
gramineous Learn more about gramineous

  • Cultivation techniques of gramineous insects

    Cultivation techniques of gramineous insects

    Cultivation techniques of gramineous insects

  • Sheep Raising Technique with Forage

    Sheep Raising Technique with Forage

    Sheep Raising Technique with Forage

  • The difference between barnyardgrass and rice paspalum

    The difference between barnyardgrass and rice paspalum

    Rice paspalum and barnyardgrass are both gramineous plants, and they are common weeds in fields, swamps and ditches, and their similar shapes are always indistinguishable. Barnyardgrass, rice paspalum and Qianjin are common and harmful grasses in paddy fields, which seriously harm the quality of rice.

    2020-11-08 Barnyardgrass barnyardgrass
  • What is rice?

    What is rice?

    Rice is an annual gramineous plant, which belongs to direct cash crops. In addition to being edible, it can also be used as industrial raw materials for wine and sugar, and rice husks and straw can be used as livestock feed. As the main food crop for human beings, there are also many varieties. For example: Rice products

    2020-11-08 Rice what is rice yes annual gramineous plant belongs to
  • What kind of herbicides can be used to grow soybeans?

    What kind of herbicides can be used to grow soybeans?

    What kind of herbicides can be used to grow soybeans? How to use herbicide that does not produce drug harm to control broad-leaf weeds, the herbicide spectrum is wide, there will be contact damage spots on soybean leaves after application, which is a normal phenomenon, and has no obvious effect on the growth of soybeans, the new leaves will have no drug damage. Value.

  • Technical Strategy and Economic value of recommending raising Rabbits

    Technical Strategy and Economic value of recommending raising Rabbits

    Technical Strategy and Economic value of recommending raising Rabbits

  • The composition of Weidaofu herbicide

    The composition of Weidaofu herbicide

    Weidaofu is a familiar existence to growers, and annual gramineous weeds will need it to sweep. So have you commented on the ingredients of Weidaofu herbicide? Let's have a look together! 1. The composition of Weidaofu herbicide

    2020-11-08 Weidao husband herbicide ingredient yes grower
  • Control of sunflower sclerotia disease

    Control of sunflower sclerotia disease

    To control sunflower sclerotiorum, we should pay attention to rotation and elimination of dead bodies. Encourage sunflower rotation with millet, millet, corn and other gramineous crops, avoid continuous cropping with legumes and solanaceae. The rotation period is at least 3 - 5 years. During autumn harvest, try to remove straw, dig out stubble and deeply turn more than 10 cm. The second is...

  • Control methods of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in sunflower

    Control methods of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in sunflower

    In order to control Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, we should first pay attention to the implementation of crop rotation and removal of disease residues. Promote the rotation of sunflowers with millet, millet, corn and other gramineous crops, and avoid continuous cropping with legumes and eggplants. The number of years of rotation is at least 3-5 years. Remove the straw as far as possible during the autumn harvest, dig out the stubble and turn it more than 10 cm deep. The second is.

  • Mote dwarf elephant grass, a fishery forage grass

    Mote dwarf elephant grass, a fishery forage grass

    Mote dwarf elephant grass is a gramineous forage introduced from the United States a few years ago. The grass is perennial, with a plant height of 0.8 mi 1.4 m, short and many nodes, a large number of leaves per plant and strong tiller regeneration ability. It is more hardy, the aboveground part is withered and yellow in winter, and the underground part survives. Sprouting in spring, the temperature begins to grow at about 12 ℃, and likes to grow in places where the soil layer is deep, fertile and moist. This kind of forage grass has high yield and high nutritional value. under good water and fertilizer conditions, it can produce 15,000-20,000 kg of fresh grass per mu, accounting for 8% of the total grass.

  • What kind of herbicide is used in sweet potato field

    What kind of herbicide is used in sweet potato field

    Can use sweet potato special herbicides, such as potato Daan, potato worry-free, potato Noble. Among them, Shu Daan is a special herbicide for sweet potato field after seedling. the dosage is 40ml-50ml per mu, 15 kg per bag (25ml) mixed with water, can be sprayed on half an mu of land, two large bags per mu, stir well and carry on the stems and leaves.

    2020-11-09 Sweet potato ground use what herbicide available for use sweet potato special purpose
  • Can 2-methyl-4-chlorine be used at the 2-leaf stage of rice?

    Can 2-methyl-4-chlorine be used at the 2-leaf stage of rice?

    Gramineous crops such as rice are sensitive to 2-methyl-4-chloride before the 3-leaf stage, and improper use is easy to cause drug damage to crops and heart leaf deformities. After 4-leaf stage, the resistance to 2-methyl-4-chlorine gradually increases with the increase of leaf age. The drug resistance was the strongest at the peak tillering stage, and the sensitivity increased gradually after jointing. Therefore, it is generally required to apply 2-methyl-4-chloride from 4-leaf stage to jointing stage in rice production, and the dosage can not be increased at will to ensure the safety of rice. Nongdos of Niufam Co., Ltd., Australia

  • Control techniques of weeds in wheat field before winter

    Control techniques of weeds in wheat field before winter

    Control techniques of weeds in wheat field before winter

  • What does the barley tree look like?

    What does the barley tree look like?

    Barley is the mature seed of Coix, a gramineous plant, and it is an annual or perennial herb. It has the effect of digesting, dispelling dampness and dispelling cold. What does Coix look like? What does the barley tree look like? The barley stalk is 1-1.5 meters high and has 6-10 nodes. The long leaves are broad.

    2020-11-08 Jobi what does the tree look like Coix yes Gramineae plant
  • How to plant barley seedlings

    How to plant barley seedlings

    Everyone knows that juicing barley seedlings is good for your health, but barley seedlings are difficult to buy, and most people grow them themselves, so how to grow barley seedlings? What are barley seedlings? Barley seedlings are the seedlings of barley, a gramineous plant.

    2020-11-08 Big wheat seedlings how plant everyone know big juicer
  • The benefit of using green hay to raise donkeys is good

    The benefit of using green hay to raise donkeys is good

    Green hay is a very nutritious feed for breeding meat donkeys. How to make green feed artificial drying method? Please explain to everyone today: artificial drying method is to prepare hay by heating and ventilation. Short drying time, small nutrient loss, can be prepared into high-quality

    2020-11-08 utilization green hay raising donkeys benefit good yes breeding
  • How to use chemical weeding for peanuts?

    How to use chemical weeding for peanuts?

    How to use chemical weeding for peanuts? Please introduce that peanut is one of the main cash crops. Weeding is the most time-consuming in the process of cultivation. The most harmful weeds in peanut field are Gramineae, Setaria paniculata, Euphorbia angustifolia, cricket grass, paspalum, etc. Broad-leaf weeds include Rabdosia angustifolia, Cyperus chinensis,.

  • What is the difference between barnyardgrass and barnyardgrass?

    What is the difference between barnyardgrass and barnyardgrass?

    Rice paspalum and paspalum grass are both gramineous plants, and they are common weeds in fields, swamps and ditches, and their similar shapes are always indistinguishable. What's the difference between the two? How to prevent and cure it? What is the difference between barnyardgrass and barnyardgrass? Rice paspalum = drooping leaves

    2020-11-08 What is the difference between rice paspalum and barnyardgrass
  • Where is the latest source of black rice?

    Where is the latest source of black rice?

    Black rice is an ancient and valuable rice variety in China, which belongs to japonica non-waxy rice. It is formed by long-term cultivation of gramineous rice and has a long history of cultivation. According to legend, when Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty was more than 2,000 years ago, it was first discovered by Zhang Qian of Bowang Hou in Yang County, Shaanxi Province.

    2020-11-10 The latest black rice origin where yes China ancient
  • How to control rice borer

    How to control rice borer

    How to control rice borer? Please guide the rice stem borer, commonly known as the heart borer, in which the most serious occurrence is mainly Chilo suppressalis and Chilo suppressalis, as well as rice bracts, Chilo suppressalis and so on. Stem borer harms not only rice but also corn, wheat and other gramineous crops. Chilo suppressalis is a monophagous pest, only to harm rice. For.
