
heterophilia Learn more about heterophilia

  • How to prevent and cure pig and poultry disease: what is heterophilia? How to prevent and cure porcine heterophilia

    How to prevent and cure pig and poultry disease: what is heterophilia? How to prevent and cure porcine heterophilia

    When you raise a pig, did you find that it will get a very strange disease, which is all heterophobia? what kind of disease is this and how to prevent and cure it? Pigs are addicted to things they don't normally eat. Heterophobia is a disease caused by metabolic disorders and nutritional deficiencies.

    2019-01-18 Pigs poultry sick how prevention what is heterophilia disease you
  • Diagnosis and treatment of canine heterophilia

    Diagnosis and treatment of canine heterophilia

    1. The basic conditions of the sick dogs were German Shepherd and Labrador. There are three kinds of Spinger dogs. Introduced from Guangzhou and Hebei, the age of the dog ranges from 7 to 12 months. Before the introduction, the dog was in good health and raised alone. Meat is the main food. After introduction, pellet feed is the main food. two。 Seven days after the introduction of symptoms and diagnostic dogs, they successively showed poor mental state, loss of appetite, indigestion, diarrhea, rough fur and weight loss. Two Labrador dogs had a low fever of 39.1 ℃ and 39.2 ℃, accompanied by a few eyes.

  • Prevention and treatment of heterophilia in pigs

    Prevention and treatment of heterophilia in pigs

    Pigs are addicted to things they don't normally eat. Pica is a symptom caused by metabolic disorder and lack of nutrition. it is easy to occur in piglets and sows raised in the house. there are many reasons for pica, mainly in young pigs and sows. 1. Etiology: improper feed mix, lack of vitamins, phosphorus, calcium and other minerals, as well as some elements such as iron, copper, manganese, cobalt or inorganic salts. Other diseases such as chronic gastroenteritis, osteomalacia and parasitic diseases can also be caused. two。 Symptoms: young pigs like to gnaw on soil, fence wood and sand

  • Canine rickets and osteomalacia

    Canine rickets and osteomalacia

    Rickets is caused by vitamin D and calcium deficiency in puppies, and its clinical manifestations are heterophilia and limb bending. Osteomalacia is caused by calcium deficiency in adult dogs. In addition to strengthening feeding management, vitamin D and calcium preparations should be supplemented. [prescription 1] concentrated cod liver oil 5-15ml calcium pantothenate tablets 100-5OOmg usage: one oral. Calcium tablets were taken according to Ikg weight 20-40mg, twice a day for 10-15 days. [prescription 2] Vitamin gelatin

  • What about calcium deficiency in pigs?

    What about calcium deficiency in pigs?

    Symptoms: early manifestations of anorexia, heterophilia, like lying on the ground. In the middle stage, the movement of the diseased pig was stiff, with arched back posture, the hindquarters swayed, some appeared claudication, and the hock joints of the two hindlimbs were sunken to the inside, showing an "eight" shape. In the later stage, the diseased pig lay on the ground and did not walk, the two hind legs extended forward to the ventral side, and the two forelimbs bent under the chest. Most of the diseased pigs have oval cysts under the posterior part of the tarsal joint. Treatment: for severe cases, first of all, the cystic swelling of the tarsal joint on both sides is disinfected and pierced with a triangular needle to release the contents. Then intravenous injection of calcium gluconate, every 50

  • Prevention and treatment of rickets in cultured masked palm civet

    Prevention and treatment of rickets in cultured masked palm civet

    Rickets is a nutritional and metabolic disease of young civets. It is a disease characterized by incomplete calcification, softness and deformation of bone tissue, growth retardation and heterophilia in diseased beavers due to vitamin D deficiency, insufficient or improper proportion of calcium and phosphorus. The disease usually occurs within 3 months.

    2020-11-08 Breeding fruit beaver rickets disease prevention and treatment young beaver
  • The reason and adding amount of feeding salt to rabbits

    The reason and adding amount of feeding salt to rabbits

    Sodium: widely distributed in the rabbit body, maintaining the balance of water, electrolyte and acid-base in the body, so that the rabbit body will neither "dry" nor edema; sodium can also regulate the normal physiological activity of the heart. at the same time, it can promote nerve conduction and gastrointestinal peristalsis. Chlorine: mainly distributed in extracellular fluid, is the raw material for the formation of gastric acid, is a component of gastric juice. Stomach acid can promote appetite, enhance digestion, and improve the digestion and absorption rate of protein and fat. If there is no salt in the rabbit's diet, it will arouse the rabbit's appetite.

  • What to do if sows don't eat for a long time and are prone to abortion if they don't eat low temperature before delivery?

    What to do if sows don't eat for a long time and are prone to abortion if they don't eat low temperature before delivery?

    What to do if sows don't eat for a long time and are prone to abortion if they don't eat low temperature before delivery?

  • Treatment of calcium and phosphorus Metabolism Disorder in Pigs with combination of traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

    Treatment of calcium and phosphorus Metabolism Disorder in Pigs with combination of traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

    Calcium and phosphorus metabolic disorders occur in young pigs, resulting in bone dystrophy called rickets. The pathological features were insufficient calcification of osteoblasts and temporary calcification of persistent cartilage hypertrophy and epiphyseal enlargement. The clinical features are digestive disorder, heterophobia, lameness and bone deformation. It is a non-inflammatory disease of bone tissue dysplasia. Vitamin D deficiency also plays an important role in the pathogenesis of rickets. Calcium and phosphorus metabolic disorders occur in adult pigs, resulting in osteodystrophy called osteomalacia, or fibrous osteodystrophy. The pathological feature is the progression of bone
