
Taxus Learn more about Taxus

  • How to plant Taxus chinensis var. mairei with anticancer medicine? Planting method of Taxus chinensis

    How to plant Taxus chinensis var. mairei with anticancer medicine? Planting method of Taxus chinensis

    Taxus mairei is recognized as an endangered natural and rare anticancer plant in the world, which plays an important role in medicine all over the world. So how should this yew be planted?

  • The Culture method of Taxus how should Taxus be cultivated

    The Culture method of Taxus how should Taxus be cultivated

    The Culture method of Taxus how should Taxus be cultivated

  • Brief introduction and planting method of Taxus chinensis

    Brief introduction and planting method of Taxus chinensis

    The yew is also called the yew. Also known as red cypress pine. Taxus mairei, a national first-class rare and protected tree species, is a shallow-rooted plant. The main root is not obvious and the lateral root is well developed. It is recognized as an endangered natural rare anticancer plant in the world. It is an ancient tree species left over from Quaternary glaciers and has a history of 2.5 million years on earth. Due to the slow growth rate and poor regeneration ability of Taxus under natural conditions, there has been no large-scale yew raw material forest base in the world for a long time. Due to the extraction of Taxus

  • Introduction to Encyclopedia of seedlings-- Taxus yunnanensis

    Introduction to Encyclopedia of seedlings-- Taxus yunnanensis

    Family name: Taxus family Coradin name: Taxaceae Chinese name: Taxus species Chinese name: Yunnan Taxus species Latin name: TaxusyunnanensisChengetL.K.Fu other common names: Yew and Shenmu National Ⅰ key protected Wild plants (approved by the State Council on August 4, 1999) Taxus yunnanensis is one of the four species of Taxus in China, which is a tall evergreen tree with luxuriant branches and leaves, strong vitality and individual tree age.

  • The latest Taxus seed prices and planting methods

    The latest Taxus seed prices and planting methods

    Taxus is a general term for Taxus plants belonging to Taxaceae family. It is recognized as a rare natural anticancer plant in the world. Because Taxus grows slowly and has poor regeneration ability under natural conditions, it has not formed a large scale in the world for a long time.

    2020-11-10 latest yew seed price and planting method
  • Seed price and planting method of Taxus mairei

    Seed price and planting method of Taxus mairei

    Seed price and planting method of Taxus mairei

  • Introduction to Encyclopedia of seedlings-- Taxus cuspidata

    Introduction to Encyclopedia of seedlings-- Taxus cuspidata

    Latin name: Taxuscuspidata plant name: northeast yew scientific name: taxuscuspidatesiebebzucc alias: yew, red cypress pine, purple cypress pine, broad-leaf yew, rice tree and other family names: Taxus family Latin name: Taxaceae genus: Taxus mairei is one of the four species and 1 variety of Taxus in China, and the other 3 species and 1 variety are Taxus yunnanensis, Xizang Taxus, Taxus mairei, Taxus chinensis, and Southern Red Bean.

  • The latest planting prospect of Taxus chinensis

    The latest planting prospect of Taxus chinensis

    Taxus is a plant left over from the third century and is known as a living fossil in the plant kingdom. Because of its scarce resources, it is listed as a rare tree species in the world to be protected. The main medicinal value of Taxus is its extract secondary metabolic derivative paclitaxel. Paclitaxel was first derived from

    2020-11-10 The latest yew planting prospects yes the third
  • Market price of yew trees

    Market price of yew trees

    Market price of yew trees

  • Planting Prospect of Taxus mairei

    Planting Prospect of Taxus mairei

    Planting Prospect of Taxus mairei

  • Problems related to the selection of Taxus varieties

    Problems related to the selection of Taxus varieties

    Taxus mairei is now divided into 3 species and 2 varieties, plus a recently introduced new species-Taxus mairei. General taxonomic characteristics of the genus Taxus: we generally classify Taxus on the basis of external morphological characteristics (including leaf shape, leaf length, leaf width, leaf color), seed morphology and leaf anatomy. Rechard also said that the classification of Taxus must be based on the comprehensive study of morphology, anatomy, geographical distribution and depth, but he also said that even so, it could not be completely solved.

  • Introduction to Seedling Encyclopedia-- Taxus mairei

    Introduction to Seedling Encyclopedia-- Taxus mairei

    Latin family name Taxaceae Chinese family name Enpcontent Chinese genus name Taxuschinensis (Pilger) Rehd. There are 11 species of yew plants in the world, such as yew, red cypress pine, Guanyin fir, etc., distributed in the temperate to tropical regions of the northern hemisphere. There are 4 species and 1 variety originating in China, namely Taxus chinensis and Taxus mairei.

  • What kind of fertilizer is good for Taxus, and how to fertilize / attach fertilization skills?

    What kind of fertilizer is good for Taxus, and how to fertilize / attach fertilization skills?

    Scientific research has found that different fertilizers have different effects on 1-2-year-old Taxus mairei, for example, the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium will affect the number of branches and leaves and the content of taxol, so fertilization is very important in the culture method of Taxus chinensis.

  • Cultivation techniques of Taxus mairei

    Cultivation techniques of Taxus mairei

    Taxus was first published in the Journal of Medicinal plants in Northeast China, alias red cypress pine, yew, yew pine, belonging to the genus Taxus of the Taxus family. There are 11 species of Taxus in the world, distributed in temperate to tropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere, and there are 4 species and 1 variety in China, namely, Taxus chinensis, Taxus mairei, Taxus yunnanensis, Taxus mairei, Taxus chinensis var. mairei, etc., distributed in Northeast, South China and Southwest China. Sichuan is mainly distributed in Maoxian, Heishui, Malkang, Wenchuan, Luding, Kangding, Xichang, Huili, Miyi and other areas. I. varieties

  • How does the tree winter?

    How does the tree winter?

    Taxus is the general term for taxus plants. There are about 11 species in this genus, 4 species and 1 variety in China, mainly distributed in various regions of the Northern Hemisphere. We generally say that the yew tree is a Chinese yew tree species, which is distributed in the north and south regions of our country.

    2020-11-08 yew how winter is genus plant general term
  • How to cultivate Taxus mairei to be beautiful and active for a long time

    How to cultivate Taxus mairei to be beautiful and active for a long time

    Taxus mairei is recognized as a natural rare anticancer plant in the world. At the same time, the yew can also continue photosynthesis in low light and absorb carbon dioxide.

  • Taxus mairei

    Taxus mairei

    Taxus is distributed in the Northern Hemisphere. there are only 5 genera and 23 species of Taxus mairei in the northern hemisphere. there are only 5 genera and 13 species in China. This kind of plants naturally grow in coniferous or broad-leaved forests above 1200 meters above sea level. in the past 20 or 30 years, it is mainly focused on several species of Taxus, such as Taxus yunnanensis, Taxus yunnanensis, Taxus mairei and Taxus mairei. Taxus mairei is one of the precious tree species, with fine-grained wood, moisture-resistant and non-rotten wood, whirling in shape, medium green, wet and shady, so it has long been introduced as a multi-storey garden or shade planting by landscape gardeners.

  • Introduction of Taxus species

    Introduction of Taxus species

    Distribution and species of yew: except for AustrotaxusSpicata in Australia, which is found in the southern hemisphere, the rest of the yew is produced in the northern hemisphere. There are 4 species and 1 variety of Taxus in China, which are distributed in most areas of China. Taxus mairei is mainly distributed in Changbai Mountain and Heilongjiang in Jilin Province, and a small amount in the mountainous area of eastern Liaoning. Taxus yunnanensis is mainly distributed in 16 counties in western Yunnan and prefecture with a total area of about 90,000 square kilometers, which is characterized by wide distribution, scattered growth, no pure forest and mostly scattered trees in the forest. South

  • Taxus mairei

    Taxus mairei

    Taxus, also known as yew, Latin name: TaxusMedia, is a yew evergreen coniferous plant, is listed as a rare and endangered species in the world, is a national first-class protected plant, known as "plant gold". The paclitaxel extracted from it has high anticancer activity and can treat a variety of cancers. The American Cancer Institute believes that paclitaxel is the most effective anticancer drug for human beings in the future. Taxus mairei is a hybrid variety with fast growth rate, high taxol content and strong adaptability to the environment.

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of Taxus mairei

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of Taxus mairei

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of Taxus mairei
