
period application Learn more about period application

  • Grasp the period of pesticide application of flowers to ensure their normal growth

    Grasp the period of pesticide application of flowers to ensure their normal growth

    Grasp the period of pesticide application of flowers to ensure their normal growth

  • The flowering period is the peak of broad bean fertilizer requirement, broad bean fertilizer requirement law and fertilizer application method.

    The flowering period is the peak of broad bean fertilizer requirement, broad bean fertilizer requirement law and fertilizer application method.

    The flowering period is the peak of broad bean fertilizer requirement, broad bean fertilizer requirement law and fertilizer application method.

  • Certification procedure for organic agriculture

    Certification procedure for organic agriculture

    Certification procedure for organic agriculture

  • After the national ban on highly toxic pesticides, how to prevent and control diseases and pests?

    After the national ban on highly toxic pesticides, how to prevent and control diseases and pests?

    Highly toxic pesticides refer to the toxicity of pesticides, that is, the degree of toxic effects of pesticides on human beings and livestock. In this regard, the state has banned many highly toxic pesticides, but in this way, many farmers will have to ask, how to prevent and control diseases and pests? In fact, after the prohibition of highly toxic pesticides,

    2020-11-09 State ban high toxicity pesticides after diseases and insect pests prevention and control how to do
  • What can be done to improve nitrogen use efficiency?

    What can be done to improve nitrogen use efficiency?

    What is the effect of applying nitrogen fertilizer on fruit? Please guide us to introduce that the flavor of the fruit is a comprehensive expression of the properties and components of the countless cells that make up it. Although the sweetness of a fruit is determined by the amount of sugar in its cells, the accumulation of sugar is closely related to the application of nitrogen fertilizer. Originally, from Xiehua to Xiehua 3.

  • The latest fertilizer application amount and methods in different stages of rice

    The latest fertilizer application amount and methods in different stages of rice

    For rice to grow well, fertilization is indispensable, not only to be full, but also to be skillful in methods. In order to promote the early development, strong growth and bumper harvest of rice, the scientific fertilization methods of rice are introduced below. The amount of fertilizer applied in each growing period of rice 1, the amount of fertilizer applied. The amount of fertilizer applied to rice can be as expected.

    2020-11-10 The latest rice each period fertilization quantity and methods to
  • What is the fertilization standard for watermelon? How to fertilize after sitting on melons? (with fertilization technology included)

    What is the fertilization standard for watermelon? How to fertilize after sitting on melons? (with fertilization technology included)

    The general principle of fertilization for watermelon is to re-apply organic fertilizer, appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer, stable application of phosphorus fertilizer, increased application of potassium fertilizer, combined application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and appropriate supplementary application of medium and trace elements fertilizer. So what is the fertilization standard for watermelon? How to fertilize after sitting on melons? The amount of fertilizer applied depends on the target.

    2020-11-09 Watermelon fertilization standard what is it sitting melon after how attached
  • Technical opinions on the application of commercial organic fertilizer (eggplant fruits)

    Technical opinions on the application of commercial organic fertilizer (eggplant fruits)

    Eggplant fruit vegetables include tomato, eggplant, pepper and other vegetables with harvested fruits as products, which are temperature-loving and fertilizer-tolerant vegetables. According to the growth stage, the methods of base fertilizer application, strip ditch application, transplanting fertilizer hole application, dipping root application and so on are generally adopted. The application amount of commercial organic fertilizer should be based on the needs of different vegetables and soil.

  • Application of High efficiency Organic Fertilizer

    Application of High efficiency Organic Fertilizer

    1. How to apply high-efficiency organic fertilizer on vegetables. 1. Application amount: according to the fertilizer demand of all kinds of vegetable crops, 60 kg per mu of vegetables should be applied as base fertilizer. Baosheng high-efficiency organic fertilizer is mild in nature, and more application is not easy to cause fertilizer damage, and the amount of fertilizer applied to higher economic benefits or high-yield vegetables and fruits can be increased by 20%. Bao.

  • Application range of difluorosulfonamide

    Application range of difluorosulfonamide

    Difluorosulfonamide can remove all kinds of broad-leaved weeds in wheat fields, such as Artemisia annua, shepherd's purse, wisp, wild oat, wild rape, pig calamity, cow plum, nest vegetable, rice Croucher, yellow quail and other difficult weeds. The effect of this drug is relatively stable at low temperature.

    2020-11-09 Difluorine sulfonate amine range of use difluorine can
  • Pear planting: how to fertilize pear trees?

    Pear planting: how to fertilize pear trees?

    How to plant pear trees and fertilize them? Please introduce fertilization methods to plant pear trees with reference to the following methods: first, applying more organic fertilizer to improve soil organic fertilizer not only contains various nutrients needed for the growth of pear trees, but also can improve the structure of the soil. increase the nutrient buffering capacity of the soil.

  • Fertilizer Application in Cotton Flowering and Boll Stage

    Fertilizer Application in Cotton Flowering and Boll Stage

    Name: Cotton flowering and boll stage fertilization pay attention to classification: planting technology/plant physiology principles and cultivation techniques Scope of application: unlimited Details: Cotton flowering and boll stage is the key period for cotton to gradually shift from vegetative growth to reproductive growth, and it is also the period when cotton needs the most fertilizer. For cotton at the peak of flowering, because vegetative growth is still parallel to reproductive growth, partial application of nitrogen fertilizer at this time will lead to vigorous growth and crazy growth of cotton, not only aggravate bud and boll shedding, but also cause premature senescence. Therefore, part of cotton in full bloom should be

  • What is the demand for fertilizer for garlic?

    What is the demand for fertilizer for garlic?

    What is the demand for fertilizer for garlic? Please introduce that garlic is one of the vegetables that need more fertilizer and are more tolerant. The absorption dynamics of nutrient elements in garlic at different growth stages increased with the increase of plant growth. The germination period of garlic is from sowing to primary leaves protruding from the ground, which is characterized by roots.

  • Application of pesticides in pollution-free tea production

    Application of pesticides in pollution-free tea production

    Application of pesticides in pollution-free tea production

  • Application of herbicides in Maize growing period

    Application of herbicides in Maize growing period

    Application of herbicides in Maize growing period

  • Main herbicides and their application methods in wheat field

    Main herbicides and their application methods in wheat field

    Main herbicides and their application methods in wheat field

  • Fertilizer application amount and period of planting dragon fruit

    Fertilizer application amount and period of planting dragon fruit

    Fertilization is an important link in comprehensive management. The full play of fertilizer efficiency is related to soil and water. Only good soil structure and physical and chemical properties can promote microbial activities to accelerate nutrient decomposition and promote root absorption. Decomposition of fertilizer, absorption and transport of nutrients

    2020-11-08 Species fire dragon fruit fertilizer quantity and period fertilization yes comprehensive
  • Rice "three Fertilizer" and its Application skills


    Scientific fertilization is one of the important measures to achieve high quality and high yield of rice. However, rice fertilization is a highly technical work, which must be flexibly mastered in practice because of variety characteristics, soil fertility, climatic factors and cultivation conditions. As we all know: the demand for fertilizer of rice is shown in the nutrition period, the nutrition critical period and the nutrition maximum efficiency period. For example, the growth period of early rice is short, the amount of fertilizer required is relatively less, and fertilization should be early and concentrated. If the growth period of middle rice and late rice is longer, the amount of fertilizer required is large, and the absorption intensity is high, topdressing should be increased.

  • Key points of fertilization techniques for high-quality planting of banana

    Key points of fertilization techniques for high-quality planting of banana

    1. Suitable planting density. It is suitable to plant 120 to 130 plants per mu, the yield is higher, and the appearance quality of banana is better. 2. Suitable seedling age and planting time. The suitable seedling age is 9-10 leaves, and the planting period is in the middle and late March. In this way, Qilei can be harvested in mid-late October and in January-February of the following year. ...

  • Fertilizer application of mechanically inserted rice

    Fertilizer application of mechanically inserted rice

    The total amount of fertilization of mechanically planted rice is about the same as that of artificial hand-planted rice. But how to apply it in different periods, machine-planted rice is different from hand-planted rice. The main reason is that the tiller node position of mechanically inserted rice is low and the tillering stage is long. in order to control the panicle number of the population within a suitable range, the key point of fertilizer operation should be to improve the application period of tillering fertilizer in order to adjust and utilize the most suitable tiller node position and control the mid-stage population. and increase the application of panicle fertilizer, promote spikelet differentiation and strive for large panicles. The characteristics of machine-planted rice and hand-planted rice determine the base and tiller fertilizer of machine-planted rice.
