
62 years old because of a secret to go to the mountains to raise chickens

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 62 years old because of a secret to go to the mountains to raise chickens

He was straightforward and straightforward. At the age of 62, he went to start a business and insisted on raising chickens on a bare Tushan bag. There was a backlog of eggs. He asked an old man in his 80s to help him, relying on a secret of Tushan Bao for four years. It has grown from a small chicken coop to a leading local Gushi chicken farmer. Zhang Deyu, do not accept the old, do not admit defeat, over the age of a new chapter in life.

This is Zhang Deyu's chicken farm. it's 11:00 in the evening. The 66-year-old Zhang Deyu has been working hard all day, but he can't rest because he said his chickens can only be caught at this time. Next, Zhang Deyu organized workers to start catching chickens, but just caught a few, he suddenly became anxious.

Zhang Deyu: just take a picture at random. You can't get it with a light. You can't hold it.

Interviewer: why can't you catch it?

Zhang Deyu: at night, it lies there and doesn't move. It's easy to catch. When there's a light, it runs around. It's hard to catch.

Interviewer: then let's turn off the lights.

Zhang Deyu: turn off the lights, turn off the catch. Turn off the lights. Turn off the lights. Okay.

Zhang Deyu said that the chickens he raised were so wild that they had to wait until late at night to catch them.

That night, Zhang Deyu wanted to catch 4100 chickens, and he told reporters that he wanted to keep a small part of them not to sell them because he had a special purpose.

When Zhang Deyu finished catching the chickens, it was almost one o'clock in the morning. He said that he would have to get up at four or five o'clock tomorrow morning to feed and drive the chickens.

The next day, our reporter came to Zhang Deyu's chicken farm early. Although he had only rested for three or four hours the night before, Zhang Deyu was still full of energy.

Interviewer: got it?

Zhang Deyu: although I am old, I am good at catching chickens. You see how nice this chicken is, and it's also exercise.

Zhang Deyu raised this kind of chicken, called Gushi chicken, the coat color is mainly yellow, the rooster's tail is mostly black, mouth and legs are blue. Because he is lively and agile, he is wild and has long legs.

Zhang Deyu: this is Gushi Rooster. it has a big crown, good hair, good tail, thin legs, about 15 centimeters long, about 3 centimeters longer than the average chicken legs, just like the model legs. This is the characteristic of Gushi Chicken.

In Zhang Deyu's eyes, his chicken not only looks as beautiful as a model, but also has a unique taste, so it also attracts a lot of people.

Zhang Deyu: it worked. This is good.

Reporter: how about this one?

Tourist: this one is the best.

Interviewer: have you been staring at this chicken for a long time?

Tourist: yes, many of them are targets, so I saw that it was the best, so I caught it.

These people who are catching chickens are specially coming to Zhang Deyu's chicken farm to buy chickens, and the small part that Zhang Deyu specially reserved for catching chickens at night is for them.

Zhang Deyu: come on, let's catch it.

Despite the fact that Zhang Deyu is 66 years old this year, he is as good as a young man in running. After catching the chickens with everyone, Zhang Deyu took the time to feed the chickens, pick up eggs, clean the henhouse, and so on. This is Zhang Deyu's day, getting up before dawn every day, busy until the evening, taking care of the chicken farm with a monthly stock of more than 50,000.

Zhang Deyu, who served in the army for 14 years, said he would not admit defeat at that time. Later, as the party branch secretary of Zhuzhuang Village in Wugang City, he led the villagers to raise pigs to become rich, but as a secretary, he refused to accept poverty. Now that he raises chickens, he does not accept the old. When it comes to him, people around him say that he works more energetically than young people.

Director of Zangping Village, Yangzhuang Township, Wugang City, Henan Province: despite the fact that he is old, he is different from young people. He is just restless. He always has a job in his eyes, that is, he keeps working, that is, he has a career ambition, and he must do everything well.

Party branch secretary of Zangping Village, Yangzhuang Township, Wugang City, Henan Province: very diligent, these people are more than 60 years old, still work, more energetic than young people, people are very honest, honest, that is what we say in rural areas.

Zhang Deyu's wife: I spent my whole life with him. I didn't sleep until dawn. I got up in the dark.

With a sense of disobedience to the old, in just two years, Zhang Deyu became the leading local free-raising Gushi chicken; in four years, he quickly sold the chickens to all parts of the country. In 2015, sales reached more than 6 million yuan. But why does he raise chickens and start a business when he is more than 60 years old? During the interview, Zhang Deyu told the reporter many times that he had discovered a secret in the Tushan bag of the chicken farm a long time ago.

One day in March 2012, Zhang Deyu suddenly proposed to his wife that he would take 200000 yuan he had saved for most of his life to raise chickens, which his wife could not understand.

Zhang Deyu's wife: I said don't do it, old, decades old, life is not easy, it is time to enjoy two days of happiness, why this is.

In addition to his wife, people around him also speculated when they heard that he was going to raise chickens.

Director of Zangping Village, Yangzhuang Township, Wugang City, Henan Province: his family is not difficult, his daughter and son have arranged, he has a salary when he is old, and they are enough to spend.

Party Branch Secretary of Zangping Village, Yangzhuang Township, Wugang City, Henan Province: why do you run with your wife every day? Old, the investment is so big, the son is not at home, feel unrealistic, finally did not expect to be able to do it.

Zhang Deyu worked as an artillery for 14 years, and also served as the party branch secretary of Zhuzhuang Village in Wugang City. after retirement, Zhang Deyu lived a comfortable and enviable life, so he couldn't understand why he had to suffer at such an old age.

Zhang Deyu: if you want to have a kind of spirit in life, you have to do something. If you have a career and a job, if you are busy all day, you will no longer think about the problem of age. What is more important is that you have something to do when you live.

People must have a spirit to live. Zhang Deyu, who relied on this energy after retirement, always wanted to do something more. At this time, he found that raising chickens in a free-range way had great prospects for development. In 2012, Zhang Deyu bought nearly 30,000 Gushi chicken seedlings to start breeding, and built a chicken farm on this Tushan bag in Zangping Village, Yangzhuang Township, Wugang City. Zhang Deyu chose the chicken farm here because he found a secret around this Tushan bag, which is a rare fengshui place for him.

Zhang Deyu: I think it is a treasure land of fengshui. Few people come here, there is nothing on the mountain, no one comes.

Who knows, this fengshui treasure land has made Zhang Deyu suffer a lot. When he started his business again at the age of 62, he was faced with a mountain bag with no way to go.

Zhang Deyu: spade by spade to build a path, the purpose is to facilitate the chicken, as soon as it rains, the chicken will rush up.

In order to save money, the chicken farm brick by brick, can do their own, Zhang Deyu do it by himself. Up to now, 66-year-old Zhang Deyu has come to resist a bag of more than 80 jin of feeding materials like this.

Reporter: how many jin is this bag? Slow down, will you?

Zhang Deyu: this bag weighs 80 jin.

Reporter: do you have to recite it every day?

Zhang Deyu: I carry it every day. When the car comes, it is usually transported from there. There is no room for this room. There is a special warehouse, and I have to carry it from other places.

Seeing Zhang Deyu working so hard, his wife beside him was distressed.

Zhang Deyu's wife: it's getting old. You can't stand it when you hit it. You can do it later when it gets lower.

However, Zhang Deyu's hard work paid off in the second year of his venture.

Because the location of Zhang Deyu's chicken farm was too far from the city and very desolate, no one wanted to come here before, but with his secret, before, as many people came as he expected, what did he do to make this mountain bag so attractive?

In Zhang Deyu's chicken farm, there is a special chicken coop and open space, which is a special place for tourists to pick up eggs and catch chickens. On this day, when the reporter interviewed, it happened to be the weekend, and there were many tourists here who picked up the eggs themselves as soon as they arrived.

Tourist: I really want to live here. I want to live here because it's fun. I want to hatch my eggs.

In addition to picking up eggs, tourists pick fruits and vegetables and eat them by themselves. During the interview, the reporter found that there are still some tourists, Zhang Deyu is preparing to take them to play a game.

Zhang Deyu: welcome to Golden Phoenix Farm. Our meal is free. Although the meal is not good, I hope everyone will have enough to catch the chicken and buy it. Let's catch it now. Let's do it.

Tourist: hand grab?

Zhang Deyu: grasp by hand.

Reporter: is it easy to catch?

Tourist: find two people to surround it and block it in the corner. Get stuck in there and run, and then catch it quickly. You need teamwork.

Chicken catchers, egg pickers, and some people set up barbecue stalls, and everyone had a lot of fun. After that, everyone stayed at Zhang Deyu's chicken farm for dinner. Zhang Deyu said that when there were too many people, there could be two tour buses, and all the tables could not be seated.

Tourists: take the children and their families and come over for a weekend on Sunday.

During the interview, the reporter learned that some of these people came from other urban areas more than 100 kilometers away. Zhang Deyu said that this is the role of his fengshui treasure land.

Zhang Deyu: this place belongs to Yangzhuang Township. Yangzhuang Township is a big tourist township of Wugang City. Here is Xianglong Valley, a tourist attraction. There is a lampstand over there, and it is also a tourist attraction. To the north is Shimantan Reservoir and Erlang Mountain. We are all tourist spots. There is a highway entrance and exit to facilitate the transportation of chickens.

It turns out that Yangzhuang Township of Wugang City is extremely rich in tourism resources. Zhang Deyu, who has been secretary of the village branch for 28 years, is well aware of this environmental advantage, so at the beginning of his business, he chose the address of the chicken farm in the middle of several tourist scenic spots. After visiting the scenic spot, tourists pass by Zhang Deyu's chicken farm, and after dinner, they can continue to visit the next scenic spot.

Tourist: walk down the Xianglong Valley line and take the child for more than half a day (just to get to him). If you return for one day, it will give us a way to return to nature.

Zhang Deyu provides tourists with a place close to nature, which drives the sale of chickens and eggs, and he also pursues the original ecological way of raising chickens. There are several such lights in front of each henhouse, which he says can add nutrition to the chickens.

Zhang Deyu: the insecticidal lamp is used to attract bugs. The bugs fly to the lamp and are electrocuted to death. If they are knocked down, the chicken can be eaten during the day.

After the insects are electrocuted to the ground, the chickens can eat. Zhang Deyu's chickens not only eat these bugs, but also eat corn, soybean meal and other food. Through this original ecological method of raising chickens, the eggs produced are very special.

Zhang Deyu: look at our eggs. There are three layers when we hit them. The egg white is in the middle. The egg white is divided into two parts, some thin and some thick. If the general egg, there is no middle of the transition, the transition means thick.

The quality of the chicken was good, and the fame of Zhang Deyu's chicken farm spread quickly.

Zhang Deyu: is it delicious?

Tourist: delicious, very good, very strong. I admire you. I want to eat this chicken at this point. Here, raise your glass.

Over time, Zhang Deyu thought about selling his chickens farther away, when a big business came to the door.

The young man, he Guo, is the purchasing director of a Beijing Food and Beverage Management Co., Ltd. before the Spring Festival in 2014, due to the shortage of supplies, he came to Zhang Deyu's farm to inspect and took the chickens and eggs back for testing. The next day, he Guo asked Zhang Deyu to send a batch of Gushi chickens worth more than 200,000 yuan, and paid immediately.

The money was obtained before the chicken was sold, which made Zhang Deyu overjoyed.

Zhang Deyu: after I got the big order, I felt at ease. When the New year was over, the chicken was sold to others. I wanted to have a good New year, give some treatment to the staff and workers, get together for dinner and so on.

Who knows, Zhang Deyu was happy for nothing. This big business was not easy to do. He not only lost more than 200,000 yuan of chickens, but also lost thousands more. He really lost both his husband and his soldiers this time. But Zhang Deyu said, if these thousands of chickens are not lost, he will not be able to sleep soundly for the rest of his life. What is the matter?

When Zhang Deyu's chickens were transported to Beijing, he Guo saw that the chickens were scared into sweat. He immediately called Zhang Deyu, and Zhang Deyu's head was even bigger when he heard the news.

Zhang Deyu: I felt sick. The first batch of chickens went bad. I couldn't eat because I had a big head. I hurriedly took the car to see the scene.

Black Chicken Restaurant he Guo: by the time they arrive, the chickens have thawed and are not very fresh. These chickens may still be edible, but for us, Heiji Restaurant, it will affect the taste of the dishes.

It turned out that in the course of transportation, the transport vehicle broke down on the road, which eventually led to the thawing of the chickens after they were transported to Beijing. This was originally the fault of the transport driver, but after the chicken was transported to Beijing, the transport driver could not find it.

Zhang Deyu and he Guo met only once before, and they had nothing to do with each other. Finally, something went wrong with the chicken, and he Guo's heart was in his throat.

Black Chicken Restaurant he Guo: because we have already transferred money, and it is the first time to cooperate, he does not give us a reissue of chicken, we can not help it, we were also very worried at that time.

To the surprise of he Guo, Zhang Deyu made a decision immediately.

Zhang Deyu: just say that even if this batch of chickens is given to others, I will send you another batch. If you don't handle things well, it may be a pity in your whole life. I always feel sorry for others from my conscience.

However, Zhang Deyu's approach has also brought him more wealth.

After this incident, the restaurant decided to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with Zhang Deyu.

Black Chicken Restaurant he Guo: dare to take responsibility, say that there is something wrong with this thing, find a way to solve it in time, rather than shirking responsibility, feel that this person does things according to the rules.

In order to supply the other party on time and quantity, Zhang Deyu rapidly expanded the scale of breeding, increasing the number of free-raised Gushi chicken sheds to eight. Now, the stock of his chicken farm is maintained at more than 50,000 per month. However, since he added the chicken coop, there has been a big problem.

Zhang Deyu: these are all eggs.

Interviewer: it all goes down to the outside.

Zhang Deyu: some go down to the outside, some to the house.

Reporter: do you have to pick up these eggs every day?

Zhang Deyu: pick it up four times a day, twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon. Generally, 90% of them are sold out. If they can't be sold out, they are not fresh. They will be sold the next day. If they can't be sold out the next day, they will become more and more hoarded.

Zhang Deyu always sells eggs on the same day. After increasing the number of henhouses, basically, about 10% of the eggs will not be sold every day. If these eggs cannot be sold on the same day, there will be more and more backlog, which has become a worry for Zhang Deyu. He wanted to find a way to sell the unsold eggs. Unexpectedly, he found an 80-year-old man to solve the problem for him.

It is not easy to ask this 80-year-old man to come out of the mountain.

Zhang Deyu: I only looked for him a few times, but at first he didn't want to come.

So what is wrong with these two old people, who are already in their 70s on average, with a sense of disobedience to the old?

This is a mutated egg, an egg product, and a traditional snack in Henan Province. The production process is similar to that of pine flower eggs. Roll and dip the selected eggs in the pre-prepared paste, so that the surface of the eggshell is covered with paste, roll evenly on the pine sawdust, knead the pulp and pine sawdust evenly, bag and seal for 7 days, then take out to dry and eat.

Zhang Deyu found that many local families have the habit of eating changed eggs.

Zhang Deyu: in our place, changing eggs is a local product. Adults and children are willing to eat changed eggs. Caged eggs are used for all the changed eggs in the market, and no one makes changed eggs for free-raised firewood chickens.

Seeing the development of using firewood eggs to change eggs, Zhang Deyu plans to start with changing eggs to sell his backlog of eggs.

It turned out that the old man's name was Gao Bizhong, and he had been making mutant eggs for 20 years. Gao Bizhong had high requirements for making mutant eggs. In addition to being very meticulous in the production process, he had to choose fresh firewood eggs.

Gao Bizhong: his eggs are fresh, and some firewood eggs are fake. Pick a few small eggs from other (varieties) and sell them as firewood chicken eggs. They taste different. Mr. Zhang is more real. I am willing to pass on this skill to him.

Seeing Zhang Deyu doing business with his conscience, Gao Bizhong not only instructed him in production, but also told Zhang Deyu his secret recipe for many years. The two old people, who could have enjoyed their families at home, came together in this way.

During the interview, Gao Bizhong also taught reporters how to distinguish between good and bad eggs without opening them.

Gao Bizhong: when a good egg is knocked with its hand, it moves inside, and the hand can feel it. It will shake as soon as it is knocked.

Reporter: that is to say, if the time has not yet been reached, we should look at the quality in this way, and when we reach the time, we can look at the quality in this way.

A good changeable egg will have a trembling feeling and elasticity after tapping its fingers, which means that it is ready to eat.

The made eggs are not easy to be damaged in the process of transportation. more importantly, the fresh firewood eggs prolong the preservation time of the eggs. As soon as Zhang Deyu's egg was launched in early 2016, it was very popular in the market.

Li Jianmin, Zhang Deyu's sales manager: at present, the monthly sales of this sales are almost 100000 yuan, close to 120000 yuan.

Now, the grapes, apricots, walnuts and other fruits planted by Zhang Deyu's chicken farm have entered the fruiting period. Next year, tourists will come to his chicken farm to pick fruit and eat it. Next, Zhang Deyu is going to create a sea of flowers, combining chicken farming with tourism to drive the sale of more products.