
How to plant barley seedlings

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Everyone knows that juicing barley seedlings is good for your health, but barley seedlings are difficult to buy, and most people grow them themselves, so how to grow barley seedlings? What are barley seedlings? Barley seedlings are the seedlings of barley, a gramineous plant.

Everyone knows that juicing barley seedlings is good for your health, but barley seedlings are difficult to buy, and most people grow them themselves, so how to grow barley seedlings?

What are barley seedlings?

Barley seedlings are the seedlings of barley, a gramineous plant. The vitamins, minerals and proteins contained in barley seedlings are essential nutrients for human beings and animals.

Barley is an annual herb. Culms stout, smooth, glabrous, erect, 50-100cm high. The leaf sheath is loosely clasping; there are large auricles on both sides; the ligule is membranous, 1-2mm long; the leaf blade is flat, 9-20cm long and 6-20mm wide.

How to plant barley seedlings?

Soak healthy barley seeds in water for about 12 hours, prepare a large container, spread 4-5 layers of paper towels on the container, then sprinkle the soaked barley seeds, then cover them with 4-5 layers of paper towels and spray them with water. just put the container in a place away from light to germinate, and water it on time.

Third, the efficacy and value of barley seedlings

Barley seedlings are cool, sweet and mature, returning to the spleen and stomach meridians; often eaten has the effects of replenishing qi, eliminating thirst and eliminating heat, and returning milk and so on. At the same time, it can improve physical energy and energy, relieve constipation, improve sleep quality, resist various ulcers, reduce blood sugar and blood lipids, regulate blood pressure, accelerate recovery after surgery, skin trauma and some infections, and has strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. it can improve immunity, enhance memory, eliminate halitosis and body odor, and is helpful for the treatment of climacteric syndrome. It has a certain auxiliary effect on the poisoning symptoms caused by drug treatment.

Barley seedling powder made by low temperature drying method contains more minerals and vitamins than other foods. For example, the content of potassium is 25 times higher than that of bananas, 10 times more calcium than milk, 5 times more iron than spinach, 6 times more magnesium than wheat flour, and zinc, which can not be found in other foods. In terms of vitamins, vitamin B1 is 16 times more than tomatoes, vitamin B2 is 45 times more than lettuce, vitamin C is 7 times more than oranges, and vitamin E is 20 times more than wheat flour. Other nutrients such as folic acid are eight times higher than spinach.

Barley seedlings can also limit the absorption of some sugars and fats, increase fat consumption in the body, effectively control obesity, prevent arteriosclerosis, stabilize blood pressure, and improve diabetes, cardio-cerebrovascular diseases.