
from Fujian Learn more about from Fujian

  • How to raise leaves of Fujian tea bonsai?

    How to raise leaves of Fujian tea bonsai?

    Fujian tea bonsai, this kind of bonsai is a lot of people like breeding, is such a pleasant, Fujian tea bonsai how to raise? Fujian tea pot scenery leaves how to do: Fujian tea bonsai how to raise: (1) place. Fujian tea likes to be warm and afraid of cold, if it is raised in the Yangtze River Basin and the northern region.

  • Dream starts from raising rabbits Fujian Agricultural University Student Entrepreneurship Cooperative

    Dream starts from raising rabbits Fujian Agricultural University Student Entrepreneurship Cooperative

    Dream starts from raising rabbits Fujian Agricultural University Student Entrepreneurship Cooperative

  • Jianlan Green Butterfly in South Fujian

    Jianlan Green Butterfly in South Fujian

    Flower name: southern Fujian Green Butterfly, Origin: Fujian content: good plum and good lotus often come from Sichuan, but good butterfly comes from Fujian. This is a low-grade new butterfly along the way in Fujian. Although the price is low (tens of yuan was bought last year), the taste is not low. Now people pay attention to plum and lotus, and can't reflect the value of butterfly flowers. The outer valve of this butterfly except at the root.

  • The flower industry in Fujian has been "rising" for seven years, and characteristic flowers have become the "mainstay".

    The flower industry in Fujian has been

    The flower industry in Fujian has been "rising" for seven years, and characteristic flowers have become the "mainstay".

  • When will Fujian longan mature?

    When will Fujian longan mature?

    Longan fruit is rich in nutrition, originated in southern China, distributed in Fujian, Taiwan, Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and other provinces (regions), mainly produced in Fujian, Taiwan, Guangxi. So, when will Fujian longan mature? First, Fu

    2020-11-08 Fujian longan when mature fruit nutrition
  • How does Fujian tea bonsai shape? how much is the price?

    How does Fujian tea bonsai shape? how much is the price?

    Fujian tea bonsai, this kind of bonsai is a lot of people like farming, this Fujian tea bonsai to grow into a fixed appearance is the need to shape, Fujian tea bonsai how to shape? How much is the price of Fujian tea bonsai: how to shape Fujian tea bonsai: making Fujian tea bonsai

  • When will Fujian loquat mature

    When will Fujian loquat mature

    Loquat taste sweet, nutritious, there are a variety of fructose, glucose, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium and vitamins A, B, C and so on. Fujian is one of the producing areas of loquat, so when will Fujian loquat mature? When will Fujian loquat mature? Blessing

    2020-11-08 Fujian loquat when mature taste sweet
  • December 26, 2015 Today's Price of Wheat in Fujian-Wheat

    December 26, 2015 Today's Price of Wheat in Fujian-Wheat

    In 2015, the port transaction price of third-grade red wheat produced by Jiangsu in Fuzhou, Fujian Province was 2490 yuan / ton, which was the same as yesterday. The port transaction price of Xinong 979 from Jiangsu was 2540 yuan / ton, which was the same as that of yesterday. The port transaction price of 9023 from Jiangsu was 2510 yuan / ton, which was the same as that of yesterday.

    2015-12-26 2015 December 26 Fujian region wheat today
  • Fujian white tea producing area

    Fujian white tea producing area

    Cabbage is one of the six major teas in China, which not only contains other inherent nutrients of tea, but also contains essential active enzymes for human body. Its main producing area is in Fujian Province, so which counties and cities are the producing areas of Fujian white tea specifically distributed? The master of Fujian white tea

    2020-11-08 Fujian white tea origin cabbage is one of the six major tea categories in China.
  • Modeling method of Fujian Tea Bonsai

    Modeling method of Fujian Tea Bonsai

    To make Fujian tea bonsai, one-year-old branches or semi-lignified branches with strong growth can be selected for cutting propagation in spring or plum rain season, and seedlings can also be obtained by root propagation from early summer to early autumn. in the south, you can also dig wild stumps or young trees in the woods and process them to pot after raising blanks to survive.

  • December 25, 2015 Fujian wheat market today-wheat price

    December 25, 2015 Fujian wheat market today-wheat price

    In 2015, the port transaction price of third-grade red wheat produced by Jiangsu in Fuzhou, Fujian Province was 2490 yuan / ton, which was the same as yesterday. The port transaction price of Xinong 979 from Jiangsu was 2540 yuan / ton, which was the same as that of yesterday. The port transaction price of 9023 from Jiangsu was 2510 yuan / ton, which was the same as that of yesterday.

    2015-12-26 2015 December 25 Fujian region wheat today
  • December 23, 2015 the latest price of wheat in Fujian-wheat price

    December 23, 2015 the latest price of wheat in Fujian-wheat price

    In 2015, the port transaction price of third-grade red wheat produced by Jiangsu in Fuzhou, Fujian Province was 2490 yuan / ton, which was the same as yesterday. The port transaction price of Xinong 979 from Jiangsu was 2540 yuan / ton, which was the same as that of yesterday. The port transaction price of 9023 from Jiangsu was 2510 yuan / ton, which was the same as that of yesterday.

    2015-12-26 December 23 2015 Fujian region wheat latest
  • The method of making Fujian Tea Bonsai

    The method of making Fujian Tea Bonsai

    Fujian tea is produced in Guangdong, Fujian, Taiwan and other provinces in southern China. It is also distributed in the tropics of southern and southeastern Asia. Fujian tea, also known as base tree and cat tree, is an evergreen shrub of Arnebiaceae. The leaves are small, long oval, dark green and shiny. White florets bloom in spring and summer, drupe globose, red after green. It has a rugged trunk.

  • Does the method of making Fujian tea bonsai need to bask in the sun

    Does the method of making Fujian tea bonsai need to bask in the sun

    Fujian tea bonsai, this is a lot of people like farming, if there is one at home, that is really too happy, Fujian tea bonsai production method is how? Fujian tea bonsai need to bask in the sun: build tea bonsai production method: (1) modeling: usually using cutting method

  • What is the price of Lingnan bonsai?

    What is the price of Lingnan bonsai?

    Lingnan bonsai, which is a bonsai association that specializes in bonsai, is a favorite of many people.

  • T you 7889 (Rice)

    T you 7889 (Rice)

    [basic situation] the College of crop Science of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University cooperated with Fujian seed Station to develop a high-quality male sterile line T78A by improving the quality of three-line male sterile lines. The hybrid combination Tyou 7889 prepared with it and Zaohui 89 has the characteristics of strong heterosis and excellent rice quality. it is the winning combination at the bidding meeting of early rice quality rice in Fujian Province in 2001. High quality maintainer lines were selected by using maintainer lines Longtepu B, Digu B and Zhenshan 97B with complementary characters.

  • After an adventure with the jumping fish in the black mud

    After an adventure with the jumping fish in the black mud

    After an adventure with the jumping fish in the black mud

  • December 22, 2015 Fujian wheat market today-wheat prices

    December 22, 2015 Fujian wheat market today-wheat prices

    Fujian Fuzhou area in 2015 Jiangsu production of three red wheat port transaction price of 2490 yuan/ton, flat with yesterday, Jiangsu production of Xinong 979 port transaction price of 2540 yuan/ton, flat with yesterday, Jiangsu production of 9023 port transaction price of 2510 yuan/ton, flat with yesterday, special flour factory price

    2015-12-26 December 22 2015 Fujian Region Wheat Today
  • Production Technology of Fujian Tea Bonsai

    Production Technology of Fujian Tea Bonsai

    Fujian tea also known as base and tree, cat tree, for Shikoku evergreen shrubs. Leaves small, long oval, dark green and shiny. Spring and summer open white floret, drupe globose, early green after red. It trunk craggy, Qiuqu diversity, tree posture elegant, Lingnan is one of the four major bonsai species

  • Ningde "extremely poor can be rich" to find the right way of development


    Ningde "extremely poor can be rich" to find the right way of development
