
Which plants are afraid of the rain and the sun in summer

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Summer is a season of high temperature and humidity, which is disadvantageous to the growth of flowers and plants. Here are some common responses of potted flowers to high humidity. Flower lovers should pay more attention to prevent dampness, so as to avoid the death of painstaking flowers. The family potted cactus is more drought-tolerant. The water quality must be clean and free of dirt.

Summer is a season of high temperature and humidity, which is disadvantageous to the growth of flowers and plants. Here are some common responses of potted flowers to high humidity. Flower lovers should pay more attention to prevent dampness, so as to avoid the death of painstaking flowers.

Family potted cactus is more drought-resistant, the water quality must be clean, free of dirt. For some cactus which are sunken at the top or have fluff and long hair, it is easy to cause decay after being drenched by Rain Water. After being drenched by rain, paulownia is easy to cause yellowing of leaves, rotting of roots, and death of the whole plant in serious cases. Daphne root is fleshy and resistant to dry and damp, so it is appropriate to choose a cool place to grow. If it is attacked by wind and rain in summer, it will wilt and die immediately. Asparagus requires the basin soil to see wet and dry, too much water in the basin or stagnant water after rain, which will cause rotten roots or branches and leaves withered and yellow. After being drenched in the rain, the orchid brings all kinds of bacterial dust into the center, which is easy to form a focus under the condition of high temperature and poor ventilation, and the leaf begins to rot from the base of the leaf. Dahlia root is fleshy root, soil water content is too much and poor ventilation, easy to rot root. Four Seasons Begonia is dormant at the height of summer and does not need too much water. If soaked by Rain Water, the roots are extremely perishable. Orchid most avoid pot soil is too wet, summer should prevent rain, otherwise it is easy to cause leaves yellowing or rotten root death. Hang the golden bell upside down in summer into a semi-dormant state, the basin soil can not be too wet, especially after the rain is easy to rot roots and leaves. Which plants are afraid of being exposed to rain and sun in summer?

Summer is a season of high temperature and humidity, which is disadvantageous to the growth of flowers and plants. Here are some common responses of potted flowers to high humidity. Flower lovers should pay more attention to prevent dampness, so as to avoid the death of painstaking flowers.

After being drenched in the rain, the orchid brings all kinds of bacterial dust into the center, which is easy to form a focus under the condition of high temperature and poor ventilation, and the leaf begins to rot from the base of the leaf.

Hang the golden bell upside down in summer into a semi-dormant state, the basin soil can not be too wet, especially after the rain is easy to rot roots and leaves.

Dahlia root is fleshy root, soil water content is too much and poor ventilation, easy to rot root.

Daphne root is fleshy and resistant to dry and damp, so it is appropriate to choose a cool place to grow. If it is attacked by wind and rain in summer, it will wilt and die immediately.

After being drenched by rain, paulownia is easy to cause yellowing of leaves, rotting of roots, and death of the whole plant in serious cases.

Asparagus requires the basin soil to see wet and dry, too much water in the basin or stagnant water after rain, which will cause rotten roots or branches and leaves withered and yellow.

Four Seasons Begonia is dormant at the height of summer and does not need too much water. If soaked by Rain Water, the roots are extremely perishable.

Cactus is more drought-resistant, the water quality must be clean, free of dirt. For some cactus which are sunken at the top or have fluff and long hair, it is easy to cause decay after being drenched by Rain Water.

Orchid most avoid pot soil is too wet, summer should prevent rain, otherwise it is easy to cause leaves yellowing or rotten root death.

Seven kinds of flowers that bloom better and better in the rain, easy to raise and very fresh and beautiful!

Recently, all parts of the country have been washed by heavy rain, and many people say that dewy flowers have been destroyed, and the ground is covered with withered branches and leaves. But some flowers, the more in the rain, the better, when the wind and rain, is the head in full bloom. Today, the editor will introduce to you what these flowers are.

1. Wind and rain orchid

Wind and rain orchid, often in full bloom after heavy rain, leaves like bluegrass, so called wind and rain orchid, but also because the flower shape is like lilies, also called rain lilies. Wind and rain orchid is very easy to feed, usually rough on the line, do not need to take good care of.

Key points of maintenance

1. Soil: the wind and rain orchid does not have high requirements for soil, and it can be raised in any way when it is planted in the ground. Potted soil can be mixed with sandy soil, rotten leaves and garden soil.

2. Watering: watering is not required according to the fixed frequency, depending on the weather and the dry and wet state of the basin soil. It is appropriate to water the basin soil sooner or later in summer to keep the basin soil moist.

3. Lighting: it is best to put the wind and rain orchid in a sunny environment, as long as it is not exposed to strong light, it can safely spend the summer.

4. Fertilization: apply less fertilizer in summer and apply thin compound fertilizer every two months.

5, pruning: the general wind and rain orchid can open to September, after the flowers, the flowers, twigs will be cut short, so as not to grow too long.

2. Elaeagnus angustifolia

The purple leaf sorrel likes the humid environment and always grows happily in the plum rain season. Proper exposure to rain is conducive to the growth and development of flowers and leaves. As long as the stagnant water is discharged in time, the flowering period can be as long as 8 months.

Key points of maintenance

1, temperature: summer temperature more than 35 ℃, purple leaves will slowly enter the semi-dormant period, there are signs of leaf curling, drying and other signs, at this time must strengthen ventilation, spray cooling.

2. Watering: after semi-dormancy, it is necessary to reduce watering, often spray water to the leaves, and keep the basin soil slightly wet. After being caught in the rain, drain the stagnant water so as not to rot the roots.

3. Illumination: purple leaves have strong phototaxis, and the growth process should often turn the direction of the flowerpot to make the plant shape more beautiful, but shade should be avoided when the light is too strong to avoid sunburn.

4. Pruning: when the plant is too prosperous and the leaves are too dense, it must be trimmed or directly beheaded, which can not only improve ventilation conditions, reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, but also grow leaves again and make the plant type more beautiful.

3. Vertical tube flower

Delicate and small vertical tube flowers, especially like the wet environment, some flower friends in the plum rain season, will be drenched for 2 months, did not see drenched, but after a period of time, and a crop of flowers!

Key points of maintenance

1. Soil: Sandy soil, peat soil or rotten leaf soil with loose fertility and good drainage.

2. Watering: the vertical tube flower does not like the soil environment which is too dry, except in winter, it should be watered frequently at other times to keep the soil moist.

3, Illumination: vertical tube flowers like light, full sunshine in the morning and afternoon, and proper shade at noon.

4. Lotus

Lotus, as an aquatic plant, properly exposed to the rain, will not affect the plant growth and flowering, the lotus after the rain, fresh and beautiful, elegant, is the so-called "clear water out of hibiscus".

Key points of maintenance

1, soil: Lotus likes slightly acidic soil, fertile river mud, pond mud, paddy field cement are natural slightly acidic soil, suitable for lotus growth!

2. Light: the lotus is extremely intolerant to shade and needs full sunshine management, the light is insufficient, it is easy to infect diseases, and the flowers will gradually close.

3. Watering: summer is a prosperous period for lotus growth. Potted lotus must not be short of water. If you see wilting, you must water it quickly. Pay attention to the use of tap water after a day or two.

4. Fertilization: Lotus likes fertilizer, grows vigorously in summer, and applies rotten cake fertilizer or diluted liquid compound fertilizer once a week during flowering. If the soil is fertile enough, there is no need to apply fertilizer throughout the year.

5. Copper grass

Copper money is strong in nature, amphibious, most able to withstand the wind, sun and rain, raised in a water tank in summer, burst in less than two days, round and green, looking at the mood is good.

Key points of maintenance

1. Soil: copper grass does not have high requirements for soil, as long as it is loose, breathable and well drained.

2. Watering: high temperature in summer, more leaves of Rabdosia angustifolia, easy to lose water, watering every morning and evening, and often spraying water to keep moisture and cool down.

3. Lighting: Tongqian grass likes the light, and it is necessary to ensure that there are 4-6 hours of light every day.

4. Fertilization: during the peak growth period, thin liquid nitrogen fertilizer was applied every 2-3 weeks, thin fertilizer was applied frequently.

6. Dryopteris przewalskii

Dryopteris is originally a wild fern grass, mostly grows in a dark and humid environment, after the rain, the growth rate will accelerate, especially suitable for poor lighting in the room.

Key points of maintenance

1. Soil: lime soil or rotten leaf soil, mixed with river sand, is more suitable for the growth of Dryopteris.

2. Watering: Dryopteris likes water and should be watered once or twice a day, and the leaves will shrink when there is no water.

3. Lighting: Dryopteris is suitable for semi-overcast environment, it is best to put it on the north windowsill in summer and shade outside.

4. Fertilization: apply thin liquid fertilizer 2-3 times a month, do not stain the leaves, so as not to cause rotten leaves, and add some broken eggshells to the basin soil to supplement the calcium needed for plant growth.

7. Mint

Peppermint vitality is very tenacious, because it likes light and humidity, so it is very resistant to the sun and rain, put on the south balcony in summer, give enough water to burst the basin.

Key points of maintenance

1. Soil: general garden soil, humus soil and sandy loam soil are all fine.

2. Watering: you must water enough in summer and water once in the morning and evening to keep the basin soil moist and be careful not to accumulate water so as not to rot the roots.

3, light: mint is a long-sunshine plant, direct light will not sunburn, but lack of light, leaves will be dim and withered.

4. Heart-picking: peppermint grows vigorously in summer, so it is necessary to pick the heart frequently in order to burst the basin.

These are the above seven kinds of flowers, which one do you like best? the editor's favorite is copper grass, the round leaves are very lovely, and the green pot makes people particularly relaxed and happy, ah, if you want to raise open-air flowers that are not afraid of torrential rain, you can choose it.