
sharks Learn more about sharks

  • Which is better, the bull shark or the great white shark?

    Which is better, the bull shark or the great white shark?

    Which is better, the bull shark or the great white shark?

  • What kinds of sharks do you have? What is the purpose of the tail?

    What kinds of sharks do you have? What is the purpose of the tail?

    Shark is a very ferocious marine life, mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical marine areas, swimming very fast. In some aquariums, some sharks with high ornamental value are domesticated by humans, and some projects such as dancing with sharks are very popular.

    2020-11-11 Shark have what species tail function shark yes
  • The results of the investigation into the bizarre disappearance of 800 ornamental fish in the aquarium are surprising. 2.

    The results of the investigation into the bizarre disappearance of 800 ornamental fish in the aquarium are surprising. 2.

    Yesterday, we talked about the inexplicable disappearance of hundreds of fish in Shenzhen Aquarium, but the cause has not yet been identified, and the final result is astonishing! Blacktip shark is the overlord of Shenzhen Sea World, with a strong aggressiveness, so heavyweight sharks are hurt.

  • What are sharks afraid of?

    What are sharks afraid of?

    Fish are afraid of sharks, while sharks are afraid of dolphins. Groups of dolphins unite and systematically besiege the shark, hitting the side of the shark with their powerful noses in turn. Because shark bones are soft and have poor ability to protect internal organs, smart dolphins catch their key points and fight.

    2020-11-11 Sharks fear what fish sharks and dolphins. in groups
  • Whale sharks are mammals?

    Whale sharks are mammals?

    Whale shark is a whale shark of the family Cetaceidae. It is 9-12 meters long and the largest individual body length can reach 20 meters. It is the largest fish in the world and the highest fish. So, whale sharks are mammals? Are whale sharks mammals? Whale sharks are not mammals. whale shark is

    2020-11-11 whale shark yes mammal cetacean shark genus
  • Raising sharks is worth 500000 yuan.

    Raising sharks is worth 500000 yuan.

    Raising sharks is worth 500000 yuan.

  • What are the natural enemies of Greenland sharks?

    What are the natural enemies of Greenland sharks?

    Greenland shark, also known as sleeping shark, is one of the largest sharks. It is famous for its ugly appearance and longevity. This kind of shark can be seen at depths of 1200m in the Arctic and North Atlantic Ocean. This shark has also been found as far south as Argentina and Antarctica.

    2020-11-11 Greenland shark natural enemy what is Greenland also known as
  • Matters needing attention in Freshwater Shark Culture in North China

    Matters needing attention in Freshwater Shark Culture in North China

    Freshwater sharks are mainly distributed in Southeast Asia. According to body color, freshwater sharks can be divided into four types: black shark, white shark, gray shark and red shark. The sharks of the first three body colors are mostly raised as edible fish, with gray sharks growing the fastest, and red sharks also known as crystal Pattinus. In the juvenile stage, they are mostly raised as ornamental fish. The freshwater shark is a tropical fish with an optimum growth temperature of 20 ℃ and an optimum water temperature of 22 ℃. The freshwater shark has a weak tolerance to low temperature. When the water temperature drops below 18 ℃, the food intake and activity of the fish decrease obviously, and the water temperature decreases obviously.

  • Who is the killer whale vs great white shark?

    Who is the killer whale vs great white shark?

    Who is the killer whale vs great white shark?

  • Does one-eyed shark really exist?

    Does one-eyed shark really exist?

    Does one-eyed shark really exist?

  • How to raise blacktip shark

    How to raise blacktip shark

    Blacktip shark, also known as black wing shark, is a kind of tropical shark, because it is small and easy to breed, so many people like to buy a few ornamental fish to raise, how to raise blacktip shark? 1. Water quality requirements for blacktip sharks are not high. Generally, the water temperature is 22-24 degrees and ph is 8.1-8.8.

    2020-11-11 Black fin shark how raise black also known as wing shark yes species
  • The processing technology of shark

    The processing technology of shark

    Sharks, also known as "mackerel", belong to the subphylum Vertebrate, Chondrofishes. There are six Gill shark family, tiger shark family, squalid family, whale shark family, wrinkled lip shark family, true shark family, hammerhead shark family, shark family. The body is spindle-shaped, with shield scales on the skin, similar to sandpaper, so it is also called sand fish. There were 5-7 branchial cleft on each side, with 5 as the majority. There are 7 Hana sharks on each side of the six-Gill shark family. There are 1-2 dorsal fins, with two as the majority. Hana shark has a dorsal fin (located at the back of the body), and the caudal fin is generally more developed, most of which are crooked.

  • Freshwater shark, a rookie of the breeding family.

    Freshwater shark, a rookie of the breeding family.

    Freshwater shark is a new species of freshwater aquaculture introduced from abroad in Chaoyang Aquatic Science and Technology Park in 1999. It is native to Malaysia, Thailand and other places. There are two kinds of freshwater sharks: black freshwater blue shark and white freshwater white shark. Freshwater sharks have many excellent characters. First of all, it has a beautiful shape, the back is obviously raised, the abdomen is round, the head is conical, and the body surface is smooth and scaleless. Southeast Asian countries not only regard it as an important fishing fish, but also export their fry as tropical ornamental fish. Second, freshwater sharks live in

  • The result of the investigation into the bizarre disappearance of 800 ornamental fish in the aquarium is a big surprise.

    The result of the investigation into the bizarre disappearance of 800 ornamental fish in the aquarium is a big surprise.

    Employees of Shenzhen Ocean World found that most of the 500 ornamental fish placed in the shark pond a week ago had disappeared. This unprecedented phenomenon attracted the attention of the park: where have all the fish gone? And then clear.

  • Processing technology of shark fin

    Processing technology of shark fin

    Shark fin is made from the front of the lower lobe of shark's dorsal fin, pectoral fin and caudal fin. It has rich nutritional value and has the functions of tonifying blood, qi, kidney, lung and stomach. In order to further standardize the processing technology of shark fin, this paper introduces the technology of processing fresh shark fin into bright fin. 1. Technological process: frozen shark fin → thawing → drying → de-basal meat → hot sand → sand scraping → washing → bleaching → washing → bone removal → drying or drying → graded → packaging → wing products. Second, the operation method 1. Drying: placing in

  • How do sharks breed?

    How do sharks breed?

    Sharks are very typical marine animals, and sharks have a very high status in the endless ocean. So do you know how sharks breed? Let's have a look together! First, how sharks reproduce? Sharks reproduce mainly through sexual reproduction.

    2020-11-11 Sharks yes how breeding sharks very typical
  • How to raise lemon shark

    How to raise lemon shark

    Lemon shark, is a kind of shark, named because of the color of lemon, is a medium-sized shark, strong body, ferocious temperament, a certain threat to human beings. Lemon sharks live in flat sandy land and mangroves in lagoon areas when they are young, and when they grow up, they move to up to 400.

    2020-11-11 Lemon shark how raise lemon yes a kind of
  • It is strictly protected by Americans, but it is one of the eight treasures in our country. A thousand yuan or two is not enough to sell it.

    It is strictly protected by Americans, but it is one of the eight treasures in our country. A thousand yuan or two is not enough to sell it.

    Food is the most important thing for the people, which is a familiar saying in our country, but it is true that people always enjoy the best food within their own economic scope, especially some rich people, do not hesitate to spend high prices in order to eat.

  • When the wonderful melons from America are smashed into fans, they are commonly known as shark fin melons that don't rot for a year.

    When the wonderful melons from America are smashed into fans, they are commonly known as shark fin melons that don't rot for a year.

    For farmers growing in rural areas, there are also great benefits, daily can eat their own fruits and vegetables, and there are no pesticides, it is really natural green food, for urban people, can eat this.

  • Are deep-sea fish red grouper, crucian carp, peacock fish and sharks viviparous or oviparous?

    Are deep-sea fish red grouper, crucian carp, peacock fish and sharks viviparous or oviparous?

    People used to think that fish lay eggs, so are the new species on the market red grouper, crucian carp, peacock fish and traditional ocean overlord sharks laying eggs or births? According to the relevant ichthyology data, the first three kinds of small fish lay eggs, but sharks

    2020-11-11 Deep marine fish erythema fish sea crucian carp peacock shark yes