
ie Learn more about ie

  • Magnolia angustifolia

    Magnolia angustifolia

    Scientific name: Paphiopedi1ummarkianumFow1ie morphological characteristics: terrestrial or semi-epiphyte. Leaves basal, distichous, usually 2 Mel 3; leaf blade narrowly oblong, 15 mi 25 cm long, 2.1 mi 3.5 cm wide, apex obtuse and often fissured or emarginate, green, abaxially lighter in color, glabrous, base narrowed into stalks and folded, nesting with each other. Scape erect, 20ml 25 cm long, purple, pubescent, apical 1-flowered; floral bracts subellipsoid

  • Angelica rotundus

    Angelica rotundus

    First, character family: umbelliferae characteristics, alias: lover parsley most of these plants are perennial in the eastern Mediterranean, up to 2 meters high, dark green leaves, large and celery-scented leaves, deep hollow stems, serrated edges. Small yellowish green flowers bloom in summer. Sow seeds in autumn, ie the germination rate is low. Fully sunny or semi-shaded, fertile, moist but well drained soil. Second, cultivation techniques: the sandy loam or deep loam with adequate sunshine and good ventilation and good drainage is better. Seed direct seeding, 2-3 per hole

  • The pruning method of mulberry leaves and peony flowers

    The pruning method of mulberry leaves and peony flowers

    Mulberry tree peony namely fusang, also known as buddha hibiscus, hibiscus. For evergreen shrubs, is China's famous flowers, flowers large, colorful, flowers although open evening fall, but continuous, long flowering, summer and autumn flowers bloom the most. Do you know how to trim mulberry leaves and peony flowers? I.

    2020-11-08 mulberry leaf peony floral pruning method ie hibiscus
  • How do flies spend the winter?

    How do flies spend the winter?

    Different flies have different ways to spend the winter. For example, ordinary houseflies will safely survive the winter by laying eggs in feces before the end of their life cycle, while pink flies will look for cracks or holes to avoid the cold before entering winter. I. fly's

    2020-11-11 Fly winter how different fly method
  • Living in a big city with no storage room, the Japanese wife can save a lot of money.

    Living in a big city with no storage room, the Japanese wife can save a lot of money.

    This article is jointly produced by Tencent News and Kexi Life study Society, which is the Department of Tencent News TOP MEDIA Project ParknShop Penguin account. Via rkmama45 in Japan, Tokyo and other big cities, often restaurants, kitchens,.

  • Since the snacks are out of date and can't be put away, the Japanese wife can save a lot of money by accepting them like this.

    Since the snacks are out of date and can't be put away, the Japanese wife can save a lot of money by accepting them like this.

    Houses in small cities can also have lockers. After the fox rents in Beijing, it is not easy to have a locker on the balcony, not to mention the locker. Once you find that you are out of paper in the middle of your meal, you have to go through the cabinets. Via rkmama45 is in Japanese inch.

  • The primary storage problem of modern Chinese-style kitchens: how to improve the cabinets with backward design without spending money?

    The primary storage problem of modern Chinese-style kitchens: how to improve the cabinets with backward design without spending money?

    In the survey conducted two days ago, 40% of the readers thought that the Chinese-style kitchen was the most stressful place for home storage. Today, the fox came to talk about the fox's kitchen reception. Fox home is a full rent of 120 square feet, of course, when renting is also fine.

  • Realize the integrated development of online and offline agricultural products exhibitions

    Realize the integrated development of online and offline agricultural products exhibitions

    With the rapid development of Internet technology, e-commerce is increasingly becoming an important form of economic operation. The exhibition service industry is a barometer of industrial development, and the application of Internet technology in the exhibition industry has important practical significance. On the further Promotion of the State Council

    2016-01-10 Realize online offline agricultural products exhibition integration development with
  • How to maintain orchids in summer and autumn? Guidelines for summer and autumn conservation of orchids

    How to maintain orchids in summer and autumn? Guidelines for summer and autumn conservation of orchids

    How to maintain orchids in summer and autumn? Orchids can also be called Chinese orchids, spring orchids, flowers and colors are white, pure white, white-green, yellowish green, yellowish brown, yellow and so on. Orchids like shade and fear the sun, avoid extreme heat and dryness, and require a well-ventilated environment when planting.

  • How to grow plants after grafting

    How to grow plants after grafting

    After flowers and trees grafting, the following management work should be done well: branch grafting management, woody plant branch grafting, if it is found that cracks appear on the buried mound or bud tips have sprouted, indicating that they have survived, they should immediately remove the pile of soil to make the seedlings see the light. If the bud tip is still not seen after one month, it means that it has not been reconnected, and the soil should also be removed.

  • The difference between the cultivation method of orchids and iris

    The difference between the cultivation method of orchids and iris

    Malan flowers are pink flowers, it is very good-looking, flower type is like laughing, many people want to breed Malan flowers, Malan flowers breeding method is what kind of it? What is the difference between Iris and Iris? Malan breeding methods: soil and fertilizer, Malan soil adaptability is very strong
