
Why the eight Immortals do not blossom, the reason why the eight Immortals do not blossom / improper lighting and excessive fertilization

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, The eight Immortals have a long flowering period and large and colorful flowers. It is a flower that many flower friends like. In life, there are many friends who raise eight Immortals, and they all expect it to blossom. But in June, many flower friends of the eight Immortals still have no movement, so why don't the eight Immortals bloom? In this regard, the editor summarized the reasons why five kinds of eight Immortals do not bloom.

The eight Immortals have a long flowering period and large and colorful flowers. It is a flower that many flower friends like. In life, there are many friends who raise eight Immortals, and they all expect it to blossom. But in June, many flower friends of the eight Immortals still have no movement, so why don't the eight Immortals bloom? In this regard, the editor summed up the reasons why five kinds of eight immortal flowers do not bloom, flower friends with problems come in and have a look!

First, why the eight Immortals do not bloom, related to light / fertilization

The purpose of keeping the eight Immortals at home is to watch its huge clusters of flowers and its changeable colors. But if we do not follow the cultivation methods to maintain the eight Immortals, it is very difficult to blossom. As for why the eight Immortals did not bloom, the editor summed up five points: too much nitrogen fertilizer, too high room temperature in winter, too weak light, too long light, and untimely pruning. Let's move on to the specific solutions.

II. The reasons for the non-flowering of the eight Immortals and its Solutions

1. Excessive nitrogen fertilizer

Eight immortal flowers like fertilizer, mainly nitrogen fertilizer before flower bud florescence. But if too much nitrogen fertilizer is applied at this time, the plant will be overnourished, the growth will be inhibited, and the flower bud will be difficult to differentiate, resulting in the symptom of not blooming.

Solution: excessive fertilization, found that something is wrong, should be watered to dilute, or directly change the pot soil, so that the eight fairy flowers dry up. If found in time, the eight Immortals will still blossom.

2. Room temperature is too high in winter

The eight Immortals are not hardy and should be moved to indoor maintenance in winter. The flower buds of the eight Immortals differentiate after flowering, that is, in autumn and winter, when the temperature is 5-10 ℃, and the long-term wild growth makes the eight Immortals adapt to this temperature. But in indoor maintenance, the temperature is above 18 ℃, at this time the flower buds of eight Immortals are very difficult to differentiate, and it is natural not to blossom.

Solution: in winter, if the eight Immortals are put indoors, we should control the temperature at 5-10 ℃.

2. the light is too weak

The eight Immortals prefer shade to nurture and need proper light. Once the light is too little, it will cause the leaves to grow excessively, thus consuming a lot of nutrients, resulting in insufficient nutrition during flower bud differentiation, affecting flowering.

Solution: appropriately increase the illumination time of Baxian flower, and apply appropriate amount of fertilizer.

3. The light is too long

In the culture method of the eight Immortals, we focus on the light, because the eight Immortals is a short-day plant, so the light time during the flower bud differentiation period can not be more than 10 hours. Once the illumination process, it will affect the flower bud differentiation and flowering.

Solution: do not let the eight Immortals come into contact with too long light; in addition, the eight Immortals placed in the room, can not be exposed to the light for a long time at night.

4. Pruning discomfort

The flowering period of the eight Immortals is from June to August. After blooming, the branches of the flowers should be pruned properly to reduce the loss of nutrients. If it is not pruned or not pruned in time, it will be very difficult for the eight Immortals to form flower branches from June to August in the coming year, resulting in reduced or non-flowering. Solution: just trim it in time.

Generally speaking, the beauty of the eight Immortals is mainly concentrated in its flowers, if it does not blossom will be a very serious thing, so in order to, we must take good care of as required. Of course, if a problem is found, it should be solved according to the above method in time. With regard to the reasons why the eight Immortals do not blossom, the editor has introduced them here, hoping to give you some help.

The reason why the eight Immortals do not bloom, four reasons will lead to non-flowering.

Conservation of the eight Immortals will always encounter some problems, some flower friends encounter the eight Immortals do not bloom, then what is the reason why the eight Immortals do not bloom, the following are sorted out several reasons why the eight Immortals do not bloom, such as light, fertilization, temperature discomfort and other reasons.

The reason why the eight Immortals do not blossom: 1. The light time is not enough / too long

If in the process of raising the eight Immortals, receiving little light, it will lead to the excessive growth and poor growth of the leaves of the eight Immortals, thus consuming too much nutrients, then the undernourishment of the eight Immortals during flower bud differentiation will naturally affect the flowering effect.

Although Dixianhua is a short-day flower plant, if the flower bud differentiation period, the light time is not easy to exceed 10 hours. However, if the eight Immortals are placed in the bedroom, they will be exposed to light for a long time in the evening to increase the duration of light, affecting the differentiation of flower buds.

2. Excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer

Although Baxian flower has a large demand for fertilizer in the growing period, if in the early stage of flower bud differentiation, it is mainly nitrogen fertilizer to promote the branch of Baxian flower; the differentiation period is mainly phosphate fertilizer to promote flower bud growth. But the autumn and winter festival time is short, the growth of the eight fairy flowers is relatively slow, if the flower friends apply too much nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, it will cause plant excess nutrition, growth will be inhibited, then the eight fairy flower buds are difficult to differentiate, which will affect the flowering in the coming year.

3. The winter temperature is too high

Baxian flower bud differentiation after flowering, that is, autumn and winter season, long-term growth environment, the period to adapt to this lower temperature environment. The temperature is usually between 5 and 10 ℃, but too high temperature affects the differentiation. The family will put the eight Immortals in indoor care, the temperature is above 18 ℃, the flower bud is difficult to differentiate normally.

4. Unreasonable pruning

Generally speaking, the flowering period of the eight Immortals is from June to July. After the flowering period, the branches of the eight Immortals need to be pruned to reduce the loss of nutrients. If the plant is too prosperous and needs pruning and shaping in early spring, it will be difficult to form flower branches from June to August, resulting in reduced flowering or no flowering.

Why doesn't the eight Immortals (hydrangea) blossom?

In order to ensure the normal flowering of the eight Immortals, we need to pay attention to the following points: reasonable fertilization, proper light, cooling in winter and timely pruning.

The main reasons for not blooming are as follows:

Excessive nitrogen fertilizer

Eight immortal peanuts have a large demand for fertilizer for a long time. In the early stage of flower bud differentiation, nitrogen fertilizer was mainly used to promote branches, while phosphorus fertilizer was used in the differentiation period to promote flower bud growth. However, the sunshine time in autumn and winter is short, and the growth of eight Immortals is relatively slow. if excessive application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer is applied, the plant will be overnourished, the growth will be inhibited, and the flower bud will be difficult to differentiate, affecting flowering in the second year.

The light is too weak

Family cultivation is limited by conditions and receives less light, which will result in excessive growth of leaves and poor growth. The nutrient consumption of leaves is too large, and the nutrition is insufficient during flower bud differentiation, which affects flowering.

The illumination time is too long.

Baxian flower is a short-day plant, in the flower bud differentiation period, the light time can not be more than 10 hours. Usually the light is not too long. But put the eight immortal flowers in the room, the light exposure for a long time in the evening will increase the light and affect the differentiation of flower buds.

The room temperature is too high in winter

The flower bud differentiation of Baxian flower after flowering, that is, autumn and winter season, long-term growth environment, the period to adapt to this lower temperature environment. The temperature is usually between 5 and 10 ℃, but too high temperature affects the differentiation. The family will put the eight Immortals in indoor care, the temperature is above 18 ℃, the flower bud is difficult to differentiate normally.

Discomfort during pruning

The flowering period of the eight Immortals is from June to July, and the flower branches are usually pruned after the flowering period to reduce the loss of nutrients. If the plant is too prosperous and cut again in early spring, it is difficult to form flower branches from June to August, resulting in a decrease in flowering or no flowering.