
What kinds of sharks do you have? What is the purpose of the tail?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Shark is a very ferocious marine life, mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical marine areas, swimming very fast. In some aquariums, some sharks with high ornamental value are domesticated by humans, and some projects such as dancing with sharks are very popular.

Shark is a very ferocious marine life, mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical marine areas, swimming very fast. In some aquariums, some sharks with high ornamental value are domesticated by humans, and some projects such as dancing with sharks are very popular. Sharks also have high nutritional value, rich in cod liver oil, can also extract chondroitin and so on. Sharks are also the maintainers of marine ecological balance and are at the top of the biological chain in marine ecosystems. What kinds of sharks do you have? What is the use of a tail like an eagle's wings?

What are the species of sharks?

1. Sand tiger shark

Sand tiger shark, also known as hastate-toothed shark, hastate-toothed conical shark, is a kind of shark of the conical-toothed shark family, mainly distributed in different parts of the Atlantic, Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean.

The sand tiger shark has a gentle character and is not aggressive without provocation.

Sand tiger sharks generally live very deep in the sea, hide in caves during the day, and only go out to find food at night, which is very active. Their main foods are bony fish (including sea bass), other sharks and fish, squid, crab and lobster.

2. Great white shark

Great white shark is a large aggressive shark species, tropical and temperate regions of the oceans, generally live in the open ocean, but often enter inland waters.

The great white shark is the only surviving member of the genus Shark, and its population is dwindling and has become a protected species.

Great white sharks like to eat seals, sea lions and occasionally the carcasses of dolphins and whales.

3. Whale shark

Whale shark is a kind of tropical and temperate sea area, which is distributed in summer and autumn in China. It is distributed in all tropical and temperate sea areas and all sea areas in China in summer and autumn. Whale shark is the world's largest fish, mild-tempered, with human hunting, the population is constantly decreasing.

4. Basking shark

Basking shark, also known as mouse shark, white belly shark, jaws shark, swimming speed is slow, is a commercial shark species.

5. Long-tailed shark

The typical characteristic of a long-tailed shark is that its tail is so long that it occupies almost the average length of its body. Long-tailed sharks like to gather together to hit the water with their tails and then hunt the fish together.

Long-tailed sharks are mainly distributed in the tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.

What is the function of a shark's tail?

The tail of a shark pushes and maintains balance as it swims and moves forward. The shark's tail can also play the role of self-defense, if there is an enemy in the rear, they can incite the tail to drive away the enemy, a direct slap, the strength is very strong, so that other enemies can not avoid.

The above is the introduction of on shark species, tail function and other issues. I hope it will be helpful to you.