
also known as falling peanuts Learn more about also known as falling peanuts

  • Peanut planting technology: what are the diseases in the later stage of peanut?

    Peanut planting technology: what are the diseases in the later stage of peanut?

    What are the diseases in the later stage of peanut? Please give guidance on the occurrence of leaf spot in peanut in the later stage, which is commonly known as brown spot and black spot, commonly known as black spot and black spot. The damaged leaves were characterized by the destruction of chlorophyll, resulting in early falling flowers and poor pods. Symptoms: Brown spot mainly occurs in leaves.

  • Peanuts can not only be eaten but also made into potted plants.

    Peanuts can not only be eaten but also made into potted plants.

    Enjoy the space and enjoy the space slowly. The peanut in your heart is also known as "falling peanut" and "everlasting fruit". It is a kind of nut that is rich in mainland and widely eaten. It has the functions of promoting growth, anti-aging, hemostasis and hematopoiesis, taste sweet, sex flat, enter the spleen,.

  • How much is a jin of peanuts in 2019? What are the planting prospects?

    How much is a jin of peanuts in 2019? What are the planting prospects?

    Peanuts, also known as peanuts, everlasting fruits, muddy beans, adzuki beans, ground beans, etc., are edible nuts. In addition to being edible, they can also extract edible oil and can be used as raw materials for cosmetics such as soap and hair oil. So, how much is a jin of peanuts in 2019? What are the planting prospects? Introduction to peanuts!

  • Are the latest peanuts nuts?

    Are the latest peanuts nuts?

    Peanuts, also known as peanuts, evergreen fruits, muddy beans, adzuki beans, adzuki beans, etc., belong to the annual herbs of Rosaceae, with erect or creeping stems, mainly distributed in Brazil, China, Egypt and other places. It can be used as raw materials for cosmetics such as soap and hair oil.

    2020-11-10 The latest peanuts isn't it nuts also known as falling peanuts
  • Peanut planting technology: what is peanut net spot disease?

    Peanut planting technology: what is peanut net spot disease?

    What is peanut net spot? How to control peanut net spot disease? Please also help introduce the cultivation network sorted out the harm and prevention methods of peanut net spot disease, listed below for netizens reference. Peanut net spot disease harm: peanut net spot disease, also known as brown stripe disease, moire spot disease, often mixed with leaf spot disease...

  • How to plant peanuts with high yield?

    How to plant peanuts with high yield?

    Peanut is the seed of legume peanut, because after the flower falls, the flower stem drills into the soil and bear fruit, so it is also known as falling peanut, and because of its high nutritional value, eating can prolong life, so it is also called longevity fruit. So how to plant in order to achieve high yield? Peanut height

    2020-11-08 Peanuts how planting ability yield high peanuts yes legumes
  • Prevention and Control of Peanut net spot

    Prevention and Control of Peanut net spot

    Peanut net spot, also known as brown spot and moire spot, often occurs mixed with leaf spot, which can cause early peanut leaf shedding and seriously affect peanut yield. The main results are as follows: first, the regular diseases begin to occur at the flowering stage, and the peak period is from podding to maturity, which mainly harms the leaves and produces round or irregular shapes along the main vein.

  • Occurrence and control of spider mites in peanut species

    Occurrence and control of spider mites in peanut species

    Peanut spider mites are common in Zhaoyuan City, mainly cinnabar spider mites and two-spotted spider mites, of which the most and most serious are cinnabar spider mites, and the occurrence area of two-spotted spider mites is less, but there is a rising trend in Zhaoyuan in recent years. Peanut spider mite in recent years

    2020-11-08 Species peanut leaf mite occurrence and control in
  • Video pictures of peanut planting technology

    Video pictures of peanut planting technology

    Peanut, formerly known as Peanut (scientific name: ArachishypogaeaLinn.), belongs to Rosaceae, Leguminosae annual herb, stem erect or creeping, 30-80 cm long, wing flap separated from keel flap, pod 2-5 cm long, 1-1.3cm wide, swollen, pod thick, flowering from June to August. Mainly distributed in Brazil, China.

  • This thing has poisonous roots that look like peanuts, commonly known as Snake Valley, but farmers grow them in large quantities.

    This thing has poisonous roots that look like peanuts, commonly known as Snake Valley, but farmers grow them in large quantities.

    Tiannanxing, have you ever heard of it? when you hear this name, you will think of the famous star, but you can't hit it. Don't look at the literature and art of the name, but it's a poisonous plant, although it doesn't have much appearance, it also carries poison.

  • How much is a jin of peanuts? Does it make money to grow peanuts in 2019?

    How much is a jin of peanuts? Does it make money to grow peanuts in 2019?

    Peanuts have been recognized as one of the delicious and nutritious foods since ancient times, so they are very popular. So, how much is peanut per jin this year? Does it make money to grow peanuts in 2019? Let's get to know it together. How much is a jin of peanuts? The price of peanut varies with variety, origin, quality, etc.

  • Double improvement of yield and quality in comprehensive prevention of peanut fruit rot

    Double improvement of yield and quality in comprehensive prevention of peanut fruit rot

    Peanut fruit rot is also known as "peanut rot disease". In recent years, the disease is more common in the main peanut producing areas in our province, such as Daming, Xinle, Dingzhou, Xingtang, Luan County and so on, especially when Rain Water is encountered in the podding period of continuous cropping for many years. The disease will be more serious. According to the survey, if the infected land is light, the yield will be reduced by 20%.

  • Planting time of peanut

    Planting time of peanut

    Planting time of peanut

  • Symptoms and Control of Peanut net spot

    Symptoms and Control of Peanut net spot

    1. The cause of iron deficiency in peanut peanut is one of the crops sensitive to iron. Although iron is not a component of chlorophyll, it is an indispensable condition for the synthesis of chlorophyll. It is a component of cytochrome oxidase and peroxidase related to respiration, and participates in the redox process in plants. Is.

  • How to grow peanuts? Please put away this technical guidance on the production of spring sowing peanuts in 2020!

    How to grow peanuts? Please put away this technical guidance on the production of spring sowing peanuts in 2020!

    Peanut, also known as everlasting fruit, is distributed in the north and south of our country. It is also a kind of nut with rich yield and extensive consumption in our country. And now it is spring sowing, how to grow peanuts? Let's take a look at the technical guidance for the production of spring sowing peanuts in 2020 issued by the Ministry of Agriculture.

    2020-11-08 Peanuts how planting this 2020 spring sowing production peanuts
  • What are the main diseases of peanut? Do you know the methods of prevention and control?

    What are the main diseases of peanut? Do you know the methods of prevention and control?

    Peanuts are the most common food in daily life. After shelling, they can be fried into peanuts and vegetables, and visitors at home can put dried fruits in a fruit plate to eat, with a particularly high consumption rate. Nowadays, many people plant some peanuts to eat in their gardens.

    2020-11-09 Peanut major disease have which control method you know
  • How to grow potted peanuts

    How to grow potted peanuts

    In the plant kingdom, peanut is a unique plant that blossoms on the ground and bears fruit underground, and it can only bear fruit in a dark soil environment, so it is also called peanut. Nowadays, more and more people like to grow fruits and vegetables on their balcony or in their yard.

  • What are the varieties of heat-resistant vegetables in summer?

    What are the varieties of heat-resistant vegetables in summer?

    In summer, people can eat a lot of fresh vegetables in season, and it will be a little cheaper to buy vegetables in the market. Some people may wonder what kinds of vegetables are resistant to high temperature in summer. The following editor will introduce to you some of the more common ones! Summer

    2020-11-27 Summer high temperature tolerance vegetables varieties which come summer
  • Harmful symptoms and control methods of peanut brown spot

    Harmful symptoms and control methods of peanut brown spot

    Peanut brown spot is a fungal disease, which is caused by Cercospora hypogaea infection. Peanut leaves are damaged by chlorotic spots at first, then expand into near round or irregular spots, the disease spot is larger and lighter than black spot, the leaf front is dark brown or tea brown, the back is brown or yellow brown, and there is a bright yellow halo around the spot.

  • When will peanuts be planted and when will the harvest be best?

    When will peanuts be planted and when will the harvest be best?

    Peanut is one of the common foods in our daily life, which can be eaten raw or served as side dishes, and has a wide range of applications. It is also common to grow peanuts in rural areas. Basically every household will plant a little bit and eat their own food with peace of mind. So when to plant peanuts and when to harvest them best?
