
a kind of coat color Learn more about a kind of coat color

  • The main coat color types of pigs

    The main coat color types of pigs

    There are many types of pig coat color, mainly due to the different types and distribution of melanin. There are two kinds of melanin, one is true melanin (eumelanin), which exists in black and brown forms, and the other is brown melanin, which exists in yellow and red forms. Melanin is a binding protein, which is contained in all kinds of pigs, but the quantity and distribution are different, such as 0.07% in white Yorkshire pig coat and 6.18% in black pig. The main type of coat color of pigs

  • How to distinguish between grape carp and Danding carp

    How to distinguish between grape carp and Danding carp

    Grape brocade carp is a variety of koi derived from red and white or tricolor and light yellow koi. It is characterized by the color of blue or grape under the erythema of Koi, which is like wearing a coat. Among them, grape clothes are clothes.

  • How to brighten the coat color of broilers?

    How to brighten the coat color of broilers?

    How to brighten the coat color of broilers?

  • Brief introduction of raccoon dog varieties and selection criteria

    Brief introduction of raccoon dog varieties and selection criteria

    1. Racoon dogs belong to carnivores, canines and medium-sized fur animals. According to Chinese fauna (1987), racoon dogs can be divided into three subspecies, namely named subspecies, northeast subspecies and southwest subspecies: ① named subspecies: from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces and regions, with 50~53cm body length, short coat, brownish yellow undercoat and few black hair tips. The black vertical lines on the back are also not obvious. Northeast subspecies of ②: from Heilongjiang

  • Brief introduction of raccoon dog varieties and selection criteria

    Brief introduction of raccoon dog varieties and selection criteria

    Racoon dogs belong to carnivores, canines and medium fur animals. According to Chinese fauna (1987), racoon dogs in China can be divided into three subspecies, namely named subspecies, northeast subspecies and southwest subspecies: ① named subspecies: from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces and regions, 50~53cm in length, short coat, brown undercoat, less black hair tips, and no obvious black vertical lines on the back. ② northeast subspecies: from Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and other provinces, with a body length of 56cm 90c

  • Brief introduction of raccoon dog varieties and its selection criteria

    Brief introduction of raccoon dog varieties and its selection criteria

    1. Racoon dogs belong to carnivores, canines and medium-sized fur animals. According to Chinese fauna (1987), racoon dogs can be divided into three subspecies, namely named subspecies, northeast subspecies and southwest subspecies: ① named subspecies: from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces and regions, with 50~53cm body length, short coat, brownish yellow undercoat and few black hair tips. The black vertical lines on the back are also not obvious. ② northeast subspecies: of Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and other provinces, body length 5

  • Introduction of common breeding types of foxes

    Introduction of common breeding types of foxes

    Nowadays, people have all kinds of pets, and this has led to the development of special farming projects in rural areas. Today, let's talk about the breeds of foxes. At present, there are two genera of foxes raised in the world, namely, the genus Foxus and the arctic fox and the variants of these two genera. It is found in the genus Fox.

    2020-11-27 Foxes common breeding type breed introduction present human breeding
  • What kind of pesticide is used to coat wheat seeds?

    What kind of pesticide is used to coat wheat seeds?

    What kind of pesticide is used to coat wheat seeds? What's the use of wheat seed coating? Please introduce that seed coating and chemical seed dressing before wheat sowing is a key measure to lower the base of diseases and insect pests, move forward the control gate, and reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests in the coming year. The seed net has sorted out the common coating drugs for wheat seeds.

  • What kind of animals are sheep?

    What kind of animals are sheep?

    Sheep is one of the common livestock, and its coat color is mainly white. Its whole body is full of treasures, fur can be made into a variety of woolen and leather products, meat can be eaten, has always been used as a good product for strengthening yang. So, what kind of animals are sheep? What kind of animals are sheep?

    2020-11-11 Sheep what is it family animals sheep yes people common domestic animals
  • How to choose the variety of rabbit and how to change it?

    How to choose the variety of rabbit and how to change it?

    The main results are as follows: 1 the most common breeds of meat rabbits in China are New Zealand rabbit, California rabbit, Belgian rabbit and Chinese white rabbit. The basic requirements for meat rabbit breeds are fast growth in the early stage (70 ~ 80 days old body weight should be more than 2.5 kg), high feed efficiency, good meat production performance, and adult weight of about 4 kg. New Zealand rabbit is the most widely raised meat rabbit in the world. It originated in the United States and has three populations: new Zealand white rabbit, New Zealand red rabbit and New Zealand black rabbit. To the new west

  • What is good for the color of the pet dog Golden hair at home?

    What is good for the color of the pet dog Golden hair at home?

    With the improvement of people's living standards, more and more girls like to keep a golden pet dog at home. This kind of dog has more hair, so what can make them eat better for the color of the coat? According to Yang Jing, who raised Golden Retriever in Changsha, generally speaking, he eats dog food with coat color.

    2020-11-11 Home raise pet dog golden hair eat what yes coat color good
  • Breeding techniques of colored foxes

    Breeding techniques of colored foxes

    Fox is a member of the canine family, which is divided into two genera. There are silver foxes (silver and black foxes), red foxes and colored foxes, while arctic foxes have blue foxes and colored arctic foxes. Color fox and color sample polar fox are mutants from coat color variation, because the coat color variation of foxes is carried out under natural conditions, and the general mutation rate is only 1/100000 or 1/1000000. Scarcity is precious, and a piece of high-quality colored fox skin costs as much as thousands of dollars. Foreign countries have studied and raised colored foxes for more than 50 years, and now there are more than 30 kinds of colored foxes. To develop as soon as possible

  • What are the main kinds of soybeans? What are their own characteristics?

    What are the main kinds of soybeans? What are their own characteristics?

    When it comes to soybeans, it is a very common crop for farmers. Yellow soybeans can be used to stir-fry as snacks, and green soybeans can be cooked or fried when they are just picked. No matter which kind of soybeans are rich in protein, it is good for the human body.

    2020-11-27 Soybeans Lord to have which kinds they each have what characteristics
  • Introduction of cattle breeds

    Introduction of cattle breeds

    There are four kinds of cattle: dairy breeds, meat breeds, service breeds and dual-use breeds. Among them, dairy cattle mainly produce milk and dairy products, such as Chinese Holstein cattle, Dutch cattle and so on. Beef cattle mainly produce beef and beef products, such as Heyford cattle and Angus.

    2020-11-11 Cow breed introduction cow yes dairy meat
  • Coffee mink

    Coffee mink

    Coffee minks are also often called smoky marten. At present, the number of this kind of marten is large, its coat color is light brown and its eyes are dark brown, but the coat color of this breed varies greatly. In order to achieve the same color of brown marten, strict manual selection must be carried out. This breed of mink has a large individual, good reproductive performance and is easy to raise.

  • Breeding of white raccoon dog

    Breeding of white raccoon dog

    White raccoon dogs and their characteristics raccoon dogs in nature have always been bluish brown, this common color type is genetically called the wild type. In 1974, Harbin Zoo in Heilongjiang Province acquired a rare male white raccoon dog (eyes and kisses are light pink). In 1980, yellowish brown or light blue eyes were found in the raccoon dog population of three northeastern provinces, kissing black white raccoon dog or white raccoon dog. These special color types, which are different from the wild type, are called mutants. The Special products Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences uses these precious white raccoon dog mutation genes.

  • A collection of pictures of fox breeds

    A collection of pictures of fox breeds

    A collection of pictures of fox breeds

  • Selection and purchase of Japanese poodles

    Selection and purchase of Japanese poodles

    (1) when buying a Japanese Lion Dog, do not treat the Beijing Dog as a Japanese Lion Dog. There are many similarities between the two kinds of dogs. For example, the faces of both are flat, the noses are not pointed, and the hair on the tail is rich. However, compared with the Beijing Dog, the Japanese Lion Dog has a longer back, longer legs, shorter snout, protruding eyes, V-shaped ears and lighter posture. (2) to check whether the parts of the dog to be purchased are in line with the morphological characteristics of the Japanese poodle, it is best to require all aspects.

  • White Raccoon Dog and Breeding of White Raccoon Dog

    White Raccoon Dog and Breeding of White Raccoon Dog

    White raccoon dogs and their characteristics Raccoon dogs in nature have always been blue-brown, this common color type is genetically called wild type. In 1974, Harbin Zoo in Heilongjiang Province acquired a rare male raccoon dog (eyes and snout are light pink). In 1980, white raccoon dog or white raccoon dog with yellow brown or light blue eyes and black snout was successively found in the domestic raccoon dog population in three provinces of Northeast China. These special color types different from wild type fur color were called mutant types. Institute of Specialty of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

  • How much is a purebred labrador?

    How much is a purebred labrador?

    How much is a purebred labrador?
