
binary Learn more about binary

  • Dual sow breeding technology

    Dual sow breeding technology

    Dual sow breeding technology

  • The difference between binary pig and ternary pig

    The difference between binary pig and ternary pig

    The difference between binary pig and ternary pig

  • How big is the breeding of binary sows

    How big is the breeding of binary sows

    Binary sows need to be mated at the age of 9-10 months, and the fat condition of sows should be observed during mating, and their body weight needs to be more than 200 jin before they can be mated, and if they reach the age of mating months, but the body weight is not up to the standard, they can be fed with some nutritious fodder to gain weight to meet the mating standard.

    2020-11-08 Binary sow how big mating abstract binary need in
  • The production efficiency of ternary sows is more than 30% lower than that of binary sows, how to narrow the gap?

    The production efficiency of ternary sows is more than 30% lower than that of binary sows, how to narrow the gap?

    The production efficiency of ternary sows is more than 30% lower than that of binary sows, how to narrow the gap?

  • Feeding technique of binary sows

    Feeding technique of binary sows

    Feeding technique of binary sows

  • The difference between outer ternary pig and inner ternary pig

    The difference between outer ternary pig and inner ternary pig

    The difference between outer ternary pig and inner ternary pig

  • Tips for breeding first-born sows

    Tips for breeding first-born sows

    First, nutrition regulation and control during the growing period. The sow (binary cross) starts from the weight of 30 kilograms, and the diet should contain 13 megajoules, 16% crude protein, 0.8% lysine, 0.75% calcium and 0.65% phosphorus per kilogram. Starting from the weight of 45 kg, increase the content of calcium and phosphorus by 0.1% each. The feed intake of 150-day-old sows was controlled when their body weight was about 80 kg, and the daily feed intake was 2.3 kg ~ 2.5 kg. The calculated weight of native sows should be less than 2 kg ~ 3 kg.

  • Watch out for fertilizer packaging and beware of the trap of bullying farmers

    Watch out for fertilizer packaging and beware of the trap of bullying farmers

    Organic fertilizer drying and preparation: drying human and animal manure will cause maggots to reproduce and lose nitrogen nutrients of fertilizer. The correct way is to compost organic manure into base fertilizer, such as 4000 kg of human manure or chicken manure, 100kg of calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer and 400kg of crushed wheat straw in the sunny place in late July.

  • Thousands of pig farmers are paying attention to these problems to improve the reproductive performance of three-yuan sows.

    Thousands of pig farmers are paying attention to these problems to improve the reproductive performance of three-yuan sows.

    Thousands of pig farmers are paying attention to these problems to improve the reproductive performance of three-yuan sows.

  • Can a Sanyuan pig be a sow?

    Can a Sanyuan pig be a sow?

    With the emergence of scientific breeding methods, the aquaculture industry is becoming more and more prosperous, and all kinds of aquaculture appear on the market, almost to the point that as long as you dare to raise it, there is nothing you can't raise. Today we are going to talk about the breeding of three-yuan pigs. What is Sanyuan Pig Sanyuan

    2020-11-11 Three yuan pig can do sow along with science breeding method
  • Is potassium nitrate fertilizer good?

    Is potassium nitrate fertilizer good?

    Is potassium nitrate fertilizer good? How to use potassium nitrate fertilizer with good effect? What should I pay attention to when buying potassium nitrate fertilizer? Please introduce that potassium nitrate is a binary fertilizer of nitrogen and potassium, which has two forms of white powder and granule, which is easily soluble in water and is one of the varieties of high concentration compound fertilizer mainly containing potassium. Potassium nitrate is usually present as particles, appearance.

  • What are the types and characteristics of compound fertilizers?

    What are the types and characteristics of compound fertilizers?

    What are the types and characteristics of compound fertilizers? Please introduce that compound fertilizer refers to any two or more elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Those that contain two elements are called binary compound fertilizers; those that contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are called ternary compound fertilizers; if they contain them in addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

  • Characteristics of Petland Pig

    Characteristics of Petland Pig

    Characteristics of Petland Pig

  • The appearance of purplish red potassium dihydrogen phosphate in maize plants can help solve the problem.

    The appearance of purplish red potassium dihydrogen phosphate in maize plants can help solve the problem.

    Can potassium dihydrogen phosphate be used as topdressing? Yes, of course. As a highly efficient binary compound fertilizer, potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used as both foliar fertilizer and root fertilizer, which is very beneficial to crop absorption. Therefore, it is also a commonly used topdressing in agricultural production. ...

  • Potassium dihydrogen phosphate is effective, but try not to use it with these pesticides.

    Potassium dihydrogen phosphate is effective, but try not to use it with these pesticides.

    As a highly efficient binary compound fertilizer, potassium dihydrogen phosphate provides two major elements of phosphorus and potassium for plants. It has a wide range of uses and strong adaptability. It can be widely used not only in crops, but also in horticultural vegetables and flowers.

  • The secret book of professional sheep farm to reduce breeding cost!

    The secret book of professional sheep farm to reduce breeding cost!

    The secret book of professional sheep farm to reduce breeding cost!

  • Silkworm Variety-- Yuefeng No.3

    Silkworm Variety-- Yuefeng No.3

    Examination and approval No.: Guangdong Silkworm 2006002 selection and breeding Unit: Guangdong sericulture Technology extension Center, Department of Silk Science, College of Animal Science, South China Agricultural University. Source: Wu / Xuan / / 28 University. characteristics: binary quadruple hybrid varieties with multiple lineages. It has the characteristics of strong physique, resistance to high temperature and humidity, resistance to fluorine and air pollution, good feeding, high yield, excellent cocoon and silk quality, high reproduction coefficient of silkworm eggs and so on. After hatching Qi Yi, the orthogonal ant silkworm is quieter, and the anti-cross ant silkworm is more escaping. The period of young silkworm is dense.

  • Tea planting techniques: how to fertilize the tea garden?

    Tea planting techniques: how to fertilize the tea garden?

    How to fertilize the tea garden? Please introduce the method of tea garden can refer to the following methods of topdressing: 1, as topdressing in early spring, using nitro compound fertilizer as topdressing during mining has a quick effect and a remarkable effect. Compared with urea, it takes 7 to 10 days to take effect after urea is spread, the nutrition is single and easy to form.

  • What is potassium nitrate?

    What is potassium nitrate?

    What is potassium nitrate? How to use potassium nitrate? Please also ask netizens to help introduce that potassium nitrate is widely used in the agricultural market. Potassium nitrate is a binary compound fertilizer, and potassium nitrate is a chlorine-free potassium and nitrogen compound fertilizer. The total content of plant nutrient potassium and nitrogen can reach about 60%. With good physical and chemical properties.

  • What is compound fertilizer? What are the advantages of mixed application? What are the points for attention?

    What is compound fertilizer? What are the advantages of mixed application? What are the points for attention?

    What is compound fertilizer? What are the advantages of mixed application? What are the points for attention? Compound fertilizer refers to the chemical fertilizer which contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium at the same time or only any two of them. A compound fertilizer containing any two of the three elements is called binary.

    2020-11-09 What yes compound fertilizer mix apply have advantages what