
stress Learn more about stress

  • Factors causing stress in Pigs and Preventive measures

    Factors causing stress in Pigs and Preventive measures

    Pig stress is an inevitable problem in the process of pig production, the harm caused by stress is not only single, but also comprehensive, and its effects are various. If we can properly take various preventive measures according to different specific conditions, the losses caused by stress will be greatly reduced. Stress is the sum of non-specific responses of organisms to various very stimuli, and general stimuli cause specific responses of organisms. Some stimuli not only make the body produce specific response, but also cause non-specificity.

  • Heat stress symptoms and Prevention measures of Dairy cows

    Heat stress symptoms and Prevention measures of Dairy cows

    Heat stress symptoms and Prevention measures of Dairy cows

  • Environmental stress in pigs

    Environmental stress in pigs

    Stress is the sum of the nonspecific responses of an organism to various unusual stimuli. Environmental factors that can cause stress response are called stressors or stress factors. Pigs are stimulated by environmental factors, but the form of reaction is different, general stimulation causes specific reaction of the body, such as cold in winter, pigs gather together; hot in summer, evacuation and other phenomena. Some stimuli (stressors) not only cause specific reactions, but also cause non-specific reactions, namely stress reactions, which are manifested as follows:

  • What are the symptoms of chicken stress reaction? How to deal with the symptoms?

    What are the symptoms of chicken stress reaction? How to deal with the symptoms?

    People are prone to stress disorder in extreme environment, and people and animals are also common at this point, which is mainly reflected in the stress response of chickens. What symptoms should the chicken stress reaction have? How to deal with the symptoms? I. what are the stress responses of chickens?

    2020-11-11 Chicken stress anti - should what symptoms appear how
  • Common causes of stress in chickens

    Common causes of stress in chickens

    In chicken production, especially under the condition of intensive production, the chicken body has a certain adaptability and adaptability to the stimulation of feeding density, climate, immunization, transfer, grouping, capture, beak breaking, light and other factors. If the intensity of these stimuli is too large or lasts too long, which exceeds the physiological tolerance of the body, it will affect the growth, development, reproduction and disease resistance of chickens, and even directly cause death. The main factors that cause chicken stress are as follows. First, physiological stress. The high-yield chickens raised on a large scale are all caged.

  • Methods of relieving heat stress in pig farms

    Methods of relieving heat stress in pig farms

    Methods of relieving heat stress in pig farms

  • Heat stress and its mitigation measures in summer and autumn chickens

    Heat stress and its mitigation measures in summer and autumn chickens

    Effect of heat stress on broilers 1. Physiological and biochemical changes of broilers under heat stress. When the ambient temperature rises, the chicken body temperature will rise with the ambient temperature rise, at this time the heart rate will accelerate, blood pressure will decrease, breathing will accelerate wheezing, and respiratory intoxication will occur in severe cases. In addition, heat stress can also lead to endocrine disorder, adrenocorticosteroid concentration increased significantly in the early stage of heat stress, but gradually decreased thyroid hormone secretion, activity decreased resulting in reduced metabolic rate. 2. Heat stress on meat

  • How to deal with sow heat stress in summer? What kind of injection should I get?

    How to deal with sow heat stress in summer? What kind of injection should I get?

    Pigs are thermostatic animals with thick subcutaneous fat, underdeveloped sweat glands and slow heat dissipation, so pigs are not heat-resistant. Heat stress in summer is easy to affect the fecundity of sows, so how to deal with it? What kind of injection should I give if there is heat stress? There's only one.

    2020-11-11 Summer how to deal with sow heat stress what?
  • Prevention and treatment of porcine stress syndrome

    Prevention and treatment of porcine stress syndrome

    Prevention and treatment of porcine stress syndrome

  • Mitigation measures of heat stress in broilers

    Mitigation measures of heat stress in broilers

    Mitigation measures of heat stress in broilers

  • Heat stress symptoms of pigs

    Heat stress symptoms of pigs

    Pig heat stress refers to the sum of non-specific physiological responses of animals in high temperature environment to thermal environment. In the process of raising pigs should be carefully observed, if there are symptoms of pig heat stress should be timely treatment. So what are the symptoms of heat stress in pigs?

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  • No sweat glands in chickens are prone to heat stress five key points of heat stress in layers in summer

    No sweat glands in chickens are prone to heat stress five key points of heat stress in layers in summer

    No sweat glands in chickens are prone to heat stress five key points of heat stress in layers in summer

  • Harm of Heat stress response in Dairy cows

    Harm of Heat stress response in Dairy cows

    Harm of Heat stress response in Dairy cows

  • Mitigation measures of heat stress in farmed broilers

    Mitigation measures of heat stress in farmed broilers

    Pay attention to drinking water management during heat stress, the amount of chicken drinking is an extremely important factor. During heat stress, more than 80% of the heat production of chickens is emitted by evaporation. Studies have shown that the increase in the amount of drinking water is beneficial to the survival of chickens. Increase the intake of water containing sodium chloride

    2020-11-08 Breeding broilers heat stress mitigation measures attention drinking water
  • Prevention and treatment of stress syndrome in pigs with dysphoria and poor appetite

    Prevention and treatment of stress syndrome in pigs with dysphoria and poor appetite

    Prevention and treatment of stress syndrome in pigs with dysphoria and poor appetite

  • Effects of Cold stress on Pigs

    Effects of Cold stress on Pigs

    Effects of Cold stress on Pigs

  • Stress and the occurrence, prevention and treatment of tail biting disease in pigs

    Stress and the occurrence, prevention and treatment of tail biting disease in pigs

    In the current intensive pig production, the phenomenon of pigs biting each other is more common, especially the pigs in the production state are more likely to occur. First, stress. In intensive pig production, the stressors affecting the normal physiological activities of pigs are increasing day by day, which can lead to the decrease of immunity, the enhancement of catabolism, the decrease of anabolism and the disorder of sexual function. in severe cases, it can cause a series of stress syndrome. Such as pale, soft, exudative pork, dry hard dark pork, adult

  • Beware of heat stress in pigs in July

    Beware of heat stress in pigs in July

    In July, Anhui Province entered a hot and scorching heat, which issued a heat warning to the pig industry and the breeding industry. With the large-scale intensification of the pig industry, the density of pigs increases, and the breeds of pigs are mainly outside the three, pigs are more prone to heat stress. How to control the summer heat stress of pigs has become one of the important tasks of pig farmers. Heat stress is an invisible killer compared to the epidemic disease, the damage of heat stress to pig farms is often invisible. The most suitable temperature range for fattening pigs is 18 ℃ 21 min, 32-

  • How to manage cotton after topping in July

    How to manage cotton after topping in July

    Heat or high temperature and humidity is one of the most harmful factors in the breeding industry, which will lead to the occurrence of heat stress syndrome in livestock and poultry. Heat stress suppresses the immune function of the body, reduces the concentration of immunoglobulin in blood and the number of lymphocytes in blood, resulting in the decrease of phagocytosis of macrophages in the body and infectious diseases of livestock and poultry. Therefore, heat stress will make livestock and poultry prone to all diseases. As the higher the production performance of modern excellent livestock and poultry breeds, the worse the ability to resist heat stress, serious heat stress often causes the livestock and poultry with high performance to die first, resulting in serious economic losses. Improve the performance of livestock and poultry

  • What are the symptoms of pig cold stress

    What are the symptoms of pig cold stress

    What are the symptoms of pig cold stress
