
inchworm Learn more about inchworm

  • Identification and control of tea inchworm

    Identification and control of tea inchworm

    Inchworm, commonly known as foot worms, is an insect of the family Lepidoptera and Geometridae. There are many kinds of inchworm in the tea garden, mainly including paulownia inchworm, silver inchworm, gray inchworm and Camellia oleifera inchworm. Among them, paulownia inchworm occurs most frequently, and it is also called big inchworm, which is the largest type of inchworm occurring in the tea garden. it harms the larvae, eats a lot of food and hosts, and in serious cases, eats all the buds of the tea garden to form a smooth rod. The adult worm is silvery gray, with a body length of 20ml 25mm and a wingspan of 50mi 70mm. The wing surface is densely covered with black dots, and the forewing has three distinct yellow strips.

  • Causes of outbreak of tea inchworm and its pollution-free control

    Causes of outbreak of tea inchworm and its pollution-free control

    Tea inchworm, also known as Archworm, measure-inch worm, hanging filariasis, belongs to the family Lepidoptera. The pest is mainly distributed in Bihu, Lixin and other tea areas in Liandu District. It is a kind of overeating pest. If the prevention and control is not in time, the output of summer and autumn tea will be seriously reduced, and the tree potential will decline, which will seriously affect the tea production. It happened every year in the past few years, but it didn't do much harm. In August 2007, the insect occurred in a large area in the tea garden in Huangling, Lixin Township, which not only seriously affected the tea yield in that season, but also caused tree potential decline and poor cold tolerance.

  • Harmful characteristics and control of jujube inchworm

    Harmful characteristics and control of jujube inchworm

    1. What are the harmful characteristics and living habits of jujube inchworm? Jujube inchworm, also known as Toxoplasma gondii, top door eating or jujube step qu. The larva stretches a curve when crawling, so it is called "jujube step", which is one of the most important insect pests of jujube tree. It is distributed in all the major jujube areas in China, especially in Hebei, Shandong, Henan and Shanxi provinces. The larvae have a strong overeating habit, which harms all the green tissues such as buds, leaves, buds, jujube hanging and new branches of jujube trees. When it is serious, you can eat all the jujube leaves or buds and make them.

  • What medicine does Robinia pseudoacacia inchworm use?

    What medicine does Robinia pseudoacacia inchworm use?

    Robinia pseudoacacia has strong anti-pollution and good greening effect, so it is one of the main tree species of landscaping. However, Robinia pseudoacacia is often harmed by acacia inchworm in cultivation. When it occurs seriously, it often eats all the leaves of the whole tree within a week, spits out silk and defecates, which seriously affects the health of Robinia pseudoacacia.

    2020-11-08 Robinia pseudoacacia inchworm use what medicine resistance pollution sex strong
  • How to control American white moth and spring inchworm? What kind of medicine should I take? Attached work implementation Plan of Rongcheng County

    How to control American white moth and spring inchworm? What kind of medicine should I take? Attached work implementation Plan of Rongcheng County

    American white moth and spring inchworm harm many kinds of broad-leaved tree species, so how to control American white moth and spring inchworm? What kind of medicine should I take? To this end, the Rongcheng County government issued an implementation plan for the control of white moths and spring inchworms in the United States in 2018. For the American white moth, matrine is used to kill it.

    2020-11-09 How to control American white moth spring inchworm hit what medicine
  • The standard for the control of tea inchworm gb 9194mur88

    The standard for the control of tea inchworm gb 9194mur88

    This standard is applicable to the control of tea inchworm (BoarmiaobliquahypulinaWehrli) in adult picking tea garden. 1 nomenclature 1.1 Control standard the pest population density when the increment of economic loss is equal to the increment of the cost of preventing the loss under the specified control period. 1.2 larvae hatched in the same egg block in the worming center gather on the same picking surface to do harm. A gathering point is a worming center. 2 defense

  • Technical plan for prevention and control of main tea diseases and insect pests in 2019

    Technical plan for prevention and control of main tea diseases and insect pests in 2019

    The main diseases and insect pests in tea gardens in China are tea small green leafhopper (small green leafhopper), black whitefly, gray tea inchworm, tea inchworm, tea caterpillar, tea orange gall mite, coffee claw mite, horned breast beetle, tea net bug, tea black poison moth, tea yellow thrips, tea stick thrips and tea stick thrips.

    2020-11-09 In 2019 tea trees major diseases and insect pests prevention and control technology programs national
  • Control methods of privet inchworm in garden ornamental trees

    Control methods of privet inchworm in garden ornamental trees

    Distribution and damage of privet inchworm NaxaseriariaMotschulsky, also known as lilac inchworm. It belongs to Lepidoptera, Geometridae. Distributed in Northeast, North China, Northwest, Southwest and East China. The larvae are martyr, Beijing clove, weeping clove, lilac, Liaodong clove, white clove, privet, big leaf privet, sweet-scented osmanthus, camellia, tea, water wax, Fraxinus mandshurica and Fraxinus mandshurica. The larvae gather to feed on the leaves, often nibbling away at the leaves. The larvae have the habit of spinning and netting, and when it is serious, the net covers the tree crown.

  • Control methods of jujube inchworm

    Control methods of jujube inchworm

    Control methods of jujube inchworm

  • Harmful symptoms of jujube inchworm

    Harmful symptoms of jujube inchworm

    Harmful symptoms of jujube inchworm

  • Occurrence regularity and control of jujube inchworm

    Occurrence regularity and control of jujube inchworm

    Jujube inchworm, also known as Jujube Buqu, Dingmen eating, Toxoplasma gondii, Lepidoptera, Lepidoptera, is one of the main pests in jujube leaves. 1. The occurrence regularity of larvae harms the tender buds, leaves and flower buds of jujube. One generation occurs every year. The pupa overwinters in the soil 10-15 cm deep around the canopy. In the first ten days of the next year, the pupae are feathered into adults. After mating, the female adults do not have wings. They must climb onto the trunk to lay eggs. After about 22 days of egg period, the larvae hatch from late March to early April to do harm to the trees. The 1st and 3rd instar larvae have a small food intake, which mainly harms young leaves.

  • Occurrence regularity of jujube inchworm

    Occurrence regularity of jujube inchworm

    Occurrence regularity of jujube inchworm

  • Control of Buxus inchworm

    Control of Buxus inchworm

    Occurrence regularity: the larva eats leaves and occurs for three generations in Hunan. The overwintering adults Eclosion and oviposition in mid-April, then pupation in late April, Eclosion in mid-June, second generation damage in late June, pupation in early August, Eclosion in mid-August, damage to the third generation in late August. The worst victims are the first and second generations. The damage is the most serious in the mild climate and abundant rainfall season, which can gnaw off the leaves of the whole plant in 2 to 3 days, making the plant bald. In

  • Control techniques of yellow poplar inchworm

    Control techniques of yellow poplar inchworm

    First, the harm: silk cotton, yellow poplar, Wei spear, elm, poplar, willow and so on. The larvae gather the leaves to feed, eat up the leaves and eat the skin of the twigs, resulting in the death of the whole plant. Second, the law of occurrence: there are 3 generations of 2murs a year, overwintering as pupae. Adults inhabit hidden places of branches and leaves during the day, move at night, mate, and lay eggs on the back of the leaves, arranged in double rows or blocks. There are dozens to more than a hundred eggs. Most of the eggs hatched at 5: 00 in the morning, the leaves were harmed, the skins were eaten, and the mature larvae fell into the soil and pupated.

  • Privet inchworm

    Privet inchworm

    Scientific name: NaxaseriariaMotschulsky morphological characteristics: adult wing spread about 40 mm, slender body, yellow-white. The front and rear wings are thin, white and slightly transparent, with two rows of black stellate spots on the outer edge and a large black spot in each wing. The front wing also has a row of black and brown spots near the base angle. The eggs were white at first, then gradually changed to orange-red, shiny and arranged in the shape of beads. The larvae are about 30 mm long, dark brown, with inconspicuous black patterns and spots. Except for the chest foot and the eighth and ninth abdominal feet,

  • Osthol


    Osthol-Osthol is an active ingredient extracted from the dried and ripe fruit of Umbelliferae plant Cnidium, and the preparation is 0.4% osthol EC. It is mainly contact effect, supplemented by stomach toxicity, and has a good control effect on cruciferous vegetables, cabbage insect and tea inchworm. The dosage for the control of cruciferous vegetables was 0.4% EC 667 square meters 80m ~ 120 ml, and the dosage for the control of tea inchworm was 0.4% EC 100 ml 120 ml. Generally used for every 667 square meters

  • Pollution-free control of jujube inchworm

    Pollution-free control of jujube inchworm

    The principle of control is to make use of the characteristics of overwintering under the tree and no wings of the female moth to strengthen the control under the tree to eliminate or stop the female moth from laying eggs on the tree. Large area control can reduce the number of insects by 80% to 90%. On the basis, pollution-free pesticides can be used to eliminate leakage larvae on trees. 1. Digging pupae manually. Before the emergence of adults in spring, the pupae were dug up in the soil layer around the tree with a depth of 1 meter and a depth of 15 centimeters, and pupa blocks were collected for centralized treatment. It can also turn over the tree disk deeply in autumn to destroy its overwintering place and make it impossible.

  • Species and Control measures of Jujube pests in Shenmu City

    Species and Control measures of Jujube pests in Shenmu City

    Species and control measures of jujube pests in Shenmu City 1 main pest species and damage 1.1 Jujube flying weevil, also known as bud-eating weevil, small gray weevil, Coleoptera weevil. In the jujube area along Shenmu, jujube flying elephant appears most in the annual growth cycle of jujube tree.

  • The latest Common Diseases and insect pests of Litchi and their Control

    The latest Common Diseases and insect pests of Litchi and their Control

    Litchi is one of the fruits that many people like to eat, known as the concubine laughing nickname. It is distributed in southern China and is one of the unique fruits in the south. Litchi is famous for its full flesh and plenty of water, but you know how many diseases it will suffer during its growth.

    2020-11-10 The latest litchi common diseases and insect pests and control is
  • Occurrence and control of main tea pests during summer tea

    Occurrence and control of main tea pests during summer tea

    Due to the low temperature rain and snow weather in last winter and this spring, the base number of tea overwintering pests is low and the occurrence time is delayed, and the harm of spring tea is mild, but the weather in summer is more suitable for the occurrence and harm of diseases and insect pests. therefore, it is necessary to do a good job in the monitoring and control of diseases and insect pests. The occurrence degree of whitefly was lighter than that of last year, but the number of insects in some tea gardens still exceeded the control target. According to the investigation of Songyang County Plant Protection Station, the peak of overwintering adults was on April 15, with an average population of 17.4 louvers, which was later and less than that of last year (April 5).
