
Breeding Technology of Black-bone Chicken

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Breeding Technology of Black-bone Chicken

Black chicken, also known as Wushan chicken, black-bone chicken, is a kind of omnivorous domestic bird. It comes from Wushan, Taihe County, Jiangxi Province, China. It has been raised there for more than 2000 years. Not only are their beaks, eyes and feet black, but their skin, muscles, bones and most of their internal organs are also black. In terms of nutritional value, the nutrition of black chicken is much higher than that of ordinary chicken, and the taste is also very delicate. As for the effects of medicine and dietotherapy, which can not be compared with ordinary chickens, they are called "precious dietotherapy rare birds".

Selection and disinfection of chicken coop

The construction of the henhouse. The chicken house should be built on the sunny flat in the center of the stocking area, and the building materials can be used according to local conditions, such as wood, bamboo, plastic, linoleum, canvas, straw curtain and so on. Build a simple chicken house facing north to south, with a pyramid or greenhouse shape, with an open door on the south, with a height of 1.5m on the edge of the house and 2.5m on the roof. The floor is flat, compacted and bedded. The chicken coop requires heat preservation, wind protection, no rain leakage and no stagnant water. The henhouse can hold about 10 chickens per square meter. At the same time, a sports ground is set up outside the chicken house, which is more than twice the area of the chicken house. It is required to plant trees, build a rest shed, protect against the sun and rain, and install material troughs and drinking fountains.

Disinfect the henhouse. Remove all foreign objects in the henhouse, including chicken dung, cushion, sink, feeding trough, brooding net, etc., clean the floor and walls, change the mat soil, then close the doors and windows and carry out fumigation and disinfection. Use the mixture of 30ml formalin and 15g potassium permanganate per square meter, seal for 24 hours and then turn on ventilation.

The choice of feeding mode

All-in-all-out feeding. The flat surface is scattered, and the cushion material is changed once in the middle. The feeding quantity is determined according to the area of the house, all in and out (or sold out in a short time), and the sales are mainly wholesale. After the sale, sterilize the empty column for one week and then carry on the next batch of feeding.

Separate and sectional feeding. Use two or more relatively independent houses, one as a nursery and one as a growing house. After the conversion, disinfect the empty column for about 1 week, and then enter the nestling. The first batch is nurtured, all in and out (or sold out in a short time), and the sales are mainly wholesale. Disinfect the empty column for about 1 week after sale and then raise it in the next batch.

Separate and sectional feeding mainly for retail. Three or more relatively separate rooms were used, which were divided into rearing house, early growing house and late growing house, with an area ratio of 1:2:4. After 30 days, the chicks were transferred to the early growing house, and then sterilized for more than 1 week, and then the chicks were fed in the early 30 days to the later growing house, and then sterilized and reared for about 1 week after the conversion. The chicken sold should weigh more than 1 kg per bird, sold out in about 10 days, and the whole chicken that could not reach the sales weight after 20 days was discarded and disinfected in empty column to prepare for conversion. In this way, the batch feeding volume is 20 times of the average daily sales volume.

Brooding technique

The rearing period (0Mel 8 weeks old) is the key stage of the whole feeding and management. The survival rate of chicks, the speed of growth and development, the quality of physique have a direct impact on economic benefits, we must grasp the following key points.

1. The choice of chicken seedlings. At present, the varieties used in courtyard breeding in southern China are Xuefeng black-bone chicken, Jiangshan white-feathered black-bone chicken, Sichuan mountain black chicken, Taihe black-bone chicken and Jinyang silky chicken and so on. Suitable varieties can be selected according to local consumption habits. The healthy black-bone chicken has uniform size, shiny fluff, big eyes, good yolk absorption, smooth umbilical ring, no blood, lively and active, loud cry, elastic grip in the hand, struggle forcefully, clean anus and no fecal adhesion.

2. Temperature and humidity of brooding. Black-bone chicken is small in size and requires high temperature. 1Mel should be 36 ℃ 37 ℃ at 4 days old, 34 Mel 35 ℃ at 5-8 days old, then decrease 2 ℃ per week, and keep at 23 Mel 25 ℃ after 5 weeks. While keeping room temperature, pay attention to ventilation, keep indoor air fresh, and avoid the occurrence of respiratory diseases. The relative humidity in the brooding room is about 65% in the first week, and then about 55%, which is suitable for people to feel hot and humid and not dry. If the humidity is low, use a sprayer to spray water; when the humidity is high, ventilation and heating should be strengthened.

3. Drink water and open materials in time. After entering the house, the chicks take a rest for 2 hours and drink warm water in time, the temperature is about 20 ℃, 50 grams of glucose and 1 gram of rehydration salt are added to 1 liter of water, and then drink 0.01% potassium permanganate water once. After drinking enough water, you can start eating and feeding, 6MUR 7 times a day. Eat with half-cooked chopped rice before using chicken material. It is appropriate to finish the food in about 20 minutes. 2Mel was changed to feed in the trough after 4 weeks of age, and the feeding was based on the principle of less frequent feeding and 80% satiety. It was fed 7 times a day in the first week and 6 times after 1 week. With the shortening of the light time, the feeding times were gradually reduced. The formula is 55% corn, 5% sorghum, 4% wheat bran, 5% barley, 9% fish meal, 16% soybean meal, 3% locust leaf powder, 2.5% bone meal, 0.37% salt, 0.05% multivitamins and 0.08% methionine.

4. Feeding density and reasonable light. If the density is too high, the feeding and drinking water of the black-bone chicks is uneven and the development is irregular. 1Mel 14 days old is 50 per square meter, 15-20 days old is 30 per square meter, 21-24 days old is about 20 per square meter. Observe the drinking and feeding of chicks at any time, and adjust the density and the size of drinking fountains and trays in time. Within 7 days of age, the suitable light intensity should be 24 hours per day, and after 7 days of age, the light should be reduced by 2 hours per week until the light time is 13 hours. The light intensity is 4 watts per square meter, which is changed to 2 watts per square meter after 15 days of age.

5. Cut off beak in time in order to prevent pecking and reduce feed waste. At the age of 7-10 days, cut off half of the length from the tip of the beak to the nostril with a beak breaker, and cut off 1/3 of the lower beak. The beak can also be cut off if the beak is not completely broken at the age of 20 days. At the same time, VK3 was added to drinking water and electrolytic multi-dimensional to reduce bleeding and stress.

6. Disinfect regularly. Disinfect the chicken once every 3 days, spray with the diluent of 20000, and use two kinds of non-ingredient disinfectants alternately, the effect will be better.

Breeding technology of Chinese chicken

The black-bone chicken is divided into Chinese chicken and meat chicken. Among them, the breeding chicken refers to the breeding chicken at the growth stage from the temperature-free feeding to the pre-production stage, that is, the 25-week-old stage, and the meat-use chicken refers to the chicken from the temperature-free feeding to the market stage, which is generally required to be 150 days old and weighs 0.8ml 1.2 kilograms, which can be sold by pharmaceutical factories and foreign trade. It is required to supply full-price diets to increase feed intake and increase the rate of production and commodity. Meat chickens are generally raised flat. Those who are not reserved for breeding can be transferred to commercial chickens. Diets with higher energy and higher crude protein levels are fed freely so that when they are on the market at the age of 100-150 days, the muscles are full and the body stores a certain amount of fat. Egg chickens are mainly raised by fence or grazing.

1. Grouping. After the end of brooding, the growth rate of black-bone chickens is obviously accelerated, and breeding managers should divide them into groups of strength, size, male and female at any time. Clustering is best carried out at night or in the morning, and multivitamin is added to drinking water to prevent stress. At this time, the density is controlled at 10 pieces per square meter. Save for laying or breeding to 120 days old, transfer to the laying henhouse. If the group is not changed until the beginning of production, it is easy to produce stimulation and affect the laying rate. The group transition should be carried out in the evening and try to be quiet.

2. Feed supply. When the chicks enter the breeding period, the diet will be changed from the original chicken feed to the middle chicken feed and big chicken feed. In order to reduce the stress caused by feed replacement, attention must be paid to the transition of feed and can not be changed suddenly. The transition period is generally 5 days. The specific method is as follows: the first day diet is composed of transition pre-feed and post-transition feed, the second day is composed of transition pre-feed and post-transition feed, the third day is composed of transition pre-feed and post-transition feed, and the fourth day is completely changed to transition post-feed. Feed big chicken feed 20 days before going out, stop taking medicine and put an end to drug residues. Breeder chickens are provided with full-price diets, which can be fed with powder or pellets. When feeding, the amount of feed should be limited to about 2 + 3 of the capacity of the trough, so as to avoid chicken stripping and waste. It is advisable to feed 4 meals per day and 1 meal at night in winter. Moderate light, 14 Mel 16 hours a day, light intensity of 15 square meters and 40 watts, it is best to turn on the lights at 5 o'clock in the morning and turn off the lights after sunrise. Turn on the lights in the evening and turn off the lights at 10:00. The temperature should be kept at 13 ℃ and 25 min, and the house should be quiet. Sand basin or sand pool should be set in the playground to allow chickens to eat sand and sand bath freely, which can not only prevent skin diseases but also enhance digestive function. To pick up eggs, the laying box should be placed in the breeding henhouse before the middle chicken is transferred to the laying house. Black-bone chickens are timid and should not use collective egg-laying boxes. Egg-laying boxes with small intervals should be used. The egg-laying boxes should be evenly placed in a dark, well-ventilated and quiet place.

Winter and Summer Management of Black-bone Chicken

1. Summer management. The summer climate is hot, and the chicken has no sweat glands and is covered with feathers, so it is easy to cause strong heat stress to the chickens, which leads to the decrease of feed intake, slow weight gain and high mortality of broilers. Therefore, the most important thing in summer management is to prevent heat and cool down. This problem should be taken into account in the process of chicken house design and construction, so as to make the chicken house towards a reasonable direction and wide spacing, so as to reduce the solar radiation in summer and improve ventilation. Trees or vines with luxuriant branches or vines are planted around the henhouse to provide shade and reduce heat radiation. The chicken coop with poor thermal insulation on the roof can reduce the temperature by brushing the roof to reduce heat absorption or spraying water on the roof to promote heat dissipation. Adjust the diet structure and feeding methods to provide adequate drinking water. During the fattening period, if the temperature exceeded 27 ℃, the feed intake decreased significantly. On the basis of the original dietary nutrition level, the protein content can be increased by 1%, by 2%, and by 30%, by 50%, to ensure the freshness of the diet. In order to reduce heat stress, anti-stress drugs can be added to the feed. For example, 0.1 ml 0.2 grams of bacitracin powder is added to each kilogram of diet; when the temperature is higher than 26 ℃, add appropriate amount of vitamin C, or 0.3% baking soda, or 0.5% ammonium chloride, or 0.1% potassium chloride, etc.

2. Winter management. The key to winter management is to prevent cold and keep warm, correct ventilation, reduce humidity and harmful gas content. The roof should be covered with straw or plastic film when the cold insulation is poor, the windows should be sealed with plastic film, the ventilation port should be adjusted, and the temperature should be supplied manually when the temperature is low. Frequent replacement and addition of padding materials to ensure dryness. As the maintenance of chickens in winter needs to be increased, it is necessary to appropriately increase the energy level of the diet. When using step-by-step feeding, it is necessary to shorten the fasting time of chickens on a cold night as far as possible, and the flue should be inspected frequently to prevent gas and fire.

Environmental hygiene of breeding farms

1. Pay attention to ventilation, change cushions frequently and ventilate reasonably, which can promote the development of heart and lung system. Change the cushion material frequently to ensure the cleanliness and hygiene in the chicken house; generally change the cushion material once every 10 days, and the bedding grass that is wet by water will be replaced immediately.

2. Do a good job in environmental hygiene and often do a good job in hygiene and epidemic prevention in chicken sheds and surrounding venues. Insist on using disinfectant to disinfect the chicken house and the surrounding activity area every week.

3. Pay attention to biosafety and check whether there is a rat hole in the chicken house, and plug the rat hole in the chicken house in time. Take effective measures to prevent cats and dogs from killing rats to avoid harm to chickens caused by cats, dogs, rats and birds and reduce the spread of disease.