
lumps Learn more about lumps

  • Give pig injection how does lump appear to handle?

    Give pig injection how does lump appear to handle?

    Give pig injection how does lump appear to handle?

  • Lumps in corn gluten meal

    Lumps in corn gluten meal

    Lumps in corn gluten meal

  • "Herbal medicine brother" dug out "gold lump" in the earth

    "Herbal medicine brother" dug out "gold lump" in the earth

  • Diagnosis and treatment of 7 cases of actinomycosis in Cervidae

    Diagnosis and treatment of 7 cases of actinomycosis in Cervidae

    Actinomycosis (Actinomycosis) is also called jaw disease (Lumpyaw). The pathogens of the disease are bovine actinomycetes (Actinomgcesbovis) and Actinobacillus Linnaeus (Actinobacillnslignieresi). It is a non-contact chronic infectious disease of livestock, wild animals and humans, often occurring in ruminants such as cattle, sheep and deer. The disease is characterized by actinomycetes lumps in the head, neck, subjaw and tongue, causing breathing, swallowing and mouths of diseased animals.

  • Prevention and treatment of esophageal obstruction in cattle and horses

    Prevention and treatment of esophageal obstruction in cattle and horses

    The obstruction of esophagus in cattle and horses is the obstruction of feed in lumps or lumps or foreign bodies in the esophagus and cannot descend in the stomach. It is characterized by sudden onset, dysphagia, salivation, reflux, rumen flatulence and so on. The traditional Chinese veterinarian is called hiccup. 1. To remove the obstruction in the esophagus, the following methods can be used: ① extraction from the mouth: if the obstruction is near the pharynx or retropharynx, fix the foreign body, install an army-style mouth opener and press the tongue, reach in and take it out. If the obstruction is in the neck esophagus, it is hard and smooth.

  • What kind of fruit is cow egg block? Where can I buy a cow egg block? how much is it per jin?

    What kind of fruit is cow egg block? Where can I buy a cow egg block? how much is it per jin?

    What kind of fruit is cow egg block? Do you know? When you hear this name, do you think it is a kind of fruit? Where can I buy that cow egg block? how much is it per jin? If you want to eat, let's find out about it. The cow egg block is a kind of wild in the mountains.

    2019-02-23 Cow eggs tuo yes what kind of fruit can be bought there
  • How does mustard seed grow?

    How does mustard seed grow?

    Mustard lump is also called jade root. It is a kind of raw material used to pickle spicy vegetables. It has certain economic value. Today, Xiaobian will share with you how to plant mustard lump. Let's learn together! 1. Selecting the land and preparing the mustard tuber has the characteristics of liking cold,

    2020-11-09 mustard lumps jade root how seed also known as jade root
  • What are the effects and functions of persimmon leaves

    What are the effects and functions of persimmon leaves

    What are the effects and functions of persimmon leaves

  • How to manage Sweet Potato to achieve High yield

    How to manage Sweet Potato to achieve High yield

    High-yield cultivation and management techniques of sweet potato: first, apply sufficient base fertilizer, reasonable soil preparation 1. Fertilization: as sweet potatoes are generally planted on thin sandy land, it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer and improve soil fertility in order to obtain high yield. Generally speaking, about 5 mu of soil and miscellaneous dung, 25 kg of diammonium phosphate and 25 kg of potassium sulfate are appropriate. 2. The whole.

  • How about eating tomatoes on an empty stomach?

    How about eating tomatoes on an empty stomach?

    How about eating tomatoes on an empty stomach?

  • Attention should be paid to the methods of identifying fake fertilizers and pesticides

    Attention should be paid to the methods of identifying fake fertilizers and pesticides

    In view of the fact that the quality of fertilizers and pesticides are intermingled on the agricultural materials market, and incidents of harming farmers occur from time to time, in order to improve the ability of the broad masses of farmers to identify fake and shoddy agricultural materials and ensure the smooth progress of spring ploughing production, a few days ago, the city's agricultural department uses to carry out the publicity campaign of "rest assured that agricultural materials enter the village and enter the household".

  • Treatment of a case of bovine actinomycetes

    Treatment of a case of bovine actinomycetes

    Actinomycosis is a chronic infectious disease of cattle, pigs and horses, of which cattle is the most common. The main pathogens of the disease are bovine actinomycetes (Actinomycesbovis) and Lin's actinomycetes (Acti-nobacillusLignieresi). Staphylococci sometimes participate in the pathogenesis. Bovine actinomycetes mainly invade hard tissue, which is Gram-positive bacteria, the bacterial mass is large, the end of the bacteria line is dilated, showing a radial arrangement; Lin's actinomycetes mainly invade soft tissue, it is Gram-negative bacilli, the bacterial mass is very small, and the radial arrangement is not obvious.

  • The method of making bonsai with bauhinia pimples

    The method of making bonsai with bauhinia pimples

    Bauhinia knot is an evergreen tree species with the characteristics of loving yang but enduring shade, warm but cold, wet but not water-resistant, fertile but barren and so on. It has its peculiar shape, which can watch not only the leaves but also the type, so it is a kind of bonsai tree with high ornamental value. And this kind of bauhinia is tenacious.

  • What if the novice orchid plant material is not enough?

    What if the novice orchid plant material is not enough?

    When many novices grow orchids, they find that they do not buy enough plant material, and at this time, a lump of foam on the bottom of the basin is the best way, as shown in the following picture.

  • Hexian Jianlan in Xianshan

    Hexian Jianlan in Xianshan

    Xianshan lotus immortal has a round tongue, which usually has three red spots on the tongue, and the back of the tongue is relatively plain and clean. The more stable soft pocket looks softer. The leaves are broad, thin and drooping. Round tongue, usually with three large red lumps on the tongue, the back of the tongue is relatively plain; soft touting, large flowers, about 3.5-4cm, good color, fragrant flowers, out of shelves or flat shoulders.

  • Red stem green peach spring orchid

    Red stem green peach spring orchid

    Plum petal: Guang Xu was selected in Pujiang during the Qing Dynasty. The outer three petals are very wide, the roots are diamond-shaped, thin, green, like peach blossom petals, hence the name, holding the petals close to the back, hard into a yellow lump, thick and small tongue, shaped like "three petals and one nose". Scape is high in color and purplish red, and the leaf width is arched.

  • How do novice flower growers choose potted jasmine?

    How do novice flower growers choose potted jasmine?

    Most of the jasmine on the market do not carry pots, and the roots are a lump of dirt wrapped in plastic sheeting. ...

  • Beware of obstruction of bovine esophagus in early winter

    Beware of obstruction of bovine esophagus in early winter

    When ⑴ feeds cattle with lump feed, be sure to chop them up before feeding them. When you find a cow eating corncobs, carrots, etc., don't suddenly and loudly frighten. After esophageal obstruction occurs in ⑵ cattle, if the obstruction is in the lower part of the esophagus, 200ml of paraffin oil can be injected with a gastric catheter, and then the obstruction can be slowly pushed into the stomach with a gastric catheter. ⑶ can be filled with 20ml of 5% procaine and lift the cow's head. 10 minutes later, pour 200ml of paraffin oil to urge the cow to swallow the infarction. ⑷ can be removed by operation if the above methods are not effective.

  • Cotton boll red rot

    Cotton boll red rot

    Symptoms of cotton boll infected with the initial amorphous disease spot, in wet weather or continuous rain, the disease spread rapidly, throughout the whole boll, some spread to the cotton fiber, producing a uniform pink or light red mildew layer, easy to stick together after rain, become a pink lump, resulting in the disease boll can not crack, cotton fiber rot into a rigid petal, seed infection, the germination rate decreased. The pathogen is the same as cotton seedling red rot. The route of transmission and the conditions of the disease are weak parasitic bacteria, which can not directly infect cotton boll, mainly caused by wound invasion, cotton boll corner spot.

  • Potato slicing and planting technique

    Potato slicing and planting technique

    Potato slicing and planting technique
