
Vertical basin Learn more about Vertical basin

  • The method of making bonsai of crabapple with vertical silk

    The method of making bonsai of crabapple with vertical silk

    The flowering period of Begonia is after plum blossom. The pink flowers are luxuriant and beautiful, especially the budding red buds, hanging on the silky stalk elegant in the wind, graceful and moving. With rose-red petals and delicate red flowers, they are very popular woody flowers in the courtyard.

  • Bonsai production of crabapple with vertical silk

    Bonsai production of crabapple with vertical silk

    (1) Botanical knowledge belongs to Rosaceae and Malus. Small deciduous trees with whirling posture and purple branches. Leaves ovate or elliptic, margin obtusely serrulate. Flowering between March and April, every 4-7 clusters, pedicels purple, slender and drooping,.

  • 9 ideas of Indoor Conservation of potted Flowers Saving Space and decorating fresh Home

    9 ideas of Indoor Conservation of potted Flowers Saving Space and decorating fresh Home

    The indoor maintenance of potted plants is very good in decoration, which can improve the atmosphere at home and increase vitality. To make the home look more natural and fresh, we also need some ideas to integrate potted plants into home decoration to make them look more.

  • How much is the price of deciduous small trees and Begonia seedlings? When will it blossom? How long is the florescence? The fruit is edible.

    How much is the price of deciduous small trees and Begonia seedlings? When will it blossom? How long is the florescence? The fruit is edible.

    Tripterygium is a small deciduous tree, up to 5 meters high, with a crown spread in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Shaanxi, Sichuan and Yunnan. So how much is the price of Begonia seedlings? When will it blossom? How long is the florescence? Can the fruit be eaten? What are the breeding methods? I know from the Rosaceae data

  • Bonsai modeling cannot be stylized or mechanized.

    Bonsai modeling cannot be stylized or mechanized.

    Bonsai styling does not need this kind of foresight. If there is such a forward-looking, bonsai modeling is easy to go into a stylized, mechanized dead end. The modeling in the personal mind is limited, and it is impossible to have the ever-changing modeling like nature. Before creating, painters have to go to nature to sketch.

  • How to keep the leaves thick and shiny and how to apply fertilizer in summer

    How to keep the leaves thick and shiny and how to apply fertilizer in summer

    Gentleman orchid, this is a kind of plant that many people like to breed. This gentleman orchid is so good-looking and attractive, but it is not easy to raise it well. How to raise this gentleman orchid with thick and shiny leaves? How to fertilize the orchid in summer: keep proper light

  • The green radish basin grows too vigorously after a month of planting a pillar.

    The green radish basin grows too vigorously after a month of planting a pillar.

    Green pineapple is very common, but if you can also dress up and do a styling, it will look a lot better. I wonder how much you know about the shape of green pineapple? Come and have a look with us! "Green pineapple modelling" green pineapple modelling mainly has column type, vertical type.

  • Five tips for vertical gardening discarded bottles can grow a garden

    Five tips for vertical gardening discarded bottles can grow a garden

    In life, many people want their own garden or vegetable garden, but we don't have so much space. In this case, many people just give up, but some old gardeners choose a different way.

  • These potted plants are especially suitable for display at the front door, and they look gorgeous.

    These potted plants are especially suitable for display at the front door, and they look gorgeous.

    Everyone will decorate different things in their front door, and I think the most suitable thing is to use a variety of beautiful potted plants instead, which can attract the attention of friends and bring a natural and fresh landscape to the home. Down here.

  • 11 creative potted pipes turn abandoned pvc pipes into hanging pots

    11 creative potted pipes turn abandoned pvc pipes into hanging pots

    Here is how to use abandoned PVC pipes to make charming vegetable and flower stands, you can play your hands-on ability, cut the water pipes properly, and make the plant landscape at home full of fun through reasonable transformation.

  • How to raise green pineapple to have drooping leaves

    How to raise green pineapple to have drooping leaves

    Choose the right variety: choose a variety with vertical leaves, and there will be no vertical leaves if you buy the wrong variety. Ensure light: have enough light and keep it in a sunny place. Rational fertilization: fertilizer is applied once a month during the growth period, and fertilizer can be sprayed to the page in winter. Adequate moisture: water once every 1-2 days to ensure sufficient water, and cut off the dead branches in time.

  • These 7 kinds of flowers bloom the more they rain, the more jubilant they are. On rainy days, they bloom overnight.

    These 7 kinds of flowers bloom the more they rain, the more jubilant they are. On rainy days, they bloom overnight.

    During this period of time, heavy rainfall hit all over the country in turn. Many flowers raised by flower friends were all destroyed, and withered branches and leaves were scattered all over the ground! But there are so many kinds of flowers, the more rain, the better, when the wind and rain, it is the head in full bloom...

  • Maintenance methods after carving and modeling of daffodils

    Maintenance methods after carving and modeling of daffodils

    Daffodils sculpture modeling skills, has been said before, experienced sculptors have to say: three minutes, seven points. Seven-point culture is the water culture of daffodils, also known as immersion. Daffodils after immersion on the basin, there are also directly on the basin water. It is described below: after carving, the daffodil head has been carved.

  • How to raise the latest green lock dragon?

    How to raise the latest green lock dragon?

    Green lock dragon, also known as Ruolu, emerald wood, etc., is a perennial succulent subshrub of the genus crassulaceae, native to Namibia, with vertical stems and branches and triangular scaly leaves. It can be used as an ornamental plant for ornamental greenhouse or potted plants to decorate the balcony.

    2020-11-10 The latest green lock dragon how breeding good also known as
  • Culture methods and points for attention of firecrackers how to grow firecrackers

    Culture methods and points for attention of firecrackers how to grow firecrackers

    Culture methods and points for attention of firecrackers how to grow firecrackers

  • What is a weeping begonia? How to maintain as a bonsai

    What is a weeping begonia? How to maintain as a bonsai

    Vertical begonia is a kind of plant with beautiful plant type. Its leaves are red and mature into different colors in different seasons. they are dark red in spring and old and dark purple in summer. Its flowers and leaves.

  • How to make green pineapple bonsai?

    How to make green pineapple bonsai?

    Green apple bonsai can be made into column type, vertical type and waterfall type, which are briefly described as follows: (1) column type. Fill the soil with a small dragon jar, a large flower receptacle or an oil pan. A wooden stick or bamboo pillar with a height of about 1 meter and a diameter of 5 centimeters is erected in the middle. The pillars of the house can also be used. Palm bark or palm bark tied to the outside of the post

  • Which plants are afraid of the rain and the sun in summer

    Which plants are afraid of the rain and the sun in summer

    Summer is a season of high temperature and humidity, which is disadvantageous to the growth of flowers and plants. Here are some common responses of potted flowers to high humidity. Flower lovers should pay more attention to prevent dampness, so as to avoid the death of painstaking flowers. The family potted cactus is more drought-tolerant. The water quality must be clean and free of dirt.

  • Simply trim these nine kinds of flowers and grow them into lollipops.

    Simply trim these nine kinds of flowers and grow them into lollipops.

    It is not an easy task for many flower friends to feed the flowers, not to mention styling them. However, Huahua recently found that some flower-growing gods have turned flowers into "lollipops"! Don't believe it? Then enjoy it with Huahua.

  • How do you grow ivy? Management skills of propagation and cultivation of Ivy

    How do you grow ivy? Management skills of propagation and cultivation of Ivy

    Ivy is a common plant similar to Parthenocissus, which has strong ornamental value and is a good green seedling.
