
What are the fishing skills in winter in the south?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What are the fishing skills in winter in the south?

Although fishing in winter is not as good as in summer, there will be fishing in accordance with local conditions. The water temperature in some parts of southern China is on the high side in winter, which is suitable for fishing. Below, the editor of Qiannong Network will introduce to you some fishing skills in winter in the south.

Fishing skills in Southern Winter

Choosing a good fishing position can take you by surprise. When you go fishing in winter, you should choose to avoid the wind in the sun, and spread the nests widely according to the water temperature and the depth of the water. In winter in the Ganjiang River Basin, the temperature is low in the morning and evening, so it is appropriate to fish in low-lying places in deep water. Whenever the cold air in the north goes south, the shallow water will form a thin layer of ice, while the deep water, which is sunny and leeward, rarely freezes, still ripples, and the rising water vapor can be seen in the early morning. This shows that the water temperature of the deep pool is warm and there is a lot of natural bait, which is a nest for fish to gather, perch and look for food. In recent years, some large lakes and reservoirs in the Ganjiang River basin mostly have cages and purse seine fish culture, and most of the cages are surrounded by fish bait canteens, such as fishing in cages or purse seine, the effect is quite good. Around noon, sunny days, the temperature rises, it is appropriate to fish in the sun, leeward, near the land shore shallow water, beachhead. In view of the warming of fish, bait and nest are laid. When fish swim to the waters with high water temperature, it is beneficial to gather fish and fish. For those perennial and seasonal estuaries connected with ditches and ponds, the current will bring all kinds of food into the water. Fish have the habit of swimming in living water and have a higher chance of catching.

The weather is unstable in winter and a cold spell strikes from time to time. Choose the time to go fishing according to the change of weather and temperature. Every year from "the Beginning of Winter" to "the Winter Solstice", on the eve of the cold wave, the climate in the south is mostly sunny or cloudy, and the fishing time is carefully chosen to grasp the characteristics of temperature changes. The living habits of fish move three times a day with the change of temperature, affecting the scope of their migration activities. In the south, when the temperature is low, fish hide in deep water, when the sun rises, the heat radiates the surface of the water, the shallow water heats up quickly, and most swimming fish, such as common carp and crucian carp, swim to the waters with high temperatures to bask in their backs and play, mostly after 09:00 in the morning and before 15:00 in the afternoon. it's the best time for fishing in early winter.

Because the temperature is low in winter, the water plants are not raw, and the smell of fish is not as sharp as in summer, so what kind of bait to use is very important. The bait had better hit the nest with hot powder and sweet heavy bait, stir-fry the wheat bran, corn flour, sesame and soybean powder before fishing, and do not need to cool, that is, add some liquor for a night. Liquor has a strong aroma, sweet taste, is hot. After entering the fishing point, if you can mix bean dregs and so on, the dosage of each nest bait should be more than 250g. The rich and sweet heavy bait is the secret weapon to lure fish and gather fish in winter. It should be used flexibly according to water conditions and fish characteristics.

In view of the low water temperature of winter fishing

The most important thing about fishing in winter is the water temperature. Only by choosing the right temperature can we catch something. As the saying goes, "fishing for the sun in winter" is also true, because the temperature of the water on the sunny side is high, so the fish have the desire to eat. The water temperature is low, the fish do not want to move, do not want to eat, even where the water temperature is too low, fish do not want to go. But the choice of fishing points can not be limited to the sunny side, there are some bright places. And the water temperature also changes within a day, higher at noon, cooler in the morning and evening, and colder at night, so night fishing is certainly not considered in winter.

The water temperature is closely related to the fishing spot. The overall requirement of selecting a spot throughout the winter is leeward and sunny, and the fishing point should be deep, because the lower water temperature of the fishing point that meets this requirement is slightly higher than that of other places, and it is also conducive to the hiding of fish. The selection of fishing spots also has different characteristics in different solar terms in winter. from early winter to "three Nine" winter, the choice of fishing spots should transition from shallow to deep, and the fishing waters should transition from small to large, because with the gradual decrease of air temperature, the water temperature of deep water and large water surface decreases later than that of shallow water and small water surface. From June 9 to spring, the choice of fishing spots should transition from big water to small ponds, because with the continuous rise of air temperature, the water temperature of shallow water and small water surface rises faster than that of deep water. It should be noted that winter fishing depth is a general rule, in the early winter and late winter seasons, sometimes there will be more than ten days of fine weather in a row, then there will be individual phenomena of fish swimming into shallow water, but even this individual phenomenon, it also occurs in the shallow water area at the junction of deep and shallow water, or in the shallow water areas where fish hide. Generally speaking, the temperature during the day is higher than that at night, the temperature at noon is higher than that at dusk, and the temperature before the cold air transit is higher than that after the cold air transit.

Winter fishing bait is also very different from other seasons, which is also related to the water temperature. The density of water in winter is relatively high, which is not conducive to the spread of bait taste in the water, and the sense of smell of fish is not as sharp as in summer, so when using bait, we should choose fishy and fragrant bait. When using insect bait, we should also choose fishy red worms, small red earthworms, Antarctic shrimp, etc., to increase the stimulation of fish taste; when using surface bait, we can use the technique of gently dragging the line group at intervals of a few seconds to make the hook bait move. In winter, the fish has a small mouth and light suction, and the bait that adapts to this characteristic should be light in weight, small in size and soft in feel, so that the bait ball can be imported smoothly, so we should pay more attention to the selection of bait and blending techniques. In the selection of bait, some baits with high animal composition are selected as the main feed, and then the taste and nutrition of the bait are increased by adding additives such as shrimp powder, and a small amount of snow pollen, short wire drawing powder and a small amount of expansion powder are added to adjust the specific gravity and state of the bait, so that the specific gravity of the bait is light, the atomization speed of the bait ball is accelerated, and the bait ball is small and fluffy. When making bait, it should also be noted that the bait is not easy to produce silk in winter, so the time of waking up the bait should be longer than usual, or the proportion of pulling powder in the bait should be increased, and about 30 ℃ of warm water can be used as bait if possible.

Matters needing attention for fishing crucian carp with hand pole in winter

Winter fishing wild crucian carp preferred weather is warm and stable cloudy, followed by sunny and cloudy days with stable temperature; hot and cold weather, sunny and cloudy weather or rainy and snowy weather is not suitable for fishing. However, if the water body warms up in the 2-3 days before the cold wave, it can last until the day of snow or light rain, but it will be very difficult to catch fish the next day. If the weather is very cold, you have to wait three or four days later, after the colder climate is stable, you can also catch crucian carp.

The choice of fishing position is also very important. Only by choosing a good fishing position can you gain a lot. In winter, fishing should choose places that are sunny and sheltered from the wind, such as the sunny side of the water, where there are trees, buildings and natural objects against the wind, which are relatively warm in this water. the water surface is covered by water plants or the roots of hard aquatic plants such as bushes and reeds, as well as weeds and bricks below. Sluice ponds, the bottom of hydropower stations or the corners of bridges and culverts, dams, wharves, etc., choose not to rely on roadside, silent, animal, machine, vehicle sound and other noise interference as well as gravity operation vibration, etc. It is best to choose a place that is not deep or shallow, about 1 to 3 meters in "medium" waters, and look for "middle" places where grass is not sparse or dense to test the water and select nests.

The third is the production of bait, the sense of smell of fish in winter is not as sensitive as in summer, so the taste is heavier and the material is fiercer. The better the bait, the better. Can be fried with bean cake powder, soybean grains, sesame stir-fried fragrance fine, peanut cake powder, white sugar plus water, single, combined or added to the market flavor effect is good. Or soak in cloves, star anise and cinnamon for more than a week, soak into "three fragrant wine", add fried corn flour, fried wheat flour with skin, and add brown sugar. The general principle of bait is that it is better than bait, and the smell of bait is similar to that of bait. Winter fishing crucian carp, mostly with noodle bait, rice grains, red worms and live shrimp. If the bait and rice grains don't work, use earthworms instead, and if it still doesn't work, switch to live shrimp. The effect of fresh shrimp is better than shrimp powder. The fishy smell of shrimp can best arouse the appetite of crucian carp, using shrimp as bait, and then slippery crucian carp will take the bait.

How to choose fishing spots in winter

Winter fish generally do not take the initiative to look for food, in most of the time, they will choose relatively warm waters, stay together in groups, reduce swimming and save energy. From this, it can be seen that as long as we can find the hiding place of the fish, choose the bait that is suitable for the fish to survive the winter, and master the appropriate fishing techniques, we can not only catch fish in winter, but also because the fish like to gather in groups and small miscellaneous fish in winter. The harvest may even exceed that of other seasons.

The main results are as follows: 1. The overall requirement of selecting points throughout the winter is leeward and sunny, and the fishing points should be deep, because the lower water temperature of the fishing points that meet this requirement is slightly higher than that of other places, and it is also conducive to the hiding of fish. However, the choice of fishing spots also has different characteristics in different solar terms in winter. from early winter to the "three Nine" winter, the choice of fishing spots should transition from shallow to deep, and the fishing waters should transition from small to large, because with the gradual decrease of air temperature, the water temperature of deep water and large water surface decreases later than that of shallow water and small water surface. From June 9 to spring, the choice of fishing spots should transition from big water to small ponds, because with the continuous rise of air temperature, the water temperature of shallow water and small water surface rises faster than that of deep water. It should be noted that winter fishing depth is a general rule, in the early winter and late winter seasons, sometimes there will be more than ten days of sunny weather in a row, then there will be individual phenomena of fish swimming into shallow water, but even this individual phenomenon, it also occurs in the shallow water area at the junction of deep and shallow water, or in the shallow water areas where fish hide in the water.

2. In the time of fishing, we should choose the time period with higher water temperature, and the law that meets this requirement is that day is better than night, noon is better than dawn and dusk, and cold air before transit is better than cold air after transit. Therefore, it is more ideal to choose the middle and afternoon of continuous sunny weather, especially the foggy day before the cold air comes.

3, winter fishing must pay attention to safety, personal advice is: ① to prepare for the cold. Wear light, warm and mobile clothes and hats, and stand up for an hour or two when fishing; ② should not choose the fishing ground too far. Winter fishing must take into account the fishing field and road factors, and must go together, once there are any mistakes, a partner can make you out of danger in time; ③ sunny leeward safety first. The choice of fishing position should be conducive to drawing water, walking the fish and tidying up the fishing gear, and do not climb the danger; fourth, make all kinds of other preparations: bring all the bait of fishing gear; withdraw if the fishing ground does not allow it; be prepared to encounter big fish; be prepared to guard against all kinds of accidents; so far, don't lose track of time because of the good fish.

Tips for fishing black fish in winter

Black fish, also known as black fish stick, is a carnivorous fish, is a major harmful fish in the fish culture industry. This kind of fish reproduces and grows fast and is ferocious. As long as the fishing method is correct, it is very easy to catch. The black fishing season is from July to October, either morning or evening. Dusk is the best time, but it requires no wind and no rain. It is also appropriate to fish at noon when there is a long drought or the scorching sun in the sky. There is a fishing method, which has been tested by myself and others and proved to be very effective. It is now introduced to fishing enthusiasts.

1. Fishing tackle: 7-10 m hard rod, bamboo, single rod with symmetrical thickness is the best. The second is made into three sections. But the latter is easy to carry. Fishing line 2.5m-3.5m, 1.5-2.5mm nylon line, soaked in pig blood, sun-dried and rubbed gently. Large black fish hook. The handle is long with a ring, and the tip of the hook is turned out a little. The fine thread is a ball of thread. A big fish basket made of bamboo. With a belt. A bait basket. Tie your legs. Straw hat and kettle are essential for dry food. A pair of 4.5-meter hand rods are commonly used (for fishing frogs)

2. Bait: you can take the bait when everything is ready. In order to achieve "a good shot", we should not only understand the situation of the fish, but also tie the bait correctly. The bait pheasant is the best, followed by the frog. The size should be matched by hooks. It must be noted that the little frog is tied to the hook, not to the hook. Because the frog injured by the hook will die quickly, and tied to the hook will not be hurt, can live on the surface of the water for a day. The way to tie a little frog is to use the usual thread to make clothes into two strands and tie it to the frog's waist, not too loose or too tight. Tie it up and hang it on the hook. In order to prevent the little frog from running away, leave the thread longer and tie it to the thread of the hook handle.

3. Fishing method: black fish fishing requires absolute silence and must not walk by the river. In order to know whether there are blackfish in the inshore grass, you can first take a walk by the water. If there is fish, there will be movement in the clear water among the aquatic plants. And then throw the tied frog into the eyes of the grass. If the frog is not in place, it can also be pulled back and thrown at high speed. But the number of re-throwing should not be too much, so as not to hurt the little frog and damage the water surface environment. Blackfish activities have certain regions, especially when there are small blackfish. When the black fish sinks in some grass eye, it will float on the grass eye to take care of the small fish after a while. At this time, if the frog is in the grass eye, the black fish will rush up and bite the frog ferociously. After swallowing the hook, the black fish turned around and left, and the tail often made a sound and spray on the surface of the water. When the fishing line is pulled straight, there must be fish when it is hooked immediately. At this time, the hook is not in the fish's mouth, but in the fish's stomach, just feel free to mention the fish.

How to catch big crucian carp in winter

1. Understand the habits of big crucian carp: there are fishing proverbs like "winter crucian carp and summer carp", which means it is easy to catch big crucian carp in winter and big carp in summer. As to whether the season determines the survival characteristics of the fish, or whether the fish adapt to the law of the season, so far no one has made an authoritative statement. We usually think that in winter, when the weather gets colder, the water temperature drops, and the small miscellaneous fish eat less and move less, the big crucian carp, which are timid and cautious in eating bait, come out to look for food. But if you think about it, if this is the case, will the big crucian carp stop foraging at other times? Of course, I don't know where the big crucian carp went at other times. More than a decade ago, an experienced fishing veteran once told me that it was a big crucian carp swimming seed. The so-called swimming seed is actually the early nutritional preparation made by the big crucian carp for seed production. The seed travel time of big crucian carp in each reservoir is different, and the choice of fishing point is also different, but the fishing method is basically the same.

2. Weather: the maximum temperature is not more than 8 ℃ and the minimum temperature is not less than 0 ℃. The smaller the temperature difference between day and night, the better, preferably on a cloudy day. The temperature does not change much in this weather, and fish are served almost all day. If the temperature is between 1-5 ℃, there are many crucian carp fishing more than 0.5kg, and sometimes you can catch extra-large crucian carp weighing more than a kilogram. Go fishing in line with the principle that no wind is better than wind, and light wind is stronger than strong wind.

3. Fishing spots: as long as the depth of the water is more than 5 meters, there are a large number of random stones or dead branches at the bottom, and there is also a place for shipwrecks. If it is a steep bank or slope, you can also get fish, but you have less chance of getting on the big crucian carp.

4, bait: stir-fried broken bean cake, medicinal wine soaked millet, commercial crucian carp bait, and then put in a few pieces of ground fruit candy and fishing water to mix and feed the nest evenly. The dosage of feeding the nest for the first time should be large, usually about 0.5 kg, and then mend the nest with the decrease of the amount of fish. To feed into a radial nest or fan-shaped nest, to the nest as the center, to the front, left front, right front sprinkle a few straight lines or semicircles, attract distant big crucian carp to forage. With Daping No.2 red earthworm, the red worm is not as big as the fish caught by earthworm.

5. Fishing group: White Fox No. 2 hook, this hook bar is thin, the hook handle is long, the hook door is narrow, the hook tip is sharp, the toughness is good, and it is easy to hang earthworms. Crucian carp can suck the hook bait into the mouth with only a small mouth open. With a soft, unbent diameter of 0.18 mm wire as the brain line and 0.24 mm line as the main line, you can handle it even if you catch a big fish weighing 1 kg. If the buoyancy is small, the fall will be small, which can reduce the resistance of the fish when absorbing the bait. Slender drift can more accurately provide the action of fish eating bait in cold weather. The above hook, line, drift equipped with the fishing group, the big crucian carp in the bait when the resistance can be reduced to a minimum, as long as the drift, the rod will be able to get the fish. The fishing rod can use a medium-hard carbon hand rod of more than 5.4 meters. When adjusting the drift, one hook should touch the bottom slightly, one hook should be suspended, and only one eye should be left on the surface of the water. Pay close attention to the movement of floating, because the depth of the water, as long as the float rises or falls half an eye or less, you can lift the pole. Most of the people who take the bait are big crucian carp, and most of them eat bottom hooks, and the difference between the upper and lower hooks can be 2-3 cm when fastening the hook, which can increase the chances of Pisces on a pole.

6. If possible, more cloth nests and star drift wheel fishing should be positive and effective methods. During this period, big crucian carp swimming seeds are usually in twos and threes together, hitting 3-5 nests with rice, and taking turns fishing with the traditional fishing group of seven stars drift. after one or two nests are caught, they will use rice to make up the nest in time, and those with no fish will be eliminated. The effect of fishing in this round is better than sticking to a nest. Note: be sure to wear warm clothes when you go out fishing, because the days of fishing big crucian carp are very cold, especially hands, feet and ears, which are easy to be frostbitten. When fishing, stand up and walk around for a short time, rub hands and ears, promote blood circulation, so that frostbite is not common.

Matters needing attention in fishing crucian carp in the middle of winter

Crucian carp is a kind of hardy fish compared with grass carp and carp, because it preys all the year round, even in cold winter, as long as you choose the right fishing method, you can still catch it. Fishing crucian carp in the middle of winter, I think we should pay attention to the following four points.

1. Bait: the first thing to prepare for fishing is the bait. The author believes that although the bait in the middle of winter is more or less important, the intensity of the fragrance is more important. Because in the cold winter, if the water surface is big, the bait is less, and it has no influence on the vision of the fish; if the water surface is small, the bait is sprinkled too much, especially if the fish is not found to live in its hiding place, and it eats less and moves less, it is not only wasteful, but also has no effect. Special attention should be paid to not frequently feeding the nest without biting the fish, because if there is really no fish in the nest, it is useless to feed too much; if there is fish, they will eat the bait sprinkled in the water. While mastering how much the bait is fed, its quality is even more critical. It is necessary to use bright colors and fragrant baits to stimulate the fish's sense of sight and smell, so as to tempt it to bite.

2. The choice of the yin and yang side of the fishing spot: it is cold in winter, so we should choose the sunny nest, which is the view held by many people. But in the actual situation, the author believes that it is not scientific to choose only the sunny side of the fishing spot for long winter fishing crucian carp, because many shady fishing spots are also very good fishing places, such as ponds and reservoirs that can be backed by cold wind. there are dense bamboo forests and big trees in the deep bends to avoid frost and fog or on the bank. In these places, when the temperature is low without the sun, the degree of attack by the cold wind is small, and the water temperature is even higher than that on the sunny side, which is conducive to the survival of fish. Of course, if there is a sun, especially at noon when it is sunny for several days in a row, the fishing spot should be on the sunny side, which is the basic common sense of winter fishing.

3, how to lift the rod: crucian carp is small, when lifting the rod in the hook, some anglers often ignore the depth of the fishing point and habitually pick it gently, so that the hook is not stabbed into the mouth, resulting in a pause without hitting the fish. The author thinks that at the moment when the lifting force of the pole tip is grasped, it should be determined according to the depth of the fishing point in order to effectively avoid pulling crack or not piercing into the fish mouth and causing decoupling. Because the fishing point is shallow and the drifting line is short, the cut water resistance of the hook line in the water layer is small when lifting the rod with the line. In this way, even if the pick-up force of the pole tip is light, the "lift" puncture of the hook is still strong, so the hook is easy to pierce into the mouth of the fish. On the other hand, if the fishing point is deep and the waterline is long, the cutting water resistance of the fishing line in the water layer will be great when lifting the rod with the line. If the lifting force of the rod is too light, it buffers the strength of the "lifting" puncture force of the fishing line drive to the hook, which makes it difficult for the hook to pierce into the mouth and decouple the fish.

4. The problem of nest replacement: because the fish eats less and moves less in winter, it will take at least two hours for the bait to enter the nest, even if the bait is bright and Luzhou-scented, which can stimulate its sense of sight and smell. During this period, if anglers lose their composure, they will habitually change their nests frequently for 20 to 30 minutes when there is no news of the fish. as a result, people often come with fish and will inevitably return empty-handed. But it is also a mistake to cling to a den where no fish take the bait after a few hours. The author believes that the appropriate way to change the nest is to change the nest to the second nest which is sprinkled and fed at the same time if there is no reaction for about two hours from the feeding to the trial fishing. When there is still no news of the fish in the second nest 30 minutes after the trial fishing, switch to the third nest, so go down and try fishing one by one. When you find out that there is fish in a certain nest, don't change it. Because the winter climate is not suitable for fishing, it is good to get some harvest.

Skills of fishing carp in winter

Crucian carp are widely distributed, reproduce fast, have strong tolerance, have miscellaneous food habits and like to swim in groups. They often live in weedy land and look for food at the bottom of the water with humus. Crucian carp are timid and alert and flee at the slightest alarm. At the same time, crucian carp often swim in different waters due to changes in temperature, and then change their eating habits. It also keeps foraging during the spawning period, so it can catch crucian carp from morning till night all the year round. This requires anglers not only to choose a good fishing position, but also to adopt appropriate fishing gear and bait. Therefore, fishing crucian carp is not only the starting point for beginners to fish, but also one of the important signs to test the fishing skills of athletes. The following is my usual experience of fishing carp, which is for everyone to exchange and learn.

1. Looking for carp: when fishing for carp, we must first find the trail of carp. Carp love arch mud to find food, resulting in uniform and dense bubbles, dozens of them rise at the same time, and often move, one after another, spherical and often accompanied by sewage rise, found the carp star, found the carp where the carp is.

2. Choose the fishing position: in view of the carp's habit of being afraid of light, no matter whether it is windy or not, there is a shade of plants on the river, and the water level is about 1.8 meters. The cliff is cut off and the water level is about 3 meters in the middle. The backlight is gentle, there are grooves at the bottom, and the potholes are in the lower position. Fishing carp in cloudy days, if there is no wind, the harvest is generally quite good. Select the rock gentle slope, the water level is less than 1 meter but the invisible bottom is the upper position, 4.5 meters platform fishing rod; cliff cut wall, the water level within 2.5 meters is the middle; the gentle slope water level within 2 meters is the lower position. Windy weather is different, choose the cliff cut wall water level within 2.5 meters for the upper, flume or natural corner water, the water level at about 2 meters for the middle, gentle slope water level at about 2 meters for the lower.

3, line group collocation, hand rod fishing carp, when Taiwan fishing is the best choice, the maximum of the main line is 1.5, the maximum of the sub-line is 1.2, and the number 4 is above the big bid, the field is recommended to use Tiao 8 Diao 2, the pool battle is recommended to use Tiao 4 Diao 2 or Tiao 3 Diao 1, the hook type is Izeni 4 or 5, Idou 6 or 7, and New Kanto 0.5 or 0.8 is the best.

4, lure nest: different from crucian carp, fishing carp entrapment requires both tight, heavy and constant. Tight, refers to the bait fixed point with the nest beater, must be compact; heavy refers to a large amount of bait, thick bottom heavy nest; constant refers to the nest effect is long, often have small fish linger, but can not eat. To some extent, small fish are good for carp to gather in their nests. It is recommended to use two-layer nest bottom. the first layer is made of oil mixed with chicken feed, corn meal and fermented bait, kneaded into a square, half the size of a fist. In this way, even if the bottom is a gentle slope, the bait will not roll down. The second layer is cooked with wheat kernels and old corn kernels, and the effect will be known as soon as you try.

5. Bait: fishing carp mainly uses fishy incense as bait in spring and late autumn. It is recommended to use Laogui No. 2 to add a small amount of pill Jiubari, Antarctic shrimp powder and white sugar. It is better to have Crazy fishing Crucian Carp 2. Summer main with fragrance as bait, recommend the use of magic bottled carp essence, fishing king crazy carp, a small amount of pill nine barren food, chicken feed.

6. Fishing carp must be kept: according to the foraging habits of carp, the fishing method of "waiting for rabbits" should be adopted in fishing. After choosing a good fishing position, you should stick to it and wait patiently. After a period of time, you can pick up the rod and replace it with new bait. Especially when there are fish stars around the nest, you can't pick up the pole as often as fishing crucian carp, otherwise the timid and alert carp will be scared away. Practice has proved that changing bait too frequently and taking too many times by mistake will inevitably interfere with the ingestion of carp and lose the opportunity to take the bait.

7. Pick up the rod and slide the fish: unlike other fish, carp are not reckless in eating bait. they always carefully close the bait into their mouth, try it, taste it, then spit it out, taste it again, and put it down. sometimes it can be repeated many times without rashly swallowing the population, so it is slow and light to swallow it and swim away after eating it. Floating reaction is a large sinking or lateral oblique movement, the floating tail from high to low, slowly sink into the water, lift the rod in time, will be in the fish. After taking the bait, the carp struggle, flee rapidly and have a strong ability to resist fatigue. Fish slipping is actually to overcome their own excitement, to maintain a calm state of mind, self-confidence to fish in order to win a hundred battles.

8, the treatment after the fish take the bait: first lift the hand rod, and quickly lead the fish away from the fishing point, so as not to startle the schools of fish in the nest. It is pointed out that the water surface does not allow the fish to struggle and escape in the water. if the fish is larger, the moving speed of the line should be slightly faster than the swimming speed of the fish, so as to make the fish follow the line, change passively to lead the fish actively, and control the swimming direction of the fish. when the fish is invited to get tired, copy it ashore with a net. If you encounter a big carp "piling", hold the pole for a period of time, and then shake the rod to make the fish sting upstream, the hand rod is arched when passing through the fish, raise the fish head up as high as possible, so that the fish can only jump up, waiting for the fish to walk tired, belly upside down, ambush the net underwater in advance, aim the net at the fish's head and pick it up in the direction of the fish's body.

9. Respond in time: carp are vulnerable to external interference and swim to quiet waters to "quietly" hide. Quiet places are mostly secluded places that usually do not like to store fish, such as the corner of the shore, the beachhead of long Beach, the central area of larger waters, and so on. If you encounter a large number of people fishing, should timely analyze and judge the situation, seize the opportunity to transfer to calm or offshore water fishing, will be able to achieve better results.

Skills of fishing crucian carp in early winter

The late autumn and early winter here refers to the period from Frosts Descent to Lesser Snow every year. As the weather suddenly turned cold during this period, the fish appeared the foraging peak again for overwintering. Therefore, fish are easy to catch during this period, especially crucian carp.

Crucian carp is a kind of cold-resistant fish. compared with carp, grass carp, silver carp and bighead carp, crucian carp is a fish eaten all the year round, even in cold winter, as long as the fishing method is appropriate. The following combined with my fishing experience, talk about some methods of fishing crucian carp in late autumn and early winter, hope that the majority of anglers criticize and correct.

1, weather choice: fishing crucian carp in late autumn and early winter, it is necessary to grasp the opportunity of fishing. Do not go fishing in windy and cold weather. In general, fish do not eat actively or even seal up in such weather, it is difficult to get much harvest. You can go fishing on a sunny or cloudy day with a breeze. Fishing in rainy days must be 1-3 days when it rains. Due to the role of Rain Water, although the water surface temperature decreases, it does not have a great impact on the bottom temperature. On the contrary, because Rain Water increases the dissolved oxygen in the water, the activity and appetite of crucian carp will also increase, so it is easy to fish. If you are fishing after the rain, you must wait for a continuous sunny day to go fishing above for a week. Due to the influence of the rainy day for a long time, the temperature of the whole water body also decreased, and the activity of crucian carp decreased correspondingly, foraging was relatively slow, and there were continuous sunny days. The water temperature gradually increased due to the effect of sunshine on the water surface or shoal. Crucian carp will avoid the cold and warm, begin to look for food, and there will be a harvest at this time. It is not suitable to go fishing in windy days, first, people are susceptible to cold, second, the wind and waves are strong, and at the beginning of winter, the fish will lie still, and again, it is difficult to see the drift, affecting the catch.

2. The choice of fishing spots. Sunny places with water plants, convex and concave places of lakes, ponds and reservoirs, uneven bottom or stakes and branches are all good places for fishing crucian carp. The time follows deep fishing in the morning and evening, shallow fishing in the middle of the day and near fishing at noon. Fishing crucian carp in early winter, we must have a sufficient understanding of its activity law, "follow the temperature", this is absolutely right. So we have to choose a place with a deeper shore as a fishing spot. Considering the timid and cautious habits of crucian carp, the first important thing is to find grass deeply. If the temperature is high, you can catch shallow water, but there must be water plants in the shallow water, and there must be a certain degree of mixing-not too clear. "when the water is clear, there is no fish", which is absolutely true. At this time, the fish, the activity is not strong, when fishing grass nest, often catch a few fish in a nest, it will take a long time to fish again. So we can make a few more nests before fishing, in order to "grow widely and reap little".

3, the collocation of the line group: when hand rod fishing, the winter line group should be as sensitive as possible, small hook, thin line, small drift has been recognized as the line group collocation principle. Both traditional fishing and Taiwan fishing should adapt to the characteristics of fish feeding in winter. The feeding action of fish in winter is not as big as that in summer, or even subtle. Of course, the heavy fishing group can not meet the needs of fishing. According to the size of the fishing individual, we should choose a more sensitive line group as far as possible. Take fishing 100 grams of crucian carp as an example, 0.4-0.6 main line, 0.3-0.2 sub-line, No. 2 sleeve hook or 0.1 Kanto is fine. Drift as small as possible, the school is more sensitive, I often use the eight Immortals of Uncle Cao 2, adjust five fishing two, the effect is good. If the sandpike rod can be used to hang the red worm with a string hook, the hook is larger than the hand rod and must be barbed, you can also use the food box fishing method.

4. The choice of bait: the bait rich in animal protein is better in winter, and the live bait is better than the dead bait. Use bait to do what you like, so that it is rich in color and fragrance, fresh and delicious. The bait is made of fried bean cake powder and steamed corn flour mixed with millet soaked in clove wine, which can be pinched into a ball and dispersed when entering the water, so that the bait forms an atomized area in the process of sinking, so that the fish can only smell and rarely eat, and compete for food in case of bait to improve the catch. Bait to use red earthworms, choose small, strong flavor, fresh color is better. If the earthworm is larger, pinch off the first 2 stroke 3 of the vermis and use only the tail of the earthworm. The effect of red worm is better.

Skills of fishing shallow water crucian carp in winter

The shallow water here refers to a depth of about 60mi 150 cm. We need a good fishing group in order to have a good harvest. The fishing group we will talk about below not only has the advantages of Taiwan fishing equipment and floating methods, but also has the advantages of short brain lines of traditional fishing methods. You can not only learn the fun of sending fish to float, but also learn the skill of lifting a rod after eating bait, which makes you have a lot of fun.

1. Brain line: a long brain line in a double hook. The length of the brain line from the lower part of the connecting ring to the hook is 12 centimeters. The short brain line is 3 centimeters shorter than the long one, about 3 centimeters shorter than the long one. When the bottom is dirty and uneven, the short brain line is 5 centimeters short. The bottom clean is 3 centimeters short, and it is best within 8 centimeters. This depends on the circumstances.

2, adjust the drift: put the bleaching to about 30 cm above the connecting ring, double hook bait into the water, after increasing or decreasing the lead skin or lead wire, two eyes appear on the surface of the water, and the reaction that can be bleached after adjusting the waterline is: the vast majority is to float up, whether it is to send faster, slower, hook fish, fish send faster, fish send slower, sometimes fish send fast, may be the relationship of rush to eat. But we should also pay special attention to the fact that there is often a bite to the next meal, immediately black drift, this kind of reaction must be lifted immediately, there will be no doubt. Even with a meal of reaction, as long as the pole is lifted in time, there will be fish. If there is a phenomenon of floating up and down, you should lift the pole immediately, usually the top two fish. After the fish take the bait, you must quickly lift the fish out of the water and not walk the fish, so as not to scare the bottom fish away. If the fish is bigger in the place where there is no water grass, you can walk the fish outside the nest. if you are in the grass nest, you should also mention the water surface, otherwise the fish in the bottom nest may be scared away.

This fishing group is suitable for fishing in shallow waters where there are no aquatic plants, and it is more suitable for fishing in waters with aquatic plants. As long as there is a grass nest that can get off the hook, you can fish. At the same time, this fishing group has a good fishing effect even in a grass nest with a depth of about 2 meters, with a long rod and short line. When the bait falls to the bottom, you can see a slight meal, while still maintaining the original distance between the hook and the hook. The performance of drifting is: after floating upright, there is a phenomenon of slowly sinking after a pause, which is very good-looking. In fishing, we should learn to observe and accumulate your experience.

How to raise a nest by fishing in winter

Before we go fishing, we should be "good at seducing". It plays a key role, and it directly affects your bait rate. Especially in the wild fishing where there are few fish in the water, if you are not "good at seducing", it is difficult to catch fish. We have three important links before fishing, that is, nest selection, nest digging and nest raising. I will not say much about choosing and beating nests here. Now it is important to talk about raising nests, which refers to the meticulous care of the designated nests so that they can maintain and enhance their attraction to the fish for a long time. It is best if the fish do not have enough to eat and are unwilling to leave. Next, I would like to talk about the views of raising a nest.

1. To replenish the nest, we should pay attention to the ways and methods: we can't fish the whole process by playing the nest once. We should mend the nest timely according to the water conditions and fish conditions, so that the fish can have a fresh feeling. Then how to mend the nest is the best? There is a principle of "a small amount of frequent replenishment" and "long flow of fine water", so that baits often fall on the den. The bait should choose fine particles, because the sound of falling into the water does not alarm the fish, and it also has a strong attraction to the fish. the bait that falls slowly is much more attractive to the fish than the bait that falls to the bottom, and can attract the attention of the fish.

2. Avoid strong vibration to the water body: fish are very sensitive to the vibration of the water body. As long as there is a little movement, the fish will quickly panic and escape, so in the process of fishing, we should try our best to reduce walking and stop running. What's more, you can't drink five or six or shout loudly, which is tantamount to driving the fish out of the nest. When we want to pick up fish, we should also use softness to lead the fish out of the nest and out of the water; when we encounter larger fish taking the bait, we need to be more patient. We must not pull the fish up and down in the nest and let the fish roll up and down. The fish guard should be put as deep as possible and stay away from the nest.

3. Borrow fish to attract fish: when we catch almost, we should relatively prolong the feeding time of the fish in the nest, and use the sound of the fish to attract more fish into the nest. That is, do not get off the hook as soon as you hit the nest, but wait for a period of time, let the nest store a few more fish and then stretch the pole, pay attention to control the frequency of the fish, so that there are always fish eating in the nest, so that you can have a good harvest.

4. Try to keep the original appearance of the nest: that is, to keep the original appearance of the nest, so that the fish can adapt to the environment and not change too much.

5. rest rod without rest nest: if fishing is carried out continuously in a nest, sprinkle more bait into the nest when resting the rod or changing fishing points, so as to maintain the continuity of the nest, so as to allow more fish to run into the nest.