
How to raise eight Immortals how to raise eight Immortals Culture methods and points for attention

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, When it comes to the eight Immortals, we may be familiar with them. The eight Immortals are our very famous ornamental flowers and plants. Their flowers are ball-shaped, large and colorful, so they are also called Hydrangea. Many people in life love hydrangea very much, so embroidery

When it comes to the eight Immortals, we may be familiar with them. The eight Immortals are our very famous ornamental flowers and plants. Their flowers are ball-shaped, large and colorful, so they are also called Hydrangea. In life, many people love hydrangea very much, so how to grow and maintain hydrangea? Let's get to know it with the editor.

How to raise the eight Immortals

1. Fertilization method

Eight Immortals like fertilizer, in the growing period, about 15 days to apply cake fertilizer. Topdressing is needed for 1 and 2 times in the budding stage, mainly with calcium superphosphate soaking solution to promote the flower to be big and colorful.

Of course, fertilization also plays an important role in reconciling the soil. Baxian likes acidic soil, but the water in the home is neutral, and long-term watering will reduce the acidity of the soil, so ferrous sulfate can be properly added to fertilize to turn it into alum fertilizer to irrigate it. Improve the acidity of the soil.

2. Watering method

Water frequently in spring and summer to keep the basin soil moist, especially in the high temperature period in summer, water should be watered once in the morning and evening, and pay attention to proper shade at noon. From May to August, in addition to watering, it is also necessary to spray water on the leaf surface. The weather is getting cooler after September, so it is necessary to reduce the amount of water, promote the sturdiness of branches and promote dormancy. Winter dormancy reduces watering (if you don't water it) and keeps the basin soil slightly wet.

3. Lighting requirements

The eight Immortals prefer yin to yang. When you move outdoors in spring, you should keep the plants in a semi-shade and keep the plants in a well-ventilated shade in the middle of summer to prevent sunburn. After September, the light is getting weaker, so put the plant in a bright place to promote the differentiation of flower buds!

4. Temperature requirement

The most suitable temperature for the growth of eight Immortals is 18-28 ℃, and it should not be lower than 5 ℃ in winter. After flower bud differentiation, put it in the environment of 5: 7 ℃ for 6-8 weeks, it can blossom, raise the temperature after flowering, stabilize it at about 16 ℃, and prolong the flowering period. During flowering, the temperature should not be too high, it is easy to make the flowers fade.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of eight Immortals

1. Soil

To raise eight Immortals, you need to use soil with high nutrient content and strong air permeability. Rotten leaf soil, garden soil, river sand and cake fertilizer can be mixed according to the ratio of 4: 3 to 2: 1, or rotten leaf soil, sand and cake fertilizer can be mixed at 6:3:1.

2. Lighting

The eight Immortals prefer yin to yang. Spring is best to move to the outdoor semi-shaded place for maintenance, summer can need appropriate shade, autumn light is getting weaker, to put it in a bright place, can promote flower bud differentiation, winter can be put in the indoor sunny place.

3. Moisture

The eight Immortals like to be wet but afraid of waterlogging, so they should be watered often, but not too much at a time. Water more in spring and summer, less watering in autumn, and less watering again after winter.

4. Temperature

The most suitable temperature for the growth of eight Immortals is 18-28 ℃. Keep warm in winter and raise the temperature to more than 5 ℃ to prevent it from frostbite.

5. Points for attention

Acid soil. In addition to normal watering, you can also add one or two drops of salt-free vinegar to the water, which can reduce the PH value of the soil and make the eight Immortals grow better.

Trim it in time. In its growing period, it is necessary to pick the heart to promote the growth of lateral branches, and cut it short before the beginning of winter, which is more conducive to winter.

Growing environment

The eight Immortals are native to China and Japan. Like warm, moist and semi-overcast environment. The optimum temperature for the growth of eight Immortals is 18-28 ℃, and the winter temperature is not lower than 5 ℃. Flower bud differentiation takes 6-8 weeks under the condition of 5-7 ℃. The temperature of 20 ℃ can promote flowering, maintain 16 ℃ after anthesis, and prolong the flowering period. But the heat makes the flowers fade quickly.

The soil of the eight immortal pots should be kept moist, but it should not be watered too much, especially in the rainy season to prevent rotting roots caused by waterlogging. It is better to dry the eight Immortals indoors in winter. If it is too wet, the leaves will rot easily.

The eight Immortals are short-day plants, which are treated in the dark for more than 10 hours a day and form flower buds in about 45-50 days. Usually cultivation should avoid the hot sun, and 60%-70% shading is the best.

The sandy loam with loose, fertile and well-drained soil is better. However, the flower color of Baxian flower changed greatly due to the change of soil pH. In order to deepen the blue, aluminum sulfate can be applied during bud formation. To keep pink, lime can be applied to the soil.

Is the eight Immortals poisonous?

The editor can tell you for sure that the whole plant of the eight Immortals is poisonous. Eight Immortals have no special taste, once eaten by mistake will lead to colic, abdominal pain, diarrhea, shortness of breath, poisoning, vomiting, hematochezia and other symptoms, maintenance is not to covet its beauty picking handle.

As mentioned above, although the eight immortals are beautiful and exquisite, they are imperfect, and they contain certain toxicity, so if there are old people or children at home, do not breed them! If you accidentally eat it, it will cause poisoning.