Video pictures of peanut planting technology

Peanut, formerly known as peanut (scientific name: Arachis hypogaea Linn.), Rosaceae, leguminous annual herbs, stems erect or creeping, 30-80 cm long, wings separated from keels, pods 2-5 cm long, 1-1.3 cm wide, inflated, thick pods, flowering and fruiting period 6-8 months. It is mainly distributed in Brazil, China, Egypt and other places. It can be used to make soap and hair tonic. Peanut fruit contains protein, fat, sugar, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin E, vitamin K, minerals calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, contains 8 kinds of amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids required by the human body, lecithin, choline, carotene, crude fiber and other substances. The fat content is 44 -45%, the protein content is 24-36%, and the sugar content is about 20%. It is rich in vitamins B2, PP, A, D, E, calcium and iron. And contains thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and other vitamins. It promotes the development of brain cells and enhances memory. Peanut seed selection method: 1. Go to the regular seed store to buy. There are many varieties of peanuts at present, and the name is also five. Huabamen, whether these varieties have been identified, it is difficult for farmers to grasp when selecting seeds, so they should choose seed shops with good reputation and reasonable price to purchase seeds. After purchasing seeds, they must ask merchants for seed purchase receipts for preservation. Second, it is necessary to select fine varieties according to local conditions. Farmers should base their experience on their own. Planting habits, soil and other actual conditions, according to local conditions to buy peanut seeds. Different peanut planting areas have different main varieties. Do not follow the big slip, blind shopping. At present, Jihua 5 and Jiyou 4 can meet the needs of growers, and the varieties with high price are not necessarily high quality varieties. Third, pay attention to master the characteristics of peanut varieties. All peanut seeds, regardless of the variety Jihua 5 is a comb-branch common variety with big fruit. The pod is neat and full, the double fruit rate is high, the full fruit rate and the rice rate are high, the fruit is big, the kernel is big, the grain is long oval, the seed coat is pink, the raw food taste is delicate and sweet, suitable for oil extraction and fresh food, and has the characteristics of high yield. Luhua 14 Peanut pod for cocoon-shaped small fruit, seed kernel for peach-shaped, seed coat pink, shiny. Fourth, the purchase of peanut seeds depends on quality. When choosing peanut seeds, look for them. Insect bite, mildew, to peel to observe whether the seeds are full, whether deterioration, appropriate hand grip to see the dry and wet degree of peanut seeds, dry peanut seeds are not easy to be crushed by hand. In short, when purchasing peanut seeds, we must first understand some common sense of improved seeds, so as not to cause unnecessary losses. Peanut seeding: Peanut field to cultivate a good deep soft fertilizer loose soil environment, mainly pay attention to two aspects: one is to plow more fine soil preparation, rake rotten rake flat; the other is to increase the application of organic fertilizer. 800-1000 kg of high-quality soil miscellaneous fertilizer and side fertilizer, 25-30 kg of phosphorus fertilizer, 10 kg of potassium chloride and 2-3 loads of plant ash are applied to each mu during soil preparation, and the whole layer is scattered in the soil. Sow seeds early in time. Spring peanuts should be sown early, the best time is in the "rain" to "Jingzhe" before and after, the temperature rises above 20℃ can be planted. Increase the number of plants appropriately. Appropriate increase in sowing quantity and individual, coordination of individual and population development contradictions, to make full use of soil fertility and light for the principle of reasonable density planting. Generally, it is appropriate to sow 20,000 plants per mu, with 1.4-1.5 meters of furrow arch ridge, high ridge for paddy field (low ridge for dry garden), row spacing of 18× 2 - 3 cm, hole sowing 2 seeds (seed spacing 2-3 cm) and 2-3 cm soil cover. Peanut fertilization: (1) mainly farm manure, chemical fertilizer as a supplement. In our country, most peanuts are planted in hilly areas with thin soil layer and low fertility. Farm manure is mainly organic fertilizer, which contains rich nutrients and can improve soil, fertilize land and have a long fertilizer effect. Chemical fertilizer is quick-acting fertilizer, although it also contains nutrients needed by peanuts, but compared with farm manure, the nutrients are still single. At the same time, chemical fertilizer in the application process, but also residual other components, is not conducive to peanut growth and soil fertility improvement. (2)Organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer are applied together, and the interaction between the two improves the activation of microorganisms in the soil and the decomposition speed of organic fertilizer, and various nutrients can be transformed into peanut absorption, thereby improving the utilization efficiency of fertilizer. (3)Total N, K, double P. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium required to produce 50 kg peanut pods is 5:4: 2.5. The utilization rates of N, P and K fertilizers by peanut in the season were 41.8%~ 50.4%,15%~25% and 45%~60% respectively. (4) rhizosphere topdressing and foliar fertilizer spraying topdressing should be based on different characteristics of growth and variety, generally adopt the method of deep topdressing in rhizosphere, that is, sharpen the stick with a diameter of about 3 cm, and apply fertilizer in a hole 5 cm deep near the plant. Generally, 10 kg of urea is applied per mu, and soil is covered after topdressing. The foliar fertilizer is sprayed with 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate 150g to 50kg water per mu. The foliar fertilizer is sprayed every 7 days for 2~3 times continuously, and the effect is very good. Peanut diseases: 1, peanut bacterial wilt, commonly known as "peanut plague", is the enemy of peanut production. The disease occurred from seedling stage to harvest stage, but most of the disease occurred in flowering stage. Generally, the yield of the disease is reduced by 15%-20%, the serious field is more than 50%, and the disease may not be harvested at the pod setting stage. The diseased plants were initially slightly wilted at noon, and returned to normal in the morning and evening. Then the leaves of the whole plant wilted and drooped due to water loss, and finally withered and died. Open the stem of the diseased plant, you can see that the conducting tissue near the ground has turned brown, squeeze with your hand, there is a dirty white bacteria liquid flowing out of the incision, pull up the diseased plant, the root has rotted, dark brown. The pathogen can survive for many years in the soil of the disease area with the sick and disabled plants, and spread with rain and farm tools. Continuous cropping is easy to come on, high temperature and rainy, humidity is big, sunny and rainy weather is more easy to come on. Fewer cases occurred in fertile loam or sandy loam with good drainage, and more cases occurred in poor sandy soil. Peanut varieties of vine type have strong resistance to disease, while those of erect type are susceptible to disease. Prevention measures are as follows: 1. Reasonable rotation. The disease mainly depends on the infection of pathogens living in the soil. Reasonable rotation with non-host crops, such as peanut and rice or corn, sorghum, etc., can eliminate the pathogens in the soil and effectively prevent the occurrence of the disease. Second, improve the soil, pay attention to drainage, apply more organic fertilizer. Base fertilizer to increase lime, plant ash and phosphorus fertilizer. Each mu of base fertilizer to apply lime 40 kg, plant ash 100 kg, calcium superphosphate 25 kg, can promote peanut growth robust, improve plant disease resistance. 3. Remove the diseased plants and burn them in time. After sporadic diseased plants are found, they are immediately uprooted and burned, and lime powder is sprinkled on the diseased points to prevent the spread of germs. IV. Timely chemical control. At the early stage of peanut flowering, 130g captan per mu was sprayed on the soil roots with 80kg water every 7-8 days for 2-3 times, and the control effect reached more than 85%. The disease can also be used in the early prevention and control of copper ammonia solution, specific practices: with copper sulfate 0.5 kg and ammonium sulfate 3.5 kg crushed and then add 1 kg of lime hydrate, diluted with 500 kg of water, 250 grams per hill, the effect is better. 2. Peanut net spot disease, also known as brown spot disease and cloud spot disease, often occurs in combination with leaf spot disease, which can cause early peanut leaf shedding and seriously affect peanut yield. The disease mostly occurs at the beginning of florescence, and the peak period of disease is from pod setting to maturity. It mainly damages leaves. Round or irregular black-brown spots are produced along the main veins at the beginning, and there are green halos around the spots. Then irregular brown spots with reticulated edges appear on the front of leaves, and millet brown spots can be seen at the affected parts. When it rains continuously, leaf spots are larger, black brown, leaf back spots are not obvious, light brown, heavy spots fusion; in dry conditions, spots are easy to rupture and perforate. Once infected, the leaves are easy to fall off. The control method comprises the following steps of: spraying 500 - 600 times of 70% mancozeb wettable powder, 700 - 800 times of 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder, 500 times of 64% trimethoprim wettable powder, 500 times of 70% ethion·manganese zinc wettable powder or 600 times of 80% chlorothalonil wettable powder at an interval of 10 - 15 days for 2 - 3 times continuously. 3. Peanut virus disease, one of the main diseases of peanut, seriously affects the yield and quality of peanut, especially in the northern production areas of China. Peanut virus diseases, except bud blight mainly transmitted by thrips, other diseases such as light mottle disease, yellow mosaic disease, common mosaic disease are transmitted by seeds and aphids, seed-borne potato diseases are the main primary infection sources. The seed transmission rate is mainly affected by the onset period, early onset, high seed transmission rate. There was a negative correlation between seed size and virus carrying rate, the virus carrying rate of large seeds was low, and that of small seeds was high. In the presence of virus sources and susceptible species, aphid occurrence and number are the main factors of virus epidemic. The aphids that spread the virus were mainly winged aphids active in the field. Peanut aphids generally occur early, large numbers, easy to cause serious disease epidemic, otherwise the incidence of light. Peanut seedling rainfall, mild climate, dry, easy to lead to aphid occurrence, causing disease epidemic, vice versa is light. Control methods: First, the use of non-toxic or low-toxic seeds, eliminate or reduce the initial infection source. Virus-free seeds can be obtained by isolated propagation. Second, Yuhua 1, Haihua 1 and Yuhua 7 were selected as varieties with light susceptibility and low seed transmission rate, and large kernels were selected as seeds. The third is to popularize plastic film mulching technology, plastic film has a certain effect of driving aphids, can reduce the damage of virus disease. Fourth, timely removal of weeds in and around the field to reduce aphid sources. Fifth, do a good job in disease quarantine and prohibit seed transfer from disease areas. Sixthly, pesticide control aphid, when sowing, 3% carbofuran granules are used to cover seeds, the dosage per mu is 2.5 kg-3 kg, or 25% phoxim (812) can be used to cover seeds, the dosage per mu is 0.5 kg, after peanut emergence, it is necessary to check in time, and the aphid is sprayed with 40% dimethoate emulsifiable solution 800 times in time to prevent aphid transmission. 4. Peanut root rot control (1) Implement rotation. Light disease field rotation every other year, heavy disease field rotation 3~5 years. (2) seed dressing. The seeds were dressed with 0.3% triadimefon or 0.5% carbendazim 50% wettable powder before sowing, sealed for 24 hours and sown. (3) Chemical control. After Qi Miao strengthen inspection, found that the disease plant immediately spray or drenching irrigation method, block the center disease plant. 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500 times solution, or potassium permanganate 600~1000 times solution spray peanut stem base; every 7~15 days, spray 2~3 times or more, each time with 75 kg of liquid medicine, alternate application, spray foot leaching. 5. Stem rot control (1) Agricultural control. Choose disease-free seeds and disease-resistant varieties; reasonable rotation, can be rotated with cereal crops. (2) Chemical control. 50% carbendazim wettable powder is used for seed dressing before sowing, or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 0.5kg is added with 50 - 60kg of water for soaking seeds, and seeds are sown after soaking seeds for 24 hours. In the early stage of disease, 50% carbendazim wettable powder or 65% zinc mezeb wettable powder 500 - 600 times solution is selected for spraying prevention and control, spraying once every 7 days and continuously spraying 2 - 3 times. Peanut pests: 1) Aphids. Aphids not only feed on peanut sap, but are also the main vectors for transmitting viruses. The control of peanut aphids must be based on the early word, when each pier reached 10, 40% omethoate 1000 times solution can be used to control. (2) Ground tiger, white grubs. Cutworm and white grubs are underground pests, which not only damage for a long time but also cause serious damage, often resulting in lack of seedlings and broken ridge phenomenon. Reasonable crop rotation: peanut good crop is corn, millet and other gramineous crops, avoid continuous cropping, crop. Autumn deep turning: autumn deep turning can turn pests to the ground, so that it is exposed to death or pecked by birds, reducing the source of insects. Seed coating: seed coating before sowing, this method can also effectively prevent rodents. Soil treatment: When preparing soil before sowing, 22.5~ 30kg of 3% phorate granules per hectare shall be evenly spread on the surface of the field and shallowly ploughed into the soil; or phorate granules shall be scattered in the sowing ditch and then sown; pesticides can also be mixed into organic fertilizer for basal fertilizer application. Larvae control: in late June and late July, at the peak incubation period and young stage of chafers, 35~45 kg phoxim granules and 250~300 kg fine soil were scattered on the rhizosphere of peanuts, and shallow hoeing was carried out. 50% phoxim or 90% trichlorfon 1000 times solution can also be used for root irrigation. Peanut Harvest: Because peanuts are aboveground flowering, underground fruit crops, it is generally difficult to see from the outside whether the pod has been full and mature. At the same time, peanut is continuous flowering and pod bearing, so the maturity of pod is also inconsistent. Harvesting too early or too late affects yield and quality. Therefore, it is particularly important to determine the appropriate harvest period of peanuts. Generally, the appropriate harvest period of peanuts can be viewed from the following three aspects. 1. Look at the birth period. The growth period of peanut varieties is about 125 days. 2. Look at the temperature. If the average temperature of the day and night is below 12 ° C, peanuts have stopped growing and can be harvested. 3. Look at the plants. Under normal circumstances, peanut into the late fruiting, most of the nutrients in the plant has been transported to the pod, the plant shows senescence, the top stops growing, the upper leaves turn yellow, the base and middle leaves fall off, at this time most of the pod seeds are full, you can harvest. Peanut seed reservation: Special attention should be paid to selecting seeds: seeds should be selected from pods bearing plants with the characteristics of the variety, consistent maturity, neat branches, concentrated and full results. The pods produced by plants with the following symptoms cannot be used as seed. 1. Greedy late-ripening plants. This kind of plant early development is poor, late growth is too prosperous, not only late fruit, but also less fruit, fullness is also poor. 2. A plant that fails prematurely. Peanut pod is not mature, but the ground plant is premature decline, the accumulation of organic matter in the seed is not sufficient, not only for seed germination rate is not high but also will lose the characteristics of the variety, weakening year by year, directly affecting its yield. 3. A diseased plant. Plants suffering from blight, leaf spot and peanut rust bear pods that are used as seeds not only to spread the disease, but also mostly empty pods and shriveled seeds. Click for more peanut cultivation technology Click for more food crop cultivation technology
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