
How to plant peanuts with high yield?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Peanut is the seed of legume peanut, because after the flower falls, the flower stem drills into the soil and bear fruit, so it is also known as falling peanut, and because of its high nutritional value, eating can prolong life, so it is also called longevity fruit. So how to plant in order to achieve high yield? Peanut height

Peanut is the seed of leguminous plant peanut, because after the flower falls, the flower stem drills into the soil and bear fruit, so it is also called "falling peanut". Because of its high nutritional value, it can prolong life, so it is also called "longevity fruit". So how to plant in order to achieve high yield? The main points of high-yield cultivation of peanut: 1. In variety selection, suitable varieties with high yield, high oil and strong disease resistance must be selected according to local soil, climate and other natural conditions. 2. It is suggested that the majority of growers should change their varieties every 2-3 years. Farmers with good conditions buy 1-2 mu of high-quality and high-yield varieties every year to breed, and in the second year, the varieties propagated in the previous year are selected and planted in the field, which not only saves the cost of purchasing a large number of seeds, but also increases the yield and income. 3. Select summer sowing peanut as seeds to screen out moldy and germinated seeds to ensure sowing quality. In addition, try not to leave seeds with spring sowing peanuts, so as not to cause poor emergence. It is suggested that the seed has certain regional characteristics. When changing seeds, on the one hand, we should see whether the variety has been approved in this region, and on the other hand, do not act too hastily, plant a small amount first, and then plant it in a large area after stabilization. Do not blindly introduce the so-called high-yield varieties from other places, the long-term stability of seeds is very important. The main points of high-yield planting of peanut are as follows: 1. Soil preparation-soil deep turning and improvement. The soil should be ploughed deeply to deepen the living soil layer, and the tillage depth should reach 26-32cm, which can effectively improve the soil plough layer and reduce the occurrence of diseases in the seedling stage. 2. Rotation. To implement a reasonable rotation system of 3-4 years, it is necessary to avoid continuous cropping of peanuts and legumes. The key points of peanut high-yield planting: rational fertilization is scientific and reasonable, balanced fertilization is one of the key factors to ensure peanut high yield. It is suggested that soil test and formula fertilization should be applied according to the local situation. How to apply fertilizer to meet the nutrition needed for peanut growth, we must understand the sixteen elements needed for peanut growth. Among them, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium are in the greatest demand, and trace elements such as sulfur, boron, molybdenum, zinc, manganese and iron are also indispensable. According to the amount of fertilizer required for every 100 kg peanut production: 6-7 kg of nitrogen, 5 kg of calcium, 4 kg of potassium and 2 kg of phosphorus. Each region can refer to fertilization according to local products and soil conditions. In order to accumulate water, activate soil and improve fertilizer use efficiency, organic biological fertilizer or other organic fertilizer should be applied per mu. In the method of fertilization, we should pay attention to the following points: (1) the principle of fertilizing peanut should be based on base fertilizer and supplemented by topdressing. Topdressing in the rhizosphere should be at the stage of flowering and needling. (2) according to the characteristics of fertilizer requirement of peanut and the basis of soil fertility, the timing, type, quantity and method of fertilization should be arranged reasonably. (3) the plastic film mulching cultivation of spring peanut should apply all kinds of organic fertilizer as base fertilizer to the field when preparing the soil before the beginning of spring or winter. (4) fertilization should be adequate, concentrated, random ditch, and deep. Because nitrogen fertilizer is volatile, the infiltration and diffusion ability of phosphate fertilizer in the soil layer is weak, and potassium fertilizer and calcium ion have antagonistic effect. The root group of peanut that absorbs nutrients most actively is below the fruiting layer. Main points of peanut high-yield planting: sowing 1, temperature control: the most suitable temperature for peanut seed germination is 25m 37 degrees Celsius, some varieties can not germinate below 10 degrees Celsius or higher than 40 degrees Celsius. The lowest suitable temperature of 10 cm sowing layer for spring sowing peanuts is that the early-maturing varieties are stable above 12 degrees Celsius and the middle and late varieties are stable above 15 degrees Celsius. 2. Humidity control: when sowing, the relative water content of the soil should be 70% and 75%, that is, the soil in the tillage layer can be clustered by hands and rubbed loosely. If the soil moisture is insufficient, it is necessary to make moisture and sow seeds in time to protect the whole and strong seedlings. If the soil is seriously hardened by heavy rain after sowing, the methods of drainage and hoeing should be taken to create good suitable conditions for seed germination and seedling emergence. 3. Sowing depth: sowing depth should be flexibly controlled according to soil quality, soil moisture, air temperature and underground moisture. The clay should be shallower, generally about 3.3-5 is appropriate. The depth of 5-7cm is suitable for sandy soil and sandy soil. When the soil moisture is poor, it can be deeper, and when the soil moisture is good, it can be shallow. To grasp that the dry is not too deep, the wet is not too shallow, 5cm is the most suitable. 4. Peanut ridging precision sowing: peanut ridging precision sowing has the advantages of thickening the living soil layer, drought watering, waterlogging, strong ventilation and light transmission, which is beneficial to the growth and development of peanut, promote more fruit, bear early, and have large fruit. Actual production data: take Xiaobai Shaxia peanut in the largest peanut county in China as an example: production ridge width 85-90cm. Row spacing: 40-45cm, hole spacing 11.5cm, single or 2 grains per hole; sowing 13,15kg per mu. The actual number of sowing holes per mu: 8000 to 14000 holes per mu. The main points of high-yield peanut planting: disease and pest management 1, seedling management (1) when peanut breaks the soil and appears two true leaves, check the lack of holes in the field, and replant immediately if there are holes missing. (2) there may be lack of trace elements in peanut seedlings, such as yellow and weak seedlings. "Boxiang Sanbao" or "High efficiency and High yield Ling" can be used to supplement a variety of nutrients needed in seedling stage and regulate growth, so as to achieve the effect of promoting root and seedling. (3) Seedling is fundamental. Boxiang Sanbao is used to make Boxiang Yibao in the bankruptcy package to prevent root diseases and achieve the effect of promoting roots and seedlings at the same time. Strictly abide by the principle of "prevention first, combination of prevention and control, comprehensive control" to reduce the occurrence of diseases, so as to achieve high yield and high quality. (4) watering: peanut has strong drought resistance in this period, so it can be combined with small water (what farmers say: horse race water) under very dry conditions, and small water sprinkler irrigation is the best. 2. In the later stage of full flowering, 50% of the plants began to blossom to 50% of the plants appeared chicken head-shaped young fruit. In this period, a large number of plants bloom and needle, vegetative growth and reproductive growth are in the initial stage, the number of flowers can account for 50%-60% of the total number of flowers, the number of fruit needles formed can account for 3050% of the total, and more fruit needles are buried in the soil. In management, it is necessary to promote the combination of control and control, strive to spend more needles and more fruits are full. the main measures are as follows: (1) cultivate the soil and thicken the soil layer to meet the needle, shorten the distance of the fruit needle into the soil, make the fruit needle enter the soil early, bear fruit early, and form more peanuts. (2) Water management: the flowering and needling period is the period when peanuts need the most water (also the critical period of peanut water demand), which accounts for half of the total water demand during the whole growth period. The appropriate soil water content during this period is 60%-70% of the maximum soil water holding capacity. If the maximum soil water holding capacity is less than 50%, it should be irrigated in time, small ditches should be irrigated, and flood irrigation should be avoided. If there is too much rain, it should be eliminated in time to avoid stem and leaf growing and lodging, reducing yield and quality. (3) according to this period, Boxiang Erbao in the high-yield combination of Boxiang Sanbao was used for spray and comprehensive control. The main function is to control the growth, promote the transfer of nutrients to the root, increase the fruit rate and increase the fruit fullness. 3, full fruit maturity management from 50% of the plants to most pods are full mature stage, referred to as the full fruit period. The full fruit period of spring sowing peanuts is 40-50 days, and that of summer sowing is 30-40 days. Key points of high-yield peanut planting: according to the investigation of harvest time in field and base in recent years, the yield of peanuts harvested 15-20 days in advance of the original seed growth cycle is generally reduced by about 30% per mu. How to grasp the best harvest time: 1, look at the growth of the whole plant, the top leaf falls late and turns yellow, the tree is not thin, and the stem is just bright. In the field, it depends on the basic yellowing and shedding of the leaves at the base of the stem branches, and the stem branches change from green to yellow. There are still 4-6 intact leaves at the top. 2. In the underground part, peel off the soil layer to see whether the pod reticulation is clear, peel the pod to see the color of the kernel, the color of the inner wall of the shell, whether the shell hardens, etc.; 3, according to the inherent growth cycle of seeds, the days of spring sowing are generally 125-135 days, and that of summer direct seeding peanuts are 100-115 days.