
Control of tuber rot of Gastrodia elata

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Control of tuber rot of Gastrodia elata

Gastrodia elata tuber rot disease, also known as Gastrodia elata soft rot nest disease, is one of the reasons for low and unstable yield in Gastrodia elata cultivation. Gastrodia elata tuber bark is yellow, the central tissue is rotten, and the section of the tuber exudates a stinky white serous liquid. Armillaria mellea is luxuriant and dense in the rotten nest of Gastrodia elata burrow and tuber. Let's take a look at the prevention and control of Gastrodia elata tuber rot.

Symptoms of Gastrodia elata tuber rot

The tuber bark of Gastrodia elata tuber rot disease is yellow, the central tissue is rotten, and the interior of the tuber is in a state of heteroodorous slurry. Some of the upper Gastrodia elata tubers rotted and atrophied, while some of the upper parts rotted or cortical necrosis, while the lower Gastrodia elata will not suffer or suffer.

Causes of tuber rot of Gastrodia elata

1. Improper selection of soil quality: soft rot nests are mostly found in hard ballast land and dead yellow mud land where soil moisture conservation and air permeability are poor. Armillaria mellea grows poorly in this site, and Gastrodia elata wilts and dies due to lack of Armillaria mellea nutrition.

2. High temperature and humidity environment: in this climate, it is beneficial to the growth of miscellaneous bacteria. The gray-white hyphae on Armillaria mellea quickly appear, and gradually spread to the humus in the nest, and yellow-white, rapeseed-like sclerotia are formed between the hyphae. Gastrodia elata was infected by disease bacteria, that is, it spread from local decay.

3. Rainy and poor drainage: under the condition of stagnant water, the growth of Gastrodia elata was inhibited and the bacteriolytic function was significantly weakened. However, Armillaria mellea can still grow normally because of its strong stress resistance. Armillaria mellea breaks through the dissolved layer of Gastrodia elata and propagates "anti-erosion" rapidly in the tuber. It is characterized by rotting tubers under the skin, full of Armillaria mellea fungal cords, and dense Armillaria mellea fungal cords on the fungal materials in the rotten nest. This kind of bad nest phenomenon often occurs in the rainy season.

4. mistakes in cultivation techniques: this situation is often caused by insufficient bacterial materials, excessive amount of seed, lack of sufficient humus fillers in the hole, and so on. Due to the lack of adequate nutrition supply of Armillaria mellea, Gastrodia elata grows slowly and is thin. And then gradually lead to soft rot.

Control of tuber rot of Gastrodia elata

1. Select the sandy loam with good aggregate structure, strong water permeability and rich humus, and require the woodland with 15 °25 °slope, the soil pH value is 5.8%, and the humidity is 40%. Sunny slopes are selected in high mountain areas, semi-sunny slopes in medium-shallow mountain areas, and cultivation under forest in low mountains and hills.

2. The cultivation season is generally arranged in winter (October to November). The old fungus material and new fungus material are usually used to supplement the nutrition of Armillaria mellea and to control the overgrowth of Armillaria mellea. During cultivation, the bacterial bed cultivated from March to April of the same year was opened, 5 well-developed bacterial materials were taken out and 4 new materials were planted in another litter, and 4 new materials were added to the original bacterial bed to plant a litter (that is, "take five to add four"). Generally, every 10 fungi are planted under 500g to 750g, flax seed is close to the fungus, and more fungus branches are added between the new materials. except for a layer of oak leaves at the bottom of the hole, each layer is properly filled with oak leaf humus soil, and the soil is covered with 10cm of soil.

3. Gastrodia elata has simple management, no weeding, no fertilization, mainly drought prevention, waterlogging prevention, cold prevention and moisture conservation. In low mountain areas, in order to prevent drought, several corn plants can be planted next to the hole as drought indicator plants, and appropriate amount of water can be sprayed to prevent drought when corn leaves are found. In the overcast and rainy season, trenches are opened up the slope of the cultivation area to drain water. In high mountain areas, it is necessary to cover leaves or grass curtains to prevent freezing in the cold winter. In addition, it is necessary to prevent human and animal trampling and pesticide pollution.

4. Strictly select the material and bed of Gastrodia elata. When planting Gastrodia elata, we should strictly select the material and bed of Gastrodia elata. If there are any materials infected by miscellaneous bacteria, we would rather abandon them. Pay attention to cold prevention measures at ordinary times. When overwintering, spring hemp should take cold-proof measures to ensure safe overwintering. If you cannot survive the winter safely, you should harvest before overwintering.