
Cultivation techniques of Taxus mairei

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Taxus was first published in the Journal of Medicinal plants in Northeast China, alias red cypress pine, yew, yew pine, belonging to the genus Taxus of the Taxus family. There are 11 species of Taxus in the world, distributed in temperate to tropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere, and there are 4 species and 1 variety in China, namely, Taxus chinensis, Taxus mairei, Taxus yunnanensis, Taxus mairei, Taxus chinensis var. mairei, etc., distributed in Northeast, South China and Southwest China. Sichuan is mainly distributed in Maoxian, Heishui, Malkang, Wenchuan, Luding, Kangding, Xichang, Huili, Miyi and other areas. I. varieties

Taxus was first published in the Journal of Medicinal plants in Northeast China, alias red cypress pine, yew, yew pine, belonging to the genus Taxus of the Taxus family. There are 11 species of Taxus in the world, distributed in temperate to tropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere, and there are 4 species and 1 variety in China, namely, Taxus chinensis, Taxus mairei, Taxus yunnanensis, Taxus mairei, Taxus chinensis var. mairei, etc., distributed in Northeast, South China and Southwest China. Sichuan is mainly distributed in Maoxian, Heishui, Malkang, Wenchuan, Luding, Kangding, Xichang, Huili, Miyi and other areas.

I. Variety characteristics

Taxus is an evergreen tree, about 20 meters, with a DBH of 60 to 100 centimeters. Branchlets alternate, leaves spirally inserted, arranged in two rows, striate, slightly curved, 1-4.5 cm long and 2-5 mm wide. Fruit globose nuts, aril, seeds ovoid. Dioecious, cross-pollinated. The flowering period is from March to June and the fruiting period is from September to November. Scattered in the mountain forest with an altitude of 500 to 3500 meters above sea level, it likes a cool, wet and overcast climate, with an average annual temperature of 11.2 ℃ and an annual precipitation of about 487.9 mm. This paper mainly introduces the cultivation methods of Taxus mairei.

2. High-yield cultivation techniques

1. Select land and apply fertilizer

It is better to choose loose, humus-rich, neutral or slightly acidic alpine platforms, deep moist brown soil and dark brown soil on both sides of valleys and streams. Deep turning, leveling, according to the row spacing of 0.4 meters × 1.0 meters or 0.4 meters × 0.4 meters to open holes, hole depth of 40 cm, ready for planting.

2. Methods of reproduction

Seed propagation and cuttage propagation were adopted, mainly by raising seedlings and transplanting.

(1) seed breeding

① seed collection to accelerate germination. In mid-late October, seeds are harvested when the fruit is crimson. The seed belongs to physiological post-ripening and needs to be stored in wet sand for one year before it can germinate. The stratification method of outdoor natural wet sand is often used to deal with seeds to improve the germination rate.

② selects nursery and prepares the soil. Generally, it is better to raise seedlings and transplant under the pine forest according to local conditions. The forest land of Pinus elliottii or Pinus massoniana with canopy density of 0.6-0.7 and no diseases and insect pests is selected as nursery land, which requires gentle slope, deep upper layer and good drainage. The weeds and shrubs in the forest were removed from August to September and arranged into horizontal ladders, dug 20cm to 30cm deep, and raked shallowly in November. When preparing the soil, the mature base fertilizer was applied to 40% 60 piculs / mu (1 mu 2 / 15 ha, the same below), and the bed was made in separate compartments. the bed was 15 cm high and 1.2 m wide, and the sowing ditch was pressed out with a wood board 15 cm wide, with a depth of 2 cm and a distance of 20 cm.

③ sowed seeds in time. Seeds are usually sown in early spring. After one year of storage, when 30% of the seeds are white, screen out the seeds in time, disinfect them in 0.2% potassium permanganate solution for 10 minutes, rinse them with clean water, dry them and sow them evenly in the ditch. Strip sowing is dominant, and the grain spacing is 5cm to 7cm. Sowing can also be used. After sowing, the yellow loam with mycorrhiza and sifted under the pine forest was dug to cover the seeds, and the thickness of the seeds was not seen. Pay attention to shading in the seedling stage, it is appropriate to cover the straw without seeing the soil when sowing, build a shade shed at the seedling stage, and the transmittance is 60%. Then plant moss to protect the seedlings, protect the seedbed from the sun and rain, and often keep the soil loose and moist. The emergence rate of seeds is more than 70%.

(2) Cuttage seedling

In the period of dormancy and germination of trees, the mixed matrix of sand, sawdust and perlite was selected as cutting soil. Select 1 ~ 4-year-old lignified branches and cut the cuttings into small segments 10 cm, 15 cm or 30 cm long. when pruning, the cut should be smooth, lower cut Malt-shaped, and the leaves should be removed below 2 cm. After cuttings were treated with chemicals such as ATP, ABT, NAA, IBAA and so on, the cuttage survival rate was generally more than 85%. Pay attention to keep warm at seedling stage and build low shed for shade. Transplant the following year.

(3) transplanting

General seed seedling 1-2 years, cutting propagation 1 year or so, when the seedling height up to 30-50 cm can be transplanted. Transplanting was carried out before sprouting in October-November or February-March. One seedling was planted in each hole and watered to cover the sprout properly.

3. Field management

Weeds should often be pulled out after the seeds have emerged. Top dressing twice a year to prevent stagnant water in the rainy season to prevent rotting roots. After setting sandalwood, the weeds are ploughed twice a year, and the woodland is closed only in winter for weeding and soil cultivation for 5 times. Combined with mid-tillage and weeding for topdressing, the main source of fertilizer is farm manure, and the sprouting should be cut off in the young tree stage to ensure that the trunk is straight and fast-growing.

III. Harvesting and processing

The branches and leaves of artificially cultivated Taxus can be harvested properly after the third year. Fresh leaves can be harvested all year round. However, according to the accumulation of active components, twigs are better for branches and old leaves are better for leaves. October is the best harvest time. If it is not used for fresh processing after harvest, it should be ventilated and dried or dried in the sun in time.

IV. Planting prospects

Taxus is a plant left over from the third century, which is called the "living fossil" in the plant kingdom. Because of its scarce resources, it is listed as a rare tree species in the world to be protected. Taxus chinensis is a combination of medicinal, timber and ornamental, and has high value of development and utilization. Paclitaxel, extracted from the bark, branches and leaves of Taxus mairei, is a recognized anticancer drug in the world, with a price of US $500 to US $10 million per kilogram. Paclitaxel is used to treat advanced breast cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, head and neck cancer, soft tissue cancer and digestive tract cancer. Taxus branches and leaves are used to treat leukemia, glomerulonephritis, diabetes and polycystic kidney disease. Taxus chinensis var. mairei is in a wide range of research and development because of the scarcity of natural resources and drug sources. The whole body of the yew is a treasure, so the red bean fir tree is also known as the "golden tree", and the planting prospect is promising. Where the conditions are ripe, it can be developed appropriately.