
How to grow peanuts? Please put away this technical guidance on the production of spring sowing peanuts in 2020!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Peanut, also known as everlasting fruit, is distributed in the north and south of our country. It is also a kind of nut with rich yield and extensive consumption in our country. And now it is spring sowing, how to grow peanuts? Let's take a look at the technical guidance for the production of spring sowing peanuts in 2020 issued by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Peanut, also known as everlasting fruit, is distributed in the north and south of our country. It is also a kind of nut with rich yield and extensive consumption in our country. And now it is spring sowing, how to grow peanuts? Let's take a look at the technical guidance for spring sowing peanut production issued by the Ministry of Agriculture in 2020.

National Agricultural Technology extension Service Center

Oil expert guidance Group of the Ministry of Agriculture and villages

At present, spring sowing peanuts in China have entered the preparation stage, and spring sowing peanuts in Huang-Huai-Hai, the Yangtze River basin and the south began to sow one after another. According to local production conditions and market demand, the National Agricultural Technology extension Service Center, together with the Oil expert guidance Group of the Ministry of Agriculture and Village, put forward technical guidance for the production of spring sowing peanuts in 2020.

First, select special varieties and prepare enough seeds in advance.

Reasonable selection of high-quality special varieties such as high-oil, high-oleic acid, high-protein and suitable for food processing to meet the differentiated needs of different uses such as oil, food, processing and export. In the fields with medium or above fertility in Huang-Huai-Hai producing area, peanut in open field or covered with plastic film should choose high-quality special, medium-and large-fruit varieties with a growth period of about 125 days, and barren land or continuous cropping land should choose high-quality special-purpose, medium and small fruit varieties with a growth period of about 125 days. Mid-early and small fruit varieties with a growth period of less than 125 days were selected in Northeast China, and early and small fruit varieties with a growth period of less than 115 days were selected in the areas with high latitude, short frost-free period and low accumulated temperature. The pearl bean varieties with a growth period of about 120 days were selected in the southern producing areas. Medium and large fruit varieties with a growth period of about 125 days were selected in southern Xinjiang and small and medium fruit varieties with a growth period of less than 120 days in northern Xinjiang. The varieties with high resistance to bacterial wilt and rotten fruit should be selected in the areas prone to bacterial wilt and rotten fruit, and the varieties with good maturity consistency, strong toughness of fruit stalk and suitable for mechanized harvest should be selected in the areas with high degree of mechanized production.

Second, implement key technologies and improve sowing quality

The first is to build soil moisture and prepare the soil. Fine soil preparation before sowing, so that the upper and lower soil is solid, and there are no soil clods; when sowing, the soil water content is 65%-75%, and the soil moisture is sown in the case of drought. Under the condition of no water irrigation, there should be unequal soil moisture, time to unequal soil moisture, and the sowing depth is 3% and 4 cm. The second is seed treatment. The seeds were shelled 15 days before sowing, and the seeds could be dried with shells for 3 days before shelling. The moldy, damaged and germinated seeds were removed, preserved and sown according to the grain size. For the mechanically shelled seeds, the germination test must be carried out, and the suitable sowing rate should be determined according to the germination rate. Seed dressing or coating before sowing, dry in a cool and ventilated place, and then sow seeds. The third is to sow seeds at the right time. The sowing temperature of spring sowing varieties of large grain type, small grain type and high oleic acid type should be stable above 17 ℃, 15 ℃ and 19 ℃ respectively, and the sowing time of plastic film mulching was 7 ℃ earlier than that of open field. The sowing time of Huang-Huai-Hai producing area is generally from late April to early May, the northeast producing area is in the middle and late ten days of May, and the northwest producing area is in the first and middle of May. The temperature of pearl bean peanut in southern producing area should be stable above 12 ℃, sowing in "cold tail and warm head", and peanut varieties with high oleic acid should be sowed late. Fourth, reasonable close planting. In general, spring sowing large-grain varieties with 0.8-10 000 holes per mu, small-grain varieties with 0.9-11000 holes per mu, plots with better fertilizer and water conditions should be sparsely sown, and dry and thin plots should be closely planted.

Third, strengthen field management and improve the quality of groups

First, scientific fertilization. The fertilization of peanut is mainly based on base fertilizer and supplemented by topdressing. Calcium fertilizers such as lime and calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer can be properly applied in acidic soil, lime nitrogen and biological bacterial fertilizer can be properly applied in continuous cropping soil, and peanut nodule bacteria fertilizer can be applied in gravelly sandy soil, coarse sand loam and stubble land with low fertility. The second is watering at the right time. Peanuts sown with sufficient moisture generally do not need watering at the seedling stage; in case of drought at the flowering stage and podding stage, appropriate amount of water should be watered in time. In case of drought during the full fruit period, small water should be gently irrigated. Peanut fields in the south or areas with more rainfall should be "three ditches" unobstructed to prevent waterlogging damage. Third, ploughing and weeding. Three days after sowing peanuts in the open field, the ground was sprayed with suitable pre-bud herbicides to seal off weeds; plastic film mulching of peanuts could be done by spraying herbicides after sowing and before film mulching, mechanical sowing and spraying herbicides at one time. When peanuts are close to ridge closure, open-field peanuts in the rows, plastic film peanuts in the ridge through the trench to cultivate soil, so that the trench clear, soil Xuan, ridge waist fat, ridge top concave, in order to facilitate the fruit needle into the soil and bear fruit. Fourth, reasonable control of prosperity. When the plant grows to 35ml / 40cm, the growing plots are controlled with suitable growth regulators. Fifth, green prevention and control. Physical trapping and biological control were used to control insect pests and chemical agents to control diseases. Promote physical trapping and killing techniques such as black light, sex attractants and insect traps. Diseases, insect pests and weeds are prevented by scientific rotation and intercropping in South China.

Fourth, safe harvest at the right time to ensure a bumper harvest

Peanuts can be harvested when most of the leaves in the middle and lower part of the main stem turn yellow and fall off, and there are 4 green leaves left in the upper part of the main stem, the full pod ratio of large fruit type varieties is more than 70%, and that of small fruit type varieties is more than 80%. The specific harvest time should also be flexibly controlled according to the weather and plot conditions. Should be dried or dried as soon as possible after harvest, so that the pod moisture content is reduced to less than 10%, fresh peanuts should be refrigerated in time, cold chain transportation. After being selected into the warehouse, attention should be paid to controlling the storage conditions to avoid the harm of storage pests and aflatoxin contamination.