
The difference between the cultivation method of orchids and iris

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Malan flowers are pink flowers, it is very good-looking, flower type is like laughing, many people want to breed Malan flowers, Malan flowers breeding method is what kind of it? What is the difference between Iris and Iris? Malan breeding methods: soil and fertilizer, Malan soil adaptability is very strong

Malan flowers are pink school flowers, it is very good-looking, the flower pattern is like laughing, many people want to raise Malan flowers, what is the breeding method of Malan flowers? What's the difference between Iris and Iris?

The breeding method of orchids:

1. Soil and fertilizer

Malan soil adaptability is very strong, there is good drainage of sandy loam best. Remove weeds in the soil before transplanting, or spray them with pollution-free herbicides, so that the base fertilizer is sufficient and the soil and fertilizer blend, laying a good foundation for the long-term vigorous growth of Malan.

2. Transplanting

Malan is usually transplanted in September and can be covered with plastic in November. Good thermal insulation performance.

During the autumn and winter growth period, there was no serious damage from pests and diseases, so spraying was not needed. Occasionally punctate leaf spot disease occurs and can be controlled by plant ash.

Pay attention to keeping short shoots when cutting, and put the tender shoots after cutting in a damp pottery jar, spray fine water to prevent wilting, and eat them!

3. Harvest

After each harvest, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied in time. Due to the short harvest interval, decomposed and thin human excrement, or green environment-friendly quick-acting organic granular fertilizer, or green environment-friendly quick-acting organic liquid fertilizer should be applied, and quick-acting chemical nitrogen fertilizer should not be applied. Under artificial cultivation conditions, Malan is a vegetable that can be harvested all year round, and can be harvested continuously for many years at a time.

As long as the tender shoots are continuously cut off throughout the year, it will continue to grow tender shoots, will not bloom, will not bear seeds, and will continue to be cut and eaten by people.

After clearing, take off the plastic film and let it grow naturally. As long as it is managed and fertilized frequently, the yield of tender shoots is higher than that during the greenhouse covering period, and the fragrance is rich and the quality is excellent.

Malan has strong resistance to pests and diseases, and generally does not need to be treated with drugs to prevent diseases.

Breeding methods of orchids:

The propagation method of Malan is divided into two kinds: seed propagation and ramet propagation.

Seed propagation is generally not used due to difficulty in seed collection and extremely low emergence rate. The method of vegetative propagation is not only simple and easy to use, but also low in cost and high in survival rate, and seeds can be harvested in the same year.

Methods: In September, the seed roots of Malan were dug up in the field with a shovel or hoe, and the large seed coat was broken into several small seed roots with main branches and rhizomes. Each small seed root had 3~4 main stems of Malan, and then transplanted into the soil according to a certain row spacing.

When transplanting, the seed roots should be compacted to make them closely combined with the soil; after planting, they should be watered thoroughly in time to prevent wilting, so as to improve the survival rate.

When the orchids are propagated to the field, they should collect those rhizomes, select short and slightly red plants, creeping growth, dark green leaves, obovate oblong or oblanceolate leaves, toothed or pinnately lobed plants.

Breeding varieties with good regeneration, fast growth, wide adaptability, easy cultivation, strong resistance, environmental protection (no need to control diseases and insect pests) and delicate fragrance.

The difference between orchids and irises:

Malan flowers are very simple, there is no mark, is more beautiful, elegant; and iris petals are very large, petals have beautiful lines, and stamens are long stretch out, each have love!

Malan leaves pointed small, iris large and wide.

The picture above is "Malan Flower"

The above picture is "Iris"

It is widely distributed in southern and eastern Asia. At present, there are artificial cultivation in individual large and medium-sized cities in China, and its young leaves are usually eaten as vegetables, commonly known as "Malan head", which has become a popular green leafy vegetable in the early spring and autumn market.

Perennial herb, erect tufted, plant height (i.e. leaf length) about 30 cm, leaf width about 6 mm, blue-purple flowers open in four or five.

It is widely distributed in southern and eastern Asia. At present, there are artificial cultivation in individual large and medium-sized cities in China, and its young leaves are usually eaten as vegetables, commonly known as "Malan head", which has become a popular green leafy vegetable in the early spring and autumn market. There are also plants of the same name in the family Iridaceae and Cyperaceae.

It is perennial herb, erect tufted, plant height (ie leaf length) about 30 cm, leaf width about 6 mm, blue purple flowers open between four or five, natural distribution is extremely wide. Iris chinensis has developed root system, strong resistance and adaptability, and salt and alkali tolerance. These characteristics determine that it is very suitable for soil and water conservation and greening transformation of saline-alkali land in dry climate and sandy soil areas in northern China.

It likes fertile soil, drought and waterlogging tolerance, strong vitality, born in vegetable gardens, farmland, roadside, common weeds for the field.

The breeding method of Malan flower is introduced here, and the difference between iris and iris is also introduced. Hurry up and raise Malan flower in your own home, and be happy.

Malan flower alias:

Also known as Malan head, roadside chrysanthemum, Tianbian chrysanthemum, loach string, loach vegetables.

Kalimeris indica Malan: how to raise Malan / how to breed Malan Business Card Malan Kalimeris indica Malan introduction of Malan, also known as Malan head, roadside chrysanthemum, Tian Bian chrysanthemum, Loach string, Loach, is a perennial herb of Compositae. The whole herbal medicine has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, eliminating food accumulation, promoting urination, dispersing blood stasis and stopping bleeding. It is widely distributed in the south and east of Asia. At present, artificial cultivation has been carried out in some large and medium-sized cities in China, and its young leaves are usually eaten as vegetables, commonly known as "Malantou". It has become a popular green leafy vegetable in the early spring and autumn market. There are also Iridaceae and Cyperaceae plants of the same name. Perennial herb, erect tufted, plant height (that is, leaf length) about 30 cm, leaf width about 6 mm, orchid flowers open four or five, the natural distribution is very wide. Because of its well-developed root system, strong resistance and adaptability and salt-alkali tolerance, it is very suitable for soil and water conservation and saline-alkali land greening in dry climate and soil desertification areas in the north. The morphological characteristics of Malan (Kalimeris indica (Linn.) Sch.) Compositae. Perennial herbs, underground with slender rhizomes, prostrate, white jointed. There are only basal leaves in early spring, the stem is not obvious, the aboveground stem increases in early summer, the base is green with purplish red, smooth and glabrous. Simple leaves alternate subsessile, leaf blade Obovate, elliptic to lanceolate. Flowering at the end of autumn, heads. Achenes are flattened and Obovate, with few crown hairs, weak and easy to fall off. Stem erect, 30-80 cm tall. Cauline leaves lanceolate, Obovate-oblong, 3-7 cm long and 1-2.5 cm wide, margin middle with 2-4 pairs of shallow teeth, upper leaves small, entire. Head is sparse corymbose, involucral bracts hemispherical, 6-9 mm in diameter, involucral bracts 2-4 layers. Margin flowers ligulate, purple; inner flowers tubular, yellow. Malan flower ecological habits like fertile soil, drought and waterlogging tolerance, strong vitality, born in vegetable gardens, farmland, roadside, is a common weed in the field. Cultivation techniques of Malan Flower Field Management Malan has strong adaptability to soil, but it is better to use sandy loam soil with good water conservancy facilities and convenient drainage and irrigation. Before transplanting, weeds were manually pulled out or sprayed with pollution-free herbicides, and combined with ploughing, 5000kg of fermented high-quality pig manure or cow manure was applied per 667m2, so that the base fertilizer was sufficient and the soil fertilizer was mixed, so as to lay a good foundation for the lasting and exuberant growth of Malan. After that, the width and length of the border are determined according to the size of the field and the standard of greenhouse coverage, and the general land utilization rate is more than 90%. Good weeding and adequate application of basic fertilizer are the basis for the safety, high quality and high yield of Malan, which should not be taken lightly. Transplanting Malan is usually transplanted in September and covered with plastic greenhouse in the first ten days of November. A simple bamboo greenhouse or a movable steel greenhouse can be used in the greenhouse. The width and height of the greenhouse are the same as those of the conventional vegetable greenhouse, which requires good thermal insulation and convenient field operation for Limalan growth and field operation. Malan in the greenhouse should implement green management. After more than 4 years of practice, there is no serious damage to diseases and insect pests during the growth period of greenhouse Malan in autumn and winter, and there is no need for spraying control. Occasional spot leaf spot disease can be prevented and treated with plant ash. Therefore, the greenhouse planting Malan is more favored by the majority of consumers. When the seedling height 10~15cm, you can start to use scissors to cut the tender shoots on the market. It is generally taken and cut every 10 to 15 days. When picking and cutting, we should pay attention to keeping short buds to ensure the yield in the later stage. After picking and cutting, the tender shoots should be placed in a wet pottery jar, sprayed with fine water to prevent wilting, and packed with fresh bags to be sent to the market in time for sale, so that they can be picked and cut on time and keep fresh on the market. After each harvest, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied in time. Due to the short harvest interval, rotten and thin human feces and urine, or green environment-friendly quick-acting organic granular fertilizer, or green environment-friendly quick-acting organic liquid fertilizer, and no quick-acting chemical nitrogen fertilizer should be applied to ensure the safety and quality of Malan in the greenhouse. Under the condition of artificial cultivation, Malan in greenhouse is a kind of vegetable that can be harvested all the year round, and once planted can be harvested continuously for many years. As long as the tender shoots are cut off all the year round, they will continue to grow, will not blossom, will not bear seeds, and will continue to be picked, cut and eaten by people. After the Qingming Festival, remove the plastic film from the greenhouse and let it grow naturally. as long as it is managed and fertilized diligently, the tender shoot yield is higher than that during the greenhouse mulching period, and the fragrance is rich and the quality is good; because Malan has strong resistance to diseases and insect pests, generally there is no need to use drugs to control pests and diseases. Especially in the off-season of vegetables in July and August, artificially cultivated Malan fills the vacancy of vegetables in the middle of the off-season. Although the price is lower than that during the Spring Festival, its economic benefit is still 1-2 times higher than that of ordinary vegetables. The propagation method of Malan flower the propagation method of Malan can be divided into two kinds: seed propagation and plant propagation. Seed propagation is generally not used because of difficulties in seed collection and extremely low emergence rate. The method of split-plant propagation (vegetative propagation) is not only simple and easy, low cost and high survival rate, but also can be harvested and managed in the same year, and the cost can be recovered and there is a slight surplus in the same year. The method is as follows: in September, the seed roots of Malan were shoveled with mud with shovels or hoes in the field (such as field corners, two sides of ditches, hillside slopes), and the large seed coat was broken into several small roots with main branches and rhizomes, each of which had 3-4 branches of the main stem of Malan, and then transplanted to the field according to the row spacing of 10cm × 10cm. When transplanting, the root should be compacted to make it closely combine with the soil; after planting, it should be watered in time to prevent wilting, so as to improve the survival rate. There are many varieties of Malan, including 3 varieties and 3 varieties. When shoveling in the field, collect those plants with thick, short, reddish rhizome, creeping growth, dark green leaves, Obovate-oblong or oblanceolate leaves, toothed or pinnately lobed leaves. Only by selecting the varieties with good regeneration, fast growth, wide adaptability, easy cultivation, strong stress resistance, environmental protection (no need to control diseases and insect pests) and delicious fragrance, can we ensure the high quality, high yield and good benefit of Malan. This is one of the key technical links to grow a good Malan. Malan is widely distributed in the east, middle, west, south and south of northeast China. Malan is also distributed in northern China, and a large number of plants are planted in Dongying and other places in Shandong Province. the varieties in this area have good alkali tolerance and are excellent crops for alkali land greening. Purple or yellow flowers in spring, very beautiful. Dongying Bohai Horticulture Company has a lot of planting. The dietotherapy or medicinal value of Malan flower the medical information and health dietotherapy information of Malan flower protection net are for reference only and can not be used as the basis of diagnosis and medical treatment. Any health problems should consult professional health care personnel, the treatment of any disease, please follow the doctor's advice. The ultimate task of protecting flowers: to love yourself, proceed from reality and follow the doctor's advice. For disease, do not be careless, do not postpone, do not give up hope, face it bravely, warm the silent world with love, and protect the inner flower field with your heart. Pharmacology (1) it has anticancer activity in vitro. (2) the aqueous extract has anti-tumor effect on leukemic cells in tumor tissue culture. (3) the aqueous extract has inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus. Efficacy of detoxification and anti-cancer, cooling blood and dispersing blood stasis, clearing heat and promoting dampness, reducing swelling and relieving pain. The main treatment can clear heat and detoxification, dissipate blood stasis and stop bleeding, benefit dampness, digestion and accumulation. For colds and fever, cough, acute pharyngitis, tonsillitis, mumps, infectious hepatitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, infantile accumulation, enteritis, dysentery, hematemesis, metrorrhagia, irregular menstruation; topical use to treat furuncle swelling, mastitis, traumatic bleeding; dysentery or damp-heat diarrhea; sore throat, carbuncle, sores and sores; blood-heat, bloody stool, damp-heat jaundice; or edema, adverse urination; dietary stagnation, abdominal distension. [invention] [hour hand says] Ma Lan Xinping can divide blood into Yangming, so treating blood is the same as that of Zelan. Near people use to treat hemorrhoids and leaking clouds effectively, win in spring and summer, dry in autumn and winter, do not use salt and vinegar, cook in white water, and drink its juice. Or boil and bake with wine, paste pills, rice drink and take it every day. Still add a little salt to the fried water and wash it every day. "Medical Integration" cloud: to treat hemorrhoids with Malangen, when smashing Fu tablets, look at the meat flat and go to it. A little later, I'm afraid the meat will come out. Fu Fang 1. Baidu anti-cancer, for cancer accumulation of poison: rib adenocarcinoma Malan, wild onion appropriate amount of mashed external application. It can make the cancer go away. Leukemia view orchid, Shengdi, verbena, Hedyotis diffusa, sunflower seed, Baihuadan each 30 grams, Prunella vulgaris 15 grams water fried 2 times, morning and evening service. It is suitable for patients with acute leukemia who have bleeding. 2. Cool blood and dissipate blood stasis, used for heat bleeding: heat vomiting and bleeding. 60 grams of Malan, 30 grams of small thistle root, 9 grams of grass cream. And mash it in the nose with fresh horse Zhuang. 3. Clearing heat and promoting dampness, for damp-heat inflammation: damp-heat enteritis. 30 grams of Malan, Portulaca oleracea and plantain 15 grams each. Hot urine astringent fresh Malan 30 grams, black beans, wheat each 9 grams of wine, water half-fried, warm service before eating. It can dissipate heat and promote diuresis. 4. Reduce swelling and relieve pain, for sores and carbuncle swelling and pain: ulcers are swollen. Apply appropriate amount of Malan fresh leaves and winter honey, change twice a day. Carbuncle boil swollen Malan tender leaves add a little salt, smash and apply to the affected area. It also treats bee stings and snake bites. Usage for external use: appropriate amount, 0.5: 1 taels; smash fresh products and apply to the affected area. Decoction: fried soup, boiled food, or minced juice. 36g to 60g (for juice). The decoction has a good antitussive effect on chronic bronchitis. The remarks of the attached prescription can be used with hemostatic drugs such as fairy crane grass, iron amaranth, chrysanthemum leaf Panax notoginseng, Platycladus orientalis leaves, etc.; for the treatment of sore throat, it can be used with heat-clearing and detoxifying drugs such as Radix Isatidis and Artemisia mandshurica. For the treatment of damp-heat jaundice, it can be used with Yinchen, Shanzhi, rhubarb, flat wood and other drugs; for the treatment of damp-heat injection into the bladder, urine leaching tingling, can be used with Phoenix tail grass, flat storage, qu wheat, Haijinsha, plantain and other drugs. In addition, it can also be used for snakebite, can be fresh whole grass, wash, smash the affected area, or with wild chrysanthemum, Scutellaria barbata and other common use. 1, Malan immortal crane grass soup: Malan (whole grass), fairy crane grass, plantain 15 g each. Pan-fry soup with water. Crane grass can detoxify and stop bleeding, plantain can clear heat and detoxification, facilitate urination, and play the effect of heat-clearing and detoxification, dampness and hemostasis with Malan. For dysentery, purulent blood in stool, short and red urine. 2, Malan soup: fresh Malan (tender stems and leaves) 60g / 120g, "do not use salt and vinegar, cook in white water, and drink its juice". It comes from Compendium of Materia Medica. This prescription takes Malan Qingre detoxification and hemostatic effect for hemorrhoids swelling and pain, stool blood. 3, purple chrysanthemum lotus seed soup: fresh Malan, white thatch root each 30g, add water thick fry, remove dregs to take juice; add lotus seed, jujube each 15g, simmer over low heat, eat slowly. It comes from "three hundred integrated prescriptions". This prescription uses Malan with white thatch root to cool blood and stop bleeding, and nourishes spleen and stomach with lotus seed and jujube. For vomiting and blood loss, deficiency of spleen and stomach, red tongue and less fur. 4. Malan plantain Yin Chen decoction: Malan, plantain 30 g each, wormwood 15 g. Deep-fry clothes with water. This prescription has the effect of clearing heat and dampness and relieving jaundice. For hot and humid yellowing, short red urine. Modern for acute icteric hepatitis. 5, Malan Lai semen Raphani decoction: fresh Malan (whole grass) 60g, semen Raphani 15g, Jiao rice (japonica rice fried) 10g. Pan-fry soup with water. This side with Malan, semen Raphani digestion fullness, burnt rice digestion to stop diarrhea. For overeating, indigestion, fullness and diarrhea. Famous experts discuss 1. "Compendium": Ma Lan treats blood as well as Zelan. It is effective to treat hemorrhoids and leaking clouds in spring and summer and dry in autumn and winter without salt, vinegar, white water and drink its juice. Or boil with wine, bake paste pills, take it with rice, still use fried water, add a little salt, and wash it every day. 2. "Materia Medica Justice": Ma Lan, the most antipyretic, can specialize in blood points, stop bleeding and cool blood, especially his specialty. All warm and hot evil, deep into the camp, and carbuncle ulcer blood heat, decay and other syndrome, allowed to be a special medicine. Internal and external application, it is widely used, but also the essentials of heat-clearing and detoxification. It would be too much to say that he broke the old blood and gave birth to new blood. 3. "Rihuazi Materia Medica": roots and leaves, broken blood, nourishing new blood, stopping epistaxis, hematemesis, alloy sores, breaking blood dysentery, relieving alcoholic jaundice and various bacterial toxins; raw tamping snake bites. 4. Compendium: roots, leaves, main malaria and acute abdominal pain, hemorrhoids. 5. "Benjing Fengyuan": treat women with turbid, hemorrhoids and leakage. 6. Summary of Medicine: tonifying the kidney, removing cold and dampness, warming the uterus, killing insects. Treat infantile accumulation. 7. "question Materia Medica": smear yellow water sore and nameless swelling poison with juice. With leaves and winter honey to mash evenly, Yang disease nameless swelling poison, not ulcerated can be dispersed. 8. Fujian folk herbs: activating blood stasis and hemostasis, eliminating carbuncle, detoxification. 9. Sichuan Chronicles of traditional Chinese Medicine: digestion, fullness and chest distension, removing dampness and heat, promoting urination, reducing fever, relieving cough, detoxification, and treating snake wounds. 10. "Yunnan Chinese Herbal Medicine": root: dispelling wind and dispelling cold, relieving cough and asthma. Treat bronchitis, bronchial asthma, rheumatic arthralgia, infantile hernia. 11. List of Medicinal plants in Guangxi: heat-clearing table. Treat external wind and heat. Edible value the tender aboveground stems and leaves of Malan can be eaten as a nutritious and healthy vegetable. Can stir-fry food, cold or make soup, rich flavor, rich nutrition. Native to southern and eastern Asia. It is very common in all parts of China, and it is widely distributed in the Yangtze River basin. All parts of our country have had the habit of eating Malan in spring for a long time. Nutrition introduction: energy 25 kcal, protein 2.4g, fat 0.4g, carbohydrate 4.6g, dietary fiber 1.6g, vitamin A340mg, carotene 2040 microg, thiamine 0.06mg, riboflavin 0.13mg, nicotinic acid 0.8mg, vitamin C 26mg, vitamin E 0.72mg, calcium 67mg, phosphorus 38mg, potassium 285mg, Sodium 15.2 mg, magnesium 14 mg, iron 2.4 mg, zinc 0.87 mg, selenium 0.75 mg, copper 0.13 mg this product is the whole grass and root of Compositae plant Malan. Perennial herbs, harvested in summer and autumn, washed, fresh or sun-dried. The half-rhizome of the horse is slender and cylindrical, with most light brownish yellow fine roots and fibrous roots. The stem is cylindrical, 2 to 3 mm in diameter, yellowish green on the surface, with fine longitudinal lines, brittle, easy to break, white pulp in the center of the section, leaves alternate, leaves wrinkled and curled, mostly broken, complete and Obovate, oval or lanceolate, covered with short hairs, some heads can be seen at the top of the branches, flowers lavender, or have borne fruit. Achenes Obovate-oblong, flattened, hairy. The breath is slight, the taste is light and astringent. Malan contains a variety of nutrients, rich in mineral elements, vitamins and β-carotene, more than 17 kinds of amino acids, of which 7 are essential for human body. The contents of nutrient elements from high to low are K, Ca, Na, Mg, Zn, Fe, Cu, Li, Mn, Ni, V, Se, Co. Among them, the content of potassium is 20 times higher than that of ordinary vegetables, and compared with ordinary vegetables, the contents of Se, Zn, Mg and Ca are more abundant. Tender stems and leaves contain moisture, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, potassium, vitamin B, nicotinic acid, etc. Malan is rich in inorganic salts. Per 100g Malan, tender stems and leaves contain 86.4% moisture, 3G protein, 0.9g fat, 5.2g carbohydrates, 1.1 g raw fiber VC36mg ·kg 69mg, carotene 31.5mg mg, 145mg 2.5g, potassium 530mg, calcium 145mg, magnesium 46.8mg, phosphorus 70mg, copper 0.24mg, iron 4mg, zinc 0.43mg. Sodium 1mg. The whole grass contains volatile oil, which contains bornyl acetate, bornyl formate, phenols, sesquiterpene, dimerene and octanoic acid. A few days ago, my wife went to Xidan market to buy vegetables and came back. Talking about shepherd's purse being sold there, I thought of what happened in eastern Zhejiang. Shepherd's purse is a wild vegetable that people in eastern Zhejiang often eat in spring. needless to say, families in the city can eat at any time as long as there is a back garden. Women and children each take a pair of scissors and a "seedling basket" and squat on the ground to search. It is a kind of interesting game work. At that time, the children sang, "Shepherd's Lai Malan, elder sister married at the back door." Later, some villagers from Malantou took it to the city to sell it, but shepherd's purse is still a kind of wild vegetable and has to be picked at home. Mix Malan head with edible recipe from "Wild vegetables in hometown": wash fresh and tender Malan head, blanch it in boiling water, spread it out to cool, squeeze out the water, and cut into pieces. Cut the dried beans into fine pieces and mix with Malan powder and put them on a plate. Put the refined salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar and sesame oil on the Malan head and dried beans, mix well and serve. Longevity Malan head: raw materials: 250 grams of fresh Malan head, 5 pieces of dried bean curd, 50 grams of spiced fried peanuts, soy sauce, sesame oil, refined salt, sugar and monosodium glutamate. Making method: 1. Stir-fry peanuts with five spices, remove clothes and stir-fry yellow over low heat, grind into fine powder and set aside. 2. Blanch the dried bean curd in boiling water and cut it into fines. 3. Wash Malan's head, blanch it with boiling water, squeeze out the water and chop it into fines. Mix the ingredients and add seasoning to serve. Utility: heat-clearing, appetizer, longevity. Suitable for masculine physique, easy to get angry and see red eyes, sore throat, or skin boils and so on. It is also suitable for patients with chronic bronchitis and dietary stagnation. Fragrant dried Malan head: wash Malan head flying water, control dry water, cut up and set aside. Dried fragrant water, chopped. Put oil in a hot pan, stir-fry dried seeds, add salt, chicken essence, sugar and mix well. Turn off the heat and add sesame oil and mix well. The cultural background of Malan flower is also known as fish loach string, Loach string, field side chrysanthemum, roadside chrysanthemum, sedge, spleen grass, purple chrysanthemum, red stem vegetable, scattered blood grass. Ma Lan, Ziju "Materia Medica", pre-stage Chrysanthemum "Liyan Materia Medica", Chicken intestines (misused), Malantou "disaster Saving Materia Medica", Malan Chrysanthemum "Collection of Medicine", Oviductus Ranae "questioning Materia Medica", Red Stem Chrysanthemum "Materia Medica Justice", Tianbian Chrysanthemum "Guangzhou Flora", Tian Ju (Fujian), Red Malan and Malanqing (Zhejiang), roadside, Toad head Grass (Shanghai), coir (Yunnan), Miao Medicinal name Mas lanx Band Malandan (Songtao, Guizhou), Ghab jongx vob nail lies Gagong A Neiliu (Qiandongnan, Guizhou), Uab duat gheib frog (Qiannan, Guizhou), Gaok gend (Guizhou Bijie) Note: Malan was once mistakenly referred to as chicken intestines, which is a species of the genus Ziyuan and is not edible. The Culture methods and points for attention of Malan Flower Picture and points for attention

Latin name Iris lacteaPall. Var.chinensis (Fisch.) Koidz.

Also known as Ma Lian, Malan, Malan Flower, Hanpu, Lishi, Litchao, Drama Grass, Shoushou, Sanjian, Ilein

Binomial method Iris lactea var. Chinensis

The plant kingdom.

Phylum angiosperm

Monocotyledon class




Grow white flower Iris chinensis

Aristolochia lanceolata

Named by and age Fisch., 1925

English name Chinese Iris

Ma Lin (scientific name: Iris lactea Pall. Var. Chinensis (Fisch.) Koidz.) is a variety of Iris officinalis, a perennial herb. The roots, stems and leaves are stout, the fibrous roots are dense and developed, and the length can reach more than 1 meter, showing an umbrella-shaped distribution. Leaves basal, broadly linear, height up to 1250px, width 0.4~25px, gray-green, flowering stem about 250px 2: 2 flowers, flowers are light blue, blue or blue-purple, with darker stripes on perianth; capsule long oval-columnar, with 6 distinct ribs, tip with short beak; long 4~150px, seeds are irregular polyhedron, brown, slightly glossy, seeds mature in September. The flowering period is from May to June and the fruiting period is from June to September. Born in wasteland, roadside, hillside grassland, especially in overgrazed saline-alkalized grassland. Distributed in North Korea, Russia, India and China.

1. Morphological characteristics.

Iris mandshurica is a variety of Iris officinalis, a perennial herb. Rhizome stout, woody, obliquely extended, surrounded by a large number of dense red-purple broken old leaf sheaths and hairy fibers; fibrous roots thick and long, yellowish-white, less branched. Leaves basal, tough, grayish green, striate or narrowly sword-shaped, ca. 50 cm long, 4-6 mm wide, apex acuminate, base sheathlike, reddish purple, without obvious midrib. Flowers are light blue, blue or blue-purple, with darker stripes on perianth, stem smooth, 5-10 cm high; bracts 3-5, herbaceous, green, margin white, lanceolate, 4.5-10 cm long, 0.8-1.6 cm wide, apex acuminate or long acuminate, containing 2-4 flowers; flowers milky white, 5-6 cm in diameter; pedicels 4-7 cm long Perianth tube very short, ca. 3 mm, outer perianth lobes oblanceolate, 4.5-6.5 cm long and 0.8-1.2 cm wide, apex obtuse or acute, claws cuneate, inner perianth lobes narrowly oblanceolate, 4.2-4.5 cm long and 5-7 mm wide, claws narrowly cuneate; stamens 2.5-3.2 cm long, anthers yellow, filaments white; ovary fusiform, 3-4.5 cm long.

The capsule is long elliptic columnar, 4-6 cm long and 1-1.4 cm in diameter, with 6 distinct ribs and a short beak at the tip; the seeds are irregular polyhedron, brown, slightly glossy. The flowering period is from May to June and the fruiting period is from June to September.

2. Growth habits

Born in wasteland, roadside, hillside grassland, especially in overgrazed saline-alkalized grassland. It can be used for soil and water conservation and improvement of saline-alkali soil because of its salt-alkali resistance, trampling resistance and developed root system.

3. Geographical distribution

Distributed in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei, Hunan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai, *, Sichuan, Xizang. It is also produced in North Korea, Russia and India.

4. Plant characteristics

With the characteristics of drought resistance, the root system of Iris is well developed, the depth of penetration can reach more than 1 meter, and the fibrous root is dense and developed, which is not only a strong guarantee of its strong resistance and adaptability, but also has a strong ability to bind soil and retain water. The upright leaves of Iris chinensis can effectively reduce water evaporation, alleviate Rain Water's direct erosion to the surface, and is also conducive to root ventilation. Under harsh environmental conditions, the aboveground part of Iris will become relatively low, and the aboveground growth will be reduced by more than 20%. At the same time, the root system will be more developed, and the root system will increase by more than 10%. This is conducive to its normal survival in adverse environments such as high temperature, drought, waterlogging and so on.

Saline-alkali tolerant Iris is a heavy saline-alkali tolerant plant, whose seeds germinate normally under the condition of 0.44% salt content; when the salt content is 0.51%, the germination rate decreases obviously, and the salt content reaches 0.75% and loses its germination ability. The germinated seedlings can still grow normally, blossom and bear fruit under the condition of soil salt content up to 0.27% and pH value up to 7.9-8.8. It is a rare good material for greening and improvement of saline-alkali land.

In the northern region, the green Iris generally turned green at the end of March, began to bloom in late April, bloomed from mid-May to the end of May, finally bloomed in mid-June, withered and yellowed in early November, and the green period lasted for more than 280 days. Iris lanceolata has green color, elegant and beautiful flowers, fragrant nectar and a florescence of more than 50 days.

Iris officinalis has a very strong ability to resist diseases and insect pests. Not only diseases and insect pests never occur in a single vegetation community, but also few diseases and insect pests occur after they are mixed with other plants because of their special secretions, which greatly reduces the input and cost of pest control after green land is established.

5. Ecological function.

Malin likes the sun and is slightly shady, and the aboveground stems and leaves wither in winter in North China. Resistant to high temperature, drought, waterlogging and salinity, it is a kind of ground cover flower with strong adaptability. Under dry and poor soil fertility conditions, the aboveground stem and leaf growth of Iris will be reduced by more than 20%, while the root growth will increase by more than 10%. It can still blossom and bear fruit normally when the soil salt content reaches 7% and the PH value reaches 7.9-8.8.

Iris is naturally widely distributed. Because of its well-developed root system, strong resistance and adaptability, and salt-alkali tolerance, it is very suitable for soil and water conservation and saline-alkali land greening in dry climate and soil desertification areas in northern China.

The upright leaves of Iris chinensis can effectively reduce water evaporation, alleviate the direct scour of Rain Water to the surface, and facilitate root ventilation. Iris growth has the function of high permeability, rapid infiltration and storage of precipitation and conservation of underground water sources. create a wetland environment has an obvious effect. Under harsh environmental conditions, the aboveground part of Iris will become relatively low (the aboveground growth will be reduced by more than 20%), and the root system will be more developed (the root system will increase by more than 10%). This will help it survive normally in adverse environments such as high temperature and drought, saline-alkali, waterlogging and poor ridges. Iris is also a heavy saline-alkali tolerant plant, which can grow normally, blossom and bear fruit when the salt content reaches 7% and the PH value reaches 7.9-8.8. It is a rare good material for saline-alkali land greening and improvement.

The obvious example of the natural tenacious growth of Iris is that in the no man's land of Lop Nur in northwest China and the Peacock River basin in the native country of Guloulan, other plants no longer exist, while the scattered distribution of Iris fully shows the tenacious vitality of survival of the fittest. In the no man's land of severe drought, sandstorm and thousands of years in Lop Nur, there is only this beautiful landscape of Iris green and flowers, which fully proves the miracle of Ma Lin's survival. It gives a green light to the control of desertification in China and the world. The leaves of Iris chinensis and its regulation of moisture and its ecological characteristics are the necessary conditions for the survival and development of fungi and insects, the prerequisite for the survival of all kinds of natural and wild animals, and the prerequisite for the biological chain. it is also the preferred strategy to improve the ecological environment to control desertification. For the improvement of the ecological environment of fragile vegetation in northwest China, the use of its native plant vegetation is an effective measure to solve the deterioration of the ecological environment, rather than the introduction of imported plants in a short time. The overall price concept of introducing imported plant species from its diseases is also outweighed by the loss. Because of its root infiltration function, underground water conservation function and its shading effect to control water evaporation, the vegetation gradually becomes a wetland environment, creating a new pattern for the whole biological chain.

Iris is simple and rapid in reproduction, strong in vitality, and has the necessary characteristics for the establishment of artificial vegetation. Iris can be propagated either by seeds or asexually. The sprouting rate of direct seeding seeds is more than 80%, and the survival rate of transplanting with mature Iris is also very high. The new seedlings grow rapidly and mature in the next year, and Iris is highly resistant to stress. It is not only resistant to drought, cold, salinity and trampling, but also has a strong ability to resist diseases and insect pests. Not only does it never occur in Iris vegetation, but also because its special secretions are free from rodents, rats can never dig holes and build nests in Iris grassland, so that they rarely occur after mixed planting with other plants. Once the vegetation is formed, it does not need to be maintained in the later stage, and the effect will be achieved once and for all.

In addition to the function of soil and water protection, Iris also has high ornamental value and economic value. The color of Iris is green, and the green period can reach more than 280 days in the north: the flowers are elegant and beautiful, dense and fragrant, and the florescence is as long as 50 days. it can also be used as a cut flower material: Iris is resistant to trampling and can recover itself without cultivation after trampling: Iris plants are moderate in height, with many leaves and upright growth, with strong dust absorption, noise reduction and cooling effect. Iris has strong vitality, basically does not need daily maintenance, and saves water, fertilizer and management investment: when opened or used as livestock feed in established cities, it can produce 500 kg of hay per mu and produce certain economic benefits.

6. Propagation and cultivation

Iris chinensis can be propagated by seeds or asexual propagation, but the emergence rate of direct seeding seeds is relatively low, and the survival rate of transplanting with mature Iris is higher. Most of the mature wild seeds have vigor, and the inherent potential of seed germination is great. Determined by the biochemical rapid test of seed activity, the germination potential of indoor stored seeds and outdoor soil stored seeds were 90% and 88% respectively, but the seed germination rate and germination potential were very low at room temperature. The vigor of seeds stored at room temperature for more than 5 years decreased. The germination rate of seeds stored at variable temperature and outdoor soil overwintering treatment was higher than that stored at room temperature. The temperature range of seed germination is 15-30 ℃. It did not germinate when it was less than 10 ℃ or more than 35 ℃. Under the condition of constant temperature, the germination rate is generally very low, generally soaking seeds in warm water or stratification treatment before sowing to improve the seed emergence rate. The hard seed rate of Iris seeds is high, so that the average germination rate of Iris seeds under room temperature indoor culture conditions is only 10% and 20%. Asexual reproduction is carried out in the form of tillers in the wild.

The method of seed propagation: rake the nursery into a border 2m wide, sow the seeds in the strip ditch, cover the soil twice the diameter of the seeds, use about 15g seeds per square meter, produce more than 300,000 seedlings per mu, and reach physiological maturity in 2-3 years. Blossom and bear fruit.

The method of ramet propagation: the rhizome can be divided when the rhizome is elongated, usually once every 2-4 years, in spring, autumn or after flowering. When dividing the rhizome, take 2-3 buds in each section, smear the incision with plant ash or sulfur after cutting, dry slightly before planting. Generally use 15-500px row spacing, about 30 seedlings per square meter. The tillers began after three months, and a fixed pier was formed in two years.

Improving seed germination is one of the key techniques for green planting through the sexual reproduction of Iris chinensis seeds. Soaking seeds in warm water, stratification treatment and concentrated sulfuric acid before sowing can break the hard seeds and improve the germination rate and seedling emergence rate. For example, after the collected wild Iris seeds were soaked in concentrated sulfuric acid solution, the germination rate increased by 30% and 50% on average. At the same time, artificial propagation seed bases have been established in China, such as commercial seed production bases of Iris lanceolata in Jilin and Gansu, which can provide seed sources for large-scale planting.

In order to overcome the limitations of sexual reproduction by using Iris seed germination, the Beijing Grass Industry and Environmental Research and Development Center and the Beijing Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center conducted a cooperative study in 2002. The best medium and operation procedures in the whole process of "mature seed embryo-callus induction-green plantlet differentiation-subculture proliferation-rooting-test tube plantlet transplanting" were selected. As a result, a set of effective tissue culture and rapid propagation system of Iris was established, which laid the foundation for realizing rapid asexual propagation and greatly reducing the establishment cost of Iris. At the same time, it has laid a reliable technical foundation for screening and genetic engineering and other biotechnology breeding work of Iris somatic clones in the future.

7. Economic value

Ma Lin has been widely planted in China since ancient times, and it has been recorded in Confucius' Jia Yu, qu Yuan's Li Sao and Li Shizhen's Compendium of Materia Medica. As an excellent soil and water conservation, grazing, ornamental and medicinal plants have a place in history and nature.

The greening function Iris officinalis has developed root system, rich leaves, strong adaptability to the environment, exuberant growth and extensive management. it is an excellent ornamental ground cover plant for water saving, drought resistance, saline-alkali tolerance, weed resistance, disease resistance, insect and rodent damage. The green period of Ma Lin in the northern region can reach more than 280 days, the leaves are green and soft, the blue-purple flowers are elegant and beautiful, the nectar is fragrant, and the florescence is as long as 50 days, which can form a beautiful landscape. Malin can withstand trampling and can recover without cultivation after trampling. Iris chinensis has a strong function of storing water and soil, regulating air humidity and purifying the environment. Therefore, in the construction of urban open green space, green belt on both sides of the road and flower grass, etc., Iris is an indisputable high-quality material. Because of its well-developed root system, strong drought resistance and strong soil consolidation ability, Iris is an ideal plant for soil and water conservation and slope protection.

Iris officinalis has important medicinal, feeding and industrial value. Because of its long utilization life, high grass yield and rich nutrients, Iris is fond of eating for all kinds of livestock, especially sheep. The flowers, seeds and roots of Iris lanceolata can be used as medicine. Sun-dried flowers can be used for diuresis and defecation; seeds and roots can remove dampness and heat, stop bleeding and detoxify seeds have the effect of reducing fever, detoxification and deworming. As a fiber plant, it can replace hemp to produce paper and rope. Leaves are the raw materials of handicrafts, and roots can make brushes. It can be said that "Ma Lin's whole body is a treasure".

Attached party

The roots, leaves, flowers and seeds of Iris officinalis can be used medicinally.

Harvest and processing

Iris: pick and dry in the shade or in the sun after flowering.

Iris seed: when the fruit is ripe from August to September, cut the ear, dry it, pick up the seeds and remove impurities.

Iris root and leaf: harvested from August to September and dried in the sun.

Efficacy indications

Iris: salty, sour, slightly bitter, cool, heat-clearing and detoxifying. Stop bleeding and diuresis, mainly treat throat arthralgia, hematemesis, dysuria, gonorrhea

, hernia, carbuncle gangrene and so on.

Iris: sweet taste, flat sex. Can clear heat and detoxify, stop bleeding, mainly treat jaundice, diarrhea, leucorrhea, carbuncle swelling, throat arthralgia, furuncle swelling, wind-cold-dampness arthralgia

Hematemesis, hematemesis, blood avalanche and other diseases.

Iris leaf: treatment of throat arthralgia, carbuncle, gonorrhea.

Mullingen: can clear heat and detoxification, treat throat arthralgia, carbuncle, rheumatism arthralgia.

Unilateral and empirical prescription

(1) treatment of throat obstruction: 30 grams of Iris flower, 30 grams of bauhinia, 1 gram at a time, take several times a day, and send down with boiling water.

(2) to treat dysuria: 10 grams each of Iris, cumin and scape seeds, all stir-fried, 6 grams at a time, and mixed with warm wine.

(3) treatment of hernia: 60 grams of rush flower (stir-fried with radish), 45 grams of neem seed (stir-fried with orange kernel), Evodia rutaecarpa (stir-fried with wine)

) 30 grams, 6 grams of wood incense, a total of fine powder, 3-6 grams each time, rice wine mix well, take on an empty stomach.

(4) treatment of sore, furuncle and carbuncle swelling: 6 grams of iris flower, 30 grams of dandelion, 30 grams of Dingcao, 1 dose a day.

(5) treatment of bone tuberculosis: stir-fry the iris in an iron pan, grind the powder and take it with water, 3 times a day, 5-7 grams each time, and the children should reduce it. Use it separately

2 portions of powder. 5 portions of Vaseline, mixed into ointment for external application.

(6) contraception: 50 grams of iris seed, mash, add 2 bowls of water, boil into 1 bowl, add 250-500 grams of yellow rice wine, slightly boil, even

The soup is divided into six portions. Take menstruation twice a day for 3 days.

(7) treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: 100 grams of israx root, 100 grams of Xanthium root and 50 grams of sugar. Add 2000 milliliters of water and boil to 1000 millimeters.

L. Take 70-80 ml at a time, 3 times a day.

(8) treatment of chronic tracheitis: 15g Marlingen, taken with water, 1 dose a day.

(9) to treat menorrhagia: 9 grams of iris seed, 9 grams of iris flower, 12 grams of pomegranate skin, take three times a day.

(10) irisin A.

Drug name: Anka. Alias: 6-methoxy-2-cis-heptadecene-1, 4-benzoquinone

Function and use: this product is a radiosensitizer for radiotherapy of lung cancer, esophageal cancer, head and neck cancer.

Usage and dosage: take 2 tablets twice a day after meals, before and after radiotherapy, respectively. This product should be accepted and released.

Start taking it 2-3 days before treatment and take it continuously until the end of radiotherapy.

Discussion by various schools

(1) "Rihuazi": "Iris can also be eaten as vegetables, and stems and leaves are used together."

(2) the Sutra of this draft: "Today, there are also various counties in Shaanxi, Ding and Lizhou, especially near Beijing. The leaves are long and thick, with purple flowers in March and horns in May, such as numb and red angled, slender and yellow roots, which people take as brushes. Blossom in March, harvest in May and dry in the shade. "Shuowen" cloud: Li is like a cattail and small, the root can be a brush. "Guangya" cloud: Ma Lin, Li Ye. Cai Yong and Gao Youyun: Li stood out, but Zheng made a mistake in the name of Li Ting. This thing was born in Pingze, Hebei, and there are many in the east of the Yangtze River, which are planted in the terrace, but they are called dry cattail, so they do not know Ma Lin. Both the flower and the reality are used in medicine. Biographies of the Immortals: Mr. Ke, the people of the Song Dynasty also had a good kind of Li. As a matter of fact, the people of Jinshan also take it alone. In fact, the cloud is warm and beneficial, and it has a wonderful effect. Cui Yuanliang treats throat pain by taking litter, peel and root for a total of 12 points, boil Liuhe with one liter of water, remove it from me, and carefully swallow the juice. "

(3) "Materia Medica derives meaning": "Li Shi, Tao lives in seclusion: prescription medicine is not reused, common ignorance, the notes of various schools of the Classic are not corresponding, if it is Ma Lin, then" Rihuazi "can also be eaten as vegetables. Gai Ma Lin, its leaves, horses, cattle do not eat, for the unearthed leaves have been hard, condition and tasteless, how can it be more worthy of human food. Today, I dare not regard Li Shi as a horse, but I am even more knowledgeable. "

8. Plant culture

The poem "rush grass" (Ming, Wu Kuan)

If the leaves are like this, the name of the rich grass can be used.

The flower blossoms like Lanhui, but there is no fragrance when it is smelled.

If you are not dear to others, take its roots alone.

For broom or for brushing, the material used is also good.

The long roots are buried in the ground, and there are many kinds of riverbanks.

The bank collapse is not good, and Lan Hui is also common.