
High-yield and high-quality planting methods of golden scented tea

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Golden scented tea is a national first-class protected plant, known as the living fossil of the plant kingdom, the flower is yellow, the flower shape is oval to round, and the flowering period is from November to March of the following year. Golden scented tea likes a warm and humid climate and has a bad demand for soil, so those who are interested can try to grow golden scented tea.

Golden scented tea is a national first-class protected plant, known as the living fossil of the plant kingdom, the flower is yellow, the flower shape is oval to round, and the flowering period is from November to March of the following year. Golden scented tea likes a warm and humid climate and has a bad demand for soil, so those who are interested can try to grow golden scented tea. Today, the editor will briefly talk about the high-yield and high-quality planting methods of golden scented tea.

1. Planting site selection

The main results are as follows: (1) the choice of planting site of golden scented tea: far away from the city, industrial area and pollutant 10-20km.

(2) the soil requirements of the planting area of golden scented tea are as follows: the area with fertile soil, loose soil, good soil drainage and soil pH value of 5.5-6 should be used as the planting area of golden scented tea.

2. Planting management

The main results are as follows: (1) 25-30cm nutrient cup seedlings with average seedling height of Camellia sinensis seeds were selected for cultivation.

(2) Seedling planting specification: 30cm × 30cm × 30cm.

(3) when planting golden scented tea, first transport the golden scented tea nutrition cup seedlings to the planting pit, cover 2/3 of the soil into the planting pit, then gently take off the nutrition cup of the nutrition cup seedlings, and put the seedlings into the center of the planting pit together with the nutrient soil.

(4) after planting, the soil was compacted all around, and finally, the soil was loosened in the covering layer, and enough water was poured into the root.

3. Tending and management

When shoveling grass, the shoveling range extends 35cm to the center of the planted camellia plant, making a tree plate with a diameter of 70cm to shovel grass.

4. Topdressing management

The main results are as follows: (1) Golden scented tea is fertilized 2-3 times a year, and the primary fertilization can be compound fertilizer + compost + excess phosphate fertilizer.

(2) the principle of fertilization for golden scented tea: thin application and more application, more application of strong seedlings, little or no application of weak seedlings.

5. Pruning

The main results are as follows: (1) for slow-growing branches, intensity pruning cannot be carried out.

(2) Golden scented tea with average crown development only needs to cut off disease and insect branches, over-dense branches, weak branches and long branches.

(3) the newly planted seedlings can be pruned appropriately.

(4) when the golden scented tea plant shoots for 3 times, the top is sealed and the terminal bud is cut off.

(5) when the main and lateral branches of golden scented tea grow to the average length of 25cm, the buds are cut off.

(6) the disease and insect branches, weak branches and cross branches in the crown should also be cut off.

6. Pest control

(1) spraying ferrous sulfate or magnesium sulfate solution on Jinhua tea noodles 2-3 times a year.

(2) the pesticide was sprayed twice a year with a mass ratio of 1: (10-100) of epirubin and tea saponins.

An example of Rapid Propagation of Fruit trees

An example of Rapid Propagation of Fruit trees

1. Rapid propagation of fruit trees

1. Peach is basically propagated by grafting, and the breeding time is 1-2 years, the propagation efficiency is not high, and the promotion speed of fine varieties is slow, so it is difficult to meet the urgent needs of industrial development for new varieties. In addition, some peach varieties need to use specific rootstocks to improve their characters or improve the suitability of peach trees, such as GF677, which is resistant to continuous cropping, needs to be propagated by nutrients, which is usually cultivated by tissue culture, which is difficult to popularize. There are also some cultivation models, such as the platform cutting system in grassland orchards, which need to be cultivated by rapid propagation and self-rooted seedlings. In addition, the production of peach rapid propagation self-rooted seedlings has the excellent characteristics of early fruiting and early high yield. The implementation of these technologies must use a simple and practical rapid propagation technology to meet the special needs of seedlings in production. This paper briefly introduces the application of plant non-test-tube cloning technology in peach trees and the operation procedure of rapid propagation. 2. Female parent culture and material pretreatment peach is a variety which is difficult to root and cultivate under conventional conditions, which is related to the plant species and stage physiological conditions. Although there are many varieties of peach, the rooting difficulties and characteristics of various varieties are different. However, after the use of non-test-tube rapid propagation technology, this difference can be minimized and the operation standard can be unified. Only by understanding the obstacle factors of peach rooting can we formulate a rapid propagation plan and the factors that affect peach rooting. Different varieties cause different rooting, and the difference of varieties is ultimately the difference of growth characteristics, which can be reflected by the difference of physiological state of materials in vitro. Therefore, no matter what variety, we should first carry on the unified standard mode management of the mother garden, in order to reduce the variety difference.

A more consistent rooting effect was obtained. In addition, the differences of different growth stages, dormant period and growth period of female parent, as well as the differences of branch age and leaf age, lead to the physiological differences of in vitro materials, which can also be solved by maternal management and pretreatment. Based on the analysis of peach varieties and strains, the corresponding countermeasures are drawn up. Peaches of northern strains often need high cold capacity and have a deep degree of dormancy in winter, while southern varieties have shallow dormancy and low cold capacity, which leads to the deep dormancy. It is also the ecological adaptability formed in the process of evolution in different regions, which achieves the purpose of deep dormancy through the content of abscisic acid in the body. Endogenous abscisic acid can be artificially regulated by management and technical measures, such as rapid propagation in the dormant period after defoliation, it is best to use artificial cooling before rapid propagation, and then rapid propagation after breaking dormancy treatment, otherwise the survival rate is very low. In the growing season, the factors affecting rooting are mainly the differences caused by the accumulation of endogenous hormones and carbon sources, which are shown by the different degrees and positions of shoot tenderness, which can be achieved by coring the shoot in the mother garden or by applying pp333 chemical control measures, and the endogenous growth hormone can also be improved by means of fertilizer and water to promote growth and heavy cutting to promote sprouting. Or combined with exogenous spraying gibberellin and auxin to regulate plant growth and development. In a word, the cultivation of female parent plants with sufficient nutrition, strong shoots and thick green leaves is the key to achieve efficient and rapid propagation of various varieties. In addition, for in vitro materials, some auxiliary measures can also be combined to achieve the purpose of appropriate regulation, such as magnetized water incision treatment, can improve the survival rate, VB treatment can accelerate the role of endogenous hormones to manifest, the incision sugar supplement treatment can increase the total sugar of young materials and promote the activation of incision cells. The northern varieties with deep dormancy can also be treated with running water to reduce endogenous abscisic acid and other rooting-inhibiting substances. It can also be treated with high concentration of exogenous IBA, such as 1000ppm treatment for 1 to 2 hours, the varieties which are very difficult to root can take root, and the peach varieties which are easy to root can be dipped in 10 to 15 seconds, while the materials with leaves can propagate rapidly in the growing season, and the ideal effect can be achieved only by 100~200ppm indole butyric acid treatment.

3. Inoculation rapid propagation and nursery bed management the in vitro materials treated with chemicals are propagated rapidly in the intelligent seedbed based on perlite. The low temperature of the substrate in early spring is the limiting factor affecting rooting. The heating hotline laid at the bottom of the seedbed is started and the temperature is controlled above 15 ℃. Under such a substrate temperature environment, the in vitro materials are inoculated for 5 days. The primary root primordium is differentiated from the parenchyma cells of the secondary phloem on the outside of the cambium, and the primary root is formed at 15-20 days, and can be transplanted after 25-30 days of seedling training. The in vitro materials of green branches propagate rapidly in summer, and the limited high temperature of air temperature is 35 ℃. When the temperature is more than 35 ℃, the in vitro materials of green branches begin to develop root primordium in 7-10 days, part of the root primordia protrude the cortex to form roots in 10-15 days, basically form roots in 15-20 days, and transplant after seedling refining in 20-25 days. In the process of rooting, most of the fast rooting materials are sturdy materials with sufficient nutrient accumulation, and the materials with good photosynthetic function of leaves, because a large amount of soluble sugar is needed to participate in metabolism in the process of rooting in order to activate the root primordium gene. Therefore, for some peach varieties that are difficult to root, magnetic water treatment can be used to improve the activity of α-amylase and has a good catalytic function for rooting. Coupled with the comprehensive effect of magnetized seedbed and magnetized fog, some varieties which are difficult to take root in ordinary environment can also be effectively solved. In nursery bed management, it is generally only necessary to start the expert mode of the intelligent control system. If some tender materials are encountered, they can also be forcibly supplemented with carbonated water and oxygen-rich water to promote their rooting. In daily management, if some fallen leaves or rotten materials should be cleaned in time, and disinfected with electric functional water around, local pouring method should be used to prevent cross-infection.

4. Technical summary No matter what varieties and strains of peach, as long as we understand its rooting characteristics, analyze the limiting factors, and formulate the corresponding operation procedures and solutions, we can achieve more than 80% rooting survival rate, some more difficult rooting varieties, usually take the strong childlike seedlings as the female parent, to achieve seedling propagation, rooting genes can be activated. And with the increase of cyclic algebra, the rooting time will be shorter and shorter, this rooting characteristic, whether on peach or other fruit trees follow this rule. Longan seedlings are usually raised by grafting, the speed is slow and the rootstock affinity is not good, but the phenomenon of premature senescence is serious, the survival rate of high pressure seedlings is low, and the damage to the mother tree is too great, the reproduction coefficient is not high and so on. In view of the above problems, the non-test-tube cloning technology was successfully studied, which could be out of the nursery about one year earlier than that of grafted seedlings. It can effectively improve the seedling rate and propagation coefficient, and greatly accelerate the demand for seedlings in the industrialization development of longan. Longan is a variety that is extremely difficult to root, mainly because it contains a lot of substances that inhibit rooting, and its rooting type is callus rooting type. it takes about 60-80 days to transplant in the seedbed, so it is stricter than other seedlings in terms of management and production cost. The in vitro material collection garden with seedlings as female parent can be adopted and established for difficult rooting plants, and fine management should be carried out to promote strong branches as in vitro materials. When the light is too strong in summer, it is necessary to shade the female parent, that is, to cover the sunshade net, which is more effective for reducing the inhibition of rooting substances in the body. In addition, the gene activation treatment of the female parent tree before the rapid growth should be carried out, and the leaf surface fertilizer or growth hormone should be sprayed on the leaf surface, so that the in vitro materials can be in the dominant vitality state.

When the in vitro material is made, it is better to use the double bud material with 2-3 leaflets, especially for this variety containing anti-rooting substance, but the single bud should not be too small, because the in vitro material of single bud is too small. the poor adaptability and resistance to the changes of external environment undoubtedly bring difficulties to the management of seedling bed for a long time. The double bud material with 2-3 leaflets is the best. When making materials, they are the same as other plants, but when taking materials, we must choose semi-lignified materials, that is, light green, dark green and light brown materials, Lignification should not be too high, the higher the degree of Lignification, the more inhibitory substances accumulated in the body. When the in vitro material is treated with 200ppm's IBA for 1-2 hours, it is best to use magnetized water to prepare rooting promoting liquid, so the effect will be better. The treated material is immediately multiplied in the intelligent fast-growing seedling bed based on perlite, and the system setting can be adjusted. During the management period, in addition to routine management, IBA solution of 1~5ppm can be sprayed to the leaves every 7 to 10 days, which can be supplemented with nutrient solution, and sodium nitrophenol of 1~3ppm can also be added into nutrition as a cell activator, which can promote cell activation and quickly restore division and differentiation. Under the strong light and high temperature in summer, it is also necessary to use a sunshade net for moderate shading, with a transmittance of 60% to 70%. At the same time, oxygen-rich water and carbonated water should be replenished periodically. After the above comprehensive technical measures, the general longan rooting survival rate can also reach more than 80%, which is currently used for longan asexual seedling cultivation, the highest survival rate of a propagation technology, can be popularized and popularized in production.

The seedlings used in the cultivation of papaya, such as those made from seeds sown and germinated, are called seedlings. So far, no matter which variety papaya is cultivated, seedlings are used. Due to the complexity of genetic factors, the characters of seedlings in papaya varieties vary greatly due to the different plant characters between male and female parents when sowing. For example, Tainong 2 is a first-generation hybrid, and hermaphroditic plants are used as male parents and female plants as female parents. 50% of the seeds of its offspring are hermaphroditic and 50% female. If the character of the parental plant is changed, the sex of the seedling varies greatly. Hermaphroditic plants, female plants or male plants all have the opportunity to appear. So far, the identification of the plant characters of these seedlings is still indistinguishable, and must wait until the growth to the flowering stage.

In general, when farmers cultivate papaya, bisexual plants no longer need artificial pollination to bear fruit, while female plants lack stamen pollen, so artificial pollination is necessary. Due to the consumption market of papaya fresh fruit, the bisexual fruit (vulgar spring fruit) produced by bisexual plants is preferred and the price is high, while the female fruit (commonly known as mother fruit) of female plants is less popular with consumers because of its thin flesh and seeds. Therefore, when planting the same papaya varieties, we should double the planting density and cut off the female plants when the plants bloom, while the rest are bisexual plants. It can not only save the salary of pollination, but also produce the bisexual fruit needed by the consumer market.

Non-test-tube cloning can know the characters of female parent in advance, and can propagate excellent female plants and hermaphroditic plants pertinently, which can greatly reduce production cost and improve fruit quality. it is the most effective propagation technology of papaya at present. its popularization and application will bring great practical significance to the production of papaya. In this paper, the techniques of rapid propagation are briefly introduced as follows: after selecting excellent plants of papaya, the terminal buds will be removed from April to September. After an average of 25 days, the lateral buds of the trunk immediately below the apical bud incision will protrude 5-7 lateral branches 30-40 cm long. The lateral branches will be cut from the base and leave 3-5 leaves, the incision will be treated with IBA2000ppm, and then quickly multiply in the substrate made of vermiculite and perlite at 1:1 to open the intelligent system. It can be rooted after an average of 20 days, and can be planted in the field after 10 days of rejuvenation. When the lateral buds near the terminal buds are harvested, the trunk bearing lateral buds can be cut off, and the bud holes below the incision can germinate and grow into lateral branches. in this order, each plant can culture lateral branches four times from April to September, with an average production of 24 lateral shoots, but when one leaf and one bud is taken as the material, it can be increased several times, but the size of the cultivated seedling is smaller, and one leaf and one bud is used when the female parent is less. When the trunk is cut to a height of about 30 cm above the ground, the trunk can be re-cultured for continued lateral branch culture in the coming year. When the lateral branches are cultured on the trunk, the rooting rate of rapid propagation can reach 100%, and the rooting time is relatively short. Because of the low temperature in autumn and winter, the lateral branches are not easy to culture, and the average rooting rate is only 85%. Because of asexual reproduction, the rapid propagation of lateral branches cultured by the same plant has the same characteristics as the mother plant, that is, the mother plant is hermaphroditic, and the fast propagation seedlings are bisexual plants, and there will be no more female or male plants. In this way, the production cost can be greatly reduced and the economic benefit can be improved. Second, the rapid propagation of landscaping plants; (1) the rapid propagation technology of mandarin

Liriodendron chinense (also known as Liriodendron mandshurica) is a hybrid of Liriodendron chinense (also known as Liriodendron mandshurica) with fast growth, good material, strange leaf shape, strange flowers and golden autumn leaves. It has strong resistance to diseases and insect pests, no pollution of its own litter, fast-growing, excellent quality and strong adaptability. It is a famous excellent timber and greening tree species in our country. However, due to the low seed setting rate, generally only 1% to 3%; the difficulty of cutting, the rooting rate is usually less than 30%; coupled with improper seedling techniques such as seed treatment, the seedling productivity is very low, seriously restricting the development of this excellent broad-leaved tree species.

In order to solve this practical production problem, plant non-test-tube cloning technology can achieve a survival rate of more than 93%. The relevant techniques are briefly introduced as follows: 7 cm of branches can be taken as in vitro material before sprouting in early spring, and soaked in 200ppm indole butyric acid solution for 2-4 hours, which can be propagated in an intelligent seedbed, callus can be formed in 15 days, roots can be formed in 25 days, and the survival rate can reach more than 95%. In the growing season, one leaf and one bud were used as in vitro materials and treated with 100ppm indole butyric acid for 1 to 2 hours. Multiplying in the intelligent nursery bed, the leaves do not overlap, generally take root in 20-25 days, and transplant in 30-35 days. The developed root system has a high survival rate, which is the most practical technique for Liriodendron chinense breeding. (2) the rapid propagation technology of red maple usually uses seeds and grafting to raise seedlings, the propagation cycle is long, and the traditional cutting is difficult to survive, but the use of plant non-test tube cloning technology can achieve a very high rooting and survival rate, which is the most effective technology to realize the rapid propagation of red maple. Red maple is difficult to breed. The best medium for rapid propagation is vermiculite or perlite, which can achieve better rooting effect under the condition of full light intelligent nursery bed. Because under the condition of full light, the photosynthesis of red maple was not affected, and the transpiration and water supply of in vitro materials were in balance. At the same time, naphthylacetic acid can enhance the cell and tissue activity of the material in vitro, promote the differentiation of root plasma and take root earlier. The selection of in vitro materials and rapid propagation of Acer truncatum in vitro materials are required to be robust and sturdy, with a diameter of 0.5~1cm, semi-essential to high-grade, medium twigs and lower old branches. The length of each segment is about 5~10cm, with 1-3 leaves left. At the same time, the leaves have to be trimmed, and one leaf should be cut off 1 beat 3 or 1 beat 2. In vitro, the lower end of the material was cut into an oblique orifice, and if necessary, the basal cortex could be cut and soaked in 500~1000ppm 's naphthalene acetic acid for 5 seconds. One leaf and one bud branch of red maple can also be directly taken as in vitro material, and the incision can be treated with indole butyric acid of 100ppm for 2 hours. In the process of operation, try to cut, treat and inoculate as far as possible. if the isolated material is far away from the seedbed, the cut branches should be wrapped with wet towels to prevent the loss of water and affect the survival of rapid propagation.

Red maple, in the past, it was agreed that asexual reproduction is difficult to survive, so it is rare to use asexual reproduction to cultivate seedlings, mostly using traditional grafting. It is proved by experiments that the reproduction of red maple can be done by asexual rapid propagation. As long as the growth habits of red maple are satisfied and the conditions for rooting are created, the survival rate of in vitro materials is at least 85%. The key to the rapid propagation and survival of red maple is to meet the requirements of full sunlight, moisture, temperature and ventilation of in vitro materials, and adopt all-day intelligent seedbed. The survival rate of rapid propagation can reach more than 95%. After the rapid propagation and rooting, the red maple develops rapidly, and it can be rejuvenated and cultured in the field by refining seedlings. Third, the rapid propagation of cash crops; many potato diseases take seed tubers as the source of infection, and tuber propagation not only has a low reproduction coefficient, but also can not meet the growers' requirements for the supply of improved varieties. The use of non-test-tube cloning technology, in addition to high reproduction rate, can also prevent various diseases transmitted by tubers, especially for black pox, it is difficult to eradicate with general control methods, but disease-free plants can be cultivated by rapid propagation of branches and leaves. There are two technical routes for rapid propagation of potato: 1. Stem propagation uses terminal buds and stem segments for rapid propagation. It can propagate directly in the intelligent nursery bed of vermiculite or perlite, or it can be used to promote root by gas propagation, and then transplant to the substrate after rooting, so that the survival rate is high and the lack of plants can be prevented. The method is to plant the improved varieties of potato in the greenhouse in the middle of March, cut the terminal buds for rapid propagation in the middle of May, and promote multiple lateral buds at the same time. When the branches grow to about 10 cm, the apical bud segments of about 5 cm can be cut for in vitro rapid propagation. In the intelligent seedbed environment, it can root in one week, can be planted in early June, and can be harvested in 80 days, and the yield per plant is about 600 grams. 2. Leaf propagation (1) the method of directly producing tuber: that is, do not let root, directly produce tuber, and then use small tuber as seed potato. In late January, it was planted on the mother plant in the greenhouse from the end of November last year, and the material of one leaf and one bud was inoculated into the perlite seedling bed, the axillary buds were buried in the substrate, the leaves were left on the bed, and a small tuber was formed in the axilla of the leaves after about 20 days. this method produces tubers by relying on the nutrients contained in the leaves after cutting off the mother and light, carbon dioxide and water from the outside. In order to increase the tuber, it is necessary to supplement the nutrient solution to the leaves to increase the nutrients contained in the tuber. This method of directly producing tubers from leaves can also be used for stem propagation, but it is not as practical as the method of leaf propagation to obtain more in vitro materials from a stem.

(2) the method of planting after rooting: the plants after rooting were directly planted in the nursery, and the operation was basically the same as that of stem propagation. The initial growth stage after planting is later than that of the stem, because it has fewer roots and a smaller plant size. But after that, the growth and development was the same as that of the stem, with strong lateral branches from the stem base. After 80 days harvest, there were 4 tubers per plant, about 500 grams. The yield per plant of potato fast-growing seedlings varies according to the degree of rooting, the ones with good roots, the quick survival after planting, the early growth and development of stems and leaves, and the plant yield can reach more than 600 grams. Therefore, in order to improve the yield of fast-growing seedlings, it is the key to strive for multiple roots and early survival, so it can be promoted by chemical treatment in rapid propagation. The effects of different concentrations of naphthylacetic acid (NAA), indolebutyric acid (IBA) and gibberellin (GA3) on the survival of potato rapid propagation were studied. The results showed that the treatment with concentration of NAA50ppm+IBA50ppm+GA350ppm as the best combination had the highest survival rate, the best rooting and the strongest growth. In the rapid propagation of , no matter stem propagation or leaf propagation, within 10 to 20 days, there were three situations: first, only tubers were formed at the axillary buds at the base of the in vitro material, second, there were roots and tubers, and third, only roots did not grow tubers. The reason why these three phenomena occur in vitro materials is related to substances such as plant hormones. If the first case is found when the stem is propagated, the tuber can be cut off and sometimes the root can be cut off when transplanting; in the second case, the tuber can be cut off, that is, it can grow smoothly. Because of the high price of muskmelon seeds, in order to reduce the seed cost, sowing seedlings in advance was adopted. When the melon seedlings grew to a certain height, one leaf and one bud or leafy melon vine was taken as in vitro material, and the incision was treated with 100ppm indole butyric acid for 1 hour. Rapid propagation in an intelligent seedling bed based on perlite

Generally, the seedlings take root in 8-9 days, and after adding nutrient solution to strengthen the seedlings, the seedlings can be transferred to the field, and the survival rate can reach 100%. If the clone rapid propagation system is established and multi-generation circulation technology is adopted, the factory seedlings can be raised every year and the seedling cost can be greatly reduced. This is the industrial seedling raising technology with the least investment at present. The experimental cultivation in 2002 shows that the fast propagation seedlings have a neat growth potential. The results showed that the characters, yield and quality were the same as those of seed sowing seedlings, which was a more economical new seedling raising technique for the production of netted melon seedlings. (3) Cucumber, watermelon and tomato rapid propagation technology these three varieties are very easy to root varieties, in the intelligent rapid propagation bed without any chemical treatment, can reach 100% rooting survival rate, the operation only need to intercept the stem vines with leaves, quickly propagate into the perlite-based seedbed, open the system, generally 3-4 days to root, 7-10 days to form a developed root system can be transplanted to the field. Most of these in vitro materials have formed root primordia on the plant, so they are suitable as soon as they meet.

The suitable environment immediately forms the root system, for example, when the watermelon is the fastest, it will take root the next day. The application of these varieties in production has important value and production significance. The use of multi-generation circulation technology can make a seed produce hundreds of thousands or even millions of seedlings, which can greatly reduce the seed cost. Moreover, the root system of fast-growing seedlings is more developed than that of seed seedlings, the fruiting period of melon is much earlier, and the yield and quality are improved. It is an important technology to be popularized in production in the future. IV. Rapid propagation of medicinal plants

Because it contains extractable anti-cancer drugs, Taxus mairei has become an important medicinal material in the country. The demand for seedlings is increasing. It is difficult to meet the needs of production by traditional cutting propagation alone. Generally, only one batch can be cultivated in a year, while at least 5-6 batches can be cultivated by using non-test-tube cloning technology, and the survival rate and the quality of seedlings are greatly improved. What is more important is that the fast-growing seedlings can carry out annual transplanting, annual planting and annual development.

Generally, 3-5 cm long leafy branches are taken as in vitro materials, and when the materials are scarce, they can be even smaller, even 1~2cm. The incisions are treated with indole butyric acid of 100ppm for 2 hours and propagated rapidly in a rapid propagation bed controlled by computer intelligence. Callus is formed in 7-10 days, rooting begins in 25 days, seedlings can be refined and transplanted in 35-40 days, and the survival rate is more than 90%. In addition, in the production, it is found that the electric field treatment has a very obvious effect on improving the root-shoot ratio, speeding up the rooting speed and cultivating strong seedlings, and the application of non-test-tube cloning technology in Mandia red bean pole is the most ideal technology to realize the industrialization development of Taxus mairei, which can not be compared with any other method. Honeysuckle has always been valued by the pharmaceutical industry as a large amount of traditional Chinese medicine, and it is also a daily drink that can be made into tea. with the deepening of research and development, it is more and more widely used, especially after SARS. Honeysuckle has set off an upsurge in the development of honeysuckle all over the country, and the mountain farmers who rely on the cultivation of honeysuckle to get rich and earn foreign exchange have aroused the enthusiasm of industrialization development, and the cultivation of seedlings only depends on grafting and cutting. Can no longer supply mountain farmers, the development of honeysuckle base needs. The use of non-test-tube cloning technology can not only make the traditional variety of honeysuckle which is easy to survive by cutting, greatly improve the reproduction coefficient, but also make the traditional excellent variety of honeysuckle Wang, which can only be cultivated by grafting, succeed in rapid propagation. At present, there are many varieties of honeysuckle used for production and cultivation, and most of them are easy to propagate and breed. Generally, they can obtain a very high survival rate without any chemical treatment, and they can take root in 10-15 days and transplant in 20-25 days. However, there are also some varieties that can not survive by cutting by traditional methods, but can only rely on grafting, and the survival rate of grafting is not high. This may be related to the high content of chlorogenic acid in the high-yielding varieties, which is the difficult technical problem for the king of honeysuckle to breed at present. In order to solve this problem, the breeding system using non-test tube cloning technology can be solved, and now it has been widely used in production. The technology is summarized as follows: honeysuckle king is a variant variety of common honeysuckle, which shows extremely high yield per plant and weak growth potential. Too many flowers often affect vegetative growth. In the process of rapid propagation of this variety, the callus is often too developed, the root is few and slow, and the leaves often fall off early in the process of rapid propagation. In view of these problems, we have made a comprehensive analysis and formulated corresponding measures to greatly improve the survival rate of rapid propagation and basically meet the technical requirements of production. Originally, when the king of honeysuckle was grafted, there would be late incompatibility with the rootstock, and the seedlings would be choked, and the grafting interface would be easily broken in case of strong wind, which became the main factor restricting the development of this high-yield variety, such as unable to survive with traditional cuttings. These phenomena show that there are genetic differences between the variant variety and the original common variety, which is proved in the grafting incompatibility. In addition, the number of flowers of this variety is too large, which leads to the high content of chlorogenic acid in the body. The weak growth results in a sharp increase in the content of endogenous abscisic acid. The combination of these three aspects becomes the comprehensive physiological factor that it is difficult to root.

First of all, in the management of female parents, the main management goal is to cultivate strong seedlings with vigorous vegetative growth, and the amount of flowers and the content of chlorogenic acid can be reduced by moderate shading cultivation and more application of nitrogen fertilizer. 40~100ppm gibberellin can also be sprayed during flower bud differentiation to reduce the number of flowers, because the more flowers, the less nutrient accumulation in leaves, but also greatly increase the content of chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid is the main index to measure the quality of honeysuckle, but it is also the main factor that makes it difficult for the king of honeysuckle to reproduce and take root. by reducing the light intensity, the content of chlorogenic acid in branches, leaves and flowers can be reduced. In addition, the application of nitrogen fertilizer can reduce the content of chlorogenic acid by 32.99%-6.78%, while the application of phosphate fertilizer will not only greatly increase the number of flowers, but also greatly increase the content of chlorogenic acid, which can reach more than 8.68%-14.44%. These studies show that the mother garden should adopt the management method of applying less phosphorus fertilizer and more nitrogen fertilizer, and such fertilization management measures can also increase the endogenous growth hormone and decrease abscisic acid in the plant. Therefore, maternal management and conventional production-oriented management should be just the opposite, which is more conducive to rooting.

In addition to the special management of the mother garden, the problem of premature senescence and shedding of leaves will also occur in rapid propagation. in order to solve this problem, growth hormone can be sprayed on the leaf surface periodically in the maternal management or rapid growth period, which can prolong the leaf age to prevent shedding. It was found that all the in vitro materials without falling leaves would take root sooner or later, and the defoliated materials would stop developing immediately. When replenishing the nutrient solution in rapid propagation, indolebutyric acid of 1~5ppm or compound nitrophenol sodium of 1ppm could be added to the nutrient solution, which had a certain effect on prolonging leaf age and increasing survival rate.

After the above comprehensive technical management, the rapid propagation operation can be carried out. The branches with 1-2 leaves are taken as in vitro materials, and the incisions are treated with IBA of 200ppm for 1-2 hours, and then propagated rapidly in the intelligent perlite seedbed. In addition to the conventional management techniques, it is best to combine the replenishment technology of carbonated water and oxygen-enriched water, which is especially effective for plants that are difficult to root. In addition, you can also use the aerosol method for rapid propagation, also known as fog multiplication, to expose the incision to a nutritious aerosol, which will take root faster. According to the experiment, the king of honeysuckle uses perlite matrix for rapid propagation, which takes 30 to 45 days to take root, while aerosol propagation, that is, fog multiplication, takes root in 22 days, and the survival rate can reach more than 80%, but aerosol propagation also has a disadvantage. It is also necessary to establish a special seedling refining area for transplanting seedlings, because most of the roots formed in the aerosol are gas rooting, and it will take some time to adapt to the soil environment. Honeysuckle has a wide range of applications, among which making honeysuckle dew is one of its functions, and it is also one of the most widely used. The use of plant non-test-tube rapid propagation technology has greatly increased the yield of Flos Lonicerae, but also promoted the process of industrialization of Flos Lonicerae. Fifth, the rapid propagation of flower plants; mini rose is not only an excellent raw material for mini potted flower production, hydroponic flower production and test tube flower production, but also an excellent variety for courtyard balcony greening and beautification. In addition to the traditional cuttage, the most rapid and efficient method for its propagation is to adopt the non-test tube rapid propagation technology, which can make the in vitro material with one leaf and one bud propagate thousands of commercial seedlings through multi-generation circulation technology in a year, and the operation is simple and convenient, the rooting time is short and the survival rate is high. The tip of a leafy branch, a leaf and a bud or a bud on a mini rose plant was taken as in vitro material, and the incision was treated with 100ppmIBA for 1-2 hours. It was rapidly propagated in an intelligent seedling bed based on perlite. Usually, it began to take root in 7-10 days, and it could be transplanted in 15-20 days. The rooting survival rate was more than 95%. The mini rose was used as the material for rapid propagation of micro-materials with buds. After it took root, it was inoculated into the Agar substrate in the test tube to grow and grow, and a test-tube rose that could grow and blossom in the test tube was made. It is one of the best test-tube flowers at home and abroad, and it is also the best gift for Valentine's Day.

Phalaenopsis usually adopts the methods of seed seedling, tissue culture seedling and split plant seedling, in which the flowering time of seed seedling is long, the cost of tissue culture is high, and the seedling efficiency is low. The use of non-test-tube cloning technology can greatly reduce the production cost and improve the reproduction coefficient of Phalaenopsis, which is the most effective and practical technology at present. The related techniques are briefly introduced as follows: the selection and induction of in vitro materials: the rhizome and leaf buds of Phalaenopsis can be used as in vitro materials for rapid propagation, but under natural conditions, the buds of Phalaenopsis are latent dormant, and after artificial drug treatment, these buds will differentiate and germinate into buds, and then cut the buds into an independent in vitro material with a sterilized blade. Then it propagates in an intelligent nursery bed controlled by computer, so the induction of small buds has become an important technical link in the rapid propagation of Phalaenopsis.

(1) Stem-cutting induction method: Phalaenopsis is a single-stem plant, which grows upward from an erect stem. Although there are 1-3 latent buds in its axillary stem, most of them cannot sprout into a plant, but after the plant grows larger, it can take root from the clump under the leaves and cut it off with a sterilized knife or shear. if there is a root in the upper part, it can be planted in a new pot or pseudo-planting, so that it can continue to grow, and there are roots below, which should be given appropriate moisture. Soon can sprout 1-3 new buds (depending on plant sex and management methods). If the stem is too long, it can also be divided into several sections. as long as each segment is 3 cm long and has more than one root, each node can send out 1-2 buds, cut off small buds with a blade and multiply in an intelligent seedling bed, which can be rooting and transplanting in 10-15 days. (2) Drug stimulation method: this kind of drug is sold in the flower market and is composed of main cytokinin, which is oil wax. when used, this agent can be stained with a toothpick and smeared on the dormant bud point, and the drug can infiltrate to stimulate germination, and when the bud grows smoothly, it can be cut off and propagated rapidly. (3) Phalaenopsis: there are many varieties of Phalaenopsis, the base of the pedicel, the unflowered peduncle and tip, have the habit of sprouting tillering buds, native species such as P.lueddemanniana, P.schillerana, P.equestris, etc., after the tillering buds sprout at the front end of the pedicel, cut off and multiply in the intelligent seedling bed. As soon as its roots grow, it can be transplanted into a new individual. for example, if there is no tillering, the budding accelerant containing plant hormone can be applied to the node of the butterfly orchid pedicel to achieve the purpose of propagating new plantlets. Before applying the medicament, the bracts covered on the pedicel nodes should be removed with a blade, and care should be taken when removing the bracts, so as to avoid breaking the buds and smearing the buds after the bracts are removed. The use of plant hormone sprouting agents, preferably in the plant growth period, the temperature above 20 ℃ will be better. Sixth, the rapid propagation of economic forest plants; Camellia oleifera is not only an important oil plant, but also an important economic plant for farmers in mountain areas. However, the long-term seed sowing and seedling cultivation made the varieties mixed, the degradation was serious, the yield decreased, and the fruit was late, which greatly affected the industrial development of Camellia oleifera. In the case of greenhouse, the annual rapid propagation and multi-generation cycle of Camellia oleifera can be carried out, the production efficiency is higher, the rooting and survival rate is more guaranteed, which is incomparable to other grafting cuttings, and it is the current industrialization development of Camellia oleifera. It is an indispensable new technology of seedling cultivation. The main technical points are as follows: the in vitro material should select the branches of the excellent mother tree that are stout, lignified, full of axillary buds, intact leaves and free of diseases and insect pests, and cut into in vitro materials with a bud and a leaf about 4 cm long. Materials should be collected in the early morning. After taking the material, tie up 50-100 roots of the isolated material, and pay attention to moisturizing. Before rapid propagation, the in vitro materials should be treated with ABT rooting powder to promote incision healing and rapid rooting. During rapid propagation, the in vitro materials should be inoculated upright, the buds and leaves should be exposed to the matrix, the leaves should be facing up, and the row spacing of the in vitro materials should be about 5 cm X 15 cm, with the leaves not overlapping. Turn on the intelligent system immediately after the vaccination operation is completed. The practice shows that the survival rate and shoot shooting rate of Camellia oleifera treated with ABT1 rooting powder are significantly higher than those treated with 200 ppm naphthalene acetic acid, and the number of rooting strips and root length are also more and longer than those treated with naphthalene acetic acid. The survival rate can reach more than 85%. After adopting the multi-generation circulation technology of seedling propagation, the survival rate can be improved and the rooting time can be shortened. Usually, the first generation seedlings form callus in 10 to 15 days, root source in 20 to 25 days, and roots in 30 to 45 days to transplant into the field. if the operation of seedling propagation is adopted, it will stimulate childishness and rooting genes, and the rooting time can be shortened to 20 to 25 days. the efficiency is higher and the speed is faster, so the construction of young mother garden is very important when Camellia oleifera seedlings propagate rapidly.

In addition, it is better to dip in the speed of high concentration ABT1, which has high operation efficiency and good survival rate. Compared with low concentration slow soaking method, the survival rate and rooting number of high concentration ABT1 rooting powder solution was better than that of low concentration slow dipping method. The best combination treatment was ABT1 with 500 ppm concentration, and rapid propagation after rapid soaking for 10 seconds. The survival rate and rooting number of Camellia oleifera treated with ABT2 rooting powder were also better than those treated with 200 ppm naphthalene acetic acid. Compared with the slow dipping method, the effect of the fast dipping method with high concentration is better than that of the slow dipping method with low concentration. ABT rooting powder should be dipped in 200 ppm solution for 20 seconds. Compared with ABT1 rooting powder and ABT2 rooting powder, the survival rate of Camellia oleifera treated with ABT1 was significantly higher than that of 200ppmABT2, but the effect of ABT2 at the same concentration was different from that of naphthalene acetic acid treatment, which was not significant. Therefore, in Camellia oleifera, ABT1 rooting powder and high concentration (500ppm) quick dipping method should be used in Camellia oleifera seedlings. Second, the application of Camellia oleifera Camellia oleifera is a small evergreen tree of Theaceae, with a height of 3-6 meters. Is a rare and valuable woody oil tree, tea oil orange, clear and transparent color, fragrant, contains more unsaturated fatty acids than peanut oil, rapeseed oil, no erucic acid. Carcinogens such as shanshu acid and aflatoxin. Camellia oleifera can reduce the content of blood lipids and cholesterol, and has a preventive and therapeutic effect on hypertension, stroke, cerebral thrombosis, cancer and other diseases. it is a pure natural green health edible oil with good quality. For example, Camellia oleifera, which is very popular recently, is one of the applications of Camellia oleifera, which fully reflects the position of the application of Camellia oleifera in the market, and also vigorously develops the role of Camellia oleifera as a cash crop. Seventh, the rapid propagation of endangered plants, Baishanzu fir is an endangered rare plant, because the survival rate of reproduction by traditional methods is very low, it has been a major technical problem for forestry workers to save this germplasm resources. However, a high survival rate can be achieved by using plant non-test tube cloning technology. The related techniques are briefly introduced as follows: the in vitro material came from Baishanzu, Qingyuan County, Zhejiang Province. The leafy branch segment of 3~5cm was cut off and treated with indole butyric acid of 1000ppm for 8 hours, and then propagated in the intelligent seedling bed. It was observed that after 25-30 days, the cortex expanded and began to form callus, some papillae-like root primordia grew in 45 days, and 1~2cm-long roots grew in 60-70 days, and the survival rate was more than 90%.

Golden scented tea contains more than ten kinds of trace elements and tea polyphenols which have important health care value for human body, such as natural organic germanium, selenium, manganese, molybdenum, vanadium and zinc, as well as essential amino acids for human body. it is a kind of health drink raw material plant with great development value, such as inhibiting tumor growth, lowering blood bile, lowering cholesterol, preventing atherosclerosis, delaying aging, improving body immune function and so on. In addition, golden scented tea with waxy golden flowers, golden petals and jade stamens, beautiful and quiet, dotted among the green leaves and branches, is known as the "superstar" of flowers, the "queen of tea" and the "giant panda" of the plant world. is a national first-class protection of rare plants. Golden scented tea is the best of camellias in addition to its high ornamental value.

Guangxi Camellia is a first-class protected plant. The experiment of rapid propagation of Camellia oleifera and Camellia oleifera was carried out. The former was treated with rooting powder (ABT) No. 1 200ppm, the one-year-old in vitro material was on perlite substrate, the survival rate of cuttings without leaves was 0, the survival rate of cuttings with one leaf was between 85.0% and 87.8%, the control was 72.0%, and the survival rate of 2-year-old was 20.5%. The latter was treated with rooting powder No. 1 150ppm on perlite matrix, and the survival rate of 1-year-old in vitro material on perlite was the highest, which was 97.5%. Therefore, it is suggested that the one-year-old seedlings should be used as the female parent to propagate the seedlings for many generations, and a good seedling breeding effect can be obtained.

Brief introduction of Plant Rapid Propagation Technology

The so-called plant non-test-tube high-efficiency and rapid propagation technology is also plant cloning technology, which is also called plant non-test-tube rapid propagation technology, plant rapid propagation technology, plant full-light spray seedling technology, full-light fog cutting technology, micro-material or micro-tissue cutting seedling technology, spray seedling technology, spray cutting seedling technology, fool cloning. Whether it is called plant rapid propagation or plant cloning, the principle and method are the same.

The key of plant cloning technology (plant rapid propagation technology) is spraying. More than ten years ago, some authoritative units promoted full-light spray seedling breeding technology, in fact, it was later called plant non-test-tube efficient and rapid propagation technology. nowadays, it is more called plant cloning, fool cloning and other fashionable words. The full set of spraying equipment developed in the past is mechanical, the cost is as high as tens of thousands of yuan, and it is easy to rust and damage, and no one will use it after a period of time, but since the introduction of Israeli micro-spray (head) technology, the micro-spray problem has been solved smoothly in a low-cost form, so plant cloning technology (plant rapid propagation technology) has been rapidly popularized throughout the country.

Another obstacle to the popularization of plant rapid propagation technology (plant cloning technology) is the problem of automatic control instrument. The imported temperature and humidity control equipment is easy to use, but the price is high. The so-called agricultural intelligent computer system is not always mature in addition to the higher price. There are many problems in use, which often lead to the failure of seedling breeding. The author had no choice but to develop a domestic seedling nursery instrument after two years of use. Its low price and rich and practical functions are quickly appreciated by counterparts all over the country.

Plant cloning technology (plant non-test-tube high-efficiency and rapid propagation technology) now only needs more than 2000 yuan to promote plant cloning technology and plant rapid propagation technology to benefit the country and the people.

Compared with the rapid propagation of plant tissue culture and the traditional seedling breeding technology, the plant fool cloning technology has the following advantages:

The main results are as follows: 1. Using the explants of one leaf and one bud as the propagation unit material, they are directly inoculated in the field sand bed or nutrition bag, and the seedlings are formed at one time until they are supplied for production, without any movement, and the survival rate is high.

2. Whether in the south or in the north. Different latitudes and different soils. In different climates, this method can be used for continuous rapid propagation in all seasons of the year, and most varieties can reach 6mur12 generations from the second generation. This rapid propagation technology can be used to start production at any time of the year, expanding the time and space for the application of the technology.

3. The technical operation is easy to popularize. After a period of training, qualified ordinary labor force can be vaccinated with 3000 Murray 5000 units of material every day (8 hours). The long-term promotion practice has proved that: first, the quality of production and technical personnel is not high, the technical training period is short, the adaptability is very wide, and it is easy to popularize. Second, the speed of individual operation is faster than that of tissue culture and conventional breeding. If the tissue is managed properly, 200000-1 million units of breeding materials can be inoculated rapidly in each base every day if other conditions are met, and the technology is easy to be popularized in a large area. This is incomparable to the test-tube rapid propagation technology.

4. After a period of planned training, ordinary personnel can participate in the rapid propagation operation, and the inoculation speed is extremely fast (several times faster than that of tissue culture test tube rapid propagation. From the second generation, most plants not only exceed the conventional seedling breeding operation speed, but also exceed the test tube rapid propagation operation speed. Greatly save labor costs and improve labor efficiency).

5. Each qualified technical worker after a period of training can produce and manage 2-100000 seedlings per month, and each backbone plus a certain number of auxiliary workers can produce at least 300000 seedlings every half a year, which has high economic benefits.

6. After most plants are cultivated to the second generation by plant fool cloning technology, complete plant regeneration can be obtained in 11 days, and the plant regeneration rate is more than 90%, which really realizes efficient and rapid propagation. Some families and genera have a special situation of rooting and reproduction, such as Pinus elliottii, spruce, yew, camphor, rock cinnamon, Chinese orchid grass, peony and so on. However, it is still faster than test-tube rapid propagation and regular seedling breeding, and the comprehensive rapid propagation efficiency is higher.

7. After the second generation of most plants, each regenerated plant propagates for 60 days, and the multiplication coefficient of each generation is 15 times that of 2mur. after the second generation, the multiplication coefficient of each generation is 15 times (the number of original plants multiplies geometrically). This is more prominent than the advantage of rapid propagation of tissue culture in vitro. The more the later algebra, the more germplasm resources materials are propagated, the faster the reproduction speed is.

8. There are few technical steps and short time, which greatly saves the comprehensive production cost and improves the production efficiency of personnel. Starting from the propagation of miniature materials, the plants growing under natural conditions can be cultivated directly without any transplantation. most plants only need 15 li for 60 days to be used for production and cultivation, and the plants blossom and bear fruit early and have good yield. For example, tomatoes begin to take root in 4 days and blossom and bear fruit in 20 days. Chinese wolfberry blossoms and bears fruit in the nursery that year. Virus-free potato can be differentiated from one leaf and one bud material from inoculation to 40 days, and virus-free potatoes can be harvested directly in the earth in that year. The field cultivation yield of virus-free potato seedlings can reach 3 to 4 tons in that year, which can not only save farmers 300 jin of seed potatoes per mu, but also farmers can plant all kinds of potatoes every year. Cut rose does not need transplanting, it blossoms 70 days after inoculation of a leaf, the flower is large and colorful, and the flowering cycle is longer than other methods. Coniferous species such as Taxus mairei, Taxus mairei, West Sichuan spruce and Larix kaempferi generally take 4 months to colonize. The first generation generally began to take root in 20-40 days, and the rooting time after the second generation was shortened by about 1/3. However, the tissue culture of many coniferous species is very difficult and can not be produced on a large scale. Conventional cuttings also have slow rooting and low survival rate. As a result, the seedlings of these varieties have been propagating with seeds, and the characters of their offspring vary greatly.

9. The mature seedlings cultivated by this method have high purity, disease-free, well-developed and complete root system, root length of more than 25 cm, 6 roots in 3 Mel, full mature buds, stem height of 20 mi 60 cm, and field survival rate of more than 90%. Coniferous species 5 cm-15 cm, the general survival rate of mountain colonization is as high as 95%.

10. In the plant growing season, the green seedlings directly inoculated and cultured in the nutrition bag are of high purity, disease-free, growing more than 5 leaves, full axillary buds, strong branching ability, developed root system, high seedling quality, and the field survival rate of planting production is more than 95%.

For many plants, the first generation is normal. Large-scale rapid propagation can be carried out immediately. However, some plants that are difficult to reproduce can not meet the technical requirements until the second generation. The main goal of the first generation of these seedlings is to get as many original basic seedlings as possible, so as to lay a good foundation for normal production after the second generation. The technique of plant fool cloning can be used in most plants that have been propagated by rapid propagation of stem tips and conventional cutting techniques, or where neither of the above two techniques are suitable for reproduction, and can be used to fix heterosis in plant breeding. It can be used in special transgenic plant seedling engineering, space breeding of new plants, rapid propagation and protection of various new germplasm materials or endangered economic plants, forest tree breeding, seed engineering and seed industrialization; it can be used for the selection, purification and mass production and utilization of natural mutant plants, excellent single plants and polyploid dominant clones, and can be used for isolation and propagation of virus-free seedlings. It can be used for introduction and diffusion of new varieties at home and abroad, cross breeding and so on. In these aspects, this technology has the optimization of technology and the relative infinity of the market.