
Yelan Learn more about Yelan

  • The super beautiful red grass and red lotus blossomed last year and blossomed again this year.

    The super beautiful red grass and red lotus blossomed last year and blossomed again this year.

    The super beautiful red grass and red lotus blossomed last year and resumed this year, and the opening is as beautiful as it is! (wild Lanzhifang) Super beautiful red grass red lotus, blossomed last year, re-blossomed this year, the opening product is as beautiful! (wild Lanzhifang) Super beautiful red grass red lotus, last year.

  • How to hydroponic culture and maintenance-Yelan?

    How to hydroponic culture and maintenance-Yelan?

    How to hydroponic culture and maintenance-Yelan? One-leaf orchid, also known as spider egg, alias bamboo leaf plate, big leaf evergreen, bamboo tendon, Kowloon plate and so on, Liliaceae, spider egg-holding genus, is a perennial evergreen herb. A leaf of orchid with stout creeping roots.

  • How to water the latest bamboo leaf orchid

    How to water the latest bamboo leaf orchid

    Bamboo leaf orchid is a kind of flower with a white appearance and a white-purple flower head, which looks more elegant and dignified. At the same time, it is also a kind of interpretation medicine in Xishuangbanna, China. It is loved by many people, not only can detoxify, but also the efficacy of treating a variety of diseases.

    2020-11-10 Most Hsinchu Yelan how watering bamboo is one growing flowers
  • How to maintain one-leaf orchid in winter

    How to maintain one-leaf orchid in winter

    If the leaves are well maintained, the seasons are green. It is very eye-catching at home all the year round, and the plant is also more hardy, but if it is too cold, it is unbearable, so people in need are taking good care of them in winter. The following editor will introduce you to the winter maintenance methods of Yelan.

  • Orchid Plant Ingredients

    Orchid Plant Ingredients

    Plant material is the material basis for orchids to survive, and it is also one of the factors to promote more buds, vigorous roots and strong seedlings. Here are a few formulas that have been tested and verified by the author for different orchids. Formula 1: mushroom soil 70%, chaff charcoal 20%, coarse river sand 10%, plus 10% bone charcoal (this formula is suitable for planting spring orchid,...

  • A complete Collection of Plant Formula

    A complete Collection of Plant Formula

    A complete Collection of Plant Formula

  • Optimization of scientific mixing of plant materials

    Optimization of scientific mixing of plant materials

    Optimization of scientific mixing of plant materials

  • The best cultivated orchid flowers have a dignified and mellow aroma. Blooming for more than a year is a good potted product.

    The best cultivated orchid flowers have a dignified and mellow aroma. Blooming for more than a year is a good potted product.

    I'll take you to know the best orchids. Today's protagonist orchid plants, especially Chinese orchids (Chunlan, Jianlan, Moran, etc.), are simple and quiet, elegant and elegant, and have high ornamental value. There are many varieties of orchids and it is difficult to cultivate them.

  • The plant material of Hanlan

    The plant material of Hanlan

    The plant material of Hanlan

  • What if the leaves of the latest orchid turn yellow?

    What if the leaves of the latest orchid turn yellow?

    One-leaf orchid, also known as big leaf evergreen, bamboo leaf plate, Kowloon plate, bamboo tendon and so on, is a perennial evergreen persistent root herb of the genus Liliaceae. It is native to various provinces and regions in southern China, and is now widely cultivated in all parts of China. With a very high view.

    2020-11-10 Most Xinyi Yelan leaves yellowing how to do Ye Lan also known as
  • What is the latest yellowing of the leaves of the orchid?

    What is the latest yellowing of the leaves of the orchid?

    One-leaf orchid, also known as big leaf evergreen, bamboo leaf plate and so on, is a kind of plant of Liliaceae. It has a very high ornamental value, and the rhizome of one-leaf orchid can also be used as medicine, and it is also widely used in our country, which has the effect of promoting blood circulation, dispelling blood stasis and relieving cough. But

    2020-11-10 Most Xinyi Yelan Ye Lan yellowing yes what's going on
  • Little Jasper dierythrin

    Little Jasper dierythrin

    Little Jasper dierythrin

  • Introduction to sowing and ramet propagation of Paeonia lactiflora

    Introduction to sowing and ramet propagation of Paeonia lactiflora

    Paeonia lactiflora is a perennial herb of Ranunculaceae with large and beautiful flowers. Paeonia lactiflora is not only available for ornamental use, but also has medicinal value in its roots. Artificial cultivation of Paeonia lactiflora can be propagated by sowing and dividing plants. The editor will introduce to you these two propagation methods of Paeonia lactiflora. Interested flower friends can learn about it together.

  • How does the orchid reproduce? it blossoms for 3 years / sows and blossoms for 5 years

    How does the orchid reproduce? it blossoms for 3 years / sows and blossoms for 5 years

    Gentleman, 6% beauty in leaves, 4% beauty in flowers, is a highly ornamental indoor culture plant, deeply loved by flower friends. In life, many flower friends know how to raise orchids, but do not know how to breed them, which actually reduces the fun of growing flowers. It is better to buy flowers than to breed yourself.

  • Which flowers and plants are suitable for planting in August?

    Which flowers and plants are suitable for planting in August?

    Sowing: next spring flowering daisy, carnation, golden calamus, osmanthus bamboo incense, black chrysanthemum, goldfish grass, tricolor pansy, a string of red, violets. Cuttings: brocade, rose, mast, colored leaf grass, honeysuckle, five-colored grass. Ramet: Huanghua, Shegan, Hosta, Iris, Hemerocallis, Chrysanthemum
