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  • The official approved that the grain species were left out in the cold, "go to the point and send the seal" to hide the chain of corruption.

    The official approved that the grain species were left out in the cold,

    In this year's Central No. 1 document, food security is still a top priority, and food security is closely related to the promotion of improved varieties. However, during the investigation of the half-month reporter in the border areas of Hubei and Henan and Hebei and Henan, it was found that unapproved gray species could be found everywhere in the seed market.

    2016-03-20 Official approved grain suffered cold reception " run point to send a seal " hidden.
  • Processing technology of fresh stewed American red fish fillet

    Processing technology of fresh stewed American red fish fillet

    The biological name of American red fish (Sciaenopsocellatus) is Epinephelus ocellatus, belonging to the genus Perciformes. It is a wide-temperature and salty fish with an optimum temperature of 10 ℃ and an optimum temperature of 18-25 ℃. It is reported that it can withstand a low temperature of 2 ℃. It can adapt to a wide range of salinity. It can grow normally in fresh water, brackish water and sea water. It is a carnivorous fish and mainly feeds on shellfish, cephalopods and small fish in natural waters. Artificial feeding can be used with bait. American red fish have fewer diseases and grow fast, it is reported that

  • Harvest, processing and Utilization of Zanthoxylum bungeanum

    Harvest, processing and Utilization of Zanthoxylum bungeanum

    Zanthoxylum bungeanum has a fragrant smell and is a unique spice in China, alias Big Pepper, Shu Pepper and spot Pepper. When Zanthoxylum bungeanum is ripe, the pericarp is red to purplish red, with dense verrucous oil spots. The flowering period is from March to May and the fruiting period is from July to October. It is mainly produced in Sichuan, Shaanxi, Henan, Hebei, Shanxi, Yunnan and other provinces, in which the quality of Sichuan is the best, and the output of Hebei and Shanxi is the highest. 1. According to the determination of the effect of Zanthoxylum bungeanum, it contains 6.7g protein, 8.9g fat and 66 carbohydrates per 100g dried pepper.

  • 62 years old because of a secret to go to the mountains to raise chickens

    62 years old because of a secret to go to the mountains to raise chickens

    62 years old because of a secret to go to the mountains to raise chickens

  • What are the fishing skills in winter in the south?

    What are the fishing skills in winter in the south?

    What are the fishing skills in winter in the south?

  • A poem about plum blossoms

    A poem about plum blossoms

    A poem about plum blossoms

  • Video pictures of sweet-scented osmanthus tree planting techniques

    Video pictures of sweet-scented osmanthus tree planting techniques

    Garden uses sweet-scented osmanthus evergreen all the year round, luxuriant branches, autumn blossom, fragrance overflowing, can be described as "exclusive three autumn pressure group fragrance". It is widely used in gardens, often as landscape trees, including isolated planting, opposite planting, and forest planting in clumps. In Chinese classical gardens, sweet-scented osmanthus is often matched with buildings, mountains and stone machines.

  • Daily maintenance guidelines and precautions for Pilewater potted plants

    Daily maintenance guidelines and precautions for Pilewater potted plants

    Cold water flower bonsai may be unfamiliar to everyone when you first hear this term. In fact, you have a pot at home, and you don't know it. Coldwater flower is also called flower leaf nettle, the leaf background is green, which is mixed with white stripes. Below is a guide to the maintenance of cold-water bonsai

  • Guide to propagation methods and daily maintenance of marigold

    Guide to propagation methods and daily maintenance of marigold

    How to grow marigold? Marigold has a special nickname called "stinky hibiscus". Marigold is often sown in spring. Because of its large flowers and long flowering period, it is often used in flower bed settings. Let's take you to learn a guide to the conservation of marigold flowers.

  • How to water the butterfly flower, when should the butterfly flower be watered once / thoroughly without stagnant water?

    How to water the butterfly flower, when should the butterfly flower be watered once / thoroughly without stagnant water?

    When planting butterfly flowers, how to water, when to water, what to water and so on, these are the problems that flower friends consider when learning how to raise butterfly flowers, because too little watering will lead to poor plant growth, while too much watering will lead to root rot.

  • Pest control of reticulate grass, five common pest control skills / prevention points

    Pest control of reticulate grass, five common pest control skills / prevention points

    The leaves of reticulate grass are luxuriant, if the breeding environment is relatively bad, there may be diseases and insect pests, it is even more terrible than not careful conservation, because diseases and insect pests may take the life of reticulate grass, then how to do when reticulate grass grows insects? Let's take a look at the common prevention and control methods of diseases and insect pests.

  • How to get through the winter, how to raise / dig out the bulbs in winter and how to plant them in spring next year.

    How to get through the winter, how to raise / dig out the bulbs in winter and how to plant them in spring next year.

    Keeping a large pot of paulownia flowers at home is the practice of many people nowadays, but in winter, once the temperature is lower than 5 ℃, the plant will go into dormancy. Pay special attention to maintenance at this time, otherwise it is easy to raise all kinds of problems. So, how to spend the winter? How to raise paulownia in winter

  • The main points of planting gold marbles

    The main points of planting gold marbles

    Gold marbles are also called bottle orchids. Because of their beautiful branches and iron-colored flowers, they bloom pale yellow flowers in April and bear fruits in May, and the fruits turn orange and marble-shaped in October, it can be said that gold marbles integrate fruit, leaves and flowers, and have high economic and garden value.

  • High-yield and high-quality planting methods of golden scented tea

    High-yield and high-quality planting methods of golden scented tea

    Golden scented tea is a national first-class protected plant, known as the living fossil of the plant kingdom, the flower is yellow, the flower shape is oval to round, and the flowering period is from November to March of the following year. Golden scented tea likes a warm and humid climate and has a bad demand for soil, so those who are interested can try to grow golden scented tea.

  • How much is the market price of Piaoxiang vine? how to maintain a tree in winter?

    How much is the market price of Piaoxiang vine? how to maintain a tree in winter?

    Fragrant vine is a kind of flower variety introduced and cultivated from abroad in our country. How much is the market price of it? How to maintain in winter: how much is the market price of Piaoxiang rattan? the market price of Piaoxiang rattan will be determined according to the size of the seedling. Generally, the seedling is about 6 yuan per plant.

  • Key points of Cuttage Propagation of Corydalis

    Key points of Cuttage Propagation of Corydalis

    Evening incense is a special ornamental flower. Flower friends who like it all know that it has a certain ornamental value and medicinal value. If some flower lovers want to breed their own nocturnal incense, they might as well consider the method of cutting propagation.

  • Main points of sowing and propagation of Liquidambar formosana

    Main points of sowing and propagation of Liquidambar formosana

    Liquidambar formosana is one of the most important ornamental tree species in China. Because of its rapid growth, wide adaptation, light preference and barren tolerance, it is not difficult to cultivate Liquidambar formosana. In addition, the resin of Liquidambar formosana has certain medicinal value, so the economic value of Liquidambar formosana is very high. Liquidambar formosana is often propagated by sowing.

  • How to trim the reticulated grass? the reticulated grass is too tall. Pruning methods / coring and shortening

    How to trim the reticulated grass? the reticulated grass is too tall. Pruning methods / coring and shortening

    As long as the grass is given a suitable environment, its growth rate is very fast, and this advantage has also become an annoyance to some flower friends, because it grows so crazily that the flowerpots are packed, affecting the beauty of the plant shape to a certain extent and reducing the ornamental value. Pruning is needed to solve this problem.

  • Key points of maintenance of Golden Fruit (Milk eggplant)

    Key points of maintenance of Golden Fruit (Milk eggplant)

    Milk eggplant (solanumma mm osum), also known as multi-head eggplant, five-finger eggplant, frankincense eggplant, golden fruit, five generations in the same house, belongs to the Solanaceae, perennial small shrub, often used for annual cultivation, native to tropical America. Like warm, moist and sunny environment

  • It is necessary to find out the cause of the yellowing of purple-backed taro leaves in advance.

    It is necessary to find out the cause of the yellowing of purple-backed taro leaves in advance.

    Purple back bamboo taro branches and leaves dense growth, plant shape plump, thick leathery, leaf dark green glossy, midrib light color, leaf back blood red, forming a sharp contrast. Spikes, bracts and calyx bright red, petals white. The back is purplish red
