
Why does the iron orchid turn green? how to maintain it after blooming?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Tielan, is very popular, many people like to plant. Why did the iron orchid turn green? How to maintain after flowering? Why iron orchids turn green: iron orchids turn green is a normal phenomenon, is a gradual aging process. As a kind of pineapple family, the change of color is the most important feature of ornamental.

Tielan, is very popular, many people like to plant. Why did the iron orchid turn green? How to maintain after flowering?

Why did the iron orchid turn green:

The greening of iron orchids is a normal phenomenon and a gradual aging process. As a kind of pineapple family, the change of color is the most important feature of ornamental. In fact, the pink you see is not the flowers of Magnolia but bracts, and the flowers will turn green when they decay.

At the beginning of the flowering season: the color of Magnolia is pink at the beginning of flowering, and it is the most beautiful at this time. This is like its floral language: perfect. In the initial stage, you can properly supplement Lin Fei and increase the color of the flowers.

Mid-flowering season: bracts in the middle of the flowering period of Magnolia appear green from the bottom up, and look more layered.

At the end of the blooming season: the flowers are basically completely green, and then they can be cut off when they slowly dry up.

How to maintain the iron orchid after flowering:

In fact, the flower stalk of Tieran will not blossom again in the climate, so it is best to cut off the residual flowers and flower stems. The main purpose of cutting off these flower stems is to prevent these residual flower stems from consuming too many nutrients leading to their poor growth, as well as withered flowers and stems, which may cause some diseases and insect pests, so they should be pruned in time.

If a seedling grows again on the plant, it can be cut off when the seedling is a little larger and planted separately to make it a new plant.

The old plant can change the soil and pot again after cutting off the residual flowers. When changing the basin, you need to cut off the diseased leaves, withered leaves and rotten roots of Tielan. After cleaning them up, replace them with new basin soil, pour through water and keep them in a cool and ventilated place for a period of time. When moving to the sunny place, be careful not to water too much to avoid rotting roots.

If you do not change the basin, the withered leaves loosen the soil, insert it into the soil with a loosening tool, and then gently shake the flowerpot to make the soil crevice, and add some fertilizer to the soil a month after loosening the soil to replenish nutrients.

All right, that's all for the introduction of the reason why the iron orchid turns green, all of you understand.

The causes and solutions of the green flowers of iron orchid how to maintain the iron orchid after flowering

Iron orchid is a very popular flower, but this kind of love is definitely more than the appearance association. Although iron orchid is beautiful, it is not so beautiful that everyone has to fall for it. However, some characteristics and temperament of iron orchid are the fundamental reasons why people are really happy. If you don't believe it, just take a look at it.

The cause of the green of iron orchid flower and its solution

The green color of the flowers means that the florescence is coming to an end, and then it will naturally wither and wither.

1. Iron orchid also belongs to the pineapple family. A characteristic of the pineapple family is that the flower color of the mother plant will slowly turn green and eventually wither. Slowly the edge dries up.

2. The flower ear will turn green in the later stage, and it will be pink when it is just opened. The owner can cut it off when the flower ear turns green, and maintain the mother plant and the young plants that sprout around it. If the mother plant blossoms this year, it will be very difficult to blossom again in the second year. As long as you take good care of the daughter plant, the child plant will bloom in about a year.

How to maintain the iron orchid after flowering

In fact, the flower stalk of Tieran will not blossom again in the climate, so it is best to cut off the residual flowers and flower stems. The main purpose of cutting off these flower stems is to prevent these residual flower stems from consuming too many nutrients leading to their poor growth, as well as withered flowers and stems, which may cause some diseases and insect pests, so they should be pruned in time.

If a seedling grows again on the plant, it can be cut off when the seedling is a little larger and planted separately to make it a new plant.

The old plant can change the soil and pot again after cutting off the residual flowers. When changing the basin, you need to cut off the diseased leaves, withered leaves and rotten roots of Tielan. After cleaning them up, replace them with new basin soil, pour through water and keep them in a cool and ventilated place for a period of time. When moving to the sunny place, be careful not to water too much to avoid rotting roots.

If you do not change the basin, the withered leaves loosen the soil, insert it into the soil with a loosening tool, and then gently shake the flowerpot to make the soil crevice, and add some fertilizer to the soil a month after loosening the soil to replenish nutrients.

Can Tieran open in winter?

The florescence of this kind of flower is relatively long, even if you only look at the bracts, you can look at it for several months. This kind of flower is also shade-resistant and is a good material for us to beautify the environment at home. However, some friends have raised the iron for two years and still haven't bloomed, so I wonder if this kind of flower can bloom in winter. The answer is yes. If handled properly, this kind of flower can bloom in winter.

Under normal circumstances, if the number of leaves of this flower is enough and the plant age is appropriate, they will blossom when they encounter low temperature again. But if we put it indoors, there may be no way to make them blossom on time, so we must find the right way. Therefore, if you want to do a good job in this work, you must plan well in advance so that they can be prepared by themselves.

Iron Orchid language: strong and perfect

Iron orchid is also known as purple pineapple, purple wooden handle pineapple, blue iron orchid, etc., from budding to growth, from pregnant buds to flowers in full bloom, has been focused, not affected by external factors, even if it is very narrow, you have to let yourself go deep into it. This strong belief is only for blooming the perfect flower. No rock, swamp, desert or rainforest can stop it from taking root. In the difficult environment, can not let its life stop, so strong and perfect is very suitable for the flower language of Tieran.

The flowers of iron orchids turn green after blooming, which is one of the very strange things about iron orchids. However, the most attractive place is the idea and symbolism that Tielan brings to us. Iron orchid is a very strong and persistent flower, so many people regard iron orchid as a kind of driving force to push themselves forward.

How to raise iron orchids

We don't know much about iron orchids, but what is certain is that iron orchids, like other potted plants, can purify the indoor air and beautify the environment. For a qualified florist, no matter which kind of flowers are raised, they should first understand the growth habits of this kind of flowers in order to grow better flowers.

How to raise iron orchids

Iron orchid is suitable for potted decoration indoor, can put balcony, windowsill, desk, etc., can also be hung in the living room, tea room, can also be used as flower arrangement foil material, has a strong ability to purify the air, used to beautify the environment, novel and elegant.

1. Location: Tieran prefers the environment with bright light, semi-overcast, warm and high humidity. It can be placed in an environment with bright diffuse light.

2. Temperature: grow all the year round in an environment higher than 16 ℃, move in a greenhouse in winter, and the lowest temperature at night should not be lower than 10 ℃.

3. Watering: adequate water supply should be provided during the growth period, and the plant should be sprayed twice a day when it is hot. Keep the basin soil moist in winter.

4. Topdressing: apply half-concentration standard liquid fertilizer once a month. Some varieties of iron orchids need not be fertilized.

5. Cultivation and changing pots: it is suitable to use loam soil with good drainage, and generally there is no need to change pots.

6. Reproduction: family planting can be propagated by the method of meristematic sprouting, and when the basal bud grows to 8 cm long, it will be removed and planted.

What is Tielan language?

Tielan's flower language is strong, perfect, belongs to the tenacious flower, the vitality is extremely strong. Tielan is very easy to take care of. It only needs a little water to take root and sprout. Green mulberry and suffering can not make your life stop, go through all the ups and downs, but the noble head, never lower.

Iron orchid, also known as pineapple, iron orchid from germination to growth, and then to brilliant blooming, all the way without distractions, walkers without reins, even if the square inch of land, but also to go deep into the essence. This belief in the pursuit of perfection has always been accompanied by Tieran. Numerous florets of iron orchid gather densely on the pink fan-shaped flower stem, forming a thick spike, and the bracts at the tip of the spike extend radially. Every little flower is star-shaped. The flowers of iron orchid are yellow, light green, pink and white.

Tielan suitable for potted decoration indoor, can put balcony, windowsill, desk, etc., can also be hung in the living room, teahouse, has a high ornamental value, pleasing to the eye. Tielan can also be used as a foil material for flower arrangement. Tielan has a strong ability to purify the air, can beautify the home and purify the environment, and is deeply loved by people.

What if the iron orchid turns green?

Iron orchid turns green is a normal phenomenon, the flower will turn green in the later stage, the pink flower is not a flower, but a bract (abnormal leaf). It is pink when it is blooming, and it can be subtracted when the ear of the flower turns green, and the flower will turn green after it fails. After the flowers turn green, ramets will emerge from the base. This is what the mother plant and the young plants sprouting around them look like, and then slowly dry up at the edge.

Iron orchid also belongs to the pineapple family. A characteristic of the pineapple family is that the flower color of the mother plant will slowly turn green and finally wither, and if the mother plant blossoms this year, it will be very difficult to blossom again the next year. As long as you take good care of the offspring, it will blossom in about a year. Generally, we will inject ethylene gas into the plants in growth, but the operation at home is too difficult. (the mother plant of the pineapple family only blossoms once, with a flowering period of about three months to half a year. You can use some phosphate fertilizer to increase the color of the flowers, or don't leave it in a dark place for a long time.)

How to deal with iron orchids after flowering

Magnolia belongs to a classification of pineapple. Magnolia blossoms when it blooms, which is a problem for the post-management of Magnolia, although it is beautiful and eye-catching when it is in bloom. But in the later stage, how to deal with the iron orchid is a difficult problem, if it is not handled well, the iron orchid will die.

After the magnolia blossoms, it should be managed in time. The old plant will cut off the flower stalk and will not blossom again. When the seedlings on the side are a little bigger, they will be cut off and cultivated separately, and only when the seedlings grow up can they blossom again. The old plants will slowly die. The flowers and stems can be cut off after the iron orchids are faded.

The main purpose of cutting off the flower stem of Magnolia after flowering is to prevent excessive nutrient consumption and diseases and insect pests caused by withered flowers. After cutting the flowers, you can change the pot or loosen the soil. Loose and fertile humus soil can be used for planting, diseased leaves, diseased roots, broken roots, rotten roots, denser and longer roots can be cut off when changing pots, and planted with prepared basin soil after cleaning. After planting for 2 hours, water can be poured through and placed in a dark ventilated place to dry. After drying, it can be moved to the sunny ventilation room to prevent the recovery of growth after sun exposure. The recent time of changing the basin is not easy to water, and the basin soil is drier to prevent root rot caused by excessive dampness.

Without changing the basin, loose soil tools can be used to insert the basin soil around the edge of the basin, gently shaking the basin soil to make the basin soil have a sense of crack, so that the basin soil can be loosened, breathable and drained, and the magnolia can grow normally after flowering. After loosening the soil for a month, a small amount of compound fertilizer or long-acting base fertilizer and trace element minerals can be properly embedded into the edge of the basin, mainly to supplement the lack of nutrients in the basin.

Iron orchids are very popular in the flower market. There are many friends who like to raise iron orchids. I hope I can help you through the introduction of the above editor. As its name implies, Magnolia is a kind of plant with strong vitality. It is very easy to feed. It only needs a little water to take root and sprout. So its growth matches its name perfectly.