
Wheel Learn more about Wheel

  • Matters needing attention in sowing and propagation of dwarf snow wheel

    Matters needing attention in sowing and propagation of dwarf snow wheel

    The cultivation varieties of Dwarf Snow Wheel are more, and the flowers are colorful, which are loved by many flower friends. Dwarf snow wheel flower is small, the group ornamental effect is better, often make ground cover plant. Artificial breeding dwarf snow wheel can be sowed, so what problems should artificial sowing dwarf snow wheel pay attention to?

  • Like the wind wheel flower of a rotating wheel in the wind

    Like the wind wheel flower of a rotating wheel in the wind

    Wind wheel evergreen shrubs (a few are dwarf trees), usually between half and five meters in height. The leaves are whorled, mostly needle-like or spear-shaped, margin or only serrated at the leaf tip, and the texture is as tough as leather. The dense inflorescence is very conspicuous.

  • Planting and cultivation techniques of Snow Wheel of Sakura

    Planting and cultivation techniques of Snow Wheel of Sakura

    Plant name: Cerambycidae: Caryophyllaceae, Muscovaceae. The cherry snow wheel is herbaceous in 2012. Originated along the Mediterranean coast, like light, semi-overcast, cold-resistant, not resistant to high temperature and drought, like loose, well-drained neutral to alkaline soil. Propagation and cultivation: sowing in autumn or early spring, germination temperature 15 ℃-20 ℃

  • Green cloud claw art (green cloud covering wheel) Chunlan

    Green cloud claw art (green cloud covering wheel) Chunlan

    The green cloud cover wheel (commonly known as the green cloud claw art in the market), the leaf posture is erect, the leaf color is green, the leaf edge has the golden yellow cover wheel, sometimes extends to the leaf storehouse, the leaf quality is hard, the flower is lotus petal and multi-petal, the flower takes the cover wheel, the flower is out of the shelf, the fragrance is far away. This flower is sought after by many orchid friends in Orchid City because of its flower art.

  • Common faults and troubleshooting methods of no-tillage planter for planting wheat

    Common faults and troubleshooting methods of no-tillage planter for planting wheat

    The main results are as follows: 1. The whole seed metering device does not plant seeds. The reasons are: lack of seed box, transmission mechanism does not work, drive wheel slip does not rotate. It should be filled with seeds, overhauled and adjusted the transmission mechanism to eliminate the slip factor of the driving wheel. 2. The single seed metering device does not sow seeds. The reasons are: seed wheel

    2020-11-08 Planting wheat no-tillage planter common failure and troubleshooting methods
  • Shocked about the seven giant pits of Shi Shenghua

    Shocked about the seven giant pits of Shi Shenghua

    Curator wine red sun wheel Dark Wine-Red wine red sun wheel is the only horticultural variety accurately defined as wine red in raw stone flowers. And his name is wine red! If you don't believe it, please translate it yourself. But from the time people know this.

  • Succulent plant-- Nine-wheel tower

    Succulent plant-- Nine-wheel tower

    The nine-wheel tower is a perennial and succulent plant belonging to the 12-volume genus of the Afu flower family. The stem grows erect, the leaf is thick, the apex bends to the inside, the whole plant is columnar, and the back of the leaf has a raised white texture arranged in rows. The leaves are usually dark green.

  • All the six flavor wheels of Taiwan tea have arrived! Effectively distinguish between Chinese and Vietnamese tea, delicate vocabulary to help consumers find tea

    All the six flavor wheels of Taiwan tea have arrived! Effectively distinguish between Chinese and Vietnamese tea, delicate vocabulary to help consumers find tea

    All the six flavor wheels of Taiwan tea have arrived! Effectively distinguish between Chinese and Vietnamese tea, delicate vocabulary to help consumers find tea

  • Travel on the tip of the tongue

    Travel on the tip of the tongue

    Travel on the tip of the tongue

  • New techniques for prevention and control of apple ring disease

    New techniques for prevention and control of apple ring disease

    New technology for prevention and control of apple ring disease Apple ring disease, apple tree rot and early apple defoliation are the three major diseases of apples in China. Because of its close relationship with climate, the disease is more serious in North China, Northeast China and East China. 1...

  • A brief introduction to the processing Technology of "Fish Bamboo Wheel"

    A brief introduction to the processing Technology of

    Fish roll (fish bamboo wheel) is a kind of surimi products, which is rarely seen in the Chinese market before. It is a product introduced from Japan. In Japan, grilled fish rolls are called "bamboo rolls" and fish rolls are called "Ida rolls". They can be eaten directly or cut into slices, processed into other fancy varieties or side dishes, and now this kind of aquatic products are sold in large supermarkets in China. First, the technological process surimi → crushing → molding → roast. Second, the main process 1. The raw material surimi is the same as other surimi products.

  • How to prevent and cure tea wheel spot disease?

    How to prevent and cure tea wheel spot disease?

    How to prevent and cure tea wheel spot disease?

  • Cuijing red lotus petal

    Cuijing red lotus petal

    Cuijing red wheel is an excellent variety of flower art in lotus petal orchid, grass belt silver edge, flower belt covered wheel, because the flower is a little green, with a crystal-like covering wheel, hence the name.

  • Sun-oriented ink orchid

    Sun-oriented ink orchid

    It was found in the mountain area of Taitung County in 1932. Semi-standing leaf, leaf blade slender, white deep compound wheel vertical art, sometimes change into white compound wheel.

  • Bonsai: the shape of each bonsai is wonderful, especially the five branches are like a fire wheel.

    Bonsai: the shape of each bonsai is wonderful, especially the five branches are like a fire wheel.

    Two-color branches, the overall shape has the beauty and charm of "cloud head and rain foot beauty waist". This is...

  • How much can I buy a rice strip seeder?

    How much can I buy a rice strip seeder?

    Rice machine strip sowing is a cultivation method of sowing rice seeds directly in the field by using strip sowing machinery. it has the characteristics of fixed row, straight line and wide row, which can make the growth environment of direct seeding rice field is similar to that of transplanting rice, so as to achieve the level of high and stable yield. water

    2020-11-09 Rice strip seeder price quotation probably more less money one can
  • Processing technology of dried ginger slices

    Processing technology of dried ginger slices

    Fresh tender ginger can be processed into dry products-dried ginger, because ginger can be further processed into other products, the processing techniques are as follows: 1, raw materials: select tender ginger, remove rotten ginger, wash clean. 2. Peeling: using the mechanical peeling method to remove the thin skin, several rubber heads can be installed in a grinding wheel with a diameter of 1 meter, and the clean pieces of ginger can be poured into the grinding wheel. When the grinding wheel rotates, the skin of the ginger will be wiped off, and then the ginger skin will be washed away with clean water. 3. Slicing: press the ginger pieces to a certain thickness with a manual or slicer.

  • The latest Research on the Evolution of National Orchid Line Art

    The latest Research on the Evolution of National Orchid Line Art

    Zhenhe, middle dwarf lotus petal of lotus petal orchid, thick-skinned broad-leaf lotus petal orchid from Baoshan, Yunnan, the first sight of this flower is this angle in the photo, this is the position, it seems to be made by its momentum, a strong sense of asphyxiation, can not feel the heartbeat, at a distance of two meters, I look at it reverently and solemnly. Yunnan is rich in.

  • The latest course of techniques and methods for Prevention and Control of Tomato early Blight

    The latest course of techniques and methods for Prevention and Control of Tomato early Blight

    Tomato early blight occurs in Northeast, North China, East China and Southwest China. Its main feature is that no matter the disease spot on the fruit, leaf or main stem, there are obvious wheel lines, so it is also called ring disease. The fruit spot is often near the fruit pedicel.

    2020-11-10 The latest tomato early blight control technology methods tutorials
  • The latest culture method of Gao Snow Wheel

    The latest culture method of Gao Snow Wheel

    Gao Xuelun, also known as carnation, is an annual herb of the genus Caryophyllaceae, which has high ornamental value. It is cultivated in cities and gardens in China for ornamental purposes, can be used as cut flowers or flower borders, and is suitable for flower diameter, flower border and ornamental rock garden or ground cover plants.

    2020-11-10 Most new high snow wheel breeding method high snow wheel also known as