
How to kill live soft-shelled turtle? What parts can't be eaten?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Soft-shelled turtle, is commonly known as soft-shelled turtle, also known as ball fish, water fish. It is not only a delicacy on the table and a high-quality material for a fine feast, but also can be used as a material for traditional Chinese medicine. It has many nourishing and medicinal effects. So how to kill live soft-shelled turtle? What parts can't be eaten? Live

Soft-shelled turtle, is commonly known as soft-shelled turtle, also known as ball fish, water fish. It is not only a delicacy on the table and a high-quality material for a fine feast, but also can be used as a material for traditional Chinese medicine. It has many nourishing and medicinal effects. So how to kill live soft-shelled turtle? What parts can't be eaten?

Slaughter method of live soft-shelled turtle

If you poke the soft-shelled turtle in the mouth with chopsticks, the soft-shelled turtle will hold on to the head of the chopsticks. At this time, just pull the head out of the soft-shelled turtle, and then cut off the neck with a knife to control the blood.


1. Soft-shelled turtle with its back to the ground, cut off its head, slaughter and control blood and wash it, then cut the cross knife in the abdomen of the soft-shelled turtle with scissors or sharp knife, eviscerate, and rinse with clean water.

2. Blanch the soft-shelled turtle in 80 degrees water for a while and peel off a layer of sand. This step is very important, because this layer of sand can not be eaten, very thick, must be carefully handled clean, otherwise quite affect the taste.

Put the slaughtered soft-shelled turtle in hot water and scald it for 5 minutes at a temperature of about 70 degrees 80 degrees Celsius. After cooling (you can also soak it in cold water), gently scrape off the black skin of the soft-shelled turtle with a knife, especially the head, feet and skirt, which is slippery to the touch.

Be careful not to scratch or scrape off the edge of the skirt (also known as the flying edge, which is located around the soft-shelled turtle and is the most delicious part of the turtle). After shaving the black skin, wash the soft-shelled turtle.

Cut around the edge of the turtle's skirt and lift the lid to remove the internal organs. Another way is to cut the cross knife in the soft-shelled turtle's abdomen with scissors or sharp knives, eviscerate it, and rinse it with clean water. After the internal organs are removed, rinse, cut off the tip of the claws and the tail sheath, and remove the butter attached to the feet. All right, the preliminary processing of the soft-shelled turtle is complete.

After the soft-shelled turtle is slaughtered and washed, there is another very important step before cooking, that is, a layer of sand on the turtle must be cleaned. Because the soft-shelled turtle is drilled in the sand all the year round, it will grind out a layer of old skin, which is inedible and must be stripped clean. The way is to put the soft-shelled turtle in hot water at about 80 degrees, burn it for a few minutes, and then peel off the sand on the back, skirt, head and neck, and legs of the soft-shelled turtle with your hands. What we should pay attention to here is not to get rid of the edge of the skirt, but the outside is a thin layer of sand.

Key steps:

Check your chin and be careful. The hook of the soft-shelled turtle will not be big and will be hidden very deep. But when you eat it, you get maimed. If you find it troublesome, you can throw away the turtle head when you cut into pieces.

Soft-shelled turtle deodorization

When killing the soft-shelled turtle, pick out the gallbladder from the internal organs of the soft-shelled turtle, take out the bile, after the soft-shelled turtle is washed, add some water to the soft-shelled turtle bile and apply it to the whole body of the soft-shelled turtle. Rinse with clean water for a while. After this treatment, the soft-shelled turtle will have no fishy smell when it is cooked.

What part of the soft-shelled turtle can't be eaten?

In fact, all parts of the soft-shelled turtle can be eaten, have a high nutritional value, that is, depending on personal preferences, some people think that internal organs, fat is very fishy, do not like to eat, good soft-shelled turtle actually not fishy, in addition to eat soft-shelled turtle must be eaten alive, can not eat dead, because the soft-shelled turtle body contains more histamine acid, after death is very easy to corruption, histamine acid can be broken down to produce toxic histamine substances, will cause poisoning after eating.

Soft-shelled turtle gallbladder soaking wine is good for the body. It has the function of nourishing yin and replenishing qi, removing fire and eyesight, eliminating heat and malaria, detumescence and blood stasis, mainly treating heat-qi-dampness arthralgia, tonifying qi, deficiency and yin. It can treat prolapse of anus, leakage sores and children's diseases, and the effect is good.

Nutrition analysis of soft-shelled turtle

1. Soft-shelled turtle meat and its extract can effectively prevent and inhibit liver cancer, gastric cancer and acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and can be used to prevent weakness, anemia and leukopenia caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

two。 Soft-shelled turtle also has a better blood purification effect, regular eaters can reduce blood cholesterol, so it is beneficial to patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease.

3. Soft-shelled turtle can also "make up for fatigue injury, invigorate yang, and greatly replenish the deficiency of yin."

4. Soft-shelled turtle also has a certain auxiliary effect on many patients, such as tuberculosis, anemia, physical weakness and so on.

It can be taken in moderation, but it can also be replenished for a long time.