
Breeding methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Tielan is an epiphytic herb for many years, which is usually the flowering period from autumn to the following spring. Most of the flowers are purple and bloom from bracts, which is very special and is a variety that some flower lovers like to collect. Friends who like iron orchids often want to breed iron orchids themselves, so what should be done?

Tielan is an epiphytic herb for many years, which is usually the flowering period from autumn to the following spring. Most of the flowers are purple and bloom from bracts, which is very special and is a variety that some flower lovers like to collect. Friends who like iron orchids often want to breed iron orchids themselves, so what on earth should be done?

Iron orchid

The propagation of iron orchid can be propagated by the method of meristem, and many small sucking buds (that is, daughter plants) sprout from the base of the mother plant stem in spring, which can be combined to change the basin, lift the mother plant out of the basin, remove the old soil of the root system, and shake slightly. Don't hurt the roots a lot.

Choose the daughter plant with strong growth and large plant shape, cut it off with a sharp knife and cut off the root, the section should be smooth to facilitate healing. The cut seeds are mixed with pastoral soil and coarse sand. After putting on the pot, cover the pot plant with plastic film, keep it in the shade and keep the basin soil moist. The temperature is about 25 ℃. After 10 days, the plastic film can be removed and normal maintenance management can be carried out.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Tielan

If you have never raised iron orchids, you will think that she must not be very beautiful when you hear its name, but on the contrary, iron orchids are surprisingly beautiful. Although the designs and colors of iron orchids are bright, they are somewhat soft and beautiful, and the shape of the flowers is like a work of art, which makes people have to sigh the magic of nature.

The temperature of the culture method of Tielan

Iron orchid must grow in an environment higher than 16 ℃, regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter. It can be transferred to greenhouse or indoor in winter, but the lowest temperature at night should not be lower than 10 ℃.

Moisture content

Tielan needs a lot of water during the growing period, so keep plenty of water. Keep watering twice a day when it is hot in summer. Just keep the basin soil moist in winter.


Fertilizer should be applied once a month, with half-concentration of standard liquid fertilizer as standard. Pay special attention to some varieties of iron orchid that do not need fertilization.

Reproduction method

It is generally propagated by the method of meristematic budding, and when the basal bud is up to 8 cm long, it will be removed and planted.

Placement position

Iron orchids like bright, semi-overcast, warm, high humidity environment. It should be placed in a place where there is bright light and no direct sunlight.

Matters needing attention

The temperature in winter should not be too low, so we should pay attention to the change of temperature.

Avoid direct sunlight in summer, but do not put it in a dark corner, pay attention to the prevention of diseases and insect pests.

Xiaobian sent a message: Magnolia had better be cultivated with well-drained soil, which is conducive to its growth. I hope the above content is helpful to you, thank you for your support!

How to raise iron orchid culture methods and matters needing attention

Magnolia is suitable for potted plants to decorate the interior, has a strong ability to purify the air, and is used to beautify the environment. So how to raise Tielan? Next, let's introduce the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Tieran.

I. introduction of Tielan

Purple pineapple, alias: iron orchid, purple flower pineapple, fine leaf pineapple, purple flower iron orchid, racket iron orchid; Latin name: Tillandsia cyanea Linden ex K, Koch pineapple family, iron orchid plant, produces tropical America, commonly cultivated in China are pineapple genus Ananas and water tower flower genus [1] Billbergia2 genus, 3 species. Terrestrial or epiphytic herbs; stems short; leaves narrowly long, usually basal, rosette arranged, entire or spiny-serrate, base often sheathlike; flowers bisexual, rarely unisexual, actinomorphic or slightly bilaterally symmetrical, forming a terminal head, spike, or panicle; bracts pink; blue-purple florets blooming between bracts, shaped like butterflies. Sepals 3, separate or basally connate; petals 3, separated or connate tubular; stamens 6, anthers free, rarely connate into a ring, 2-loculed: ovary inferior to semi-inferior, 3-loculed, style slender, stigma 3, ovules numerous per locule, axile placenta; fruit a berry or capsule, persistent calyx, or sometimes polyflower fruit; seeds with rich endosperm. [2] it is native to Ecuador and Guatemala. Like bright light, high temperature, high humidity environment, in the origin of tropical forest trees, more resistant to dry and cold. Suitable for potted plant decoration indoor, can put balcony, windowsill, desk, etc., can also be hung in the living room, teahouse, but also can do flower arrangement foil material, has a strong ability to purify the air. Used to beautify the environment, novel and elegant.

Second, morphological characteristics

Is a perennial herb. Plant height about 30cm, rosette foliage, middle depressed, first oblique and then transverse, arcuate. Light green to green, brown at the base, green and brown at the back of the leaves. The involucre is fan-shaped, pink, with purplish red flowers from the bottom up. The flower diameter is about 3cm. The viewing period of bracts can be up to 4 months. There are many other kinds of purple pineapple, such as lilac pineapple. It is also known as octopus flower pineapple, the plant is relatively short, the stem is thick, the leaf apex is long and pointed, the leaf color is grayish green, the inner leaf turns red before flowering, the flower is lavender, and the stamens are dark yellow. There are also silver leaf flower pineapple. Honeysuckle pineapple is stemless, the leaves are long needle-shaped, and the leaves are grayish green.

The base is yellow-white, the inflorescence is long and curved, and the flowers are yellow or blue, arranged loosely. The old man must also be epiphytic, rootless, plant branched and can hang in the air to grow. The leaves are small and the flowers are not obvious. There is also a kind of purple pineapple, which has a plant height of no more than 30 centimeters, and its leaves are relatively narrow and linear. The leaf is 30 cm long and 35 cm long, 1 cm and 5 cm wide, the color is green, the base is purplish brown halo, the back of the leaf is brownish green, scape is drawn from the leaves, erect, short spike, involucre is pink, folded into a flat fan, florets open from the bottom up, the color is blue-purple.

It is a perennial epiphytic evergreen herb with a height of about 30cm, rosette-shaped foliage, concave in the middle, oblique at first and then transverse, arched. Light green to green, brown at the base, green and brown at the back of the leaves. The involucre is fan-shaped, pink, with purplish red flowers from the bottom up. The flower diameter is about 3cm. The viewing period of bracts can be up to 4 months.

III. Culture methods of Tielan

1. Reproduction: family planting can be propagated by the method of meristematic sprouting, and when the basal bud grows to 8 cm long, it will be removed and planted.

2. Location: Tieran prefers the environment with bright light, semi-overcast, warm heat and high humidity. It can be placed in an environment with bright diffuse light.

3. Temperature: grow all the year round in an environment higher than 16 ℃, move in a greenhouse in winter, and the lowest temperature at night should not be lower than 10 ℃.

4. Topdressing: apply half-concentration standard liquid fertilizer once a month. Some varieties of iron orchids need not be fertilized.

5. Watering: adequate water supply should be provided during the growth period, and the plant should be sprayed twice a day when it is hot. Keep the basin soil moist in winter.

6. Cultivation and changing pots: it is suitable to use loam with good drainage, and generally there is no need to change pots.

IV. matters needing attention in the culture of Tielan

1, hot season should be shaded, and fully watered, winter should be sufficient indoor sunshine, and control moisture, the temperature should not be less than 10 degrees Celsius.

2. Always keep the basin soil moderately moist and give sufficient diffuse light.

3. Spray the leaves with liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks.

4. remove the residual flowers immediately after the flowers fail.