
immortality Learn more about immortality

  • What to do when the sea immortal grows insects? pest control of sea immortal / 2 insect pests 2 diseases

    What to do when the sea immortal grows insects? pest control of sea immortal / 2 insect pests 2 diseases

    When we cultivate sea immortal flowers, the last thing we want to encounter is diseases and insect pests, this kind of problem is very harmful to the plant, which will not only affect its ornamental value, but also cause the plant to die gradually. So what should I do if the sea immortal has grown worms? What should be done to prevent and control diseases and insect pests of sea immortals?

  • Why the eight Immortals do not blossom, the reason why the eight Immortals do not blossom / improper lighting and excessive fertilization

    Why the eight Immortals do not blossom, the reason why the eight Immortals do not blossom / improper lighting and excessive fertilization

    The eight Immortals have a long flowering period and large and colorful flowers. It is a flower that many flower friends like. In life, there are many friends who raise eight Immortals, and they all expect it to blossom. But in June, many flower friends of the eight Immortals still have no movement, so why don't the eight Immortals bloom? In this regard, the editor summarized the reasons why five kinds of eight Immortals do not bloom.

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of eight Immortals

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of eight Immortals

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of eight Immortals

  • Culture method of eight Immortals

    Culture method of eight Immortals

    The main results are as follows: 1. The soil of Baxian flower can be prepared with the proportion of 4 rotten leaf soil, 3 garden soil, 2 river sand and 1 cake fertilizer. 2. Fertilization methods Baxian flowers prefer fertilizer, generally in the growing period of Baxian flowers, cake fertilizer can be applied every half a month. The eight Immortals like acidic soil.

  • Propagation methods of eight Immortals

    Propagation methods of eight Immortals

    1. Ramet propagation should be carried out before sprouting in early spring. Separate the rooted branches from the mother plant, pot directly, watering should not be too much, maintain in the semi-shady place, wait for new buds to sprout and then transfer to normal maintenance. 2. Striping propagation is carried out during bud germination, and can grow after 30 days. In the following spring, it is cut off from the mother plant and transplanted with soil.

  • The eight Immortals grow better in this environment.

    The eight Immortals grow better in this environment.

    Baxianhua is a woody perennial plant of Saxifragaceae, which originates in China and Japan. At present, it is also widely cultivated in Germany, France, Holland and other European countries.

  • How to grow the eight Immortals? Propagation methods and Management points of eight Immortals

    How to grow the eight Immortals? Propagation methods and Management points of eight Immortals

    Recently, a florist friend asked: can the eight Immortals be planted in autumn? How do the eight Immortals reproduce? In fact, the eight Immortals is what we usually call hydrangea, which can also be called Ziyang flower. There are many colors, which are of great ornamental value. Let's briefly learn the culture method of eight Immortals.

  • Maintenance method of sea immortal flower

    Maintenance method of sea immortal flower

    1. Soil. Sea immortals like fertile soil, and choose sandy soil with good drainage, loose and breathable as the substrate, and can be mixed with nutrient-rich peat soil. Sprinkling a layer of fine sand one or two centimeters thick after sowing can help the seeds germinate better. 2. Fertilization

  • How to raise eight Immortals how to raise eight Immortals Culture methods and points for attention

    How to raise eight Immortals how to raise eight Immortals Culture methods and points for attention

    When it comes to the eight Immortals, we may be familiar with them. The eight Immortals are our very famous ornamental flowers and plants. Their flowers are ball-shaped, large and colorful, so they are also called Hydrangea. Many people in life love hydrangea very much, so embroidery

    2020-11-08 Eight fairy flowers how to raise culture methods and points for attention talking about
  • [culture method of eight Immortals] how to raise eight Immortals

    [culture method of eight Immortals] how to raise eight Immortals

    [culture method of eight Immortals] how to raise eight Immortals

  • The Propagation method of Sea Flower

    The Propagation method of Sea Flower

    1. Sow and reproduce. Every year, September and October is the mature harvest season for sea immortal seeds. After the seeds are collected, the seeds can be collected by drying, crushing and filtering the fruits. Before preparing to sow the seeds, soak the seeds in cold water for three hours, then wrap them in wet cotton cloth or paper towels and put them in a cool place to accelerate germination.

  • An introduction to the eight Immortals

    An introduction to the eight Immortals

    The eight Immortals, also known as Hydrangea and Ziyang Flower, belong to the genus Saxifragaceae. The eight Immortals flowers are white and plump, large and beautiful, and their colors can be red and blue, pleasing to the eye and spirit. They are common potted ornamental flowers and trees. The eight Immortals are native to China and Japan. It was introduced to England in 1736. Cultivation is more common in Europe, Holland, Germany and France. Red, blue and purple flowers can be seen in florists. There are also a lot of Immortals planted in front of small gardens and buildings. At present, Germany Lampjon Gephrazon (Ramp)

  • The cutting Propagation method of the latest eight Immortals

    The cutting Propagation method of the latest eight Immortals

    The eight Immortals is a kind of popular flower in our country, which is not only cultivated in various gardens, but also favored by many families. When raising the eight Immortals, if it is a large-scale culture, then the reproduction of the eight Immortals is necessary.

    2020-11-10 The latest eight Immortals Flowers cuttings Propagation methods I
  • Matters needing attention in the cultivation of eight Immortals

    Matters needing attention in the cultivation of eight Immortals

    The main results are as follows: 1. the control of diseases and insect pests generally include powdery mildew and leaf spot disease, which should be sprayed with Dysen zinc wettable powder; insect pests are mainly aphids, which can be sprayed with cigarette butts and omethoate emulsion. 2. Winter maintenance. Keep it indoors after entering the winter.

  • How to reproduce the sea immortal, the method of propagation / sowing / cutting / ramet / striping

    How to reproduce the sea immortal, the method of propagation / sowing / cutting / ramet / striping

    Sea immortal is a kind of flower plant with high ornamental value, which can be seen in many parts of our country. As more and more people breed it everywhere, people are concerned about its reproduction. What are the breeding methods of sea immortals?

  • How to reproduce the immortal tofu tree

    How to reproduce the immortal tofu tree

    Fairy tofu is the most distinctive traditional snack in the diet of Xichuan, Jiangxi, Guilin, Hunan, Guizhou, Lu'an, Anhui and southwest Shaanxi. So how do immortal tofu trees reproduce? What is the immortal tofu tree is a kind of tiger skin

    2020-11-08 Immortals tofu trees how reproduction immortals yes Henan
  • How to eliminate the nerve sensitivity of colorful Immortals in Aquaculture

    How to eliminate the nerve sensitivity of colorful Immortals in Aquaculture

    Raising or breeding colorful immortals is a very interesting, challenging and fulfilling hobby. But before stepping into the realm of success, there are many.

  • Main points of propagation of eight immortal flowers

    Main points of propagation of eight immortal flowers

    The difficulty of artificial cultivation of eight Immortals is not high, but many flower friends often want to breed by themselves after planting their own eight Immortals. The propagation method of eight Immortals is very conventional, and cutting is the favorite and most commonly used propagation method for flower friends.

  • The method of Cuttage Propagation of eight Immortals

    The method of Cuttage Propagation of eight Immortals

    The method of Cuttage Propagation of eight Immortals

  • Eight Immortals Hydrangea four seasons Management maintenance cut Flowers how to keep fresh

    Eight Immortals Hydrangea four seasons Management maintenance cut Flowers how to keep fresh

    Eight immortal flower branches and leaves dense exhibition, fleshy roots, strong adaptability to the environment, can be planted in the family courtyard, can also be used as a potted beautification balcony. Eight Immortals (Hydrangea) four seasons management and maintenance of eight Immortals like a damp environment, not cold-resistant. Growing in hot heat and hot sun, the leaves are scorched and yellowed.
