtles in rice fields. So, what are the rice field culture methods for soft-shelled turtles? Let's get to know it together. 1. Those who are ready to raise soft-shelled turtles in rice fields

    2020-11-11 Soft-shelled turtle soft-shelled turtle rice field culture method also known as ball fish
  • The planting method of shell flower

    The planting method of shell flower

    1, reproduction: shell flowers can be sowed to prevent reproduction, generally in spring, summer, autumn, if the need for uniform supply of flowers, easy to watch, can be sown in batches. 2. Potted soil: the size of the flowerpot depends on the number of seeds. The seeds are triangular. Usually 10-15 seeds can be planted in pots with a diameter of 15cm.

  • How to raise shellfish flowers

    How to raise shellfish flowers

    Soil shell flower culture has relatively high requirements for soil, requiring loose, breathable, fertile and well-drained soil, the soil should not be viscous, otherwise it will not be conducive to plant growth. We can configure the soil ourselves, or we can go to the florist to buy special soil for shell flowers. Shellfish flowers like the sun very much.

  • Is soft-shelled turtle a protected animal?

    Is soft-shelled turtle a protected animal?

    Soft-shelled turtle is a kind of aquatic product that we often eat. During the holidays, a soft-shelled turtle can be said to be essential. It is even said that in many cases, in order to eat some more delicious soft-shelled turtle, some friends will go to the market to buy wild soft-shelled turtle. But there is.

    2020-11-11 Soft-shelled turtle yes protection animals we often eat.
  • How to kill live soft-shelled turtle? What parts can't be eaten?

    How to kill live soft-shelled turtle? What parts can't be eaten?

    Soft-shelled turtle, is commonly known as soft-shelled turtle, also known as ball fish, water fish. It is not only a delicacy on the table and a high-quality material for a fine feast, but also can be used as a material for traditional Chinese medicine. It has many nourishing and medicinal effects. So how to kill live soft-shelled turtle? What parts can't be eaten? Live

    2020-11-11 Live soft-shelled turtle how kill what part no can eat yes
  • How much is a soft-shelled turtle fry? How to choose soft-shelled turtle fry?

    How much is a soft-shelled turtle fry? How to choose soft-shelled turtle fry?

    Soft-shelled turtle is a delicacy, can also be used as traditional Chinese medicine, has a good effect of nourishing medicine, loved by the majority of consumers, so more and more people breed soft-shelled turtle, so how much is the price of soft-shelled turtle fry? How do you keep the soft-shelled turtle? I. soft-shelled turtle fry

    2020-11-11 A fry price more less money one how pick turtle
  • How to select soft-shelled turtle

    How to select soft-shelled turtle

    Soft-shelled turtle refers to the soft-shelled turtle used for breeding. Under natural conditions, due to the influence of climate and the harm of natural enemies, soft-shelled turtles not only grow and develop slowly, but also have a low survival rate. Therefore, using artificial methods to strengthen the cultivation of soft-shelled turtles is the main key to solve the source of soft-shelled turtles and develop the production of soft-shelled turtles. The following problems should be paid attention to in the selection of soft-shelled turtles. 1. Age: generally speaking, male and female turtles over 3 years old, that is, more than 0.25 kg, have mating behavior in Jiangsu area.
