
oil bamboo Learn more about oil bamboo

  • The difference between mangosteen oil bamboo and flower bamboo

    The difference between mangosteen oil bamboo and flower bamboo

    Mangosteen is a very famous tropical fruit, which can be eaten raw, juiced, salad, canned and so on. It is one of the fruits that many people love. So do you know the difference between mangosteen oil bamboo and flower bamboo? The difference between mangosteen oil bamboo and flower bamboo mangosteen is mainly divided into oil bamboo.

    2020-11-08 Mangosteen oil bamboo and flower bamboo the difference mangosteen yes very
  • At present, how much is the wholesale price of wild bacteria in Yunnan? When will it go on sale? What is the effect? How to store it?

    At present, how much is the wholesale price of wild bacteria in Yunnan? When will it go on sale? What is the effect? How to store it?

    Wild fungus is a unique wild edible fungus in Yunnan Province, growing at an altitude of 2000,000m above sea level, accounting for more than half of the world's edible fungi and 2/3 of China's edible fungi. How much is the wholesale price of wild fungi in Yunnan at present? When will it go on sale? What's the effect?

    2020-11-09 At present Yunnan wild fungus wholesale price more less money one jin
  • With it in the water, the rich bamboo roots run everywhere and the leaves are green and can drip oil.

    With it in the water, the rich bamboo roots run everywhere and the leaves are green and can drip oil.

    Rich bamboo is a very common foliage potted plant, which can be raised by water or soil, but it is mostly raised by water at home, clean and beautiful, can be placed in the bedroom or living room, elegant and generous, but also can purify the air, and its moral meaning is good.

  • Hydroponically cultivated rich bamboos use a little trick to have luxuriant leaves and shiny oil no longer yellow leaves.

    Hydroponically cultivated rich bamboos use a little trick to have luxuriant leaves and shiny oil no longer yellow leaves.

    The leaves of rich bamboo are evergreen all the year round, and some rich bamboos are raised at home, which not only beautifies the environment, but also sounds like a good and rich name. The position of rich bamboo is more important, only when it is placed in the right position will it grow green.

  • [raw material] 500 grams of big fish brisket, 250 grams of bamboo, 150 grams of vermicelli; a little spring onion, ginger and garlic; a little salt and sugar. [practice] 1. Wash the bamboo and vermicelli, cut the bamboo into sections and soak in water. 2. Wash the fish, marinate them with salt for about 15 minutes and let them dry. 3. Pan with oil and fry the fish over low heat until golden. 4. Pick up the fish and set aside. Put the bamboo through the oil pan, pick it up, use oil, ginger and garlic slices, put the fish and bamboo into the pot, and then add water until the water has just covered the bamboo and fish.

  • Add it to the rich bamboo bottle for 2 weeks to grow big white roots and leaves so green that you can produce oil!

    Add it to the rich bamboo bottle for 2 weeks to grow big white roots and leaves so green that you can produce oil!

    This season, many flower lovers will buy a handful of rich bamboo for hydroponic cultivation at home, which is relatively easy to maintain, but many people will find it difficult to take root directly into the water or very slow to take root.

  • Shad with net oil

    Shad with net oil

    [characteristics] Fish fat, tender and delicate, dipped in minced ginger and vinegar, delicious [raw material] 350 grams of shad middle noodles, 150 grams of pig net oil, 10 grams of sugar lard oil, 25 grams of cooked lard, 1 piece of green onion, 25 grams of balsamic vinegar, 1 slice of ginger, 5 grams of tender ginger, 25 grams of Shao wine, 20 grams of ham, 10 grams of refined salt, 1 mushroom, 25 grams of sugar, 25 grams of winter bamboo shoots, 15 grams of wine [production process] 1. Shad open, remove internal organs and gills Keep the fish scales and rinse with clean water.

  • The newly bought rich bamboo grows big silver leaf oil green with this kind of bubble for more than ten days.

    The newly bought rich bamboo grows big silver leaf oil green with this kind of bubble for more than ten days.

    Autumn is coming, many people like to raise a few pots of potted flowers at home, which can not only decorate the room, but also purify the air. Like rich bamboo is a very good potted green plant, rich bamboo ornamental value is very high, and purifying the air is also one.

  • Yellow eel

    Yellow eel

    Raw material / seasoning: 750 grams of live eel, 15 grams of agaric, 20 grams of cooked bamboo shoots, 12 grams of diced pig oil, 35 grams of vegetable oil, 60 grams of cooked lard, 10 grams of sesame oil, 100 grams of Shao wine, 3 grams of refined salt, 450 grams of soy sauce, 15 grams of spring onions, 5 grams of ginger slices, 15 grams of garlic head, 10 grams of Monascus rice water, 15 grams of water starch, 750 grams of pork soup, 10 grams of sugar, 250 grams of rock sugar, 5 grams of sesame oil. Production process: 1. Cut across the head of the carp

  • Fish fillet with mushroom

    Fish fillet with mushroom

    Raw materials: 1800 grams of black fish, 250g of bailing mushroom ingredients: 400g of bamboo shoots, 2 of fresh red peppers, 2g of refined salt, 3g of mushroom essence, 1g of pepper, 100g of yellow rice wine, 200g of dry flour, 1 egg, 10g of soy sauce, 50g of abalone juice, 25g of seafood sauce, 5g of ketchup, 200g of chicken soup, 50g of sugar, 20g of wet cornflour, 500g of refined oil, 100g of chicken oil, 5g of minced garlic, 5g of sesame oil. Production: 1. Slaughter the black fish, remove the guts and intestines

  • Fish fillet with lark mushroom

    Fish fillet with lark mushroom

    Raw materials: 1800 grams of black fish, 250g of bailing mushroom ingredients: 400g of bamboo shoots, 2 of fresh red peppers, 2g of refined salt, 3g of mushroom essence, 1g of pepper, 100g of yellow rice wine, 200g of dry flour, 1 egg, 10g of soy sauce, 50g of abalone juice, 25g of seafood sauce, 5g of ketchup, 200g of chicken soup, 50g of sugar, 20g of wet cornflour, 500g of refined oil, 100g of chicken oil, 5g of minced garlic, 5g of sesame oil. Production: 1. Kill the black fish and remove the dirt

  • The practice of Pleurotus eryngii

    The practice of Pleurotus eryngii

    The practice of Pleurotus eryngii

  • The efficacy and function of bamboo and cypress, green branches and leaves are highly ornamental / mosquito repellent / anti-pollution

    The efficacy and function of bamboo and cypress, green branches and leaves are highly ornamental / mosquito repellent / anti-pollution

    For bamboo and cypress, flower friends must be no stranger, it is very common in family potted plants, is a very beautiful ornamental flower, not only variety, but also extremely rich in color, deeply loved by flower friends. To understand a plant, we can start with its efficacy. What are the efficacy and function of bamboo and cypress?

  • Grilled eel

    Grilled eel

    Cuisine: Zhejiang dish ingredients: 2 live river eels 750g, 5g cinnamon bark, 25g diced pork plate oil, 25g Shaoxing wine, 75g bamboo shoots, 60g soy sauce, 100g scallion segments, 15g vinegar, 10g ginger slices, 5g sesame oil, 25g white sugar, 50g cooked lard Production method: 1. Cut the throat of river eel, cut a small mouth at the anus, soak the mucus all over the body with boiling water, then insert two bamboo chopsticks into the abdomen from the throat, pinch the eel body with one hand, and twist the bamboo chopsticks in one direction

  • Stewed Jiaji fish

    Stewed Jiaji fish

    [characteristics] the fish pieces are fragrant and tender, the soup is mellow and fresh, and the nutrition is rich. [raw material] 800 grams of fresh fish. 100 grams of pork, 50 grams of antlers, 75 grams of winter bamboo shoots, 100 grams of eggs, 50 grams of parsley, 50 grams of flour. 150 grams of peanut oil, 15 grams of spring onions, 15 grams of ginger, 25 grams of Shaojiu, 10 grams of soy sauce, 250 grams of clear soup, 20 grams of vinegar, 5 grams of refined salt, 1 gram of monosodium glutamate, 10 grams of sesame oil. [production process] remove the head, remove the internal organs, scrape off the scales, and remove the fins and tails.

  • Nutritional value of Pleurotus eryngii

    Nutritional value of Pleurotus eryngii

    Nutritional value of Pleurotus eryngii

  • Common practices of Steamed Mandarin Fish

    Common practices of Steamed Mandarin Fish

    Common practices of Steamed Mandarin Fish

  • Is lettuce oil and wheat?

    Is lettuce oil and wheat?

    Rape and lettuce look similar and taste similar, so someone asks if oil wheat and lettuce are the same kind of vegetable. So, is lettuce a rape? Is lettuce rapeseed? lettuce is not rapeseed. Lettuce is fragrant and delicious, the meat is tender and the stem can be

    2020-11-08 Lettuce yes oil wheat vegetables and lettuce grow
  • How much is the price of bamboo fresh fruit per jin? Where is the origin? What's the use?

    How much is the price of bamboo fresh fruit per jin? Where is the origin? What's the use?

    Bamboo knots, trees, sparse shrubs, gray-white bark, its fruit is oval to Obovate, yellow when mature, with the effect of heat-clearing and detoxification, removing blood stasis and detumescence, so, how much is the price of fresh fruit per jin? Where is the origin? What's the use?

    2020-11-09 Bamboo Jiezi fresh fruit price more less money one jin origin in bamboo
  • Alaskan spicy king crab

    Alaskan spicy king crab

    [raw materials]: 3 Alaskan king crab legs, 50g spicy sauce, 200g spicy oil, 50g green onions, 50g chopped garlic, 100g diced bamboo shoots, 50g cooked peanut kernels, 25g parsley. [production method]: 1) after thawing, cut the crab leg into small pieces. Wash and cut coriander into sections; 2) heat the wok, pour the oil into medium well, fry the crab legs slightly, and remove and set aside; 3) stir-fry with spicy oil, spicy sauce, scallions, garlic, bamboo shoots and peanut kernels
