
biotype Learn more about biotype

  • Bacterial porcine pneumonia

    Bacterial porcine pneumonia

    Bacterial porcine pneumonia

  • Tomato bacterial wilt: how to control tomato bacterial wilt? The best treatment for bacterial wilt

    Tomato bacterial wilt: how to control tomato bacterial wilt? The best treatment for bacterial wilt

    Tomato bacterial wilt is a very serious disease in growing tomatoes. If it is not well treated, it is easy to cause significant damage. How should it be treated? Let's take a look. Pathogen: the disease is caused by Pseudomonas solanacearum, which belongs to non-fluorescent false list.

    2019-01-07 Tomato green blight tomato how control best
  • Rice brown planthopper

    Rice brown planthopper

    Rice brown planthopper is also known as brown planthopper, commonly known as Ascaris lumbricoides, soft shell Ascaris, Ascaris, midges. Scientific name Nilaparvatalugens (Stdl) Homoptera, Homoptera. Brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) is one of the main rice pests in China.

  • Ecological environment management: the distribution of weeds in non-cultivated land and the importance of protecting ecological environment

    Ecological environment management: the distribution of weeds in non-cultivated land and the importance of protecting ecological environment

    Weed ecology and distribution: we can see weeds everywhere, so there are a lot of weeds in the land we plant, so how do you control weeds? Is to buy herbicides? This is not ecological. If you want to be eco-friendly, you'd better be.

    2019-01-04 Ecology environmental governance non arable land weeds distribution protection
  • Zhejiang: the first success of biological seed coating agent (photo)

    Zhejiang: the first success of biological seed coating agent (photo)

    Recently, a biological seed coating agent which can not only improve the resistance of seeds to diseases and insect pests and greatly increase the yield of crops, but also produce no toxicity and pollution to human and livestock and the environment, has been successfully created and popularized in Zhejiang Province. Seed coating is widely popularized in China in recent years.

    2016-01-16 Zhejiang biotype seed coating agent pioneer success picture recently a kind of
  • Morphological characteristics and control techniques of Hemiptera pest rice green bug

    Morphological characteristics and control techniques of Hemiptera pest rice green bug

    The insect rice green bug belongs to Hemiptera, Pentatomidae. All sweet orange producing areas in China have occurred. In addition to harming citrus, it also harms rice, corn, peanuts, cotton, legumes, cruciferous vegetables, rape, sesame, eggplant, chili, potatoes, peaches, plums, pears and apples.

    2020-11-09 Hemiptera order pest rice green bug harm morphological characteristics and control
  • Characteristics and control of canine brucellosis

    Characteristics and control of canine brucellosis

    Brucellosis is a kind of human-animal transmission disease caused by Brucella. The most common is that cattle, sheep and pigs are infected with the disease. People and other animals are infected by brucellosis animals and their products. Carriers and animals are the main sources of infection. Most of the dogs infected with brucellosis showed recessive symptoms, and a few infected dogs showed clinical symptoms. The main feature of this disease is inflammation of reproductive organs and fetal membrane. The pathogenic Brucella is gram-negative, spherical, rod-shaped or short-rod-shaped, with a size of 0. 5%.

  • How does eucalyptus control bacterial wilt?

    How does eucalyptus control bacterial wilt?

    How does eucalyptus control bacterial wilt? Bacterial wilt of eucalyptus is a bacterial wilt disease. In recent years, with the continuous increase of eucalyptus varieties (lines) and the rapid increase of plantation area in South China, the occurrence of eucalyptus bacterial wilt is becoming more and more serious and has become an important obstacle to eucalyptus production. In the eucalyptus wilt disease.

  • Bacterial diseases of sweet fish and their control

    Bacterial diseases of sweet fish and their control

    1. Vibrio disease 1. Symptoms vary according to the type of Vibrio infection. Vibrio disease can be roughly divided into three types: yellow liver type, intestinal tip type and ulcer type. The diseased fish body shows swimming weakness, body color blackening, eyeball protrusion, epidermal hemorrhage, deep muscle layer when severe, blood stasis on the inner surface of gill cover, fin base and snout end followed by ulcer, anal redness, light gill color, swollen liver of diseased fish, some are all faded and yellow, some are partially faded and congested, and bubbles filled with blood appear in the liver of diseased fish. gall bladder swelling, filled with orange or brownish green bile; kidney
