
branch disease Learn more about branch disease

  • Control methods and techniques of rose withered branch disease

    Control methods and techniques of rose withered branch disease

    Rose withered branch disease usually occurs in the branches, the spot is initially a small red spot, gradually expands and becomes dark, the center of the spot becomes light brown, and the brown and purple edges around the spot are in sharp contrast to the green of the stem. the conidium of the disease appears when it turns brown in the center of the spot, with the increase of the meristematic vesicle.

  • What is the language of red roses? what does red roses mean?

    What is the language of red roses? what does red roses mean?

    What is the language of red roses? what does red roses mean?

  • Treatment of Fusarium wilt of Clematis clematis

    Treatment of Fusarium wilt of Clematis clematis

    Clematis seldom has diseases and insect pests, and the most common disease is clematis wilt. The probability of clematis wilt in foreign books is 5-10%, and rainy Fusarium wilt will be more serious in spring. Clematis wilt is mostly caused by moist air and molds invade branches. Often, after a spring rain

  • What is walnut branch blight?

    What is walnut branch blight?

    What is walnut branch blight? How to prevent and cure it? Please advise that walnut branch blight is caused by fungal infection, which mainly harms the branches. It occurs everywhere, the general disease plant rate is 20-30%, the serious disease plant rate is more than 80%, causing a large number of branches to die, directly affecting the tree growth and walnut yield.

  • bark rot of Korean pine

    bark rot of Korean pine

    Pine bark rot disease is also called drooping branch disease, soft branch disease, dead branch disease, withered shoot disease, is a branch ulcer disease, mainly harmful to pine species. Symptoms: The disease harms the bark of the branches of young Korean pine trees, and can also occur at the base of the trunk when it is serious, causing canker disease. The pine needles above the infected parts turned yellow-green to greyish green, and gradually turned brown to reddish brown. The injured branches shrink and wrinkle due to water loss, and the needle drop marks are slightly enlarged. When the lateral branches are diseased, the lateral branches will droop downward. branchlet base diseased, then

  • Control methods of branch blight of asparagus

    Control methods of branch blight of asparagus

    [symptoms] first occurred on the weakening branchlets, the disease spot was filamentous or spindle-shaped at first, and gradually extended to the upper branches, resulting in leaf shedding. The susceptible branches gradually become light brown, and finally become light yellow. When the environment is wet, there are dense black dots on the susceptible branches. [pathogen and pathogenesis] fungal diseases

  • Identification and Control of Walnut Diseases

    Identification and Control of Walnut Diseases

    When the branches of the walnut tree are pruned during dormancy, the wound on the tree will cause wound flow, resulting in a massive loss of nutrients, resulting in the weakness of the tree and the death of the branches. To prevent walnut trees from getting hurt by pruning, we should grasp the pruning period and prune at the right time. In spring, the branches and leaves of walnut trees sprout and develop leaves.

  • Main Diseases and Control methods of Waxberry

    Main Diseases and Control methods of Waxberry

    1. Bayberry cancer disease 1. Symptoms: red bayberry cancer disease is a bacterial disease. Mainly damage the branches of 2-3-year-old fruit trees, mostly form tumors on the branches, the tumor is nearly spherical, the size is different, the cork is very hard, brown to dark brown. In general, the tumor on the branch begins to grow in early April, 7-8.

  • Integrated Control of Walnut Branch Blight

    Integrated Control of Walnut Branch Blight

    Walnut branch blight is caused by fungal infection and mainly harms the branches. It occurs everywhere, the general disease plant rate is 20-30%, and the serious disease plant rate is more than 80%, causing a large number of branches to die, directly affecting the tree growth and the yield and quality of walnut. Therefore, it is necessary to timely prevent and control the disease and promote the tree.

  • What pesticides do peach trees use?

    What pesticides do peach trees use?

    Peach tree is a common fruit tree in our country. It is planted in a wide area. It starts to be listed in large quantities every June. It is very popular in the market. During the planting of peach tree, proper amount of pesticide should be sprayed to prevent diseases and insect pests. What pesticide should peach tree use? 1. Leaf shrinkage disease

    2020-11-08 peach trees with what pesticides is our country common
  • How to disinfect and prevent diseases for bonsai in winter

    How to disinfect and prevent diseases for bonsai in winter

    Cold winter is a very difficult season for pests in bonsai, so this season is also a good time for pest control and disease prevention, so how to do a good job of pest control and disease prevention for your bonsai in winter?

  • How to control apple tree rot when trees are weak, branches, dead and dead?

    How to control apple tree rot when trees are weak, branches, dead and dead?

    How to control apple tree rot when trees are weak, branches, dead and dead?

  • How to control camellia withered branch disease and flower rot?

    How to control camellia withered branch disease and flower rot?

    How to control camellia withered branch disease and flower rot? Please introduce the methods for the control of camellia branch blight and flower rot by referring to the following methods: the withered branch disease is caused by pathogenic fungi infecting camellia twigs or old branches, the damaged branches are necrotic, the leaves change from green to yellowish, and gradually dry up and fall off from the top down. Finally.

  • Control methods of jujube mad disease

    Control methods of jujube mad disease

    1. Symptoms Jujube Mad Disease, also known as witches' broom disease, broom disease, fire dragon disease, is a devastating disease. Fruit growers call it "mad jujube tree" or "male jujube tree". Both aboveground and underground parts of jujube trees can be infected. The aboveground infection was mainly characterized by floral organ degeneration, bud germination and abnormal growth, resulting in clusters of branches and leaves, extension of the hanging end of jujube, bright veins, yellowing or curling of tender leaves, and occasionally ear-shaped leaves. The disease in the underground part is mainly manifested as a cluster of roots and tillers. The whole flower organ of the diseased tree was degenerated into a vegetative organ, and the flower stalk was prolonged, which was 5-7 times longer than that of the healthy flower.

  • How to treat the withered branch disease of Ping an tree

    How to treat the withered branch disease of Ping an tree

    How to treat the withered branch disease of Ping an tree

  • Prevention and control of jujube mad disease

    Prevention and control of jujube mad disease

    Jujube mad disease is a destructive disease of jujube. After infection, the jujube tree showed the following abnormal phenomena: 1. The flower organ was anti-ancestral, the pedicel lengthened 3-6 times as much as the normal flower, and the sepals, petals, stamens and pistil grew abnormally, forming light green leaflets. For the diseased trees with strong potential, there will be dwarf twigs in the axils of leaflet leaves, forming clumps of branches. 2. Developing branches, positive and accessory buds and fruiting mother branches germinate and grow many times a year, continuously producing small yellow-green branches and leaves, forming dense branches and clumps, which are not easy to fall off in winter. 3. There are a large number of hidden buds in the dormant state on the whole branch.

  • Timeliness characteristics of plant diseases and insect pests

    Timeliness characteristics of plant diseases and insect pests

    Plants have their own characteristics when they have diseases and insect pests, and the timeliness of plant diseases is one of the major characteristics. An accurate understanding of these characteristics is very beneficial to the treatment of plant diseases. So what is the timeliness of plant diseases and insect pests

  • Resume of Li's pollution-free annual management

    Resume of Li's pollution-free annual management

    Resume of Li's pollution-free annual management

  • How to treat branch diseases of peach trees

    How to treat branch diseases of peach trees

    Peach trees are widely planted in China, and peaches are also loved by the people. they have good appearance, plump, juicy flesh and rich nutrition. But there are a lot of diseases when peach trees are planted. So, how to treat peach branch diseases? 1. Peach

    2020-11-08 Peach trees branches diseases how cure peach trees in our country planting
  • Prevention and treatment of gum disease in peach trees with yellow resin from swollen branches

    Prevention and treatment of gum disease in peach trees with yellow resin from swollen branches

    Prevention and treatment of gum disease in peach trees with yellow resin from swollen branches
