
mycosis Learn more about mycosis

  • Symptoms and control of mycosis of cultured sea cucumbers

    Symptoms and control of mycosis of cultured sea cucumbers

    The period from April to August is the high incidence period of mycosis, both young ginseng and adult ginseng will get sick, but the disease did not occur in the seedling stage. At present, no cases of mass death of sea cucumbers caused by mycosis have been found. The typical appearance symptoms are edema of the ginseng body or decay of the skin. An individual with edema.

    2020-11-08 Aquaculture sea cucumbers mycosis symptoms and control April-August for
  • Treatment of snail mycosis in cultured fields

    Treatment of snail mycosis in cultured fields

    With the continuous improvement of people's living standards in our country, snail has slowly moved towards thousands of households, and with the continuous rise of the midnight snack industry, the demand for snail will be more and more. The etiology of field snail mycosis is caused by mold parasitism, which is mainly dangerous.

    2020-11-08 Aquaculture snail mold disease treatment along with China
  • How to treat the mycosis of river crab

    How to treat the mycosis of river crab

    How to treat the mycosis of river crab

  • Canine deep mycosis

    Canine deep mycosis

    Deep mycosis is an infection caused by fungi that invade the skin, mucosa and viscera. There are many kinds of pathogens. These pathogens are widely found in soil, animal feces and milk. Dogs are infected mainly through contact with contaminated soil or through respiratory tract and digestive tract, and only a few fungi are contagious. Deep mycosis can occur in various organs of the body, which is characterized by granulomatous inflammation, necrosis, abscess, ulcer, impotence tube, connective tissue hyperplasia and nodule formation. The widespread addition of antimicrobials in feed may be the cause of deep occurrence in dogs.

  • Mycosis-- Orchid White Silk Disease

    Mycosis-- Orchid White Silk Disease

    Mycosis-- Orchid White Silk Disease

  • Mycosis-- orchid anthracnose

    Mycosis-- orchid anthracnose

    Mycosis-- orchid anthracnose

  • Mycosis-- black rot of orchid

    Mycosis-- black rot of orchid

    Mycosis-- black rot of orchid

  • Mycosis-- orchid wilt

    Mycosis-- orchid wilt

    Mycosis-- orchid wilt

  • Mycosis-orchid flower blight

    Mycosis-orchid flower blight

    Mycosis-orchid flower blight

  • Fish visceral mycosis

    Fish visceral mycosis

    Pathogenic water mold. The diseased fish generally have a bloated abdomen with erythema on the surface of the abdomen. dissecting the abdomen can be seen that the surface of the visceral mass is covered with fine hyphae, and there are erythema in the stomach, swim bladder and liver. Initially infect the stomach, fully develop in the stomach, the hyphae pass through the gastric wall, develop in the abdominal cavity, cause ascites, and invade nearby organs as well as peritoneum and muscles. After the sick fish died, the hyphae protruded from the abdominal wall. Prevention of 100ppm methylene blue can prevent its development, and using it to disinfect fish ponds can reduce infection.

  • Mycosis of swim bladder

    Mycosis of swim bladder

    The pathogens are half-known subphylum, coelospora, grass stem mildew. The mycelium is branched and diaphragm, about 50 μ m ~ 100 μ m long and 2 μ m ~ 3 μ m wide. The new culture on Sabru Agar was light yellow, gradually changed to light pink with aging, and finally black, resulting in conidia, which produced colorless and transparent conidia. The symptoms of diseased fish are mostly fry and fingerling, swimming imbalance, anal swelling, fin bleeding and skin damage. In the early stage, only the swim bladder was damaged, and some 1 mm ~ 2 mm white appeared at the front of the swim bladder.

  • Intestinal mycosis of fish

    Intestinal mycosis of fish

    The pathogens are zygomycetes, insect molds, frog faeces and frog feces. The anterior abdomen and anus of the diseased fish obviously swelled, forming two white protruding places. The diseased fish could not defecate because of anal blockage and died soon. The abdominal wall soon wore out after death, revealing sticky internal organs. Anatomical examination of the diseased fish showed that there was a white sticky fatty substance outside the stomach and intestine, the intestine became thicker and white, the intestinal wall became thinner, the interior was full of hyphae and its conidia, the end of the intestine was particularly dense, and mycelia were also distributed in the stomach of a few diseased fish, but no infection was found.

  • Ask for help, urgent! Mycosis in rabbit farm is serious, seek a good cure

    Ask for help, urgent! Mycosis in rabbit farm is serious, seek a good cure

    Ask for help, urgent! Mycosis in rabbit farm is serious, seek a good cure

  • Fish mycosis-water mold

    Fish mycosis-water mold

    Signs of infection obvious signs of infection are cottonlike vegetations, usually white, but sometimes gray black to green. The fungus usually starts in the torso, but it may also originate in a damaged area, which can spread and invade the fins, mouth, eyes, and gills. Affected fish all fish may be harmed. Infection details fungi are plants that grow on dead organic matter. A typical mycelium, or mycelium, consisting of very fine filaments or outer hyphae that pierce dead or rotten.

  • Diagnosis and treatment of common skin diseases in dogs

    Diagnosis and treatment of common skin diseases in dogs

    Canine dermatosis is a complex disease, the causes of which are bacterial, viral and tumorous, as well as allergic. The most common clinical diseases in winter should be acariasis and mycosis. Acariasis is a contact infection, sometimes there is no obvious external manifestation, but severe itching, susceptible parts: auricle, elbow, tarsal and abdomen, disease manifestations from blood rash to posterior scab, sometimes damaged or ulcerated. Clinical test: scrape (until blood is scraped) with a surgical blade at the junction of the affected part and the healthy skin.

  • Discerning pigeon disease with discerning eyes

    Discerning pigeon disease with discerning eyes

    Look at the poor mental state of sick pigeons, do not like activities, be alone from the group, eat or not eat, lose weight, loose feathers, eyes, breathing faster, wheezing or making abnormal sounds from the throat and trachea, drinking water or not feeding young pigeons. Pigeons with bird plague, paratyphoid, ophthalmitis, mycosis and vitamin A deficiency have red, swollen, inflamed eyes and increased secretions; conjunctival flushing and vasodilation in patients with conjunctivitis; conjunctival cyanosis (purplish blue) in patients with erysipelas or pneumonia; conjunctival pallor in anemia or malnutrition; organophosphorus

  • How to diagnose pigeon disease easily

    How to diagnose pigeon disease easily

    The main results are as follows: 1. Most of the sick pigeons are mentally poor, do not like activities, be alone, have loose feathers, have no mind in the eyes, breathe faster, wheeze or make abnormal sounds from the throat and trachea, eat less or do not eat, drink heavily or do not feed young pigeons. 2. Pigeons suffering from bird plague, paratyphoid, ophthalmitis, mycosis and vitamin A deficiency have red, swollen and inflamed eyes and increased secretions. In patients with conjunctivitis, the conjunctiva is flushed and blood vessels are dilated. The conjunctiva is blue and blue when suffering from erysipelas or pneumonia. When anemic or malnourished, conjunctiva is pale. When organophosphorus pesticide poisoning

  • Discussion on Prevention and treatment of Pigeon fungal Diseases

    Discussion on Prevention and treatment of Pigeon fungal Diseases

    The common fungal diseases of pigeon are candidiasis, aspergillosis, mycotoxin poisoning and so on. In recent years, much attention has been paid to its prevention and control, and there are few cases of death, but the economic losses caused by its harm in general pigeon farms should not be underestimated. In connection with the production practice of the local pigeon farm, this paper makes the following discussion on its prevention and control. 1 climate problem fungi are widely distributed in nature, and the requirements for living conditions are not high. As long as there is a little carbon and nitrogen, they can grow and reproduce. The temperature is 2530 ℃ and the relative humidity is 80% ~ 90%. Local

  • Orchid disease-- fungal disease

    Orchid disease-- fungal disease

    Orchid disease-- fungal disease

  • How to control soft rot of mushroom

    How to control soft rot of mushroom

    Soft rot is also known as dampness and spore mycosis. The disease is caused by Cercospora infection. Most of them are spread by air currents and splashed water droplets, and spores contaminating the soil can also lead to disease. If the soil is too wet and the temperature is too low, it is also prone to this disease. Most of the fungi occur on the surface of the mushroom bed, and the white cotton-like (also known as spider silk) hyphae first appear on the mushroom bed. If they are not treated in time, the hyphae spread rapidly and surround the buds of small mushrooms. At first, only a mass of white hyphae was seen, and later it became water-red. After the fruiting body was infected by it, the mushroom body became soft and inverted.
