
plucking Learn more about plucking

  • Matters needing attention for plucking of long-haired rabbits

    Matters needing attention for plucking of long-haired rabbits

    Matters needing attention for plucking of long-haired rabbits

  • How much is the price of rabbit hair in 2019? What are the matters needing attention for plucking long-haired rabbits?

    How much is the price of rabbit hair in 2019? What are the matters needing attention for plucking long-haired rabbits?

    Rabbit hair is a general term for rabbit hair and hare hair. Rabbit hair for textile comes from Angora rabbits and rabbits. Pure spinning is difficult, and it is mostly blended with other fibers. It can be used as sweaters and woven fabrics. Generally, people who are allergic to sweaters will not be allergic to rabbit hair. So 2019 rabbit

    2020-11-11 2019 rabbit hair price more less money long-haired rabbit plucking
  • The collection of goose down and the problems needing attention

    The collection of goose down and the problems needing attention

    First, the feathering of the carcass is to collect all the down of the goose at one time after slaughtering, which is divided into three collection methods: hot water, steaming and dry drawing. Water scalding method is also called immersion scalding method and scalding method. After the goose is slaughtered, the goose blood is collected and released as much as possible to ensure the quality of the goose carcass and internal organs, no blood left in the carcass, white and beautiful body surface and good meat quality. It is best to remove the Daling (sharp Ling, Dao Ling, Wo Ling) from both wings before perm and store them separately and sell them. Otherwise, mixing with feathers will not only affect the quality of down, but also will be treated as waste. Used after slaughtering

  • Collection of goose down and matters needing attention

    Collection of goose down and matters needing attention

    First, the feathering of the carcass is to collect all the down of the goose at one time after slaughtering, which is divided into three collection methods: hot water, steaming and dry drawing. Water scalding method is also called immersion scalding method and scalding method. After the goose is slaughtered, the goose blood is collected and released as much as possible to ensure the quality of the goose carcass and internal organs, no blood left in the carcass, white and beautiful body surface and good meat quality. It is best to remove the Daling (sharp Ling, Dao Ling, Wo Ling) from both wings before perm and store them separately and sell them. Otherwise, mixing with feathers will not only affect the quality of down, but also affect the quality of down

  • Where are the plucked chicken seedlings for sale?

    Where are the plucked chicken seedlings for sale?

    Feathered chicken, also known as curly chicken, curly chicken, gets its name from chicken feathers. It is a characteristic boutique native chicken cultivated by Linyi Tiger Mountain Ecological breeding Co., Ltd., with high survival rate, strong wildness and stress resistance. So, the feathered chicken seedlings

    2020-11-11 Flip hair chicken chick no sell turn feather chicken also bark curly feather
  • Efficient breeding technique of long-haired Rabbit

    Efficient breeding technique of long-haired Rabbit

    Efficient breeding technique of long-haired Rabbit

  • Chickens and ducks pluck easily

    Chickens and ducks pluck easily

    1) when slaughtering chickens and ducks, first fill them with two tablespoons of white vinegar or white wine, wait 5 minutes for 10 minutes, the pores of the chickens and ducks become dilated, then slaughtered, then scalded with hot water, the feathers of the birds can be easily removed. 2) boil a pot of boiling water, add a spoonful of vinegar, put the slaughtered chicken into the pot, soak the chicken in water, turn it over and take it out after a few minutes. 3) do not boil the hot duck water, because the duck feathers shrink when exposed to 100 ℃ boiling water and are difficult to pull out. The correct way is to slaughter the duck when the water is boiling to blistering.

  • How long can the bayberry be plucked?

    How long can the bayberry be plucked?

    Red bayberry can only be kept every other day at room temperature; it can be kept for three days at about 04 degrees in the refrigerator, and five to six days if it is kept below zero degrees in the refrigerator. If the red bayberry picked on a rainy day is equivalent to washed, it is best to eat it on the same day. Myrica rubra

    2020-11-09 Red bayberry pick come down OK put how long red bayberry at room temperature under
  • In summer, orchids are plucked from the heart to learn five ways to blossom and blossom.

    In summer, orchids are plucked from the heart to learn five ways to blossom and blossom.

    In summer, because most of the time is in a state of high temperature and humidity, raising orchids in such an environment can easily make orchids be "heartbroken", that is, new orchid seedlings have a bad heart. Encounter orchid quilt "cut out the heart", how to do? Actually,.

  • How to raise geese to make money?

    How to raise geese to make money?

    How to raise geese to make money?

  • How to reduce the loss of wheat combined harvest?

    How to reduce the loss of wheat combined harvest?

    How to reduce the loss of wheat combined harvest? Is there any way to reduce the loss during harvest? In order to reduce the loss of wheat harvest, the following points should be done: select the appropriate operation period and operation time. The best time for wheat harvest is the end of wax ripening and the early stage of full ripening. The working time of the combine harvester should be.

  • Can wheat harvester harvest soybeans? how to use wheat combine harvester to harvest soybeans?

    Can wheat harvester harvest soybeans? how to use wheat combine harvester to harvest soybeans?

    Since last year, the country began to implement the policy of changing rice to beans, and many farmers began to grow soybeans. At this time, harvesting has become another trouble. So can the wheat harvester harvest soybeans? How to use a wheat combine to harvest soybeans? The wheat harvester can be harvested.

    2020-11-09 Wheat harvester can harvest soybeans how use combine
  • This kind of fruit must be fully ripe before it is plucked with high dietary fiber and is known as the fruit of constipation.

    This kind of fruit must be fully ripe before it is plucked with high dietary fiber and is known as the fruit of constipation.

    In recent years, with the improvement of people's living standards, people pay more attention to the matter of "eating". That's why they say "foodie". Domestic ingredients can no longer satisfy the stomach of foodie, and more and more people aim at the distant big.

  • Haiding method of long-haired rabbit

    Haiding method of long-haired rabbit

    Haiding method of long-haired rabbit

  • How can we make the long-haired rabbit safely through the winter?

    How can we make the long-haired rabbit safely through the winter?

    How can we make the long-haired rabbit safely through the winter?

  • Land transfer can not be "plucked up to encourage" in the period of agricultural transition.

    Land transfer can not be

    At present, China's agriculture is in a critical period of accelerating transformation. Whether traditional agriculture can successfully realize the leap from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture depends to a large extent on whether the process of land circulation and moderate scale management can be promoted smoothly and orderly. With the acceleration of land transfer policy

    2016-01-10 Agriculture during the period of transformation land transfer cannot "pull out seedlings to encourage "
  • Scientific raising of geese by retail investors in rural areas ensures high efficiency

    Scientific raising of geese by retail investors in rural areas ensures high efficiency

    Scientific raising of geese by retail investors in rural areas ensures high efficiency

  • Cucumber seedlings need to be pulled out thoroughly

    Cucumber seedlings need to be pulled out thoroughly

    Cucumber seedlings need to be pulled out thoroughly

  • The method of drawing bristles from live pigs

    The method of drawing bristles from live pigs

    It is best to pull out bristles from live pigs in summer, when it is the period of changing hair and taking off mane. Five minutes before the first plucking, feed the pig some lees to expand its pores, then touch the pig with one hand while the pig is eating or lying still, and pull the bristle with the other hand to see if it is pulled off gently. If the hair root has been loosened, it shows that it is the most appropriate time to pull it out at this time. When it is known that the hair root is loose, you can comb the mane of the pig from back to front with a fine wood comb. The mane can be combed, packed and stored in a pre-prepared paper bag.

  • How to harvest wheat lodging?

    How to harvest wheat lodging?

    How to harvest wheat lodging? Please introduce the method of wheat affected by wind and rain or improper fertilization, wheat lodging at maturity will occur every year. If harvested according to the conventional method, it will cause about 13% grain loss. So how to harvest lodging wheat: first, load the toppling device. Some harvesters are here.
