
flat beak Learn more about flat beak

  • Ganoderma lucidum membrane beak flat bug

    Ganoderma lucidum membrane beak flat bug

    The scientific name Meziramembranaceabranacea (Frab.) belongs to Hemiptera, Pentatomidae. The insect was first found in Linden Ganoderma lucidum in Baoxi Township, Longquan City in 1994. In recent years, the damage is very serious in Linden Ganoderma lucidum producing area, and the damage scope is expanding day by day, which greatly affects the yield and quality of Linden Ganoderma lucidum. Ganoderma lucidum is mainly distributed in Longquan, Zhejiang, Shaowu, Fujian, Nanning, Hainan Island, Taiwan and Japan. Damage characteristics of the membrane beak flat bug absorbs the juice from the hyphae and primordium of Ganoderma lucidum

  • Ganoderma lucidum pest: membrane beak flat bug

    Ganoderma lucidum pest: membrane beak flat bug

    Meziramembranacea (Fabr.) It belongs to Hemiptera, Pentatomidae. 1. Shape and personality adult body length 9-12 mm, black, head extending forward, apex forked. Antennae protuberant, 4 segments. The dorsal margin of the forechest was slightly overflowed, with 4 irregular protuberances in the anterior half, and a significant bend in the center of the posterior margin. The half-wing sheath reaches the last ventral segment and the reproductive segment is exposed. The membranous part is very large. The muzzle is short and brown, extending to the posterior edge of the open beak groove. Females are larger than males. Advanced age if

  • What do starlings usually eat? How to be able to talk?

    What do starlings usually eat? How to be able to talk?

    Starlings are black birds with white spots on their wings. it is more common in the south. Many people like to keep them at home as pet birds because they can imitate people to speak. They do not realize that it is also a very important beneficial bird for agriculture and forestry. That starling bird usually

    2020-11-11 Starlings birds usually eat what how raise just talk.
  • How do Hainan starlings divide male and female

    How do Hainan starlings divide male and female

    Hainan starling, that is, starling. Hainan starlings are easy to domesticate and have strong imitation ability, so they are very popular pet birds. So how do Hainan starlings divide their parents? The introduction is as follows: first, how do Hainan starlings divide male and female? first, look at the body.

    2020-11-11 Hainan starling how fen male and female namely home.
  • Control of the disease of mango leaf hopper

    Control of the disease of mango leaf hopper

    Mango flat beak leafhopper, also known as leaf hopper, damages flowers and young fruits, resulting in flower and fruit drop, poor harvest or even loss of harvest, and induces serious soot disease, but also damages young buds, tender shoots and leaves, resulting in bud and leaf deformity. Usually occurs more during flowering, humidity is high, trees

    2020-11-08 species mango flat beak leafhopper diseased control
  • Feeding and management techniques of white-feathered broilers

    Feeding and management techniques of white-feathered broilers

    Now there are many kinds of chickens on the market, so their feeding and management are all the same? The following editor will work with you to understand the feeding and management techniques of white-feathered broilers. Feeding and management techniques of white-feathered broilers: White-feathered broilers were reared in two stages: 0-3 weeks for brooding.

    2020-11-08 White feather broiler breeding management technology now on the market
  • How to prevent addiction in raising pheasants

    How to prevent addiction in raising pheasants

    Pheasant addiction, also known as pecking, pica, bulimia, mutual pecking, is a kind of abnormal taste syndrome caused by a variety of nutrients deficiency and metabolic disorders. Chickens of all ages and breeds can occur, especially in chicks and middle chickens, especially in intensive breeding.

    2020-11-08 Breeding pheasant how to prevent addiction also known as
  • How much does a cockfight cost?

    How much does a cockfight cost?

    How much does a cockfight cost?

  • Lao Ye lark's unique trick of separating male and female

    Lao Ye lark's unique trick of separating male and female

    The lark is a representative bird of the prairie with crisp calls and rich and colorful colors. It is a valuable bird raised by human beings. What are the general species of larks and how to divide them into males and females? How does lark divide male and female? 1. Laoye lark separates male and female, male Laoye

    2020-11-11 Laoye lark fen male and female trick is a kind of prairie
  • How to raise black chicken breeding techniques and matters needing attention

    How to raise black chicken breeding techniques and matters needing attention

    Selection: the color of chicken tongue is better than that of black. Chicken house: can be built a single row to take away the corridor type, sit north and south, north and south each with a large and small window, so as to ventilate. Brooding: self-warming brooding in cardboard boxes, 60-80 chicks per square meter. China Chicken: it is appropriate to leave the ground.

    2020-11-08 Black chicken how breeding breeding techniques and points for attention summary
  • Which breeds can be selected for pheasant breeding? What are the characteristics of its variety?

    Which breeds can be selected for pheasant breeding? What are the characteristics of its variety?

    Generally speaking, different areas can choose to breed different kinds of poultry. If you want to raise chickens in hilly and mountainous areas, you should choose pheasant breeds with strong disease resistance and adaptability. Such as Jianghan Chicken, Shuanglian Chicken, Jingyang Chicken, Yunyang Chicken, Gushi Chicken

    2020-11-27 Pheasant breeding can choose which breed its characteristics
  • How to divide male and female into male and female

    How to divide male and female into male and female

    The literary bird is a general name for some Finch-like finches, such as dwarf finches and plum blossom finches, which are native to Asia and are mainly distributed in the south of the Yangtze River in China and India. How does Wenjiao divide male and female? There are several methods for reference. How does Wenjiao divide male and female? 1. Look at Wenjiao's beak.

    2020-11-11 Wenjiao how Fen male and female is some dwarf Finch and
  • Feeding and management techniques of partridges

    Feeding and management techniques of partridges

    Feeding and management techniques of partridges

  • Teach you how to distinguish between male and female pigeons

    Teach you how to distinguish between male and female pigeons

    Pigeon meat is rich in nutrition, delicate meat, good taste, high nutritional value than other poultry, has always been the top grade of meat, known as "one pigeon is better than nine chickens". It is not only a valuable delicacy, but also an advanced tonic, which has the effects of tonifying qi and tonifying blood, and has a certain auxiliary effect on hair loss, eczema and premature senility. it is especially suitable for pregnant women, children, the elderly, surgical patients and the weak. The market potential of squab consumption is huge. There is little difference in the appearance of male and female meat pigeons. Male and female identification is an important link in the introduction and breeding of meat pigeons.

  • Behind every crane top red is a door-killing tragedy.

    Behind every crane top red is a door-killing tragedy.

    In recent years, among the smuggled wildlife products seized by China and Southeast Asian customs, in addition to the familiar pangolins, pythons and bear paws, there is also a thing with bright colors and strange shapes, which has yellow sharp horns.

  • What is the relationship between rhinoceros and rhinos?

    What is the relationship between rhinoceros and rhinos?

    Rhinoceros is a small bird that lives on large herbivores. It pecks not only parasites on rhinos, but also parasites on zebras, buffaloes, antelopes, hippos, giraffes and other animals. So, what is the relationship between rhinoceros and rhinos?

    2020-11-11 Rhinoceros birds and what relationship rhinos yes a kind of
  • Breeding Technology of Black-bone Chicken

    Breeding Technology of Black-bone Chicken

    Breeding Technology of Black-bone Chicken

  • Introduction of Gleditsia sinensis varieties

    Introduction of Gleditsia sinensis varieties

    1. G.melanacanthaTangetWang: its main characteristics are gray-green branchlets, glabrous, branched spines, but slightly compressed, black-brown. A pinnately compound leaf, with 6-22 leaflets, margin finely serrate. Dioecious, pods striate, papery, brownish-black, twisted, 20-30 cm long. two。 Japanese Gleditsia (G.japonicaMiq.): similar to Gleditsia mandshurica, the main difference between Gleditsia japonica and Gleditsia mandshurica is that the branchlets of this species are green brown to reddish brown. Lobular leaf is more than mountain

  • Breeding techniques of partridges

    Breeding techniques of partridges

    Partridge, also known as Chinese partridge, is a kind of birds, resembling a chicken but smaller than a chicken, and its feathers are mostly black and white, especially the eye-shaped white spots on the back and chest and abdomen. It is a combination of meat, ornamental and medicinal value. Let's take a look at the feeding of partridges.

    2020-11-08 Partridges breeding technology partridges aka Zhonghua yes birds
  • What is the relationship between rhinoceros and rhinos?

    What is the relationship between rhinoceros and rhinos?

    What is the relationship between rhinoceros and rhinos?
