
Matters needing attention in sowing and propagation of dwarf snow wheel

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The cultivation varieties of Dwarf Snow Wheel are more, and the flowers are colorful, which are loved by many flower friends. Dwarf snow wheel flower is small, the group ornamental effect is better, often make ground cover plant. Artificial breeding dwarf snow wheel can be sowed, so what problems should artificial sowing dwarf snow wheel pay attention to?

The cultivation varieties of Dwarf Snow Wheel are more, and the flowers are colorful, which are loved by many flower friends. Dwarf snow wheel flower is small, the group ornamental effect is better, often make ground cover plant. Artificial breeding dwarf snow wheel can be used to sow seeds, so what problems should artificial sowing dwarf snow wheel pay attention to?

Dwarf snow wheel

The dwarf snow wheel is often sowed and propagated, sowed at the beginning of September, transplanted to a cold bed with anti-cold equipment before winter, and transplanted in the open field the following spring, so it is appropriate to plant flower beds as soon as possible because of the semi-creeping nature.

It was sown in the field seedling bed in late September, and the optimum temperature for germination was 20 ℃. The sunny border in North China overwinters, when the seedlings in the next spring have 6 true leaves, they can be transplanted once, and then planted, and the row spacing of the plants is 25-30cm. Choose loose and fertile soil as bed, sow seeds in early spring, autumn and winter, cover fine soil 0.2 cm, about 1 week germination. When the length of this leaf reached 4 Mel 6 pieces, it was transplanted.

Silene pendula Dwarf Snow Wheel Picture Guide: how to raise Dwarf Snow Wheel / Dwarf Snow Wheel how to breed Dwarf Snow Wheel Business Card Dwarf Snow Wheel Silene pendula Dwarf Snow Wheel introduction of Dwarf Snow Wheel is a 2012 herb. The height of the plant is about 30 years. There are many branches. Leaves ovate-lanceolate. Cymes. Petals inverted heart-shaped, apex 2-lobed, pink; cultivated varieties have white, lavender, light pink, rose, etc.; and double varieties, flower color is also very rich. The calyx tube of dwarf snow wheel is long and inflated, with purplish red bars on it. Capsule ovate. The flowering period is from late April to mid-June, and the seed collection period is June. Dwarf snow wheel is a plant of Caryophyllaceae and Muscovaceae. Suitable for the layout of flower beds and flower borders. The morphological characteristics of dwarf snow wheel are about 30 cm high, the whole plant is white pilose, the upper part is glandular, much branched; the stem is extroverted from the base and semi-creeping; leaves opposite, ovate-lanceolate or narrowly elliptic. Flowers axillary, Cymes, petals inverted heart-shaped, apex bifid, pink, more flowers and colors in cultivated species, such as white, lilac, light pink, rose, etc., calyx tube long and inflated, with purplish red tendons on the tube, florescence May-June; capsule ovate. The height of dwarf snow wheel is about 30 years. There are many branches. Leaves ovate-lanceolate. Cymes. Petals inverted heart-shaped, apex 2-lobed, pink; cultivated varieties have white, lavender, light pink, rose, etc.; and double varieties, flower color is also very rich. The calyx tube is long and inflated, with purplish red bars on the tube. Capsule ovate. The flowering period is from late April to mid-June, and the seed collection period is June. Dwarf snow wheel herbs in 2012, plant height 2, 10 cm. The whole plant is white pilose, distally glandular, much branched. The stem is extroverted from the base and grows slightly in shape. Leaves opposite, ovate-lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, leaves green unserrated. Flowers lifesaving, flowers 2 cm in diameter, small and many, gathered into lateral raceme, slightly drooping. Calyx longer than pedicel, hirsute, sticky, calyx tube has ten red longitudinal veins, after anthesis, calyx inflated, pot-shaped, purplish red. Petals five, apex bifid, Obovate, pink. The florescence is April or May, the fruit is oval, and the fruit is ripe in June. Dwarf snow wheel cultivated varieties have many colors, such as light white, lavender, light red, rose and so on. The ecological habits of Dwarf Snow Wheel are hardy, light-loving and fat-loving. Grow well in humus-rich, well-drained and moist soil. Dwarf snow wheel is native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean. It is cold-resistant, fertilizer-resistant, moisture-resistant, sunny, humus-rich and well-drained soil. The cultivation technology of dwarf snow wheel is relatively simple, which can be properly given fertilizer and water during the growing period, weeding and loosening the soil. Suitable temperature for germination: 15-20 degrees suitable temperature for growth: 15-25 degrees sowing time: autumn-spring flowering: this species can also be planted directly in spring, leaving 20-30 cm plant spacing after seedlings. Dwarf snow wheel likes to be sunny, cold-resistant and fertilizer-resistant. It grows well on humus-rich, well-drained moist soil. From late August to early September, the seeds were sown in the open nursery bed, then transplanted to the cold bed with cold protection equipment before winter, and planted in the open field in spring next year. If it is used to decorate the flower bed, it will be planted in the open field in spring. If the flower bed is used and arranged, it should be planted as soon as possible because it is semi-creeping. When transplanting, you should bring as many original soil blocks as possible to reduce root injury and water thoroughly in time. When moving in the spring rain season, we should pay attention to the loose soil and good drainage to prevent Rain Water from rotting the root neck too much, resulting in the death of the whole seedling. During the growth period, we should fertilize and water frequently, and at the same time, we should pay attention to timely ploughing and weeding to make it grow healthily and blossom luxuriantly. Note: after one transplant, the seedlings were planted in the garden at the beginning of November, and the roots of the seedlings should carry more soil to facilitate survival, and the distance between the plants was 40cm. When Rain Water is long in spring, the planting land must be well drained to prevent the root and neck of the flowers from rotting. Cultivation key points Dwarf Snow Wheel likes sufficient sunshine, cold tolerance and fertilizer tolerance, and grows well on moist soil rich in humus and smooth drainage. From late August to early September, the seeds were sown in the open seedbed, transplanted in the cold bed with cold protection equipment before winter, and planted in the open field in spring next year. If it is used to decorate the flower bed, it should be planted as soon as possible because of its semi-creeping nature. When transplanting again and again, we should bring as many original soil blocks as possible to reduce the damage to the root system and water thoroughly in time. In the spring rain season, we must pay attention to the loose soil and good drainage to prevent Rain Water from rotting the root neck too much, causing the whole seedling to die. During the growth period, we should fertilize and water frequently, and at the same time, we should pay attention to timely ploughing and weeding to make it grow healthily and blossom luxuriantly. Cultivation points of Dwarf Snow Wheel cultivation methods Dwarf Snow Wheel is sunny, cold-resistant and fertilizer-resistant. It grows well on humus-rich, well-drained moist soil. From late August to early September, the seeds were sown in the open nursery bed, then transplanted to the cold bed with cold protection equipment before winter, and planted in the open field in spring next year. If it is used to decorate the flower bed, it will be planted in the open field in spring. If the flower bed is used and arranged, it should be planted as soon as possible because it is semi-creeping. When transplanting, you should bring as many original soil blocks as possible to reduce root injury and water thoroughly in time. When moving in the spring rain season, we should pay attention to the loose soil and good drainage to prevent Rain Water from rotting the root neck too much, resulting in the death of the whole seedling. During the growth period, we should fertilize and water frequently, and at the same time, we should pay attention to timely ploughing and weeding to make it grow healthily and blossom luxuriantly. The planting method was planted in the open field seedbed in September, and the suitable temperature for germination was 20 ℃, sowing and rear watering to promote its germination, and carefully transplanted when the seedlings grew five or six true leaves. Rain Water spent a lot of time the following spring to prevent rotting at the rhizome. The planting distance is about 2mi 25cm. After planting, pay attention to watering and fertilizing frequently. In this way, the plant grows healthily, the flowers are dense and beautiful, and the inflated calyx tube is also very beautiful. Pay attention to ploughing and weeding. Short snow wheel, the capsule is mature, often does not crack, can be harvested and dried and threshed in the sun. The propagation method of dwarf snow wheel is often sown and propagated by sowing, sowing at the beginning of September, transplanting in a cold bed with anti-cold equipment before winter, and transplanting open field in the following spring, so it is suitable to plant flower beds as soon as possible because it is semi-creeping. It was sown in the field seedling bed in late September, and the optimum temperature for germination was 20 ℃. The sunny border in North China overwinters, when the seedlings have 5-6 true leaves in the next spring, they can be transplanted once, then planted, and the row spacing is 25-30cm. The seedlings were made of loose and fertile soil, sowed in early spring, autumn and winter, covered with fine soil 0.2 cm, and germinated for about 1 week. When the leaf grows to 4-6 pieces, it will be transplanted. Other varieties of S.compacta are biennial, 1.2m high, basal leaves clustered, lanceolate castor-shaped, cauline leaves ovate, clasping, inflorescences capitate, petals bright pink. S.tortunei is perennial, erect, woody at base, leaves linear-lanceolate, racemose Cymes, pedicels short, flowers ovate, margin white, ciliate, petiole leaves ciliate, small insects easy to stick, petals bifid, rose-colored, distributed in eastern China. S.laciniata is perennial, densely short glandular hairy, stem 90 cm high, leaves sessile, linear-lanceolate or Obovate, flowers one to many, petals crimson, fimbriate, very gorgeous, distributed in the western United States. There are many subspecies, and the cultivation is very popular. The difference between high snow wheel and dwarf snow wheel, all smooth and glabrous, upper leaves ovate or ovate-lanceolate, base slightly cordate, slightly clasping stem. Flowers white, pink or purplish red, terminal corymbose Cymes. Petals Obovate-cuneate, apex obtuse or retuse, throat with 2 linear Corolla. Ovary long clavate, long stalked, capsule oblong. Dwarf snow wheel, whole plant densely white pilose and glandular hairy, upper leaves of stem long elliptic or lanceolate, base attenuate into stalk, entire, both sides densely white pilose and glandular hairy. Flowers reddish or white, with short pedicels, axillary or sparsely at the top of the stem, forming a monoclastic Cymes. After anthesis dilated, petals Obovate, throat with 2 scalelike Corolla. Ovary ovate, capsule ovate. The distribution area of dwarf snow wheel is native to the Mediterranean and is now widely distributed all over the world. The role of dwarf snow wheel ornamental value dwarf snow wheel plants short dense, luxuriant flowering, after flowering Penghu calyx is still very beautiful, so potted is a good material for the layout of flower beds and flower borders. Suitable for the layout of flower beds and flower borders. Dwarf varieties with decorative value are ideal materials for decorating rooms, rock gardens and art flower beds. The landscape use of dwarf snow wheel is suitable for the layout of flower beds and flower borders. Dwarf varieties are especially suitable for plastic flower beds. The dwarf snow wheel is mostly used to decorate the flower bed, the flower is small and the group ornamental effect is better, or as a ground cover plant, it can not only cover the ground, but also watch the flowers, and watch the sepals after flowering. The Propagation method of Purple Beauty Flowers

Purple flower, also known as leek, wild garlic, dwarf snow wheel, African small lily, belongs to the perennial herb of Amaryllidaceae. How do purple flowers reproduce? Next, let's take a look at the breeding methods of purple flowers.

1. Scale propagation

That is, scale cuttings are used to produce bulbs, and high-quality purple flowers with large stems, positive color and intact disease and insect pests are selected as seeds. First, the base of the bulb was cut off with a bamboo knife to separate the scales, and then planted in the seedbed of sunny sandy soil from September to October. The ditch was 10 cm deep, and the scales were buried in the ditch with a row spacing of 30 cm wide and a plant spacing of 35 cm. Cover with 4 cm thick soil and press slightly after burying. In the following spring, the scales were taken out and used as reproductive scales for replanting. When planting, the scales can be concave, otherwise it is not easy to emerge.

2. Bulb propagation

It is also called bulblet propagation. The bulbs next to the mother bulbs are harvested and preserved in September-October, and the stems are reproduced and stored mixed with wet sand. They are taken out and planted in the middle of April of the following year. The depth of planting is 10-15 cm, and they can sprout in 20-25 days. The larger bulbs can bloom in the same year, and the smaller ones can blossom for 2-3 years. There are also soilless seedlings, and the bulbs to be removed are placed in the wooden box of the greenhouse at a temperature of 18 ℃-20 ℃, so that small lily seedlings can grow in 3-4 months and can be planted in March-April the following year.

3. Bulblet propagation

There are small bulbs in the axils of leaves, which can be collected and planted in the nursery after the flowers have withered and before the buds fall off. A year later, small bulbs can be formed, leaf buds can grow, and they can bloom after 2-3 years. Sowing and propagation is also possible, but the seedlings cultivated by seed germination grow slowly and are not used for non-large-scale propagation. There are four propagation methods: sowing, bulblet division, scale cutting and split bud, and one of them can be chosen according to the need.

4. Sowing and reproduction

Sowing belongs to sexual reproduction, which is mainly used in breeding. Seeds are harvested in autumn and stored for sowing in the following spring. It germinated about 20-30 days after sowing. The sun should be shaded properly in the seedling stage. At the beginning of autumn, small bulbs have been formed in the underground part, which can be dug up and planted. Due to different species, some seedlings bloom for 3 years, while others need to be cultivated for many years before they can blossom. Therefore, this method is not suitable for families.