
Tielan Learn more about Tielan

  • Is the culture method of Songluo Tielan afraid of the cold?

    Is the culture method of Songluo Tielan afraid of the cold?

    Songluo Tielan is also a kind of magical plant, which can live without soil and looks like a waterfall, which is very interesting. What is the breeding method of Songluo Tielan? Is Songluo Tielan afraid of the cold? Songluo Tielan culture method: it likes the environment of high temperature and humidity, including environmental ventilation of course.

  • What are the nicknames of Tielan?

    What are the nicknames of Tielan?

    Tielan, also known as purple pineapple, is a more common plant of the genus pineapple in China, which has beautiful flowers. The family breeds the iron orchid, but very good choice.

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of Tielan

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of Tielan

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of Tielan

  • How to raise iron orchid culture methods and matters needing attention

    How to raise iron orchid culture methods and matters needing attention

    Tielan may not be familiar with many people, a relatively rare flower in life. In fact, Tielan is very beautiful, not only beautiful flowers and colors, but also unique shape, is a kind of flowers with high ornamental value. There are also many people in life who like to raise iron orchids in

    2020-11-08 Tieran how raise breed method and precautions
  • How to reproduce the efficacy and function of iron orchid

    How to reproduce the efficacy and function of iron orchid

    Iron orchid, is a relatively rare plant in life. What is the efficacy and effect of Tielan? How do you breed? The efficacy and function of iron orchid: appreciation value, iron orchid is a plant of the pineapple family, these plants usually have a novel and elegant posture, as an important variety of the pineapple family, the appreciation value is also quite high

  • The culture method of tree monkey Tielan

    The culture method of tree monkey Tielan

    Soil: tree monkey iron orchid likes relatively dry soil conditions, so it needs to be cultivated with soil with good drainage capacity. Light: it likes relatively sufficient light conditions, can give it strong light or medium intensity light. Temperature: its optimum growth temperature is 15-25 ℃. It needs to be cooled in summer and kept warm in winter.

  • The Propagation method of Tielan

    The Propagation method of Tielan

    Sowing Tielan is difficult to obtain seeds in the natural state, that is, seeds are obtained by artificial pollination, the characters of its offspring will also be separated, and the good characters of the mother plant can not be maintained, so sowing and propagation can only be used in the preservation of primary varieties and the cultivation of new varieties.

  • Breeding methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium

    Breeding methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium

    Tielan is an epiphytic herb for many years, which is usually the flowering period from autumn to the following spring. Most of the flowers are purple and bloom from bracts, which is very special and is a variety that some flower lovers like to collect. Friends who like iron orchids often want to breed iron orchids themselves, so what should be done?

  • Matters needing attention in the culture of iron orchid

    Matters needing attention in the culture of iron orchid

    1, hot season should be shaded, and fully watered, winter should be sufficient indoor sunshine, and control moisture, the temperature should not be less than 10 degrees Celsius. 2. Always keep the basin soil moderately moist and give sufficient diffuse light. 3. Spray the leaves with liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks. 4. remove the residual flowers immediately after the flowers fail.

  • Why does the iron orchid turn green? how to maintain it after blooming?

    Why does the iron orchid turn green? how to maintain it after blooming?

    Tielan, is very popular, many people like to plant. Why did the iron orchid turn green? How to maintain after flowering? Why iron orchids turn green: iron orchids turn green is a normal phenomenon, is a gradual aging process. As a kind of pineapple family, the change of color is the most important feature of ornamental.

  • How do old people reproduce?

    How do old people reproduce?

    Songluo Tielan, also known as Songluo pineapple, looks like a wig and a beard, so high in the air that you can't even see the root anywhere. So, how do old people breed? First, how do old people breed? Split-plant reproduction: when the elderly must grow to about 5-6 meters

    2020-11-08 The old man beard how breed pineapple tieran also known as pineapple looks like
  • Can Tieran be farmed in the bedroom?

    Can Tieran be farmed in the bedroom?

    Can be put in the bedroom breeding, but if the bedroom space is smaller, it is not recommended to put in, in addition to iron orchid, other plants are not recommended, can be moved to the bedroom during the day, moved to the living room at night. Flower friends can decide whether or not to breed indoors according to the actual situation.

  • How to water the iron orchid (how often) the breeding method of iron orchid

    How to water the iron orchid (how often) the breeding method of iron orchid

    Planting a plant in a cold winter will make everyone feel that it brings a kind of vitality in winter and adds a brushstroke to the monotonous color of winter, not to mention that the color of iron orchid is lilac, very fresh and elegant, and iron orchid is easy to grow and breed.

    2020-11-08 Tielan how watering how long once breeding method
  • Iron orchid blooming and matters needing attention in normal maintenance

    Iron orchid blooming and matters needing attention in normal maintenance

    When Tieran blossoms in early spring, the florescence is concentrated in January-March, and the viewing time is very long, up to 70 Murray 80 days. There are purple bracts on the iron orchid, but this is not a flower, its flowers are dark purple and relatively small, stretching out from the bracts. During the flowering of Tielan

  • The latest culture methods and matters needing attention of iron orchid

    The latest culture methods and matters needing attention of iron orchid

    Tieran is small and exquisite, beautiful and beautiful, with a long flowering period. it is an excellent plant for family maintenance and beautification of the house. it is very suitable for potted plants to be placed on the coffee table and balcony with high ornamental value. So how to raise iron orchid? What are the points for attention? Come together.

    2020-11-10 The latest iron orchid breeding methods and precautions
  • How to split pineapple (Tieran)

    How to split pineapple (Tieran)

    Pineapple, also known as Tielan, it is difficult to propagate young plants by sowing, so it is more difficult to propagate by ramet. When the purple or red foil in the middle of the mother plant begins to wither, the plant will germinate young plants from the leaf tube.

  • Culture method of iron orchid

    Culture method of iron orchid

    1. Reproduction: family planting can be propagated by the method of meristematic sprouting, and when the basal bud grows to 8 cm long, it will be removed and planted. 2. Location: Tieran prefers the environment with bright light, semi-overcast, warm heat and high humidity. It can be placed in an environment with bright diffuse light.

  • The reason why the bud of Magnolia turns green and its solution

    The reason why the bud of Magnolia turns green and its solution

    Tielan is a common purple pineapple in life, is an ornamental plant, its bud is usually pink, will produce a kind of purple flowers, green leaves. But many friends doubt that their iron orchid buds turn green, which makes many people at a loss, so iron

    2020-11-10 The latest iron orchid bud green cause and solution
  • Don't be nervous when the iron orchid bud turns green, so as to prevent and protect the yield.

    Don't be nervous when the iron orchid bud turns green, so as to prevent and protect the yield.

    Don't be nervous when the iron orchid bud turns green, so as to prevent and protect the yield.

  • When does Tieran blossom? What month is the florescence of iron orchid?

    When does Tieran blossom? What month is the florescence of iron orchid?

    When does Tieran blossom? What month is the florescence of iron orchid?
