
its tuber Learn more about its tuber

  • Identification and Prevention of physiological Diseases of Atlantic Potato Tuber

    Identification and Prevention of physiological Diseases of Atlantic Potato Tuber

    Atlantic potato is a high quality raw material for processing and producing snack foods such as potato chips and French fries. it has a relatively short growth period and strict requirements on the cultivation environment, both cold and not resistant to low temperature. in order to avoid black heart disease, hollow heart disease, starch overflow, crack, deformity and other physiological diseases, and improve the quality and commodity rate of tubers. 1. Black heart disease of tuber 1. Symptoms: irregular patterns from black to blue appear in the center of the tuber. When the hypoxia is severe, the whole tuber may turn black. Pass

  • Planting technique of Pinellia ternata: what about tuber rot of Pinellia ternata?

    Planting technique of Pinellia ternata: what about tuber rot of Pinellia ternata?

    How does Pinellia tuber rot disease do? What method can effectively control tuber rot of Pinellia ternata? Hope that friends can help guide the occurrence of tuber rot in Pinellia ternata. The following land network summarizes the harm and control methods of tuber rot in Pinellia ternata for netizens' reference. Pinellia tuber.

  • Harvesting and storage of Dahlia root tuber

    Harvesting and storage of Dahlia root tuber

    Dahlia is not cold-resistant, mainly because the root tuber can not be frozen, Dahlia root at 0. Dormancy begins at 5 degrees Celsius and frostbite occurs when the temperature is below 0 degrees Celsius, so you cannot overwinter in the open field in North China, and the roots should be harvested before the early frost. Plants and leaves wither and wither after frost. At this time

  • Drug farmers should pay attention to tuber rot in the late growth stage of Pinellia ternata

    Drug farmers should pay attention to tuber rot in the late growth stage of Pinellia ternata

    The cause of the disease is that Pinellia ternata grows from August to October, that is, it enters the mildew and rainy season. The second, third and fourth generations of bulbs formed by Pinellia ternata planted in early spring and the first and second generations of Pinellia ternata cultivated in summer expand rapidly, forming tubers, and the small mother stems planted during cultivation also expand themselves. This period is the fastest growing stage of Pinellia ternata tuber, and it is also the weakest period of Pinellia ternata tuber resistance to external infection. the larger the tuber is, the weaker the resistance is, the smaller the tuber is and the stronger the bulb defense ability is. Underground with all kinds of different specifications and half

  • Split pot and plant: cyclamen split tuber propagation map

    Split pot and plant: cyclamen split tuber propagation map

    Cyclamen can propagate young plants by dividing pots or plants, and cultivate more potted plants. The ramet of cyclamen can be called bulblet or cutting tuber propagation, and the tools need to be sterilized before cutting tuber, and the ramet should be carried out in spring after anthesis.

  • Tuber planting method of Dahlia

    Tuber planting method of Dahlia

    Planting Dahlia tubers requires sprouting, and then cutting with new buds, or larger tubers are divided and planted. The sandy soil with good drainage performance can be selected, and the root tuber should be preserved in the sunny environment after germination. Tuber planting of Dahlia

    2020-11-09 Dahlia flowering tuber planting method flower
  • How to propagate the tuber of money tree

    How to propagate the tuber of money tree

    The tree not only has regular stems and leaves, but also has bright and full leaves, and keeps it green all the year round, so whether it is the effect of greening, beautifying the environment or as a pot ornamental effect, it is often very good. In fact, the tree is a plant with underground tubers and has the characteristics of fleshy roots.

  • The latest control of Gastrodia elata tuber rot

    The latest control of Gastrodia elata tuber rot

    Gastrodia elata tuber rot disease, also known as Gastrodia elata soft rot nest disease, is one of the reasons for low and unstable yield in Gastrodia elata cultivation. Gastrodia elata tuber bark is yellow, the central tissue is rotten, and the section of the tuber exudates a stinky white slurry liquid. In the burrow and block of Gastrodia elata

    2020-11-10 Latest Gastrodia elata tuber rot disease control
  • How to control tuber rot of Pinellia ternata

    How to control tuber rot of Pinellia ternata

    The tuber rot of Pinellia ternata has caused huge losses to the production of Pinellia ternata, so we must control the tuber rot of Pinellia ternata in order to ensure the production benefit of Pinellia ternata. What are the disease characteristics of Pinellia ternata tuber rot? Next, let's learn about it with the editor.

    2020-11-08 Pinellia ternata tuber rot disease how to control
  • How does the money tree reproduce? Introduction to the breeding methods of Rhizoma Polygoni

    How does the money tree reproduce? Introduction to the breeding methods of Rhizoma Polygoni

    Artemisia angustifolia is a herbaceous plant native to tropical Africa, belonging to Araceae. It grows in the savanna climate and likes the environment with high sunshine and temperature. The breeding methods of Artemisia angustifolia are also the same as other flowers and plants, mainly including separate plant breeding method and insertion breeding method. The branch propagation of Artemisia angustifolia in April

  • Common problems and Solutions in Potato production

    Common problems and Solutions in Potato production

    Suihua City is a big city of potato production, and the perennial planting area is stable at about 1.5 million mu. The quality of potato production is of great significance to agricultural production. In order to achieve high quality, high yield and high efficiency of potato production, and to achieve the goal of increasing farmers' income, I summarized and analyzed the problems and causes of potato production in our city for many years, and put forward the corresponding solutions. First, the problems that often occur in production and their causes 1. Potato blight potato late blight is a horse in our city

  • The maintenance method of flower and leaf taro after autumn, pay attention to the 6 steps to grow better in the coming year.

    The maintenance method of flower and leaf taro after autumn, pay attention to the 6 steps to grow better in the coming year.

    Taro is a plant native to the Amazon River Basin in South America, which was introduced to China. Now it can be seen in many parts of our country. This kind of plant is not intolerant to low temperature, so it is necessary to pay attention to the conservation of taro after autumn, so what is the maintenance method of taro after autumn?

  • Control of tuber rot of Gastrodia elata

    Control of tuber rot of Gastrodia elata

    Control of tuber rot of Gastrodia elata

  • Causes of little or no tuber formation of potato and preventive measures

    Causes of little or no tuber formation of potato and preventive measures

    Causes of little or no tuber formation of potato and preventive measures

  • Cultivation techniques of Jerusalem artichoke

    Cultivation techniques of Jerusalem artichoke

    Jerusalem artichoke, alias Yangginger, Guizi ginger, the scientific name helianthustuberosusl., is compositae sunflower annual herbs. Jerusalem artichoke feeds on underground tubers. There are sporadic cultivation in various parts of our city, and the tubers of Jerusalem artichoke are rich in inulin, which is a fructose polymer, which has a certain auxiliary effect on diabetes. The cultivation is extensive and has a development prospect. 1. The botanical characteristic is that the stem is erect and the plant height is 2 to 3 meters. Oblate, with irregular protuberances, underground tubers are irregular

  • Occurrence and control of potato tuber rot nematode

    Occurrence and control of potato tuber rot nematode

    Fengning and paddock counties in the north of Chengde City grow more than 40, 000 hectares of potatoes a year, produce more than 800 million kilograms of seed potatoes and commercial potatoes, and store about 120 million kilograms of potatoes in winter. it is one of the four major potato production graveyards in the country. In recent years, due to the damage of potato tuber rot nematodes, the loss of stored potatoes was 5%-7% in 1994, and that of seriously damaged potato cellars was as high as 20%-30%. According to the data retrieved at present, this nematode is widely distributed in potato species in Asia, Europe, America and Africa.

  • What are the varieties of potatoes grown by farmers' professional cooperatives now? What are the main points of cultivation?

    What are the varieties of potatoes grown by farmers' professional cooperatives now? What are the main points of cultivation?

    The main grain of potatoes is constantly advancing, and many farmers' specialized cooperatives are also adjusting in this direction, so what are the potato varieties planted by farmers' specialized cooperatives now? What are the main points of cultivation? 1. Eugene (88-5): breed source: this breed is from Benxi horse

    2020-11-09 Now farmers professionals cooperatives growers potatoes
  • "Solanaceae plant" which variety of potato (potato) is good? How to plant in order to produce high yield? (with variety introduction)

    Potato is a perennial herb of Solanaceae, also known as ground egg, potato, potato, etc., the fourth most important food crop in the world, second only to wheat, rice and corn, and has become the world's five largest crops with wheat, rice, corn and sorghum. Native to the Andes of South America

  • Field management of cassava

    Field management of cassava

    Field management of cassava

  • Will the potato tubers still swell?

    Will the potato tubers still swell?

    Tuber formation period is a period of tuber formation and rapid expansion, and the water consumption in the peak tuber period accounts for more than half of the total water demand in the whole growth period. It is appropriate to keep the soil water content up to about 70% of the maximum water capacity in the field, that is, to lift it into a ball and scatter one meter from the ground. In the later stage of tuber, that is, from one week to 10 days before harvest, irrigation should be stopped to facilitate the harvest.
