
heat Learn more about heat

  • Oriental Great Health: what is good to eat with lung heat?

    Oriental Great Health: what is good to eat with lung heat?

    Oriental Great Health: what is good to eat with lung heat?

  • Heating skills of Tenebrio Molitor Culture

    Heating skills of Tenebrio Molitor Culture

    Heating skills of Tenebrio Molitor Culture

  • Application of traditional Chinese Medicine in Poultry breeding in Summer

    Application of traditional Chinese Medicine in Poultry breeding in Summer

    Summer belongs to fiery inflammation according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, which is easy to damage yin and consume qi. In summer, due to high temperature and little rain in the north, it is easy to have summer fever. However.

  • What day is Greater Heat?

    What day is Greater Heat?

    What day is Greater Heat?

  • Beware of heat stress in pigs in July

    Beware of heat stress in pigs in July

    In July, Anhui Province entered a hot and scorching heat, which issued a heat warning to the pig industry and the breeding industry. With the large-scale intensification of the pig industry, the density of pigs increases, and the breeds of pigs are mainly outside the three, pigs are more prone to heat stress. How to control the summer heat stress of pigs has become one of the important tasks of pig farmers. Heat stress is an invisible killer compared to the epidemic disease, the damage of heat stress to pig farms is often invisible. The most suitable temperature range for fattening pigs is 18 ℃ 21 min, 32-

  • What does the End of Heat mean?

    What does the End of Heat mean?

    What does the End of Heat mean?

  • Heat stress and its control in pigs in summer

    Heat stress and its control in pigs in summer

    Heat stress refers to the sum of non-specific physiological responses of the body to any requirements put forward by the thermal environment in an extremely high ambient temperature. With the rapid development of intensive and high-density feeding, most southern regions are becoming more and more urgent to alleviate the environmental pressure caused by high temperature in summer on the pig industry, and the climate in the north also has an increasing trend. In recent years, the highest temperature in Beijing has also reached more than 40 degrees. The decline of pig productivity caused by heat stress has attracted more and more attention of livestock environment and feed nutrition researchers. Japanese, American, British and other Chinese studies

  • Heat stress symptoms and Prevention measures of Dairy cows

    Heat stress symptoms and Prevention measures of Dairy cows

    Heat stress symptoms and Prevention measures of Dairy cows

  • Methods of relieving heat stress in pig farms

    Methods of relieving heat stress in pig farms

    Methods of relieving heat stress in pig farms

  • Mitigation measures of heat stress in farmed broilers

    Mitigation measures of heat stress in farmed broilers

    Pay attention to drinking water management during heat stress, the amount of chicken drinking is an extremely important factor. During heat stress, more than 80% of the heat production of chickens is emitted by evaporation. Studies have shown that the increase in the amount of drinking water is beneficial to the survival of chickens. Increase the intake of water containing sodium chloride

    2020-11-08 Breeding broilers heat stress mitigation measures attention drinking water
  • Mitigation measures of heat stress in broilers

    Mitigation measures of heat stress in broilers

    Mitigation measures of heat stress in broilers

  • Adjustment of feed formula by damp-heat measures for pigs

    Adjustment of feed formula by damp-heat measures for pigs

    1. Adjust the feed formula to increase the feed intake of pigs. 1. Under the condition of high temperature, in order to reduce body heat gain and heat dissipation burden, it is bound to reduce feed intake, resulting in insufficient intake of nutrients such as energy and protein in pigs, and make necessary adjustments to the feed formula. it has become one of the effective measures to overcome heat stress. The more the body heat of nutrients increases in ①, the more serious the heat stress after feeding. Fat has the advantages of small volume, high net energy value and less body heating. it is an ideal energy source for pigs under high temperature, and can be added less than 5% to feed.

  • How to deal with sow heat stress in summer? What kind of injection should I get?

    How to deal with sow heat stress in summer? What kind of injection should I get?

    Pigs are thermostatic animals with thick subcutaneous fat, underdeveloped sweat glands and slow heat dissipation, so pigs are not heat-resistant. Heat stress in summer is easy to affect the fecundity of sows, so how to deal with it? What kind of injection should I give if there is heat stress? There's only one.

    2020-11-11 Summer how to deal with sow heat stress what?
  • No sweat glands in chickens are prone to heat stress five key points of heat stress in layers in summer

    No sweat glands in chickens are prone to heat stress five key points of heat stress in layers in summer

    No sweat glands in chickens are prone to heat stress five key points of heat stress in layers in summer

  • Inventory of 15 species of perennial root plants with heat tolerance index above four stars

    Inventory of 15 species of perennial root plants with heat tolerance index above four stars

    An inventory of 15 kinds of perennial root plants with a heat resistance index of more than four stars is muggy, high temperature, rainstorm, drought and frequent infestation of insects. Spending summer is the most troublesome season for gardeners in the south. But no matter how bad the conditions are, there are always some excellent plants.

  • Harm of Heat stress response in Dairy cows

    Harm of Heat stress response in Dairy cows

    Harm of Heat stress response in Dairy cows

  • Heat stress symptoms of pigs

    Heat stress symptoms of pigs

    Pig heat stress refers to the sum of non-specific physiological responses of animals in high temperature environment to thermal environment. In the process of raising pigs should be carefully observed, if there are symptoms of pig heat stress should be timely treatment. So what are the symptoms of heat stress in pigs?

    2020-11-11 Porcine fever stress symptoms porcine fever refers to high temperature.
  • What if the ground is warm in winter? The repairman said: there must be a traffic jam here.

    What if the ground is warm in winter? The repairman said: there must be a traffic jam here.

    Autumn seems to have passed away before we could greet it, enjoying the year and two weeks. Recently, the temperature began to drop gradually. Friends in the north may have felt the harbinger of winter, but friends in the south can.

  • Symptoms and treatment of heat stroke in sheep

    Symptoms and treatment of heat stroke in sheep

    Heat syndrome in sheep is the general name of solar radiation disease and heat radiation disease. Solar radiation disease is an acute disease of cerebral and meningeal congestion caused by direct sunlight on the head of sheep; heat radiation disease is a disease of central nervous system disorder caused by heat accumulation in the body due to humid and muggy weather, heat production of the body is greater than heat dissipation. The expert relieves the disease. Etiology of ⑴: solar radiation sickness is due to the scorching sun in the head, so that the head overheating, resulting in brain and meningeal congestion. Heat radiation sickness is due to high external temperature, damp, muggy, crowded, narrow in the sheep house, or poor ventilation and heat during vehicle and boat movement.

  • How to prevent and treat cow heatstroke due to cold tolerance and heat stroke

    How to prevent and treat cow heatstroke due to cold tolerance and heat stroke

    How to prevent and treat cow heatstroke due to cold tolerance and heat stroke
