
Pushu Learn more about Pushu

  • Where can I sell Pushu seeds? How to sow and raise seedlings?

    Where can I sell Pushu seeds? How to sow and raise seedlings?

    Magnolia is a deciduous tree of Ulmaceae, with a large and round crown, shady trees when it grows mature, and has a strong ornamental value. At present, Pushu is the main tree species in courtyards and parks, which can be planted alone or in groups, and can also be shaped into tree stumps and bonsai.

    2020-11-27 Pushu seed where have sell how sow raise seedlings
  • Is the tree evergreen or deciduous?

    Is the tree evergreen or deciduous?

    Pushu is a plant of the genus Urticaria of Ulmaceae, which mainly grows on roadsides and hillsides at an altitude of 100-1500 meters. So is Pushu evergreen or deciduous? Let's have a look! First, whether the tree is evergreen or deciduous belongs to deciduous trees. The annual florescence is 4-

    2020-11-08 Pushu yes evergreen or deciduous nettle Ulmaceae
  • The latest production method of Pushu bonsai

    The latest production method of Pushu bonsai

    Park Shumeng has a strong hair force and is easy to take root, and most of the ancient stumps are excavated from the wild. Most of the southern areas choose 23 months of mining, when the temperature rises, the humidity is high, and the excavated trees are not easy to air-dry and easy to survive. When digging, we should choose old, good tree shape, short trunk,

    2020-11-10 The latest Pushu bonsai production method germination strong
  • Novel Pushu bonsai this must be a domestic bonsai you've never known before.

    Novel Pushu bonsai this must be a domestic bonsai you've never known before.

    When I heard about the bonsai, my first reaction was to think of the singer Park Shu. Pushu, as a plant, is also very famous and is quite common in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. We can start with the daily maintenance of Pushu.

  • Pushu 23

    Pushu 23

    Variety approval No.: national Review Shu 2002005 crop species: sweet potato variety name: Pushu 23 breeding unit: Guangdong Puning Institute of Agricultural Sciences Variety Source: female parent: Guangshu 87-58; male parent: Pushu 17-1. Provincial approval: characteristics approved by Guangdong crop Variety approval Committee in 1997: plant type semi-erect, top leaf purple, leaf pointed heart-shaped, leaf medium size, vein green, stem purplish.

  • Pushu producing area

    Pushu producing area

    Pushu is a deciduous tree of the genus Urticaria of Ulmaceae, up to 20 meters high. The bark is smooth and gray. Annual branches densely hairy. So where is the origin of Pu Shu? Park Shu is native to America, usually in North America and China's Yangtze River Basin, Huaihe River Basin and Qinling Mountains.

    2020-11-08 Magnolia producing area yes nettle Ulmaceae plant
  • Maintenance, Management and appreciation of Pushu Bonsai

    Maintenance, Management and appreciation of Pushu Bonsai

    (1) maintenance and management place: Park Shu Xiguang, it is generally appropriate to put it in a place with sufficient sunshine and air circulation, and there is no need for shade in summer. In the Yangtze River basin, it can be placed outdoors in winter and buried in Xiangyang soil to prevent the basin soil from freezing. Watering: Pushu is dry-resistant and should not be watered too much. It should be watered once a day during the spring growth period, with high temperature and high light intensity in summer. It can be watered once in the morning and evening, less in autumn and 5-7 days after defoliation in winter. Fertilization: insufficient nutrients and fertilizers will make the leaves of Pushu yellow and less glossy.

  • How much does a deciduous arbor plant cost? When do you plant it? How to grow? How to maintain bonsai?

    How much does a deciduous arbor plant cost? When do you plant it? How to grow? How to maintain bonsai?

    Park tree is also called yellow fruit park, white pockmarked, park, park elm, park seed tree, sand park, nettle ulmaceae, park is a deciduous tree, up to 20 meters high. How much does a tree cost? When do you plant it? How to grow? How to maintain bonsai? From Jiangsu Nursery Base

    2020-11-09 deciduous leaves trees hackberry trees seedlings price more less money one
  • The method of making Pushu bonsai

    The method of making Pushu bonsai

    Park Shumeng has a strong hair force and is easy to take root, and most of the ancient stumps are excavated from the wild. Most of the southern regions choose 23 months of mining, when the temperature rises, the humidity is high, and the excavated trees are not easy to be air-dried and easy to survive. When digging, we should choose stumps with old, good tree shape, dwarf trunk and natural curved trunk.

  • The method of making Pushu bonsai

    The method of making Pushu bonsai

    Pushu is a subtropical tree species produced in the Huaihe River Basin, south of Qinling Mountains, as far as Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces and regions. Most of them are scattered in plain and low mountain areas. Like light, suitable for warm and humid climate, suitable for growing in fertile and flat land. Lax requirements on the soil, a certain degree of resistance to dry, but also resistant to water and moisture and barren soil, strong adaptability

  • Is the tree evergreen or deciduous?

    Is the tree evergreen or deciduous?

    Park Shu grows on roadsides, hillsides and forest edges at an altitude of 1500 meters. It likes light, is slightly resistant to shade and cold, and is suitable for growing in fertile and flat land. Do you know whether the tree is evergreen or deciduous? 1. Whether the tree is evergreen or deciduous is a deciduous plant, it distributes

    2020-11-08 Pushu evergreen or deciduous polygamous growing above sea level
  • Pushu 503

    Pushu 503

    Pushu 503 is a new variety of sweet potato with high quality edible and food processing raw materials, which is bred by two typical Chinese and foreign high-quality varieties (Dananfu X American L4-5). It was approved by Putian crop and Animal Husbandry Variety approval Committee in 2001. Characteristics: Pushu 503 belongs to short and medium vine semi-erect type, with more branches per plant, medium stem diameter, heart-shaped leaves, and green stems and leaves. There are 3-4 tubers per plant, the tuber root expands rapidly in the early and middle stages, most of the tubers are spun under the potato shape, and the tuber stalks are soft-tailed roots.

  • Pruning and reshaping technique of Pushu bonsai

    Pruning and reshaping technique of Pushu bonsai

    Pushu is commonly distributed wild in the hills and low mountains and valleys of the Yangtze River basin and its south. It can dig the sprouting old piles of Gucci, which has been cut down for many years, and raise embryos. After pruning, the root system is developed, new branches are sprouted, and then shaped and cultivated, and then processed in the basin after 12 years.

  • Material selection and cultivation of Pushu bonsai

    Material selection and cultivation of Pushu bonsai

    Pu Shu's posture is quaint and chic, the bark is uncracked, the stem shape is tall and straight, the branches are whirling, the new leaves are released at the beginning of spring, the branches are green, and the leaves are dark yellow in autumn. The fallen leaves are almost gone in winter, which can be enjoyed as a cold tree. Take its old tree stump, exposed roots and dry, Qiu qu simple, green leaves branches, cascading towering, very rich mountain forest wild interest

  • Key points of cultivation techniques of Pushu 25 Sweet Potato

    Key points of cultivation techniques of Pushu 25 Sweet Potato

    The whole growth period of autumn potato Pushu 25 is 130-150 days, which is suitable for water-saving and dry land planting in autumn. ⑴ is not suitable for spring planting because the temperature is higher than 35 ℃. ⑵ was fully fertilized with organic matter. ⑶ can control leaf-eating pests such as Spodoptera litura and Spodoptera litura in time. ⑷ harvested at the right time.

  • Does Pu Shu belong to deciduous trees or evergreen trees?

    Does Pu Shu belong to deciduous trees or evergreen trees?

    Pushu, also known as Huangguopu, Bai Ma Zi, Pu, Pu Yu, Pu Tsai Shu, Sha Pu, grows on roadsides, hillsides and forest edges at an altitude of 1500 meters. Does it belong to deciduous trees or evergreen trees? How do you plant it? Does Pu Shu belong to deciduous trees or evergreen trees

    2020-11-08 Pushu belonging to deciduous leaves trees evergreen also known as
  • The production method and styling and pruning technology of Pushu bonsai

    The production method and styling and pruning technology of Pushu bonsai

    Pushu is a deciduous tree of nettle order, distributed in Henan, Shandong, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and southern provinces, as well as Taiwan, Vietnam and Laos. This kind of tree is often used for bonsai cultivation. Next, let's get to know it in detail. Botanical knowledge, belonging to Ulmaceae, Magnolia. Deciduous trees

  • Park Shu's downhill pile didn't sprout. Dad used this method to remedy the effect.

    Park Shu's downhill pile didn't sprout. Dad used this method to remedy the effect.

    Park tree down the mountain pile does not sprout, my father used this method to remedy, the effect is obvious! Now, under the condition that material life can be fully guaranteed, enjoyment has become our ideal goal. Many people have found themselves.

  • The characteristics and habits of Magnolia lanceolata

    The characteristics and habits of Magnolia lanceolata

    The characteristics and habits of Magnolia lanceolata

  • Pushu 25

    Pushu 25

    Characteristics: top leaf purple, leaf shape shallow complex, leaf vein purple, stem green, plant shape semi-erect, potato skin orange, potato meat orange, potato spindle more beautiful, good storability, poor sprouting. The dry matter rate is 28.27%, the taste is 78.3%, the starch rate is 15.43%, the vitamin C content is 25.23 mg per 100 g, and the carotene content is 9.66 mg per 100 g. Medium resistance to potato blast. Participated in the provincial high quality group regional test in 2002 and 2003, the average yield of fresh potato was 1832.2 kg per mu, which was 15% higher than that of the control variety Guang Shu 111.
