
pits Learn more about pits

  • How to raise a pit bull, how to train a pit bull

    How to raise a pit bull, how to train a pit bull

    Friends who like to keep dogs all know that each breed of dog has its own unique characteristics. Some are suitable for pet dogs, while others are more suitable for home care. And the breeding methods of each breed of dogs are different. Today, the editor will tell you about Bibi.

    2020-11-08 Bit dog how raise train like have a dog
  • My apricot balcony doesn't like Jingtian, only raw stone flowers.

    My apricot balcony doesn't like Jingtian, only raw stone flowers.

    Thanks to Xiao Xiao's material has been in the apricot pit for two years, the wallet has fallen to the ground. no, no, no. I remember that I was forced out of the pit after losing Jing Tiankeng for a year and then entered the apricot pit. All kinds of buy seeds, nothing to sow, apricot scenery.

  • Did you climb out of the succulent pit?

    Did you climb out of the succulent pit?

    I heard that there are people who quit gambling, alcohol and smoking. They all say that they will start to quit tomorrow. As a result, tomorrow will become today. What a deep routine! I also heard that succulent players are going to get out of the pit, but they only see those who constantly forget to jump into the pit, but seldom see them from the pit.

  • From the mage pit to the Jingtian pit and then to the twelve pits, one pit after another is getting deeper and deeper.

    From the mage pit to the Jingtian pit and then to the twelve pits, one pit after another is getting deeper and deeper.

    Encyclopedia of succulent plants want to see more, then click "follow" the preface to follow the encyclopedia meet beautiful (WeChat account: duoroubaike) the text begins: thank the author [Xiaoya] for the original contribution sharing contribution date: 2018-06-02 editor.

  • The succulent plants on the roof the beautiful flowers collected by the gods

    The succulent plants on the roof the beautiful flowers collected by the gods

    Thanks to rice and flower materials into the pit for 3 years, cast ten thousand, now there are only more than 100 pots upstairs, Laozhuang is at most one of three, always more dead than alive, so sometimes I look at it, and I seem to feel good about myself.

  • What's the difference between pit bullies and bullies? How can we tell the difference?

    What's the difference between pit bullies and bullies? How can we tell the difference?

    People who like bad dogs and fierce dogs must want a bit or a bully dog. The two have their own advantages, but they look very much alike. People with different hobbies want to have different breeds of dogs. It is even more difficult to distinguish between the two in the puppy period. In order to let everyone know more intuitively

    2020-11-11 Bit dog and bully the difference where how ability
  • Simple storage method of ginger

    Simple storage method of ginger

    Simple storage method of ginger

  • How to fish in a black pit

    How to fish in a black pit

    Every weekend, many people will ask their relatives and friends to go fishing in the black pit, and fishing is good for their physical and mental health, but if they can't catch a fish, it's a headache, so how to fish in the black pit? When you go fishing in Hei Keng, you usually choose the downwind at a depth of 1.2-1.5 meters.

    2020-11-11 Black pit how fishing every weekend when a lot of people will about
  • Cockroach culture technology

    Cockroach culture technology

    Cockroach culture technology

  • How to grow Auricularia auricula

    How to grow Auricularia auricula

    Auricularia auricula is a kind of very delicious gelatinous edible fungus, which not only has high edible value but also has certain medicinal value. At the same time, Auricularia auricula is delicious and delicate, crisp and refreshing to eat, so it is deeply loved and sought after by everyone. So we all know that black fungus is such as

    2020-11-08 Black fungus how species black wood ear science planting technology
  • There are four ways to save water in mountain chestnut

    There are four ways to save water in mountain chestnut

    1. Deep ploughing and soil improvement, heavy application of organic fertilizer Due to frequent loss of management in mountain chestnut gardens, serious soil erosion and extremely low soil fertility, measures should be taken to improve soil fertility. Deep ploughing and soil improvement immediately after fruit picking in that year. Second, after picking fruit, topdressing outside the root after picking fruit, timely topdressing outside the root can ensure that the leaves fall off in time,...

  • How to catch the carp just released in the black pit?

    How to catch the carp just released in the black pit?

    Carp is a common fish in China, which not only tastes good, but also has high nutritional value, so many people like to eat it. At present, this kind of fish can be found in many fish ponds and black pits, and 80% of the carps in the black pits are carp. How to catch the carp that has just been released in the black pit?

    2020-11-11 Black Kenggang release carp how fishing yes our country
  • How to store gastrodia elata for winter

    How to store gastrodia elata for winter

    Hemp seeds can be stored in a pit in the cellar. First dig pits in the cellar, the size of the pit depends on the number of hemp seeds, pit depth 45-50 cm. hemp seed should be removed from the vegetative propagation stem, air 1-2 days re-entry cellar. Sand with a moisture content of 20% should be selected as filler. Sand moisture content is too large, too small for hemp seeds are unfavorable. After the pit is dug, put a layer (3 cm thick) of sand from small rice grains to sorghum grains at the bottom layer, put a layer of hemp seeds, put 4-5 layers of hemp seeds in total, and put 5-6 cm thick sand cover at the top layer. Each layer of hemp seed must be placed separately, hemp and hemp

  • The method of raising earthworms in pits

    The method of raising earthworms in pits

    Feed is an important material basis and restricting factor for breeding famous, special and high-quality aquatic products, which is related to the success or failure and benefit of breeding varieties. Water earthworms reproduce rapidly and have high nutritional value (62% of crude protein in dry matter, 35% of essential amino acids and nitrogen recovery rate).

    2020-11-08 Pit culture water earthworms methods aquaculture special quality aquatic products
  • What brand of black pit fishing rod is used?

    What brand of black pit fishing rod is used?

    Fishing rod is the most important tool for fishing, and the quality determines the degree of force you have when fishing, so when choosing a fishing rod, you must choose a good one. What brand does the black pit fishing rod use? What brand of black pit fishing rod is used? Black pit fishing with Guang Wei, Bao Feilong, Tai

    2020-11-11 Black pit fish rod what brand fishing rod yes fishing
  • How big a pit to plant cherry trees

    How big a pit to plant cherry trees

    The width and depth of the pit for planting cherry trees can be controlled at 30 centimeters and 30 centimeters, because the root system of cherry trees is relatively small, so most growers choose annual cherry seedlings for planting. Fertilize at the bottom of the pit and plant seedlings before planting.

    2020-11-08 Plant cherry peach tree many Tai Keng abstract plant cherry pit
  • A complete Collection of Earthworm Culture techniques

    A complete Collection of Earthworm Culture techniques

    The first step in raising earthworms is to build a pit, which can be newly dug or rebuilt using puddles connected to ditches. After the pit is built, it will be introduced into the pit, generally 0.25 kilograms of worms per square meter. After the earthworm species are put away, they should be covered with anti-mosquito nets and rain-proof materials, which can not only prevent the enemy.

    2020-11-11 Earthworm aquaculture technology Daquan aquaculture earthworm first build
  • What bait is good for black pit fishing?

    What bait is good for black pit fishing?

    Fishing is one of the outdoor sports that men like, which can not only exercise patience, but also catch all kinds of fish and have a good meal. Now more and more people like to go fishing in the black pit, so what kind of bait is good for fishing in the black pit? What kind of bait should be used for black pit fishing?

    2020-11-11 Black pit fishing with what bait good yes male
  • Garlic buried in soil pit to keep fresh in midsummer

    Garlic buried in soil pit to keep fresh in midsummer

    In the middle of summer, because garlic is extremely sensitive to temperature and humidity, it will rot and deteriorate if it is preserved inadvertently. You can choose to dig a pit 30 to 40 centimeters deep in the sunny shelter, and the size can be determined according to the storage of garlic. The garlic was stored in this way until Ching Ming Festival did not deteriorate in the following year.

  • Don't fall into the three pits of raising succulent plants in summer.

    Don't fall into the three pits of raising succulent plants in summer.

    In summer, as long as succulent plants survive, it is the greatest victory, but many flower lovers are always obsessed with such problems as succulent plants becoming beautiful, growing only, watering and so on. In fact, raising succulent plants in summer is the most important as long as flower friends don't fall into these three "pits".
